Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 651: Burned to the ground

There was a Dixian present, and Lin Lang could not escape anyway. Even if he was able to break out of the Zhenwuzong array, he could never escape the hunt of a Dixian.

Eliminating Su Shi is the key to Lin Lang's successful escape. Success is nothing to worry about, failure is broken.

After a series of calculations by Lin Lang, he finally delayed the night, approaching the leader of the wind and thunder cult to release a peerless flame.

Divine fire!

The celestial flame of fire burned out from Lin Lang's pupils instantly, and the pure white flame instantly covered the sky, shielding the sky, and shining the whole night brightly.

The astonishing temperature swept through, and the air burned along with it. The space was distorted by the combustion, and all the dust instantly evaporated into nothingness.

The heat wave has spread, and many people have been affected and swept by the horrific heat. Suddenly, the wind and lightning taught everyone to fall, and the forces closer to the wind and lightning were also severely hit.

The silhouettes in the sea of ​​fire struggled for a while, and only black silhouettes in the flames were seen, annihilating at a speed visible to the naked eye. Eventually disappeared, not even a bone was found.

Su Shi was the first to bear the brunt!

"What the **** is this!"

He was struggling in the clear white flames, and a loud roar broke out, covering his body with spiritual power, his hands constantly beating the flame on his body.

To no avail!

I could only watch God's fire erode the flesh a little bit, the skin was instantly ignited, the flames of flames were all pervasive, entered the body through the skin surface, and burned the five internal organs.

What's even more weird is that this flame seems to have spiritual wisdom, and it actually penetrated into his spiritual sea and began to melt his babies, including the spirits, which were also ignited by the fire.

Exhausting all his powers, Su Shi finally rushed out of the sea of ​​fire. The whole person was like a group of firemen. No matter how he casts it, it is difficult to extinguish the fire.

In the eyes of Ziyan God, it was originally a ball of sky fire seeds, and after the confinement of the fire of the source of thousands of fires, it has grown to the level of the sky fire.

The power of the Celestial Flame is quite horrible. The temperature of a trace of Mars is comparable to the magma of the ground. Even if it is as strong as a fairy, if it is accidentally covered by the Celestial Flame, it will fall.

Just a touch of flame is deadly! Even Su Shi couldn't stop the might of Divine Fire, not to mention those people around him. Even if they were a little far away, there were still a lot of people involved. They were contaminated by Divine Fire and watched the faint Mars spread a little , Powerless grief.

The entire abyss of the Meteor Sword turned into a world of purgatory, and the screams continued, and a single immortal continued to fall.

"I'm not willing!"

Su Yan screamed, and after about a hundred meters rushed out, his body was completely turned into ashes and scattered with the wind. Several tough earth fairy bones flipped to the ground.

Divine Fire!

Heaven and earth returned to tranquility, and a violent atmosphere of flames remained in the sky, and dozens of high-ranking immortals were burned to death.

The remaining high-ranking fairy fishes that were not affected by the divine fire were scattered. In order to avoid the chaos of the divine fire formation, the divine fire still returned like a bird frightened by the bow.

Feng Leijiao was the most tragic. The leader was burned to death on the spot, and the high-end combat power was almost wiped out.

Because he was far away at that time, he was the strongest, so he was spared. At this moment, he was converging on the relics left by the wind and thunder strong men, and fled here quickly.

As for Lin Lang.

At this time, you have already used the night-night method to cross the prohibition, throwing away all the powerful people far away and disappearing without a trace.

There was light rain.

The water droplets landed on the ground and were immediately evaporated into aerosols by the scorching earth, misty rain and mist, water mist like smoke, and mist mist blocking the whole land. It was at the beginning of the day that Xiyun was sinking in the pavilion, and the mountain rain was about to wind up.

Rainy night, only heard the sound of Xiaoxiao rain.

The atmosphere is extremely heavy.

When Lin Lang released the celestial fire, it represented a disaster. No one would dare to imagine that Lin Youye had such a hole card in his hands. A fire will burn the wind and thunder for hundreds of years and burned it out.

"The leader of Fenglei Church is also dead, and I am afraid that the Northern Territory will undergo earth-shaking changes again." Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help sighing.

Feng Lei's textbook is the first-class gate of the Northern Territory. It is only inferior to the two major Tianzongs. But this time, it is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the wind and lightning religion.

If it is not handled well, I am afraid that the Dao will all overturn.

"I can't think of a Lin Youye that is so difficult to grasp. The major forces have broken their hands one after another, and the leader of the wind and lightning religion has fallen."

This is the end of the situation, and the major forces have suffered heavy losses.

Of course, there are some people who believe that Lin Youye cannot escape the shroud of Zhenwuzong, and still stay near the meteoric sword abyss.

Each major Tianzong also left a Lindaojingxian, and others returned to Zongmen.


The light rain was crisp, and it lasted for three days and nights.

The Celestial Sects are guarding near the meteoric sword abyss, guarding against death, and monitoring every move outside the meteoric sword abyss. A sky-high battle broke out inside the Meteor Sword Abyss, causing a lot of strong people to come forward to investigate.

The terrible battle of the avenues affected the rules of heaven and earth throughout the Kunxu boundary, and perhaps this sudden rain came from it.

You Dixian came to the scene in person, and the result was that there were two Xeons fighting in the abyss of the Meteor Sword, and the mighty Shengwei shook the world.

Until the third morning, the sky thundered loudly.

A thunder fell in the air.

Immediately after that, dozens of sky-thunders roared without knowing, as if they had come from outside nine days, and the destruction and calamity that came from the sky, tearing the sky into a black hole.

The endless thunder drew, and soon the Meteor Sword Abyss turned into a horrifying Thunder Pond. The immortal who stayed outside the Abyss was spared, and was instantly swallowed by the Thunder Pond.

The sky in the whole Kunxu boundary was trembling, and the northern region was the first to bear the brunt. The large floor blocks continued to sink, and the overall depression was more than a few feet. In some special places, continuous mountains and hills formed.

Numerous days of thunder fell from the distant nine days, directly crushing the sky of the Kunxu boundary, and the space was instantly broken, leaving a black hole gap.

A roar erupted from time to time in the Meteor Sword Abyss, as if something terrible existed was fighting Tianwei, making the entire area around Meteor Sword Abyss a thousand miles into a forbidden area, shrouding the terrible heavenly Taoism.

Even the immortals can't be easily approached!

I do n’t know how long this horrible eternal calamity will last, but every day, the earth in the northern region will sink an inch downward, and the current will spread around and destroy everything.

As if the end of the world.

The northern land collapsed, people were trembling, countless creatures looked up to the sky, and the black hole cracks in the sky continued to expand until finally covering half of the northern region.

"Is the world going to be destroyed?"

Countless people are lingering, kneeling on the ground and continually scratching their heads, praying earnestly for the blessing of God. The same is true of all major gates, all of which are closed mountain gates, strictly prohibiting their families from going out.

In addition, the central, eastern, western, and southern regions of the Kunxu boundary have also been affected to a certain extent. Volcanoes erupted and the forbidden areas were turbulent. The major sects sent a large number of strong men to remove the volcano and destroy the evil beasts of the forbidden land. The disciples went out to comfort the people.

The Kunxu community is completely chaotic!

The major forces are in dire straits, and can only watch the continual accidents in their own territory. The only thing that can be done is to send strong men to make up for them in time to prevent the hidden danger from continuing to expand.

"Teaching the palms, the current group of demons in Tianmoling is not rested. In the past half month, the army has conquered Xingcheng and Sunset City, including two medium-sized cities."

The Yunlang Palace in the Western Regions is also very busy. The forbidden area under the jurisdiction of the Yunlang Palace is called Tian Mo Ling. It is said that it is the territory of the ancient demons. The charm is rampant. Freaks often attack the city and eat people and drink blood.

Tian Mo Ling is in danger, and even the immortal may be planted in it. Although Yunlang Palace has a strong foundation, it can't help Tian Mo Ling in the slightest. For thousands of years, it has been impossible to take Tian Mo Ling.

The significance of the existence of Yunlang Palace is to prevent the devil from going east, the cholera Quartet, but they can not destroy the Tian Mo Ling, they can only passively defend.

Therefore, Tian Mo Ling slowly developed into a three-no matter zone, with monsters running rampant, some strong men who could not be mixed in the Kunxu world, and notorious villains hiding in Tian Mo Ling.

It can be said that Tian Mo Ling is another big 'Tianzong' in addition to the seven Great Tianzongs, and their forces are complex.

This time the Kunxu turmoil was turbulent, and a large number of demon repairs at Tian Mo Ling also spotted the opportunity, and they took the opportunity to plunder the resources of the Kunxu turmoil.

In addition, turmoil also occurred in the Tomb of the South King of the Eastern Region. Somehow, the undead who originally suppressed the tomb of the South King had torn a gap in the tomb of the South King. .

It can be said that the entire Kunxu community has become a mess of porridge. Although the major Tianzongs have intentionally hunted down Lin Youye, it is still difficult to suppress the turmoil.

This devastating disaster has been going on for more than three months, but the cracks in the space have not been repaired. The horrible devouring power of the black hole has continued to spread, and everything in the envelope has been drawn into the void.

Seeing that this disaster is about to sweep the entire Kunxu world, the owner of the Tianji Pavilion also came forward at this time, contacted dozens of big names in the Kunxu world, set up a peerless array, and joined hands to close the crack space.

The broken space is finally repaired.

However, when everyone was excited and cheering, Mo Xuan, the owner of Tianji Pavilion, kept shaking his head and sighed.

"Although the space crack is closed, it has already hurt the root of the Kunxu world. Even if the space crack is repaired, it will only serve to quench thirst. The nine emperor bells are almost unbearable."

It is said that the giants have a heavy complexion, and no one knows the meaning in Moxuan's words, which is a matter of life and death for the Kunxu community. Shenghua Shengsheng asked, "How long can I last?"

"About a century or so," Mo Xuan said.

"Is it only a hundred years?"

The giants looked at each other, shaking their heads with bitter smiles. For hundreds of years, in fact, it is just a scene of retreat.

It's really short.

"This day is a little earlier than everyone expected, so please prepare as soon as possible." Mo Xuan left with a sigh.

Many of the big men present naturally understood the meaning in Moxuan's remarks. Although the Kunxu World was an independent space that seemed to be extremely solid, it was actually a fragmented space that was forcibly enveloped by the Nine Emperor Bells.

Sooner or later one day will be untenable.

The original Kunxu boundary still has a life span of about 1,000 years, but the arrival of eternal disaster has greatly shortened the life of the Kunxu boundary.

Today it can only exist for a hundred years.

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