Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1279: Little Mozun is born

Everyone didn't have any extra expressions when they listened, they were just surprised at the sudden change in Lin Lang's temperament.

It seemed that he was a different person.

But only Lin Lang knew that his deity's consciousness was seriously injured in this battle and fell into a deep sleep. What emerged in front of him was another part of his personality, the consciousness of Little Demon Venerable.

So when Lin Qiu was mentioned, he would call him his son. For example, the deity of Lin Lang, although Lin Chou is his nominal heir, he also cared for him, but in the end he lacked a sense of identity.

Several powerful people tried to stop Little Demon Venerable, but Little Demon Venerable Controlling Lin Lang's body was not a vegetarian, and he fought against several masters.

at this time.

Finally, someone fell to the side of Little Demon Venerable, and immediately afterwards he took a fierce shot and threw the blood ancestor out. This person is not someone else, it is Di Luotian.

the other side.

The three detached humans also got news to join the battlefield, and a fierce battle broke out instantly. Little Mozun was also able to withdraw and pursued and killed Yuanyi in all directions.

Yuan Yi knew Lin Lang's terrifying power well, so he didn't dare to fight at this moment, turned his head and fled. One after another, the two chased into the depths of the universe.

Soon after.

The battle on the central battlefield came to an end, and the two powerhouses stopped making peace and did not continue fighting. After all, the two protagonists who provoked this battle, Lin Youye and Yuanyi had already left.

It doesn't make much sense for them to continue to fight.

Heaven and earth return to tranquility.

But the shock that this battle brought to the entire Central Universe still turned into a series of fierce discussions, flooding the entire universe.

Because of this battle.

Jie Tianjun took action to kill Feng Zun, the Golden Ancestor, and the Heavenly Wolf Ancestor. Even the transcendant Yuan Yi of the Protoss has been chased by Lin Lang for tens of thousands of years.

The four great powers joined forces to encircle Lin Lang, but were killed by the other three, and one was seriously injured and fled for tens of thousands of years. Such a proud record is enough to lift Jietianjun's reputation to the pinnacle.

Even, the name Jietianjun was once regarded as the number one powerhouse today by sentient beings. Including the nine emperors, it should not be said that the seven emperors are far less prestigious than Lin Lang.

"This is his era of Jietianjun. The immortal palace will open in the future, I'm afraid it will be another fierce battle between dragons and tigers." Kaitian Saint sighed deeply.

Now Lin Lang's achievements have surpassed them too much, he can't accept it. This era, the era that Lin Youye dominates, is not exaggerated.

In the entire world, no one was Lin Lang's opponent except for the Slaughter God Emperor. And there is another wonderful relationship between Emperor Slaughter God and Lin Lang, and the two sides cannot be enemies.

Jietianjun is the strongest in the world!


The influence of Big Leaf Immortal Sect is also rising steadily, faintly competing with the world's largest power. The geniuses of all parties also followed the name of Jietianjun and joined the Daye Immortal Sect one after another.

Thousands of years later, Daye Immortal Sect is already a super holy place, with many talents and countless talents. There are rumors that there are three masters and two half emperors in the current Daye Xianzong.

This is not even counted as the many powerful men sealed in the Heavenly Lake of Daye Immortal Sect because of the "Super Cultivator" plan. It is stronger than the Protoss in the peak period, and any force that wants to move the Big Leaf Immortal Sect must carefully weigh its own weight.


It is rumored in the universe that Jie Tianjun chased Yuan Yi with no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth. He chased the latter for tens of thousands of years. Of course, there is a certain amount of water in this news.

In fact, Lin Lang had only chased Yuanyi for a few thousand years. It was just that Yuanyi, an old guy who slipped and didn't leave his hands, was eager to flee for his life. Even Lin Lang would find it difficult to kill him.

After the war.

Little Mozun went to Lin Chou, and of course the father and son were not so harmonious when they met, and they even fought for a while. Fortunately, the Little Demon Lord controls the body of the deity, and his cultivation is strong enough to finally suppress Lin Qiu honestly,

"My son..."

Little Mozun looked at Lin Chou and didn't say a word for a long time.

Lin Qiu snorted coldly, and simply turned his head away, ignoring Little Demon Zun.

"I'll tell you a story." Little Mozun smiled bitterly, and said: "This should start from a clone of me..."

Although Lin Chou didn't intend to pay attention to Little Demon Venerable, the other party's voice could still reach his ears. Gradually, there was a strange look on his face.

"Wait, you mean I was born of your clone and mother?" Lin Qiu was startled, his facial expressions began to change drastically.


Little Mozun nodded helplessly and said, "But now I am the clone. That is, your father."

Lin Chou has cultivated so far, even though he is extremely talented, he is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. After listening to Xiao Mozun's narration, it is naturally not difficult to understand his situation.

"I was born of that clone, but your deity has no blood relationship with me. Now that you are one, what am I?"

Lin Qiu glared at Little Demon Lord, and an unknown fire was born from the bottom of his heart. This is indeed a truth that he finds difficult to accept.

Little Mozun was just a clone, and the clone combined with Yao Xi gave birth to the offspring of Lin Chou. But later Lin Lang's deity united, and although he merged with the little demon, he indirectly killed his father.

His Lin Chou was not behind Lin Lang, but Lin Lang had the consciousness of Little Demon Venerable in his body. There is the affection of parents, but also the hatred of killing the father.

His biological father turned out to be his own murderous enemy, which sounds really absurd. However, this is the truth of the matter.

"That's better than you and I join forces to suppress his consciousness first." Lin Chou suddenly raised his head, his eyes flickered, his waist bulged, and the seal under the Little Demon Venerable's cloth was raised half a foot.

"No need."

Little Demon Sovereign shook his head and said: "After I truly merge with him, the magical powers have been integrated, you must fight with me to suppress him. Unless your strength can be much higher than me, you can do it."

"And even if you have such strength, my consciousness cannot be easily peeled from his body. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

With an elbow, Lin Chou directly smashed the trapped formation under the Little Demon Venerable's cloth and stood straight in front of the Little Demon Venerable.

"Unless one day, he falls willingly and completely dissipates his own power." Little Mozun shook his head. If the deity falls, it means that the consciousness of the little demon will also fall.

And the deity Lin Lang couldn't dissipate his own power willingly, and then dissipate in the world.

The separation of the twins is a false proposition with five solutions...

"Improve your strength as much as possible." Little Mozun walked over and patted Lin Qiu on the shoulder, and said, "If one day you can ascend to the Immortal Throne, there may be other ways."

Lin Qiu was silent.

Being a fairy is an unattainable dream for any monk. Even if the fairy palace opens in the future, a new opportunity for becoming a fairy will be brewing.

But... that's too difficult!

"The way to become immortal is not difficult." Little Mozun slowly said, "Destroying all opponents in the world is the first step on the road to immortality."

"And first, you must be able to defeat me."

The voice fell, but the little Demon Venerable suddenly raised his head, looking at the void above his head. Lin Chou seemed to be aware of the abnormality too, his piercing eyes stared at the space above the void.

He can faintly perceive that there is another dimension above the void. But there is an incomparably violent force hidden there.

"It's the clouds above the sky."

Little Mozun looked serious, and said: "There is a problem in the space above the clouds. Maybe this space that has been sealed for countless years will be opened again."

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