Invincibility Starts From Absorbing Emotions

Chapter 56: Become Director One

   Liu Jiang was also a little bit excited.

   Palace Lord, this is the highest leader of the entire Sanjiang leader inspection.

   The inspections of the entire twelve counties of Sanjiang will follow Zongze's command.

   The inspection hall is all composed of immortal cultivators, who hold the power of life and death to maintain law and order, destroy demons, and kill demons. The rights are quite amazing.

   The authority of the lord of the palace is much greater than that of the lord of Sanjiang.

   One leader of the palace, this is the transcendent existence like a prince.


In the inspection department of Xuanyun town, in the office of the director, the gentle-looking hall master Zongze stood at the window, staring sharply out of the window, and said faintly: "I just grabbed the Toad Demon General on the first day. , The pig head demon will come to Xuan Yunnan to slaughter the town. Tian Lin, what are the possibilities of this?"

   "The first possibility is that we have leaked the news. The Thunderwing Demon King knows that it is the news provided by the town of Xuanyun, and wants to destroy the town of Xuanyun and get revenge."

"There is another possibility, that is to find a place to slaughter the residents of my town and avenge the captured monsters. These **** monsters of the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom have been extremely arrogant over the years. Every time their important monsters are captured, they They will be slaughtered and buried with their important monsters." Tian Lin said with gritted teeth.

   Tianlin, deputy head of the inspection hall, a golden one-star warrior, is a middle-aged man who looks more than 30 years old.

   He is strong in combat power, smart and capable, and attentive. He is a senior inspector who has fought against monsters in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom for many years. He has a good understanding of the behavior style of the monsters in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

   Ten Thousand Demon Nation’s demon creation power is quite huge, Great Xia Xian Nation is at an absolute disadvantage in this respect, the two countries have fought many times, but Great Xia Xian Nation has not achieved much.

   Dan Lin, but with his strong perception and keen mind, he has repeatedly seized the monsters of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom and has repeatedly made battles.

   But a few months ago, in the hands of Thunder Wing Demon Wolf, he suffered a severe loss.

   The Thunder Wing Demon Wolf is extremely fast, and the lightning attack is too fast. At the speed of Tianlin, it is impossible to avoid it.

That time, he was dealt with miserably by the Thunder Wing Demon King. If he hadn't practiced his body **** weekdays, his physical fitness was comparable to Bronze-level physical training, plus he had cultivated Dacheng-level defensive spells, he might have been beaten to death. .

   Although he was not dead, the demon wolf deliberately made him embarrassed.

   In front of his subordinates, he used lightning to blast off his clothes, pants, hair, eyebrows, and dangling.

   There is no hair left on the whole body, and the delicate enoki mushrooms are swaying in the wind, which can be seen clearly by the subordinates.

   The face he had been **** was utterly devoid of any face, and now he always feels that the eyes of his subordinates look weird, as if they are despising him for being small, and as if they are laughing at him for being short.

   He was extremely angry, and all of this was caused by the Thunder Wing Demon Wolf.

   He vowed to get rid of the Thunder Wing Demon King. Over the past few months, he has been studying all the time, trying to get rid of the Thunder Wing Demon Wolf.

   But the whereabouts of the Thunder Wing Demon Wolf is extremely secretive, and he is very careful in doing things, and every time he shoots an instant hit, then quietly escaped, Sanjiang led countless geniuses and big figures were killed, but he had no way to do it.

   But he still has a bit of a say in the research on the Thunder Wing Demon King.

   "Do you think that is more likely?" Zong Ze asked.

   "The second one may be more. With the character of the Thunderwing Demon King, if he knows that the profound cloud has led to the destruction of his group of monsters, he will probably do it himself." Tian Lin said.

"Thunderwing Demon Wolf, so to speak, we are here in vain this time." Zong Ze said helplessly. The monsters in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom are rampant. There are a lot of monsters in the Great Immortal Kingdom. The Wing Demon Wolf group, but the Thunder Wing Demon King, is the most troublesome.

   The situation between the two countries is not optimistic. In a few years, a large-scale war will inevitably erupt between the two countries, but the Great Xia Kingdom does not have much advantage.

   If a great war breaks out at that time, an existence like the Thunder Wing Demon King will wreak havoc in the rear, and the damage it will cause will be incalculable.

   "Nine out of ten, it is white." Tian Lin said.

   "Let's talk about it later." Zong Ze said helplessly.

   Fortunately, there was not much hope of reporting, but there was not much disappointment.

   Zongze secretly made up his mind to get rid of the Thunder Wing Demon King.


   A rhythmic knock on the door sounded, and Zongze's guards stepped forward to report: "Hall Master, it is Liu Jiang who is here."

   Seeing the hall master nodded, the guard said to Liu Jiang outside the door: "Please come in."

   Liu Jiang walked into the spacious director's room. In the director's room, there were four patrollers who knew him, and eight warriors who he didn't know.

  The warrior standing at the window has a gentle complexion, but he has a kind of elegant majesty. He is not angry and prestigious. It is obviously the palace master Zongze.

   "Liu Jiang, the captain of the third inspection team of the Xuanyun Town Inspection Department, has seen Lord Hallmaster." Liu Jiang put his right fist on his left chest, bowed slightly, and bowed.

   Although Liu Jiang was a little nervous, he didn't show a trace of it. Instead, he looked calm and unhurried, with a sonorous and powerful tone, firm eyes, and neither humble nor overbearing.

   It is the first time for many people to see Liu Jiang. They saw Liu Jiang's stature, young and overly angular and heroic.

   Facing the palace master, there is no slightest tension, calm and unhurried, indifferent, everyone can't help but look at each other with admiration.

   Zhu Xiaozhu also has bright eyes. She didn't expect to see her for a few days. Liu Jiang seemed to have become more handsome, with a more relaxed temperament, and the whole person was quite good-looking.

   Zhu Shi saw Liu Jiang and glanced at his sister who had bright eyes. He frowned and cursed in his heart: "Little white face, like a butt-selling face, is really disgusting."

   Bao Hua, the chief of the Dongyue County Inspection Mansion, his eyes lit up, he was such a heroic young man, he did not expect that he had such a proud man under his hands.

   Looking back, I must cultivate it.

Zong Ze didn't speak, but looked up and down Liu Jiang intently. He secretly said that he was a heroic young talent. When he looked at Liu Jiang's cultivation base, his expression was slightly taken aback, and he exclaimed: "Good boy, young age, He actually has a four-star silver cultivation base."

   Silver four stars!

   When other people heard this, their eyes widened in an instant.

   Zhu Xiaozhu's eyes widened instantly, so amazing.

   "Envy from Zhu Xiaozhu+1650, +……, 1660, +……"

   Zhu Shi was also in a daze, Liu Jiang’s cultivation base was a bit better than his age.

  It's just that he has a special water attribute combat power is far superior to the warriors of the same level, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

   Liu Jiang’s potential, in general, is still much worse than him, "Huh, Xiao Bailian."

   "This kid, I hide it deep enough." Bao Hua's eyes widened slightly.

   Liu Jiang, this kid, actually has such strength.

   This level of strength is ranked in the top ten in the Dongyue County Inspection House.

   Other people are the same, shocked in my heart.

   Liu Jiang is already a four-star silver cultivation base at a young age. Such talents are really extraordinary.


   "Envy +25380."


   "Jealousy +21050."

   Everyone, the look in Liu Jiang's eyes changed a little.

   Some dignified, some value, not dare to underestimate Liu Jiang.

   "The director's eyes are like torches, and he can see my cultivation skills at a glance." Liu Jiang flattered solemnly.

   Zongze smiled gently, and came to Xuanyun Town, and it was not a waste of time to meet such a proud man of heaven.

   Seventeen years old, four-star silver cultivation base, three martial arts of Dzogchen.

   Liu Jiang's potential is much greater than he expected.

   It is a pity that there is no awakening talent bloodline, not a special physique.

   But even so, Liu Jiang's clan of Liu clan gathered in Tianjiao is the most advanced existence.

  In the future, he will inevitably become an important figure in the Liu clan. It is a good choice to invest early and make a good deal in advance.

   thought of this.

   Zongze said cheerfully and asked: "You have done a lot in these two actions. Let me talk about the specific process in detail, and let me know the specific situation."

  He is ready to help Liu Jiang.


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