Interstellar Tattered Queen

Chapter 2813: All retreat

  Chapter 2813 All retreat

  The adjutant wanted to complain very much. High-level Horcruxes were not only a treasure for improving abilities, but also a weapon when necessary.

   That's right.

  Spiritual weapons.

  The simplest usage is to detonate the high-level Horcrux, which can directly attack the spirit of the star beast, causing it to collapse and die.

  But in this world, advanced Horcruxes are rare. No one would use it as a weapon, and would only use it at very special moments.

  Each legion has some advanced Horcruxes stored as special weapons.

  General Ryan's Fifth Army naturally also has a part. But every general has to be equipped with some, and there are not many assigned to Ryan.


   is currently the only one.

  The adjutant was a little regretful that he had to give all of them to the group of students.

  General Ryan asked lightly: "Why, do you have any opinions?"

  The adjutant thought for a while, and said directly: "General, why don't we persuade these students to retreat with the army?"

  As long as these students leave, they don't have to worry about the safety of the students.

  Besides, these are the players with the most potential in the league. It would be a pity if they were lost here.

  General Ryan has a good temper and is gentle and polite to others. Even his aides and guards have never seen Ryan lose his temper.

   Several guards and adjutants can speak out in front of Ryan.

  General Ryan was really not angry. He just replied: "Students are not puppets. They will do whatever you want. Since they can't tie their hands, it's better to let them do what they want."

  Adjutant: "Yes..."

  Ryan waved his hand, "Arrange someone to deliver the supplies."

   Adjutant: "Yes."

  The adjutant retired respectfully, and quickly arranged for people to send the supplies to the small warship where the students were. After Xuzhou heard that someone needed an escort, he recommended himself.

  The adjutant thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

  When Xuzhou brought a few soldiers and stopped in front of He Bi's battleship, He Bi glanced at Xu Zhou and said, "Xiaozhou Zhou, you shouldn't have come."

  Xuzhou: "..."

  Xu Zhou wanted to say, please call me Major Xu.


   Facing this group of unscrupulous people, especially the narrow-minded seniors.

never mind.

  Xuzhou resigned himself to his fate, sighed, and said, "Why do you need to be a senior, I have applied to General Ryan, and after delivering supplies to you, I will stay and assist you."

  Why bother to think that it is so.


  These low-strength juniors really don’t have any AC numbers at all for their own cognition.

  Why bother to say: "You should evacuate with the large army."

  Xuzhou looked at the layers upon layers of star beasts in the distance, like dark clouds, and said nothing.

   Silent room.

   Xuzhou sighed faintly, he seemed to have done a wrong thing. He shouldn't have agreed to cover up her whereabouts under senior sister Shi Ya's persuasion, behind everyone's back, and hid senior sister in a small team led by him.

   Now, is there still a chance to make up for the mistake?

  Especially, when faced with Senior He Bi's stern but caring eyes, he didn't know where to start.


  He promised his senior sister that he would not tell anyone about this matter, even if classmate Ji You asked, he would keep silent.

  He had to do it.


  The entire large team, under the order of General Ryan, quickly retreated after clearing out the star beasts at the No. 37 jump point.

  The team is orderly and there is no scrambling.

   The star beast herd that was wiped out will soon make a comeback, swarming in, and attacking humans frantically when they see humans.

   There are no retreating personnel for the time being, and immediately enter the combat state to help the retreating personnel and clean up the star beasts.

  General Ryan, as the commander of the entire team, did not retreat immediately, but stayed and guarded near the No. 37 transition point.

  A 12-level pond heron rushed into the retreating team like an arrow from the string, flapping its wings vigorously with its dexterous posture.

  In an instant, several fighters were thrown off the battleship and turned into meat paste.

   This scene made everyone present very uncomfortable.

   At this moment, General Ryan, who was in place, jumped out in a pure black mecha, and fought with the level 12 Chi Heron.

  In the shadow of the sword, the Chi Heron's wings fluttered down.


  The pond heron was under the eyes of everyone, and was dealt with by General Ryan with a sword.


  The corpse of Chi Heron, like a headless fly, floats in the starry sky.

  General Ryan said coldly: "All listen to the order, and the retreat speed is accelerated. Within 3 minutes, everyone will evacuate here."

   After receiving the order, the army no longer entangled with those star beasts, quickly tidied up, and entered the transition point in an orderly manner.

  Ryan and the accompanying team are at the end.

  Why bother with Shen Changqing, did not move.

  Ryan suddenly turned around and said, "Have you thought it through?"

  Why squint your eyes: "General, you talk a lot of nonsense."

  Yue Qiguang and Shen Changqing, although they didn't say a word, they had the same meaning in their eyes.

  Lion heard the words, smiled dumbly, and said, "Come on."

  The words fall.

  Ryan said: "Back."

  Standing behind him, all the accompanying fleets turned immediately, starting from the first row, followed by the second row, the third row...

   In the blink of an eye, the fleet in the last row entered the No. 37 transition point.

   General Lane, the last one.

  He Bi, Shen Changqing and others watched this scene calmly.

At the moment when General Ryan entered the transition point, he waved his hand lightly, and followed closely, all the star beasts gathered near the transition point, regardless of their level, size, or strength, without exception, transformed into made ashes.

  Why wait for others: "!!"

  Shen Changqing's fingertips trembled for a moment. He lowered his voice and said, "This scene always feels so familiar."

  Yue Qiguang also racked his brains and began to think: "Dad also thinks it is so familiar, so shocking, I feel like I have seen it somewhere before."

  Yue Qiyuan, who was lying in the treatment cabin, said faintly: "You forgot? We met Ji You and the others during the trip to the space crack."

  Shen Changqing: "The lifeline?!"

  In other words, it is the means used by the so-called higher planes of higher creatures.

   With a wave of your hand, you can eliminate a large number of creatures.

  Shen Changqing shook his head, with a slight tremor in his voice, "Has our technology developed to this level?"

  The kind of intangible and intangible things that can only be done by living bodies built with mental abilities, they humans can actually do it?

  Yue Qiguang has always been very nervous and overly optimistic, so he just said loudly: "There is no need to be surprised, we will definitely do it in the future."

  At this time, Liu Fufeng said softly: "No, there is no such ability as a lifeline person, this is with the help of external force."

After a slight pause, Liu Fufeng said in an unhurried tone, "Have you forgotten? General Lane started to make arrangements when he entered the vicinity of the transition point. It should be some kind of weapon that was arranged in advance so that he could quickly During this time, it took the lives of so many star beasts."

   Second update, good night everyone. \(^o^)/~



  (end of this chapter)

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