Interstellar Tattered Queen

1489th research notes

Chu Jiaojiao and the others were going to the exercise room, and when they learned that Ji You was going to the reference room, a hover car stopped beside Ji You, Sheng Qingyan said in a very disgusted tone, "Damn poor, For the sake of the reference room, they can give you a ride."

Staring at Ji You's face, Chu Jiaojiao looked distressed, and seriously suggested: "I think the most important thing we should do is send Ji You to the medical room. Otherwise, I have every reason to suspect that she will be dragged to her The face will grow automatically."

Ji You touched her cheek, and there was an itchy feeling on her cheek. The skin was repairing automatically. Ji You thought about it seriously, and said, "Jiaojiao, you are worthy of being my plastic sister. This suggestion is very good. At least Save me 5,000 credits."

Chu Jiaojiao: "..."

Chu Jiaojiao had the expression of swallowing a fly.

The others also stared at Ji You in disgust.

Yue Qiyuan said quietly: "To be honest, I'm sick of seeing this face. I'm still a little used to it. I think this is a very scary thing. This kind of subtle and silent influence , is the scariest point."

No. 4444, Jiyou has this ability. Whatever she does, she has the ability to make everyone adapt to her.

After serious thinking, Yue Qiyuan said, "I've decided that I will never look at her face when I talk to her."

Yue Qiguang said loudly: "Father too."

Sheng Qingyan pouted and said, "He is too."

Shen Changqing pursed his lips, fell silent for a moment, and said in a low voice, "+1."


Then, a group of people raised their chins without even looking at Ji You. Ji You was speechless for a moment, and scolded: "Is the face so important? It's just the skin."

Chu Jiaojiao said loudly: "It's important!"

The others also stared at Ji You.

Ji You: "..."

Ji You said, "Okay, I'll get my face repaired tomorrow."

Then, Ji You jumped on the suspension car, and directed to go to the reference room first. After arriving in the reference room, Ji You jumped off the car and thanked the group.

The reference room is very large and occupies a very vast area. It is actually equivalent to a museum.

It stores all kinds of materials collected since the establishment of Lanyuexing School, which are of various types and huge, covering a very wide range. If you really want to read them one by one, even if it takes decades, you may not be able to read them all.

Of course, Ji You wouldn't rummage through the pages and floors. She only needs to make good use of the search function, and she can quickly filter out the information she wants.

The reward method promulgated by the school began to be implemented. Ji You entered the reference room for free. She followed the search steps and entered the Horcrux keyword, and then the search results appeared.

【Result: 0】

Ji You thought she had read it wrong, so she searched again, but still nothing.

Just when Ji You frowned and wanted to search for the third time, a slightly old voice suddenly came from beside: "What are you looking for?"

When Ji You heard this voice, her scalp felt a little ache. She slowly turned her face and met Professor Ye Hong's serious wrinkled face, and then forced a smile: "Professor …Hello."


Logically, he and Ji You are in a master-student relationship, so they should be called teachers. Ye Hong frowned, did not correct the mistake, but continued to ask: "What are you looking for?"

Ji You said: "I want to find knowledge about Horcrux manufacturing."

Ye Hong's face darkened immediately, and he said in an extremely displeased tone, "What are you looking for?"

Seeing this old man, Ji You understood why she had a headache. This is the feeling of eating snacks, tapping Erlang's legs, sitting in the classroom, and suddenly seeing the dean holding a ruler.

Regarding how unpleasant he is, Professor Ye Hong obviously has no self-knowledge at all. He frowned and said: "You think that your mental strength can take into account both the combat department and the material department, and now you have to add the soul." device manufacturing?"

Ji You: "Ahem... I just want to understand."

Ye Hong said with a cold face: "A person's energy should not be scattered, but should be concentrated. You have spent very little time on material science. If you want to quit the material department, you should report and apply early. It will be approved immediately."

Ji You: "..."

Chatted to death today.

The old man's temper is really not ordinary.


Ji You thought for a moment, and then changed his rhetoric: "Professor, you misunderstood, I want to find out about this knowledge, I think it will be of great help to my study of materials, because when I deal with materials, I find that materials Whether the final completion is excellent or not is actually largely due to the use of mental power."

After a short pause, Ji You found that Professor Ye Hong's complexion was changing from cloudy to sunny, and he thought that Professor Ye was really a good donkey.

This speaks according to his mind, and the effect is different.

Ji You continued: "So, the general knowledge in the material world - the level of mental power is not important. This point is actually a big misunderstanding. When processing materials, the level of mental power is very important, and the use of mental power is even more important. How to use spiritual power more efficiently? I thought of Horcruxes, the success rate of Horcrux masters in making Horcruxes is also related to the use of spiritual power, so when we process materials, is the principle similar to manufacturing Horcruxes?"

Ji You asked one question after another, and old Professor Ye Hong's face turned bright. He looked at Ji You and said, "Your analysis makes sense."


Suddenly, he took out something from the space button, threw it to Ji You, and said, "Take a good look."

Ji You froze for a moment, looked down, and found that it was a black notebook, a paper note written with pen and ink.

Ji You was surprised, "Professor, this is?"

Seeing Ji You's face, Professor Ye Hong's expression became a little stinky, and he just snorted coldly and said, "I have been studying for many years, and I wrote a handwritten research note on the relationship between Horcrux manufacturing and material processing."

Jiyou: "!!!"

This thing looks very precious when you hear it, she hurriedly said: "Professor... this... Otherwise, can you give me the electronic version?"

Professor Ye Hong snorted coldly when he heard this, and said, "There is no electronic version."

After leaving the words, Ye Hong lifted his foot and left.

For a moment, Ji You was a little at a loss, and even felt very moved. Although Professor Ye Hong didn't say it clearly, this note is obviously extremely precious, because it may be the only one.

Ji You clutched the notebook tightly and wanted to say thank you to Professor Ye Hong who had gone away. Suddenly, Professor Ye Hong suddenly turned around and said, "I forgot to say, after reading it, combined with the results of the experiment, write me a lot. A written report of 10,000 words. I will receive this report within 3 days." After 3 days, it was time for Ji You's advanced students to go to the space crack, so he could only give it 3 days.

Ji You: "..."

Professor, wait!

Will be bald.

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