Interstellar Zerg King

Chapter 70: The spiritual crystal grows up

After the two of them simply ate lunch, they wandered around the city of Loess Saturn.

Because of the terrible living environment of Loess Saturn, there are not many residents. There is only one that is truly a city, and the name is casually named Loess City.

Because of the erosion of wind and sand all year round, the whole city looks a bit gray. Although the vegetation inside the city is much better than the yellow sand outside, the air still smells of heavy dust. Most pedestrians on the road also wear special dust masks.

Ji Liqin and Ye Mo also wear masks, which can prevent the inhalation of too much dust, and also cover their identities to avoid attracting too much attention.

The two of them didn't have any specific purpose. They just wandered around to see the prices, people's living conditions, customs and so on.

After just walking around for a few days, they found that the level of barrenness here is really beyond their imagination.

In addition to food, other items are very cheap, and entertainment facilities are even less pitiful. The people here are generally thin, with a sallow complexion, most of them look vicissitudes of life due to years of work, and there are not many smiles on their faces.

After watching it for a few days, Ye Mo was a little emotional, and quietly said to Ji Liqin: "If there is any way to improve their lives, it would be great."

"Not easy." Ji Liqin said: "Unless the entire planet's ecological environment is changed, or all the people on this planet are emigrated, it will be difficult for them to change their current living conditions."

However, neither of the two conditions he said could be fulfilled.

First, how can it be so simple to change the ecological environment of the entire planet? Even if there is a solution, it will be a long-term process, ranging from a hundred years to as many as thousands of years. It is a long-term major project. Moreover, this planet has no value worthy of transformation, and apart from the Blue Star Stone, there is nothing valuable.

Even if they want to mine the Blue Star Stone, they only need to build some temporary bases near the veins, and then replenish materials from other planets. There is no need to spend so much time and effort.

The second condition is to emigrate all the people of Yellow Saturn. This seems easier than the first condition, but it is only relatively speaking. Although the population of this planet is relatively small compared to other planets, it still has about 100 million people. If all of them emigrate, which planet can receive so much?

These people have been on Loess Saturn and their technology is underdeveloped. In fact, they are a bit out of touch with the current civilization. After they are transported to other planets, they will be incompatible with the local residents. If there is any conflict or riot, it will also be a problem. It's a very headache.

So although they now see that the lives of these aborigines are not easy, they don't have many ways to help them improve their lives. They can only bring them some living supplies every time they come to transport the Blue Star Stone.

You can also hire some local people to help them dig the blue star stone, you can use labor to exchange food or currency.

Blue Star Stone has special properties. It is currently impossible to dig with automated mining tools. Instead, it requires a lot of manual labor and relies on primitive miners to dig. This is one of the reasons why the price of Blue Star Stone has remained high.

With Ye Mo's current rate of absorbing the Blue Star Stone, about one hundred kilograms of pure Blue Star Stone a month, in fact, it does not need many workers to dig it to maintain demand. But since they had a blue star quarry, it was naturally impossible for Ye Mo to absorb and advance, and he couldn't absorb so much by himself.

Because his usual demand for the Blue Star Stone is actually not big, he will only have a large demand when he is promoted and breaks through.

Like the last time, it was because he opened the spiritual butterfly shield to absorb too much damage. The spiritual realm was greatly impacted, and the energy of the Blue Star Stone continued to fill this vacancy, so I didn't want to absorb it like money.

He does not know when his next promotion will be from 4S to 5S. The degree of difficulty is completely different from before.

That being the case, the blue star stone that comes out of the surplus will naturally exert its greatest value.

And Ji Liqin has a speculation, since a blue star stone vein has been discovered on a planet, is it possible to find a second one? You must know that although this planet is barren, its area is very large, almost two-thirds the size of the Capital Star.

It's impossible for such a large planet to have only one vein of blue star stone, right?

He has sent many people to explore the planet. If more mineral veins can be found, the planet can be transformed into a blue star stone processing plant. Driven by huge profits, more people will come and stay here. Non-stop trade exchanges can virtually improve the living conditions of local residents.

He plans to recruit a hundred miners in the first batch, but he is not in a hurry to recruit people. He must first let the detection team conduct a good inspection, find a few safe places to open the entrance to the mine, and take adequate safety measures. You must know that this is human excavation, which is different from machines. If there is a collapse of the mine, their conscience will be disturbed, and the local residents will also rebel.

However, although life here is not easy, there is one characteristic that is not available outside-the nectar cactus.

This cactus is very peculiar. The palm is hollow and contains a lot of water. The principle is a bit like coconut, cactus meat can also be eaten, it is the cheapest vegetable in the local area. As for its juice, it resembles a peculiar mixture of woody and fruity aromas, as well as a slight sweetness. It is very fragrant and delicious. It can also quench thirst and fatigue. It is a favorite plant of local residents.

Moreover, it is very easy to feed. It is planted directly in the wild without even watering. It will absorb the water molecules traveling in the air, and occasionally a rain will be enough for their water needs for a year.

Many shops use this cactus juice to make wine, and the wine produced is equally sweet and mellow. Even Ye Mo, who doesn't usually drink much, has fallen in love with the taste and has not drunk less these days.

Of course, after he was drunk, he did not pay less for maintenance.

But after drinking it for a few days, he started to notice something wrong.

Hurriedly reported to Ji Liqin: "Qin, the spiritual crystal in my body seems to have grown a lot. I feel that if I don't remove it out of my body, it will really create a womb in my stomach and settle down."

When it comes to children's issues, Ji Liqin is also a little nervous, "Is it because you have absorbed too much Blue Star Stone during this period, so its growth rate is a little faster?"

Ye Mo shook his head, "It shouldn't be. When I broke through, I absorbed more blue star stone, but as long as it absorbed enough energy from the blue star stone, it would automatically stop absorbing it. But this time is different. The seeds are soaked after encountering water. I think it’s because of the cactus juice? Every time I drink it, I feel a very comfortable feeling, and I can feel the excitement from the spiritual crystal. , It seems to like this drink very much."

"So besides being comfortable, do you have any other feelings?" Ji Liqin's expression was serious, "Your physique is too special. We don't know what the spiritual crystal is in your body, let alone Lan Lan. Star Stone, including the current effect of cactus juice, I am afraid that if there is some kind of bad reaction, then it will be in trouble."

Ye Mo felt it carefully again, "It seems that there is no adverse reaction. The feeling passed by the little guy is obviously I like it, but it really grows too fast."

"That's all right." Ji Liqin breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched out his hand to caress a little bit under Ye Mo's heart, where the spiritual crystal is currently staying. Although he knew that he couldn't feel anything, he still listened to it like a silly father.

After a while, he said: "Then we have to return to Capital Star as soon as possible, remove it, and place it in an artificial womb."

Ye Mo nodded, eyes full of expectation, "I don't know if I will become a male baby or a female baby."

"It should be a man." Ji Liqin said: "We two men, it is estimated that we will not give birth to a girl."

Ye Mo was not convinced, pouting, "What if it can? I like girls!"

Ji Liqin laughed, "Well, you can do it."

So after they ordered some things over there, they packed up their belongings and prepared to rush back to Capital Star immediately.

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