Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 324: I want you all to be heroes!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


At the same time, Fang Meng, at this time, exhaled a long breath. Although the body is still a bit painful, it is already in a tolerable range. And he has some illusory feelings. His ability to bear pain is much stronger than when he first started!

At the same time, he wiped the sweat on his forehead. Although he was about to lose his pain, he felt that his body, everywhere, seemed to have endless power!

"Meet the lord!"

The first thing to slow down Fang Meng is to greet Ning Tianlin and make a joke, "League, you don't have to stay with me, because I am not dead!"

"Well." Ning Tianlin nodded with a smile. "In this case, test the combat effectiveness! This is what everyone wants to know most."



Everyone nodded, although the potholes on the ground and the performance on the screen just let them know that this Fang Meng's body has definitely changed dramatically, but they also really want to know, How much Fang Meng's current combat power is measured!

"Yes, lord!"

Fang Meng nodded, and then walked toward the combat effectiveness tester just before entering. After entering it, a purple beam of light covered his whole body up and down, and at the same time, a pleasant electronically synthesized sound was in everyone's ear Ringing.


"Strength: 33."

"Agile: 30."

"Spirit: 29."

"Physique: 21."

"Physical combat power: 113 points."

At the same time, on the light curtain next to the combat effectiveness tester, these data are clearly displayed in words, and at the same time, they are fed back on the big screen so that everyone can see it.


"One hundred and thirteen!"

Everyone took a sip of air-conditioner, and it was just nine o'clock, but now it's ten times more! This ... what kind of increase!

Especially those people who are inside the door, the eyes are worth, because they have experienced it firsthand, and know how to inject this genetic medicine! The original potion of medicine would increase the physical combat effectiveness by 50 points if it were to die!

But now, it is more than double!

The energy in it is even more abundant!


"That is 113 points of physical combat power." At this time, Ning Tianlin nodded. "Perhaps, some of you don't know what the concept of 113 points physical is."

"Now, I can make it clear to you!"

Then, as soon as he beckoned, there was a big man in black, holding a pistol and an assault rifle, and came in.

"This pistol must be here, and everyone must know it."

Ning Tianlin took the silver-white pistol and said, "The desert eagle, whether it is the rushing force or the recoil, is an advanced item in the pistol." As soon as the voice fell, he banged and pointed at Fang Meng. Forehead, shot.

Except for the people in the inner door, the rest were shocked. You know, this bullet hits it, and there is no life! Especially the desert pistol, such a horrible pistol, is not to blame if it is headshot!


Just then, these people took a breath of cold air, because they saw that the bullet on the light curtain did not hit Fang at all, but was held firmly by his two fingers. Air!

Instantly, these people thought of the legend that spread among them, that is, the people in the inner door, who survived the injection of genetic drugs, almost all can block bullets, a group of perverts walking away from the wall!


At this time, waiting for everyone to react, Ning Tianlin had already taken over the submachine gun, pulled the bolt, loaded the chamber, and shot "Fang Da Da" towards Fang.




Dozens of bullets, without exception, hit Fang Meng's body, because Fang Meng did not hide under the instructions of Ning Tianlin, and everyone in the audience could not calm down at this time, because these bullets, Hitting Fang Meng's body is like hitting hard steel, all blocked!

Even a faint spark sputtered on his skin!


"Too ... too great!"

The elites are all big eyes and small eyes, "This ... this is the existence of more than a hundred physical combat capabilities?"

As the elite of Cangmen, they have heard that the inside door is powerful, but there are only a few people in the inside door. They have seen it before, but few people have seen them. They do n’t know how powerful they are. What a point!

Now, I know how terrible these people are!

The guns couldn't help it. Who else can kill them in this world?

"Go on."

Ning Tianlin was very satisfied with this performance and waved his hand to let Fang slam down and return to his seat. His usefulness is over.

"Now, everyone can see the effect of this genetic medicine."

Ning Tianlin looked around and looked down at the humanity. "Today, I stand here, and I want to tell you that this gene medicine, our League of Legends, can provide a thousand copies!"

"That is to say, one hundred percent, can produce more than one thousand warriors with more than one hundred combat power!"

"And I call these thousand people heroes!"

"A thousand heroes in the League of Legends! They will also become the mainstay in the League of Legends!"


With Ning Tianlin's words falling, the hall was boiling, all the elites are you looking at me, I look at you, there is excitement in the eyes, hero, is this the meaning of hero?

The main thing is that with this kind of genetic medicine, it means that the gun is inaccessible! For the days when they often lick blood on the incision, this incompatibility does not mean that the survival rate is greatly improved!

Moreover, this is a thousand bottles, the quantity is not too much, but the quantity is definitely not too much, at least, everyone here today hopes to get it!

"Moreover, I can tell you the good news. Today, the technical tackling team in the alliance has mastered the genetic stock solution, which has more than 90% of the genetic sequence, which means that it will take less than five years or even less time. This gene medicine can be mass produced! "

"By that time, we will definitely be able to achieve the alliance, one person and one bottle of genetic medicine!"


With Ning Tianlin's words falling, the hall boiled again, mass production?

Is this thing still energy-producing?

Although no one has said how this genetic stock solution came from, everyone who sat there knew that ninety-nine percent of the chances were that the organization had acquired alien technology. Couldn't it take a few years for them to organize? Master this alien technology?

Turn it into your own?

"My goal is to build everyone in our League of Legends into a hero with combat power in the next ten years or even less!"

Ning Tianlin promised again.

Note: Two more today. Tomorrow, the old book "Star Wars" will be updated.

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