Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 661: Sacred Mural

"He realized the first mural of the Devil. How long has it been, only half an hour, so terrible speed!"

There was an uproar in the crowd.

Although the martial arts Tianmo picture is only the easiest to understand among the 13 demon murals, it is also difficult enough for most people to stay away. Even if it is a pro, the immortal realm, it takes at least half a month to complete it. Enlighten.


Everyone looked at each other. If it had not been before that a descendant of the Demons had arrived and refreshed the fastest speed before passing the Wuqu Tianmotu, I am afraid this speed will be broken today.

"Congratulations, Your congratulations, as long as you pass the test of a demon mural, you will be able to attract magic into your body and turn into a real magic repair." The skeleton bone fairy quickly came to congratulate.

For him, it is not a bad thing to be good with such a master who is about to be transformed into a magic cultivation, and cultivated as a powerful master.

"You know that you almost broke the record of Wuqu Tianmotu. If it was half a month ago before the Delin Demon arrived, you must be the one who cleared this record." Skeleton fairy smiled. .

Lin Lang moved in his heart and asked casually: "So the previous record is kept as a human monk?" In his view, a human race can understand the scrolls of Wuqu Tianmotu as soon as possible in one day.

To maintain such a record, I believe that understanding is absolutely against the sky in the human race.

"Yes." The skeleton Skeleton smiled, and said, "That man is the rebellion of the Shuiyun Palace. Although he was only at the beginning of the Immortal, he had broken through nine Sky Magic scrolls in Tian Mo Ling and finally stopped. Before the tenth scroll of the demon picture, the inheritance of the demon was drawn. "

"However, the amazing act of that girl was taught by Shuiyun Palace. Taking advantage of the Lord Mozun's opportunity to go out, she personally descended on the sky and took away the people. It is estimated that the girl would also be tortured when she returned to Shuiyun Palace. "

You must know that the bottom line of Tianzong is the Demon Clan. The seven great Tianzongs took great efforts to restrict the Demon Clan to the Demon Ridge, but the disciples under the door committed the demon and inherited the Demon Inheritance. How would Tianzong tolerate her?

Even the identity of the seventh son of Kunxu dare not cross this bottom line.

"Really a strange woman."

Lin Lang secretly said. The difficulty of the Mural of the Devil is obvious to all, that is, he can easily break through when he sees extraordinary results, and it may be 10,000 times more difficult to change to other monks.

This woman is not only daring, but also has amazing understanding. If she has a chance, Lin Lang even wants to receive this woman.

The premise is that she is still alive.

Lin Lang did not take this matter to heart, instead he set his sights on the remaining twelve demon murals. Not only is the Mural of the Devil an assessment, it is also an opportunity.

According to personal insights, various magical magical powers can be realized. For example, the Wuqu Heavenly Devil's hand used by Qiu Yuan was obtained from the Wuqu Heavenly Demon's picture.

"He has begun to comprehend the second sky magic picture!"

Lin Lang's eyes glanced around, and finally he paused to sit in front of one of the demon scrolls, explored his mind, and realized the mystery of the second demon mural.

Everyone has started to discuss how long Lin Lang will take to realize the mystery of the second demon mural this time.

"This mural painting of the demon is a bit more difficult than Wuqu's demon picture, and it should take a long time. I estimate that he should be able to understand the **** rainbow demon picture within three days." Everyone whispered.

After all, Lin Lang had a precedent for enlightenment of Wuqu Tianmotu for half an hour before, and they can no longer be taken lightly. Three days has been a fairly conservative guess.

The second demon mural is called the blood rainbow demon figure, but the copy is no longer the same as before, watching the demon body of Wuqu demon, but pondering a kind of supernatural Tao.

This supernatural power is called the blood rainbow demon cut.

However, Rao is ready for thought, and the time for Lin Lang to fully understand the **** rainbow magic figure is still beyond everyone's expectation.

It's still half an hour!

Lin Lang's mind returned, turning his palm into a knife. A red **** rainbow appeared in the palm of his hand, exuding a red crimson mang, powerful and horrifying, directly falling above the blood rainbow sky magic figure.

Powerful enough to easily tear Nine-Woven Immortals.

"What a terrifying power."

Everyone was stunned, and quickly quit. The test method of the blood rainbow sky magic figure is to actively attack the blood rainbow sky magic figure. If it successfully copies the blood rainbow **** magic to cut more than 70% of Dao Yun, it is considered a test.

However, if you have less than 70% of your understanding of the Blood Rainbow Sky Magic Chart, no matter how much power you exert, you will eventually be bounced back by the Blood Rainbow Sky Magic Chart and hurt yourself.

This is why everyone hid early. It is really that Lin Lang's strike power is too horrible. Once rebounded, no one can predict what will happen.

This is the most difficult part of the blood rainbow sky magic map. Without the method and reference, you may think that you can fully understand the mystery of the blood rainbow sky magic map.

In fact, what you are aware of may be only one tenth. If you miscalculate your own ability, I am afraid you will die very sadly in your own hands.


The **** Changhong fell and stood above the Blood Rainbow Sky Magic Chart, but was not rebounded, but was quickly absorbed by the Blood Rainbow Sky Magic Chart.

"If you don't bounce back, you will pass the test, but ..." The skeleton bone fairy moved: "I don't know if he understood the mystery of Qihongtianmatu 70% or 80%."

Just when he was thinking about it, a pure magic air was exuded in the blood rainbow heaven magic figure, suspended above Lin Lang's head, and fell down.

Stimulate the enchanted body!

The second sky magic picture, pass!

As long as a human monk can perceive any two of the demon murals in the sky demon cliff, he can be given the magic gas refining body, transforming his body into a demon-like body of the devil.

That is the magic repair.

Lin Lang did not refuse to let the magic gas invade his body. Soon afterwards, two bulging pustules gradually rose from the top of Lin Lang's head.

Magic Qi has begun to transform his body.

However, although the magic energy is strong, it is insignificant compared to the heavenly breath on his body. He has not been active for a long time. The heavenly breath is powerful and directly drives the magic gas to the corner of Linghai.

At the same time, the magic horns also began to converge and fell back into the body again. The magical energy to transform the body is a complete failure.

Lin Lang's complexion, naturally, had already expected this. Although there are many arrogant physiques in the world, the rareness of the heavenly body is far better than that of the demon body.

It is precisely because of this, otherwise Lin Lang would not allow magical energy to enter his body. At least he didn't want to become that kind of non-human and non-monster monster.

However, this incident reminded Lin Lang: "The heavenly body covers the whole body, and no matter how powerful the body is, it will be blocked under the heavenly body, which is difficult to form."

Lin Lang's practice is not a heavenly body. Originally, before the accident of the heavenly body did not appear, he chose to reverse the five elements, and reverse the innate.

However, since the appearance of the heavenly body, he has basically not used any physical constitution such as the water spirit body.

There is no reason for it, just that the two physiques are not compatible and can not form a seamless transformation. A gap time will be formed during the conversion. Although it is only a short moment, it is enough to be fatal in the master battle.

Even if the blood Dan is the same, the blood Dan that should have a strong effect is rejected by the Heavenly Golden Dan, and it has little power to use.

"I have learned a lot from my body. I have blood, magic, and four kinds of spirits: water, fire, gold and earth. It seems that I should think of a solution as soon as possible."

Lin Lang meditated.

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