Interstellar Tattered Queen

Chapter 659: Little slippery

   Chapter 659

  The examination room is separated from the waiting room by a wall. After stepping into the examination room, Ji You actually let go of his heart.

  What are you afraid of?

  Life and death are indifferent, just do it if you don’t accept it.

Isn't    just a make-up exam?


   Ji Yu, who didn’t care much about it, thought of the large amount of make-up exam fees, and immediately put away his heartless appearance, with a straight face, and seriously gave himself a death order: only allow himself to make up the exam once!

  At this time, the system issued a reminder: "Countdown-10, 9, 8, 7..."


Ji You raised her eyebrows, did not move in a hurry, nor did she try to run a few steps like other students, but stopped at the starting line, 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds... Everyone sees her stopping all the time, a little bit Can't figure it out:

   "No. 4444, is this voluntarily giving up?"


   "It's not like her."


  Jiyou waited for a few seconds, until all the 9 students around him fell to the ground. After rushing to the street, Jiyou suddenly said loudly: "System, for the smooth progress of the assessment, I request that the runway be cleaned..."

  After the students fell, they made the road a little bumpy, and there were a few students who couldn’t master the mecha. Even before the man and the mecha got out of the starting line, they were tripped by a classmate next to him——

   Tripping is also considered a failure.

  The reason why Jiyou stood still just now was to avoid being ruined by the pig teammates. Secondly, I also want to dominate the runway.

  But when Ji You’s request was raised, many students still felt speechless, even Mu Jianling raised his head and glanced at her.

  Jiyou grinned and smiled: "Teacher...Didn't you let me clean up the trash? I clean before the test, and the cleaning after the test is the same. I promise that I will definitely not mess up the ground after the test."

   Mu Jianling snorted coldly, opened his mouth and said, "Start the cleaning function."

  As soon as the words came out, the cleaning system in the room was evaluated, and construction started immediately. In less than 2 seconds, the potholes bumped by the students were filled in. It was as smooth as ever. Where is there a little rubbish?

Jiyou immediately smiled flatteringly: "Thank you teacher, thank you."

  Mu Jianling glanced at the time: "If you delay another half a second, you will be disqualified for the assessment."

  Where does Jiyou dare to delay, immediately activate the mech.


After everyone only heard a small noise, the antique mecha driven by Jiyou suddenly bent its body, and the mechanical arm suddenly took out two sticks-like objects, pedaling a skateboard on both feet, and gliding forward in a whistling way— —

  Everyone: "..."

"Depend on!"

   "Can it still be like this?"


Antique mechas have a single function and a very shabby arsenal. However, some basic weapons and tools are still available, such as knives, swords, bows, sticks, shields, etc. These basic cold weapons do not require energy consumption. use.

  Shen Changqing runs out of energy, leading to a tragic ending. Ji You sees it, how can he not care about it?

  There are five levels in total. In Jiyou's opinion, the first level is undoubtedly the simplest and easiest. There are no obstacles in the whole process, as long as you steadily drive the mecha to finish the runway.

Jiyou does not want to end up with Shen Changqing. There is only one way: to minimize energy consumption.

How to drop   ?

  This first level is undoubtedly the easiest to drop.

  In Jiyou's view, Shen Changqing consumed about one-third of the energy in the first pass, which is too prodigal! It really shouldn't. Therefore, the first level of Jiyou only intends to turn on part of the control system of the mecha, and nothing else will be used.

   Then how do you make the mecha run?

  She moved cleverly to get the above action.

It’s just that outsiders look simple, and it’s very difficult to implement it. The first is to maintain the balance of the mecha, and the second is to coordinate the movements of the mecha’s limbs and body. These two are the key points. Note that it is possible to fall a dog and climb——

   Jiyou concentrates, staring at the monitor closely, sliding his hands and feet flexibly——

At first, her movements were still a little bumpy, but after a short period of adjustment and adaptation, she got faster and faster. The entire runway, like her natural skating rink, was flexible like a monkey, jumping farther and farther. The faster you come, the speed is no less than the use of energy to drive. All the students, including Teacher Mu Jianling, all cheered up, raised their heads, and stared closely at Ji You's movements——

  Looking at the second level from the distance, getting closer and closer, everyone’s eyes are getting bigger and bigger:



  The idea just came out, and there was a scream, everyone saw Jiyou suddenly put away the stick, and at that moment, due to the huge inertia, Jiyou’s antique mecha had a beautiful side flip--

   jumped out, passed the end point of the first level directly, and entered the second level!

  Everyone: "!!!"

   Mu Jianling curled his lips, habitually wanting to curse a few words, but in the end he changed his mouth and only muttered softly: "Little slippery head!"

   broke into the second level, Jiyou immediately put away all the slack, the whole nerves tightened, and at the moment of passing, all the functions of the antique mecha were opened, detection, defense, weapons...

  Because the first level did not consume much energy, the energy reserve of the antique mecha at this time was still 98%, enough for Ji Yu to sprint to the third level.

  She sullen her face, waiting for her.

  This simulated asteroid belt is vast and vast, with countless small meteorites, and asteroids are constantly passing by. If you don’t pay attention, you may be hit. You must be up to 120,000 points.

The six spiritual threads of Jiyou pomelo were also guarded at that moment.

  Boss: [1000 meters ahead. 】

  The second child: [There is still 500 meters. 】

  The third child: [Attention, I'm about to fly over——]

  Fourth: [Above coordinates**, the threat is about to approach within 10 seconds. 】

  Fifth: [700 meters on the left...]

  Sixth: [100 meters on the right...]

Jiyou asks the spirit thread to be concise and horrified. It is not allowed to play the flower cavity or make the flower intestines at this time. Therefore, every reminder of the spirit thread is very simple and clear. All she has to do is to avoid these pits and move forward. !

In the second level, there are many obstacles, but the distance is not too long. As long as you accelerate the rush, you can rush out in at most 1 minute. This time is a race against time, which can reduce time consumption. Of course, it is best. Therefore, Jiyou Don’t be stingy about energy, and turn the propeller to the maximum——

  The students in the waiting room stared together,:

  "How did classmate Ji You do it?"

   "Every time, I avoided obstacles."


   "Damn it, this antique mech is in her hands, how can it show the bravery of chasing the sun?"

   "Did we blame the antique mecha?"

   "Will it succeed?"


  At this moment, all the discussions and doubts of all outsiders are not in Jiyou's heart. In her eyes and heart, there is only one goal at this time: to rush to the third level!

    is the second one.

     Good night, see you tomorrow \\(^o^)/~



  (End of this chapter)

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