Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 659: Kill Qiu Yuan

The two sides of the war immediately fought.

There is not too many strong men on the side of Xunxuetang. There are only a few six immortals including Wang Laoqi and others. The third one is the strongest and the most immortal. He can barely fight with Qiu Yuan for a while. .

It ’s just other people. Except for Nigga, the Nine-Winged Immortal, there is n’t too many strong bloodstainers. Wang Laoqi Li Lao Ba is just the first-level human immortal. People immortal.

But what about Tianmo Cliff?

Although there are only a few of them, none of them are the best. Qiu Yuan is the pinnacle of immortality, and the other two are also Jiuwen immortals.

Nigga repair is okay, in the realm of Jiuwen immortal, but the rest of the Blood Blood Church and so on are not many strong, even if the **** can temporarily block one of the Jiuwen immortal.

However, the other Nine-Princess Immortals of Tianmo Cliff, even if all the Immortals of Xiexuetang entered the battlefield, they did not want to defeat.

This battle came very suddenly, and it ended very quickly. The result is: the blood of the **** hall is lost to all the immortals, and the **** are defeated! The third child is defeated!

The six major immortals of Xunxuetang gathered together, and each of them suffered minor injuries, not because they were capable of killing them.

It's the people from Tian Mo Ya who don't want to kill them.

"I believe that you are all wise men in Xixuetang. It is up to you to decide whether you want to die or not." Qiu Yuan said lightly.

Whether it is killing or conquering the Blood Demon Hall, eventually the resources of the Blood Demon Hall will be handed over to Tianmo Cliff. Instead of slaughtering them, it is better to recruit these strong men to His Majesty and strengthen the power of Tianmo Cliff.

"Don't think about it! If the church owner isn't there, with your three melons and jujubes, you'll be worthy of the **** church? Want us to surrender, unless we step on our bodies."

Everyone in the Blood Blood Church was furious.

"The brothers of Xunxuetang would rather fight to death than defeat the foundation of the church owner. You guys who are not inferior to others are cheap." The third child also stated.

"So you're trying to find the death cricket?" Qiu Yuanmu's cold light flashed. Although Xiexuetang is a first-class force in Tianmo Ling, these forces still have Tianmo Cliff on their heads.

Tian Mo Cliff is the real master of Tian Mo Ling!

And even if the big men in Tianmo Cliff didn't alarm, just the three people in front of Qiu Yuan would be enough to slaughter Xunxuetang.

The blood of the people in the bloodhouse was determined, and they were desperate to fight for a dead net and adjust the state one by one to prepare for the final battle.

Even if they are dead, it is absolutely necessary to kill a blood path for their companions.

The eyes of the three men at Tian Mo Cliff slowly turned cold, and the cold pupils glanced at the people present.

Just at this moment of tension.

Lin Lang came out of the cottage, lazily slumped, and said, "The master of the house is not here. It's a bit overwhelming to bully you."

Qiu Yuan stared at the latter and found that he could not see through the latter's practice. In his realm of immortality, there were even monks who couldn't see through, which was really a strange thing.

"Warning you not to worry about your business." Qiu Yuan glanced at Lin Lang lightly. Tian Mo Ling is the boundary of Tian Mo Cliff, and he has no need to worry.

"What if I insist on it?" Lin Lang said.

"Then kill! If you want to worry about your business, it depends on whether you have this ability." Qiu Yuan snorted and stepped forward. The peak of the immortal was revealed, and he did not show any weakness after the battle. .

We can see his mighty fighting power.

"This man is the demon repair of Tianmo Cliff. He is attached to His Majesty's Cliff and has been instructed by the descendants of the Demon Clan. The combat power is very powerful." Wang Laoqi pulled Lin Lang and solemnly asked.

"be careful!"

Lin Lang nodded, and then took a step forward.

The two fought fiercely in an instant.

Qiu Yuan is the realm of the pinnacles of immortality. He is unprecedentedly powerful and has the power of burning mountains to cook the sea. However, Lin Lang is not weak. He has already been able to fight against some of the Lindaojingxian people's courts, so he is not afraid of Qiu Yuan.

A dozen rounds down.

Qiu Yuan slowly fell into a depression, completely suppressed by Lin Lang, and slowly fell into danger. This is also the case where Lin Lang has not used the Taoist method, otherwise Qiu Yuan can never support it now.


When he realized this, Qiu Yuan gave a cold drink, and his momentum rose steadily. Two horns were born on his head, and his arm was bursting into a shirt. At the same time, a lot of evil breath was sprayed on the surface of the body. Enchanted.

The boiling spirit makes Qiu Yuan's combat power enter a new level, far more powerful than the pinnacle of the same realm.

"Really magic?" Lin Lang glanced at Qiu Yuan for a moment. The demon monk is a human monk, but the demon cultivation is the practice of the demon, so he also cultivates himself to this state of inhumanity and demon.

Correspondingly, they can gain more powerful power. The most powerful of the demons is the flesh, and of course Moxiu inherited this. The strength of the flesh is far superior to the people of the same realm.

It seems that there are descendants of the demons in Tianmo Cliff.

"Golden Elephant Boxing!"

Lin Lang's face remained the same, playing a magnificent light, blasting the sky, and constantly bombarding Qiu Yuan on his body.

"Martial arts magic hand!"

Qiu Yuan also played magical powers, his devil was rolling all over his body, his fingers turned into five sharp sharp thorns, with sloppy barbs, like the hands of a demon.

Wuqu Heavenly Demon's hand is very powerful, breaking the air directly, wrapped in an extremely fierce breath.

In a blink of an eye the two magical powers collided.

It is also a magical power, but the quality of Jinxiangquan is much higher than that of Wuqu Tianmao. Golden elephantquan is a magical power recorded in the Nine Xiaoxian Code. Although it is only a growth-type magical power, the quality of the power is definitely not higher than those of the immortal town Zongshen pass is too much.

Qiu Yuan is only a part of Tianmo Cliff, not a high-level, it is impossible to integrate into the circles of descendants of the demons, even if fortunate to get supernatural power, there will not be too high-grade.

The difference in levels directly determines the power of magical powers.

Qiu Yuan was defeated directly under this move, and his anger was beaten up. The characteristics after demonization also disappeared. He is basically no different from the ordinary Terran Peak Immortal.

"Blood Rainbow Demon Slash!"

Qiu Yuan didn't dare to neglect, and rushed to play the last magical power before the demonized state disappeared.

It was only that Lin Lang was faster. Qiu Yuan's magical power had already been killed. He shot it on the cover of Qiu Yuan.

The skull shattered, and the headless body wobbled, and soon fell from the sky. Such a demon repair of Tianmo Cliff was killed by Lin Lang directly by thunder.


"we won!"

Cheers at the Bloody Church. Tian Mo Cliff ’s two demon repairs were a cloud of sorrow and mist, watching Qiu Yuan fall in front of them, and now they were preparing to escape.

But where would everyone in the Xunxuetang allow it, the **** and the third step at the same time took a step forward, stopped the two demons, and quickly fell into a fierce battle.

"Let ’s go, you kill Qiu Yuan, the wind demon will not let you go!" One of the nine-six-man immortal chanted immediately.

"I will kill you when the wind demon comes." The old third snorted coldly, and the men continued to spit out the two magic repairs. He and the **** teamed up soon, and the two demon cliff magic repairs will soon arrive. Beheaded.

Qiu Yuan and the three of them fell, but they let the **** people all breathe a little sigh of relief, at least the difficulties in front of them can be considered to be over.

But again, there is a greater crisis waiting for them, after all, Tianmoya is not easy to mess with.

Those who killed them, wouldn't this monster, Tian Mo Ya, be good?

You must know that Tianmo Cliff is the true master of Tianmo Ling. Although the descendants of the powerful demons are irrelevant to the world, there are a considerable number of demons who are strong in magic.

It is comparable to a Tianzong!

Even if there is no such thing today, I am afraid that after receiving the news that the Lord of the Blood Blood Church Hall fell, the demon repairers will come forward in a big way and severely kill the Blood Blood Church once.

"For today's plan, there are only two. One is that while the news has not yet spread, if we can move out of Tian Mo Ling in time, so as not to be retaliated by Tian Mo Cliff."

"The other is to seek the protection of a demon envoy. As long as there is a demon envoy who can help us and calm down the anger inside Tianmo Cliff, I believe that all problems will be solved."

The third child groaned for a moment and immediately analyzed the situation in front of him. The former is easy, they are not weak monks, and all resources can be taken away at any time.

But the latter is difficult to do.

Now that the people of the Wind Demon have arrived, it is obvious that several other demon envoys cannot get the news. For the force that lost the church owner, it is a piece of fat that everyone wants to take a sip of.

Even if you find other envoys, I am afraid it will inevitably be annexed.

"Everyone pack their bags and leave, just to go out to inquire about the host." The third child discussed with everyone for a while, and finally made a decision.

"But what about our warehouse?" The key to a question raised by a man of blood. It was easy for them to leave, but they couldn't take away the warehouse of Xixuetang.

In recent years, the Xixuetang expedition to the Western Wars has plundered a lot of materials from various major forces. Naturally, these things cannot be brought on the owner of the church. Instead, a separate warehouse has been established, and all materials are stored in the warehouse.

There is a ban outside the warehouse, and only the owner can open it. It is not to say that the main bloodletter is not his own brother, but that there are no rules and rules, and the most basic condition for establishing an influence is rules.

If everyone can open the warehouse, what else should the warehouse do? They are the **** church, not a wandering robber who sees what.

"I have a way to open the warehouse, but it will take some time. In our own strength, we should be able to take the materials in the warehouse tomorrow morning at the latest." The third man said.

Before the host's departure, he had explained how to open the warehouse, but he didn't fix it enough, so he could only cooperate with other brothers to help, so it took a long time.

It was said that the crowd nodded, and it was not too late, and they acted immediately.

"Let Brother Lin watch the joke." The third child came from a distance and thanked him, "Thanks to Lin Brother's righteousness, today's incident may cause a catastrophe. I would like to thank all the members of the Church. Brother Lin. "

"If Xunxuetang can survive this catastrophe, I will say a word here on behalf of the church owner. In the future, as long as Brother Lin is on call, Xunxuetang will not frown even if it goes up and down the mountain."

After a pause, the third man said, "Now the Bloody Church is an eventful season, and you ca n’t pay back Brother Lin's gratitude. Most of Brother Lin ’s shots this time have already been hated by Tian Mo Ya Tian Mo Ya. You can easily move alone, or escape as soon as possible Go. "

"By the way, I think Brother Lin is also a sword repairer. This sword will be presented to Brother Lin to show kindness." After speaking, the third finger made a stroke on the space spiritual ring, and immediately took out a sword, posing in the dark red Pass it to Lin Lang in the sword box.

"This sword is called Evil Bone. It is extremely sharp. It was obtained by accident. The grade is unknown, but it is a magic sword with a magical nature. It can use cholera mind and remember to use it with caution."

Lin Lang was not polite. He took the sword box and opened it. In his eyes, it was a dark red sword. On his face was a **** breath, as if facing the blood of the corpse.

"A really good sword!"

Lin Lang couldn't help but give a secret praise, and constantly wore the sword body of the evil bone sword. It's no wonder that the third child couldn't see the order of the sword. This was a holy sword, and the sword spirit had been bred.

It's just that I don't know why Sword Spirit has fallen asleep.

And the scent of this sword made him feel familiar. After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Lang finally figured out why this feeling was born.

The breath of this sword is very similar to that of the dripping sword. Lin Lang has also seen the Dripping Sword before, and the sword spirit it has bred can already withstand the joint efforts of the Nine Emperor Bells and the Immortals.

This evil bone sword is equally extraordinary.

Looking at Lin Lang's love, the third child knew that he was giving the right person, and couldn't help laughing. "I'm not interested in using swords. The evil bone sword fell into my hands and followed Meng Chen to this day. Now I'm giving Lin brother a good matchmaker." The sword is a hero. "

The third child is not a sword repair, so there is nothing to do with the sword, I am afraid that even he did not expect that it was such a great gift that he sent it out.

"Then don't bother you, do your favor." Lin Lang smiled, closed the sword box, and threw it into the space spiritual ring.

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