Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1325: The man who defeated Zu Hao

Of course, letting a great emperor-level master commit suicide to find the way to reincarnation, Lin Lang didn't want to do that, it was too shameful!

"I'm afraid this guy is watching my jokes in the underground mansion."

Lin Lang's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, Fan Lu usually looked carefree, a loyal and honest look, but he was dark enough in the dark.

Time flies.

Three years have passed, Lin Lang has grown to three years old, and something very interesting happened during that period.

The surrounding enemy army entered and invaded the imperial palace of the Great Xia Dynasty. As a result, a three-year-old boy took the initiative and swept through the heroes and razed the enemy emperor to the ground.

This unthinkable scene indeed happened so real in this world. This also resulted in that when Lin Lang was three years old, he was already a child prodigy of the Great Xia Dynasty, and his reputation was still higher than that of the Great Xia Emperor.

It's just that Lin Lang is not in the mood to pay attention to these.

When three years came, Fan Lu in the underground palace was also worried about letting go of Lin Lang for too long, causing the latter to be dissatisfied, and he was about to communicate the power of the reincarnation disc and call Lin Lang back.

It was at this time.

The reincarnation disc suddenly lit up with a strong light. The reincarnation disc, which had been running for countless years, seemed to be caught by an invisible palm at the moment, stuck in the distance and unable to move.

at the same time.

In Fan Lu's field of vision, the reincarnation disc actually began to slowly regress.

"This... this... something big!"

Fan Lu opened his mouth wide.

Since the establishment of the prefecture, the cycle of reincarnation has always been running clockwise, because it represents the rules of the road of reincarnation, and rebellion is not allowed.

Even if there is a stagnation at a certain moment, it is a major event that can cause changes in reincarnation, not to mention the reversal of reincarnation.

God knows how many weird things will happen because of this!

"Don't think about it, that guy must have done it!" Fan Lu was a little panicked, pinching his fingerprints one after another, trying to restore the reincarnation disk to normal.

However, his printing did not move at all.

Fan Lulian said: "My ancestor, I was wrong. Please don't remember the villain's fault, my lord, don't be a demon anymore!"

Not long.

A figure flashed in the reincarnation disk, and Lin Lang's soul flew out of the reincarnation disk and landed on one of the bridges. Only this time, Lin Lang used all flying and landed in front of Fan Lu.

"You did it all..."

Before Fan Lu finished speaking the last word, Lin Lang brushed his sleeves and pulled the latter out. At the same time, Lin Lang's soul body also returned to his body smoothly.

Fan Lv didn't care about this, and hurriedly flew in front of the reincarnation disc, holding one side of the reincarnation disc with one hand, and pulling it down forcefully, trying to re-dominate the reincarnation disc.

However, his power did not have a substantial effect, and the reincarnation disk only stayed for a while before continuing to reverse.

The masters in Fengdu City also rushed to hear the news, one by one, they jumped high and attached to the surface of the reincarnation plate.

One, two, three...

Countless masters of the underworld came, and they landed on the reincarnation disk and moved vigorously. After a long time, the reincarnation disk finally returned to calm. Everyone worked together, and finally finally turned the reincarnation disk again.

"I bother you guys."

Fan Lu bowed and thanked: "I don't know what happened recently, and the reincarnation disk actually started to rotate in the reverse direction. I hope it is not the ghost of Pluto!"

Although he said so, Fan Lu didn't dare to admit that this matter was related to him, and directly shifted all the guilt to Pluto.

"I'll be here for a while, you can go ahead with your own work first."

Fan Lu quickly bid farewell to the masters of the underworld, and tremblingly came to Lin Lang.

"Do you know what just happened?"

Fan Lu wanted to question him sharply, and realized that he was wrong, and his tone slowed down a lot: "You made all the movements just now."

Lin Lang didn't deny it, and said lightly: "The reincarnation disk brought me to the body of reincarnation. If you don't respond, I can only use the means of reversal of time and space to come back by myself."

"You are good, wait, what did you say!"

Fan Lu's eyes widened again and looked at Lin Lang with shock. The latter still had a calm expression and said lightly: "The road of reincarnation cannot communicate with the disc of reincarnation. I will use the means of reversing time to control myself. Brought to the moment I was close to the cycle of reincarnation three years ago."

Fan Lu slapped his chest heavily, as if resenting his own stupidity, he couldn't help but squirted out a big mouthful of blood. He said, "I thought it was just a problem with the reincarnation disk, so you actually used the Great Way of Time?"

"The reincarnation disc stops working, and at best, reincarnation is suspended. This group of undead will find their way and wander between heaven and earth."

"But if you use the avenue of time and space, you know how much impact it will have on sentient beings!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the problem.

But on the other side, Fan Lu’s chest-beating voice reverberated: “Inverse chaos time and space, including the cycle of reincarnation, are also affected, returning to the state it was three years ago.”

"But what about the souls who have been reborn? They are considered to have earned three years of life in vain, if only this is the case... they still have three more years of memory!"

Fan Lu Susheng said, "Three years of memory may be nothing to you and me, but if it is placed on a newborn? They will have three years more knowledge than others, and everything will be ahead of others. Three years for others!"

Lin Lang's face is also a little heavy. If it is placed on a monk, will there be a large number of children who are born with cognition and can cultivate at the age of three in the future?

This situation is not good, but it is not bad either!

As for the effects that will be caused in the dark, this is not known!

Of course, this situation is not something Lin Lang can handle.

The two stood near the reincarnation plate, and Lin Lang's spiritual thoughts had to be posted again, and the frightened Fan Lu quickly stopped it.

"You are nothing more than curiosity about the rules of reincarnation. I will tell you to listen to it." While speaking, Fan Lu hurriedly made a gesture of guiding the way. He said: "Every scale on the reincarnation disc actually represents With a kind of birth, as the wheel of reincarnation rotates, different people will be assigned to different births."

Lin Lang nodded and said, "This principle is equivalent to... the wheel of luck in reincarnation?"

Fan Lu: "..."

It was the first time he had heard of the phrase "Lucky Wheels", but according to Lin Lang's meaning, it was appropriate!

Fan Lu was also afraid that Lin Lang would cause trouble if he brought Lin Lang here again, so he quickly led Lin Lang out.

They passed through Fengdu all the way and approached the vicinity of the underground palace. This cave that had existed since a few cosmic epochs was also the place for the master of the ancestral realm and the palace master of the underground palace.

It seems that the netherworld does not have such exquisite and luxurious buildings, everything is simple, except for a few high walls, there is nothing else, simple and even make people wonder whether this is the mansion of the world's first master.

Fan Lu didn't come here very often. When he arrived at the gate of the prefecture, Fan Lu turned his head and said, "Master, his old man ignores world affairs. I'm not sure whether I can see him or not. I'll tell you first. "


Fan Lu stepped into the cave mansion, and two nearby boys stood in front of the mansion gate, blocking Lin Lang's way.

Not long.

Fan Lu returned with an apologetic look on his face: "Master, his old man is in retreat. It is not convenient for me to interrupt, but I have left the news of your visit to Master."

"It's okay."

It was a pity in Lin Lang's heart that he had not been able to see the palace lord of the underground palace with his own eyes. It would be a pleasure to meet and talk with this world's number one master once.

He hasn't really seen an ancestral realm master yet.

However, since there is no such luck, I will talk about it next time.

Fan Lu thought for a while, took the initiative to break the dull atmosphere, and said, "Although it is not convenient to disturb Master now, I have the right to take you through the underworld."

While speaking, Fan Lu took the initiative to lead the way, saying: "As long as you don't make too much noise, we can visit the underworld without any problems. Especially the Master's Library, which contains almost the records of the recent cosmic epochs. ."

"The last few cosmic eras?"

Lin Lang asked curiously.

Fan Lu nodded and said: "Yes, none of the major events in the recent universe era can escape the records of the underworld. And it includes some things in the prehistoric universe. If I remember correctly, Master met with Yuanshi Demon Emperor and Zu Hao. All conversations are recorded."

Fan Lu said so.

Lin Lang also came interested, and followed the latter's steps into the underworld.

The bookstores in the underworld are indeed rich. The area where the bookstores are located alone occupies the size of a star field. Of course, the most important ones are the roster about the reincarnation of creatures. As for the books that record important things and important news, they are actually only It occupies a small part of the area.

Under Fan Lu's guidance, Lin Lang successfully found the meeting record of the palace lord of the local palace.

In the record, the two had talked for a full thirty years, starting from the theory of the Great Dao, and then to the sentient beings, and later they talked about Zu Hao's experience of becoming a celestial being.

These records are indeed very important reference materials for Lin Lang.

Not only Lin Lang, but also an extremely valuable immortal cultivator for future immortal cultivators. Lin Lang could see the gods, unknowingly, after three years, Lin Lang turned to the last few pages of the book.

According to the belongings of Zu Qi, the book roughly describes Zu Qi's experience of becoming immortal.

In the distant history of the universe.

That was the first Yuanhui after the universe was born. There were many gods and countless powerful existences. Among them are the Source of Ten Thousand Fires, the Origin of Ten Thousand Waters, and some existences whose cultivation bases are too strong to describe.

In that cosmic era, the postnatal beings had almost no power to speak, and even if they practiced, they were far from being able to match those gods on the ceiling of their combat power.

Until later.

Zu Hao was born from chaos and nurtured the spirit of Hongmeng.

This record can be regarded as clear to the identity of Zu Hao, this is a person who has been associated with chaos since the beginning of the universe.

If he is born, he is not much worse than those gods.

But one thing is that he is a born creature, and those gods are the gods condensed from the material elements when the universe first opened. There is an essential difference.

But Rao is so.

The creatures conceived in the chaos and the aura of the Great Meng will definitely be the best in the cultivation of the day after tomorrow, throwing away all the geniuses of the same generation. Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: the full text of the Invincible Fairy King in the City: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (the man who defeated Zu Hao in Chapter 1325), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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