Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 782: He is the embodiment of God!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Siyuan College!"

"Beijing Siyuan College!"

"This Ning Tianlin is still a student!"

Countless Chinese people open their eyes and stare at the screen inconceivably, how is it possible! This young man would be a student! Not to say his age, but to say that a person with such terror abilities would be willing to be a school student!

"How many books is this Siyuan school?"

"Are they very good?"

"Is it the legendary aristocratic school?"

Too many people have such doubts in their hearts, and they are wondering where this Siyuan Academy is sacred and able to accommodate the big Buddha of Ning Tianlin! How can such a heavenly figure go to an ordinary school!

But when people continuously disclosed the information of Siyuan School on the Internet, everyone was stunned!

Ordinary school!

This Siyuan College is actually an ordinary two!

Not to mention the key universities like 211 and 1985 in Huaqing, which are in the second and second class of B!


Ning Tianlin didn't lie, he would even study in such a school!

How can such a school tolerate his great Buddha!

He took a breath and estimated that he could kill the students in seconds!


"Mr. Ning Tianlin is indeed a student of our Siyuan College. Now I am studying in the third grade of the Department of Plant Physiology of the Department of Biosciences!"

"He has always been a top student in our department, an outstanding student, and a good three student. He has performed very well in all aspects! He is helpful, and has excellent academic performance! He also has outstanding academic achievements and is a role model for our department! All students' role models ! "

"I'm Mao Feng, his department head!"

"All our teachers and students can testify to what I say!"

It was only very soon that Mao Feng, the head of Ning Tianlin's department, stood up and proved it on the Internet, and he was very proud of Ning Tianlin.

Of course, he also noticed the scene early, and recognized that the young man in the air was threatening to intimidate him, and at the same time gave him five million, Ning Tianlin, his attractive student!

He even wanted to announce the identity of Ning Tianlin as soon as possible! Say it out loud on the Internet, this person is a student of Siyuan College or a student! I know who he is!

But think about it, he gave up the first time, because he knew the young man's means, he was arrogant and overbearing, he didn't talk to you at all, he said. Now the classmate Wang Nan in his class who has a holiday with him does not know where it is yet!

And I heard that his family was killed!

Such a ruthless man, how dare he publish the other's information without the other's consent?

Unless his life is long!

Moreover, he stood in the office building in the department early in the morning, because the whole corridor was the voice of the students in the department! After all, these students also recognized this Ning Tianlin, their classmate Ning Tianlin!

He even heard that many students wanted to publish this information at the first time, but it was strange that it could not be sent at all! I have a network but I ca n’t send messages!

At this time, he felt terrified for Ning Tianlin's means in his heart!

Can't send a message, it must be what the other party is blocking!

But at the end of the battle, Bai Qizheng walked away. When Ning Tianlin said that he was a student of Siyuan College, he faintly realized what he was trying, and sent out a few words about Ning Tianlin. It's up!

And in the hallway, the voice of the students also rang, "It's gone!"

"The message is sent!"

At the same time, Mao Feng quickly thought of a strategy, in the shortest time, find a classmate, recorded a video, and then put it on the official website of Siyuan College!

Also at the first time, this video was caught by crazy Chinese users!

Don't be loyal to Ning Tianlin at this time.

If before, he had some complaints about Ning Tianlin, thinking that the other party was just rich and powerful, did not respect himself, and had no qualities, but now he feels that everything should be so!

Such people can say a word to themselves is a matter of great happiness!

In my own life, I was able to interact with such awesome figures, and he was also the head of his department. When I said this, I don't know how many people I would envy!

And he feels that even after this live webcast, there will be countless reporters coming to their school to find him and interview him! Listen to him! Ask for news about Ning Tianlin! This is all about nails on the iron plate!

Maybe you can still take advantage of this opportunity and get angry on the Internet!

Moreover, he is a bit corrupt, but with the title of "Teacher" by Ning Tianlin, who dares to move himself!

As long as you reveal a little "relationship" with Ning Tianlin, and even have the other party's mobile phone number, you can directly contact the other party. I don't know how many people will scratch their heads!

"Siyuan College!"

"Is there anything strange about this Siyuan College? Can it accommodate such a big Buddha?"

"Two books in class B, what's so special about this kind of school?"

After verification, especially on the school's official website, the photos of Ning Tianlin's students were posted, and the head of Ning Tianlin was marked with a red circle.

The fact that this iron is on has made countless people boil!

This god-man is really only studying in a second class B college! By his means, why not go to a top institution like Huaqing!

"Maybe I don't think so!"

"This kind of person, who still uses real reading, is supposed to cultivate a certain state of mind!"

Many people who are obsessed with martial arts have found a reason for Ning Tianlin.

"I heard it was for a woman! His girlfriend seems to be from Siyuan College!"

"He is an infatuated man!"

Soon, some news came out, describing Ning Tianlin as a lover who stayed in such a school exclusively for love, but who this woman is and what she looks like, no one can tell!

"Here we are, the middle school where Ning Tianlin is studying!"

"Here we are, the elementary school that Ning Tianlin attended!"

"Here we are, the kindergarten where Ning Tianlin is studying!"

Soon, a variety of remarks appeared on the Internet. Even the kindergarten that Ning Tianlin went to came out, but it was true or false. In a short time, people could not tell.

"This is the birthplace of Ning Tianlin, where he was born!"

"I'm his midwife!"

"I still clearly remember that when he was born, a golden light flashed and a golden dragon hovering in the room for a long time, which illuminated the whole world! Finally he entered his body!"

"He is the embodiment of God! Save us humans!"

A 50- or 60-year-old woman shouted loudly into her mobile phone at this moment. With a solemn expression, he looked very serious!

"Student, it's my identity!"

But at this time, Ning Tianlin in the empty space slowly opened his mouth again. "And I have another identity, and everyone must be very interested!"

(End of this chapter)

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