At this moment, everyone is looking for the trace of Lin Youye, but most of them cannot see through the array of Lin Lang's arrangement, so they can only chase like headless flies.

No one was more angry than Feng Lei taught everyone. They dispatched dozens of elders, but at the end they did not say anything, but they were successively broken. We must know that even for the first-class ancestors such as Fengleijiao, every elder immortal seems particularly important, and every birth requires a lot of resources.

At this moment, a group of elders with gray hair gathered together, and there were several wind and thunder elders around. The repair was not very high. A seven-striped immortal and two six-striped immortals were sitting around the gray-haired elder with their heads suspended. A colorful and exquisite tower exudes a soft halo in the night sky.

The spirits were blasted into the colorful exquisite tower, and the colorful lights dropped into the gray-haired old man's body, helping him to dispel the black evil spirit in his body. The other two Wuwen immortals are spreading their consciousness, guarding their spirits with vigilance.

It was just that no one noticed that a dark shadow was approaching, and that shadow merged into the night without any substance, let alone the shape. Only under the light of the colorful exquisite tower, a slow approaching shadow appeared on the ground.

"Thank you a few."

Under the radiance of the colorful and exquisite tower Baohui, the gray-haired elder's face slowly grew a little blood, and the evil spirit in his body was also suppressed. Although it was only around the six-stripe human fairy, it was restored to its peak. It's just a matter of time.

The elder gray-haired gave a sigh of relief and arched his hands at the two elders with the same door, saying: "Thank you all for your righteousness, Tan is grateful." The other elders spoke in succession, unavoidably.

The Elder Grey Hair then turned sharply and asked, "Can anyone have the news of that little bastard? The elder must have personally dealt with him to resolve the hatred of his heart."

Several elders shook their heads: "There is no news from him, not only us, but the strong men of other sects have not been found. I guess he may have escaped this forest." Elder Gray Hair sneered: "Escape? He can't escape. Where has he been badly wounded and where can I go? "

Although the gray-haired elder had black evil spirits at the critical moment, at the last moment he inserted a spirit sword into Lin Lang's body. In this case, he had to peel off the skin even if he didn't die.

The Elder Dahuan also nodded and analyzed: "All the immortals who chased him down in the sky, he didn't dare to fly in the air, and could only escape on foot. In the meantime, he had to watch out for other hunters. It will take days to completely escape from Zhongzhou City. "

"If I were him, I would definitely find a safe place to hide, the most dangerous place is the safest place."

"The most dangerous place is the safest place?" The eyes of several people were all shining together, and they could not escape far with Lin Lang's body holding the seriously injured body, and most of them were hiding nearby.

"It shouldn't be possible." Another Elder Seven-Striped Immortal of Feng Leijiao shook his head and said, "If he is still nearby, he can't hide my perception.

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