Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 763: What a **** to see!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

It's no wonder that Ning Tianlin would think so. Eight cities in a row, but also a group of buildings, may not even be a country! How can this not let him worry about Ning Tianlin.


"No World War!"

Just as Ning Tianlin was preparing to burst into shape and rushed to the north of Beijing, the sound of the combat system sounded in his ear. It just left the topic and didn't answer what happened to Ning Tianlin.

Just to say, there is no world war.

"Your parents, family and friends are all good!"

"Huaxia is good!"

"Your League of Legends, the invincible group is also good!"

Subsequently, the combat system was added.


After hearing this, some anxious Ning Tianlin suddenly stopped moving, and at the same time, he breathed a long breath, and his family and friends were fine. They are okay and nothing to worry about.

As for the League of Legends and the Invincible Group, there is no need to rebuild it.

"In the end what happened?"

"what happened?"

Ning Tianlin continued to question, just now, he leap over the ninth city, but still had no life except the broken walls and collapsed buildings.

Strong questions were lingering in his mind.

It was just that the combat system didn't answer. No matter how he asked, he couldn't get a response. Could not help but this also makes Ning Tianlin's doubts deeper.

However, he did not doubt that the combat effectiveness system just said that his family and his homeland are safe. Although he sometimes does not work well, he never said anything false to himself.


After thinking about it, Ning Tianlin increased his speed and flew directly to the US Emperor.

He has been to this country once and knows its approximate location. There, I will definitely get news. After all, the Emperor is the country with the fastest information transmission in the world.

What's more, she didn't go home first because Ning Tianlin must know what happened in the world.

The hasty meeting with parents will cause a lot of confusion.

In particular, the combat system has told him that these days, it is pretending to be a video call with his parents and family. If you don't know anything, I'm afraid it will cause some suspicion.


"Why are so many countries gone!"

"It's all next to each other, one by one!"

Just on the way to the Emperor, Ning Tianlin's brows grew deeper and deeper, because almost all the way, all the cities were destroyed! Although he doesn't know what these cities are called, some of them are no smaller than Jinchuan, where he lived.


"No beauty!"

"Even the Emperor is destroyed!"

But when he came to the sky above the US Emperor, he didn't see any twin towers, his goddess, and the bustling city. There were only a dozen deep pits, his face had changed greatly!

Because he recognized the first time that these big pits were caused by nuclear bombs!

And it is still a powerful nuclear bomb!

Even now he can feel the nuclear radiation in the air!

"Nuclear war!"

"A nuclear war has happened here!"

Ning Tianlin has been breathing a little hastily. What happened? Even the US emperor has destroyed the country. This is the US emperor! The world's number one power!

Most importantly, this nuclear war still took place on the territory of the US imperial. At the location and area of ​​this large pit, at least 20 or 30 nuclear bombs were launched into the US imperial!

"Huaxia and Russia did it together?"

"Or a Russian one?"

Ning Tianlin can't think of the third possibility. In addition to these two nuclear powers in the world, there is only the United States Emperor. It is impossible for the United States to put so many nuclear bombs in his country!

And his second guess was good. It was Russia, at the last moment, in order to kill the black dragon, he sent dozens of nuclear bombs directly to the US emperor!

The purpose is to kill the black dragon in the land of the American emperor!

"What the **** happened in this world!"

Ning Tianlin shot violently and flew towards Huaxia's position!

Regardless, you must feel that China is talking about it! See your parents safe!

He couldn't even believe the words of the combat system. The world's largest power, the United States, was destroyed. What could not happen!

"Went out!"

"Went out!"

"It's all gone!"

"All countries are gone!"

In just over forty seconds, Ning Tianlin is completely like a second in degrees, and I can't help feeling Huaxia in the next second. Because Canada, the world ’s largest territorial power, is gone, Germany, the industrial power, is gone, and Europe is gone! Even Swiss soil, which has been a neutral country, is gone!

Fly over nearly a hundred countries, more than half of the earth, all the countries are gone!

It has become a pile of wasteland!

"Xiaori is gone!"

When flying to Asia, Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed, because he had been to this country once, but now it is also extinct! Even the famous Mount Fuji has collapsed!

"The silver is gone!"

"This crazy country is gone!"

Ning Tianlin no longer knows how to describe his mood. The closer he is to Huaxia, the more hesitant his heart is, which is similar to a feeling of "timidity near hometown".

He was afraid that when he arrived in Huaxia, he would be gone! Nothing!


"All are still!"

But when I saw a lot of buildings and still stood in the land of China, Ning Tianlin couldn't help but be very excited. Shanghai, Shenzhen and Shenzhen, these bustling urban areas are still there!

Flying all the way north, ten seconds later, I already felt the city where he was born, Jinchuan!


"Jinchuan City is exactly the same, even more prosperous!"

When Ning Tianlin landed over the city of Jinchuan, 90% of his mind was put down.

In just a few seconds, he came to the sky above Jingbei City, suspended in Jinding District, sensed his parents and sister with consciousness, and when Shu Yishan was watching TV at home, he was relieved.

It's okay!

It's okay!

He didn't even feel that at this moment, his entire body was softened, and even the back of his spine was full of dense sweat.

You know, let alone flying, it's a happy battle. When a landslide breaks, he won't sweat a drop of sweat.


But he didn't land and returned to the villa to meet his parents and his family. Instead, he flew into a remote alleyway.

At this moment, there was a man holding his hand against the wall and peeing in this alley.


"What to pee!"

Seeing someone staring at me, this peeing curse was a little impatient.

Just wondering in my heart, it was just clear that no one else, otherwise I wouldn't take off my pants and pee? How come someone unexpectedly!

And he looked at him so straightly.

(End of this chapter)

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