Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 675: Founder of Shuiyun Palace

Lin Lang calmly turned his head.

It was the jailed immortal who spoke out earlier. Although he was imprisoned, he could perceive the movement of Lin Lang, but he was also very human.

It seemed that Lin Lang's gaze was felt. The man raised his head and looked at Lin Lang with empty eyes.

"You can dive into the jail without alarming the Shuiyun Palace strongman. It is presumed that you will learn the dark system. But I advise you not to try to see the last prison, otherwise it will definitely cause Shuiyun Palace. Dixian's attention. "

Lin Lang stared at him. Naturally, he didn't believe what a prisoner said. He stepped slightly and he came to the last cell.

The last cell was shrouded in a layer of fog, chaotic, and a dull thunder came out. Lin Lang just glanced at it, and suddenly felt a shock, completely immersed in it.

Vaguely, he seemed to be able to see the beginning of the heavens and the earth, a chaotic evolution process, the chaos **** thunder, and there was nothing in the sky.

Lin Lang grew more and more obsessed, and almost forgot to put all his mind into it.

He wants to evolve the heavens and the earth within the spiritual sea, and I am afraid that he can't complete it with exhausting his life, so if he can observe the origin of the heavens and earth closely, it will undoubtedly be a great creation.

Definitely the thing Lin Lang desires most!

"This is impossible! How could Chaos God Thunder appear in a prison." Lin Lang suddenly woke up and opened his eyes, only to find that he had reached the bottom of the first prison, only half a foot into it. .

Half of the palms had penetrated into the chaotic space of the prison, and instantly turned into bones, and flesh and blood had long since disappeared. Only then did Lin Lang feel the pain in his right hand that was comparable to the pain of cutting skin.

Lin Lang quickly stepped back, looking forward with a hint of fear. How powerful his spirit was, he was still blindly aware of the ghost, and even the pain temporarily disappeared.

I'm afraid he will be immersed in the unknown for a long while. Lin Lang gazed at the first prison for a long while, and finally recovered his gaze.

This first prison seemed to be connected to somewhere, giving him a very strange feeling.

That seems unknown!

However, he couldn't even pass through the chaos gas, and his body would be melted by the chaos gas in no time, so naturally the thought of continuing to explore was eliminated.

"You are awakened very quickly. The first cell can magnify your inner desires infinitely until it is completely devoured by you." The imprisoned earth fairy showed a surprise.

The first cell is very weird and can seduce people. For thousands of years, I do n’t know how many people lost their lives. Even if the giant comes, it will sink into the false world of the first cell.

But even the giants, without knowing it, are definitely not as fast as Lin Lang awakens!

"How can we make a deal, little friend?" The old man in that place grinned.

"You want me to let you out." Lin Lang looked at the person calmly, and said lightly. This person tried to talk to him, apart from this, I'm afraid I can't find any other purpose.

"Yes." The old man of Dixian showed a wry smile on his bearded face: "You know my cultivation, you should know my ability, as long as you find a way to take me out of this ghost place, regardless of wealth or status in the future, I can give it to you all. "

"I don't lack these."

Lin Lang looked at this person calmly and said very seriously: "But it is not impossible to let you out, but I still have things to do in my hand, and I have to wait for some time."

"When will you wait?"

Dixian asked the old man busy.

"Wait until I can fight you that day, and then come to Shuiyun Palace to let you out, anyway, Shuiyun Palace's forbidden array is in my vanity." Lin Lang said.

His current cultivation is that although he can dominate in the realm of human fairy, he is far from being the opponent of Dixian. Before he has the power to absolutely suppress Dixian, Lin Lang does not intend to release him.

With a stronger person beside me, even if a spirit contract is signed, the subordinate relationship is still very uncomfortable. What he needs is not the celestial allies, but absolute control.

Since Su Shilan could not be found, Lin Lang didn't care about the old man who was being held in jail. He just left. After he left, the sound of the violent thunder from the land was heard in the cell.

"There are so many weird people now, a little fairy, and the ants that I could run to death with one hand still wanted to take control of the old man." The old man of the fairy glared, and his emotions began to grow manic.


Next is Houya.

Lin Lang was hiding in the night, and soon moved around the Shuiyun Palace, and finally came near Houya.

The back cliff of Shuiyun Palace is the birthplace of Shuiyun Palace. The cliff is engraved with the sages of Shuiyun Palace. Basically, every strong person in Shuiyun Palace will leave his own enlightenment to the Taoism in Houya for future generations. reference.

In the same sense, it is equivalent to the mural of the demon.

It is said that Houya is the clearing land of the ancestors of the Shuiyun Palace, and disciples under the door are strictly prohibited on weekdays, unless they have the permission of the Zongmen.

Lin Lang turned into a ball of ink and walked around Houya. He also saw a lot of insights left by the sages of the Shuiyun Palace, which greatly helped the monks in the realm and even set foot in the realm of fairyland.

But these were useless to him.

Lin Lang skipped directly, and continued to explore along the back cliff, until one moment, his eyes fell on a low dark palace location.

Two strings of red lanterns hang outside the palace, reflecting the low light. The dome of the palace can be seen faintly, and it looks extremely gloomy in this dark back cliff.

Lin Lang has explored the entire Shuiyun Palace almost. If there is any place where Tibetans can be found, it seems to be only here.

Lin Lang looked up at the sky.

It was almost dawn.

"Before dawn, you should be able to explore the entire palace almost." Lin Lang said to himself, and immediately set foot on the nine-story steps of the palace.


He had just stepped on the palace, and suddenly a huge will swept through the palace. The tide-like consciousness swept across every corner instantly.

A long time ago, a thin old man with wrinkles on his face and old age spots appeared on his body, as if he had just crawled out of the grave.

Her stingy body exudes a terrifying breath.

"I'm afraid this person is the ancestor of Shuiyun Palace."

Lin Lang's heart was stunned, and he carefully converged to breathe. I am afraid that in front of me is not a simple earth fairy, but a supreme giant who successfully condensed Taoism, and more than one Taoism condensed!

Such a person, even in this realm, is almost invincible!

The old man's vast knowledge spread and spread around him, but fortunately he was not found.

"Is it the old man's perception error? It's really strange." The old man frowned, his senses swept again, and there was no clue whatsoever.

She hides her wide sleeves and disappears from above the palace.

Until the old woman left.

Lin Lang was relieved.

A ray of sunlight in the morning shines through the air on the cliffs of Houya. The comfortable and warm sunshine makes people feel countlessly relaxed.

Its daybreak.

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