Interstellar Tattered Queen

One thousand four hundred and thirteen, behind the curtain to listen to politics

Chu Jiaojiao wants to usurp the throne and seize power. Her operation did not surprise the teachers and students who were on the sidelines. In fact, not only Chu Jiaojiao, but also Ji You, Yue Qiguang, Shen Changqing, Louis, Lance...all the students of Lanyuexing Military Academy, except Fate Liu Fufeng, the son of Liu Fufeng, and the very low-key and inconspicuous Yu Song, the others all started their big plan to seize power after they understood their situation for the first time.

It's not just Lanyuexing Military Academy, the first army, the second army, the third army... Several top students in the top ten of the alliance have all tried to seize power.

However, few succeed.

Of course, these guys from Lanyuexing Military Academy are an exception. They are not human beings, but livestock. Relying on Bai Lianhua's appearance and speech, Shen Changqing was pushed all the way to the position of commander-in-chief, not commander-in-chief, but better than commander-in-chief. Even Wu Jingyue, the real commander-in-chief, could only smash his teeth and swallow it.


Yue Qiguang relied on his wretched operation, pretending to be a beautiful girl, tricked people over, and then he took the blame. If he didn't listen to him, he would beat him until he was convinced.

Season pomelo?

This guy has even more tricks, because the reputation of Gu Peiyuan, the commander of her battalion, is not weaker than the other popular players in the first army. If she suddenly seizes power, not only will she not be successful, but Ji You's own situation will be trapped Due to the disadvantages, Ji You did not show signs of seizing power at the beginning, but worked diligently to infiltrate the enemy army to deceive people, paving the way for the subsequent seizure of power, and finally took control of power naturally.

As for Louis?

Louis tried to seize power, but the timing was wrong, he only took one-third of the power, and finally failed miserably. However, even for a loser like Louis, in comparison with other students, he is already better than most of the students.

These are ignored.

Compared with players like Ji You and Louis who worked so hard to seize power, Chu Jiaojiao adopted a simpler and more brutal method. When the commander of the 1st Battalion hadn't used his authority to send invitations to the soldiers under him, Chu Jiaojiao On his behalf, Yue Zu sent an invitation post to the other 9 regiment leaders in his own name, nicknamed it a hero post, inviting them to come to discuss strategies against the enemy.

Of course, Chu Jiaojiao did not miss the commander of the 1st Battalion with this hero post, not only sent someone to hand him a copy, but also asked him to give up the position of commander to herself in public.

When the commander-in-chief of the 1st Battalion received this 'bear sticker', his face turned green.


He couldn't help it, so he gritted his teeth and endured it. Chu Jiaojiao is a great force. Whether he is willing to admit it or not, Chu Jiaojiao is a great help to the 1st Battalion.

Moreover, Chu Jiaojiao also said in the post that if you don't come, then they will bypass the commander and discuss the strategy against the enemy.

In a word, put the 1st battalion commander on fire.

If he didn't go, he would be emptied directly.

go? It's a bit embarrassing.


Between losing face and being quickly dismissed, the commander of the 1st Battalion thought for a few seconds, and finally chose to lose face.

If you lose face, you can earn it again. Once the rights have been emptied, they can never be regained.


After the commander of the 1st Battalion arrived at the destination, he immediately realized that this was a Hongmen banquet, a Hongmen banquet aimed at himself and his power.

Chu Jiaojiao looked at him, and said in front of all the regiment leaders and the backbone: "Fight, I'll finish you with 3 moves, and if you lose, you will take the initiative to give way."

The Commander of the 1st Battalion's eyes sank when he heard the words. He boasted that he was not weak, but Chu Jiaojiao's tone was too arrogant. He had a sullen face, and before he could speak, he heard Chu Jiaojiao say, "Or, you just admit defeat."

Commander of the 1st Battalion: "..."

Chu Jiaojiao swept away her low profile, showing off her whole body without restraint. However, she was not aggressive, but gave the other party plenty of time to think about it.

The commander of the 1st Battalion said: "Chu Jiaojiao, although I lost to you before, it was a long time ago. It is not what it used to be. You have become stronger, but I have also become stronger. I don't think you 3 You can solve me with one trick." You, a weak scum who ranked 75th in the test list, and a person who is 7th in the test list with me, don't you feel a pain in the face when you say such arrogant words?

The commander of the 1st battalion silently slandered.

Chu Jiaojiao heard this, and said: "Let's do this, one move, I'll finish you with one move, if you still don't want to give up the power, let's compete on commanding ability." Having said that, she turned her head and looked one by one. After scanning the others, he continued, "I believe everyone has doubts about my commanding ability. Then, I will compete with him on commanding ability. Whoever loses at that time will be out of the game. Do you have any opinions?"


"No comment."

"Who is strong, we listen to who."

This group of people didn't have any morals. Anyway, everyone came to participate in the competition to get as much promotion as possible. As for who to listen to, of course, whoever is stronger, just listen to whoever is.

Under the acquiescence of everyone, the commander of the 1st Battalion was forced to compete, otherwise, even if he did not compete, the people below would not be convinced by him.

There are all young people present, and they all have a kind of fearless heroic spirit. Isn't it just a competition? Isn't it fighting?

That's it.

Who is afraid of whom?

Therefore, the commander of the 1st Battalion also made a decision in an instant.


He was knocked out by Chu Jiaojiao with one move.

Really, when he was knocked down and couldn't even get up, the commander of the 1st Battalion was still in a daze and didn't understand what happened.

As for the subsequent command ability competition?

Sorry, lying down too fast and too hard, I can't get up at all, and I can't continue the competition at all.


Chu Jiaojiao didn't bully the commander of the 1st Battalion any more, she helped him up and put him next to her, since the commander was the only one injured, he listened behind the curtain.

Everyone: "..."

As for Chu Jiaojiao's command ability?

It doesn't matter anymore. Because when she began to listen to politics behind the curtain, she made a series of arrangements, each of which hit the point, without any chaos, and arranged them in an orderly manner.

With her actual actions, Chu Jiaojiao shut up all the people who doubted her commanding ability.

By solving the commander-in-chief alone, she successfully seized the position of commander-in-chief and gained the power of commander-in-chief. This operation by Chu Jiaojiao can be said to be pollution-free and pollution-free. None of the soldiers were adversely affected by the change of commander in chief.


According to Chu Jiaojiao's carefree personality, and her style of putting power first and fists above all else, when everyone thought that Chu Jiaojiao would definitely launch a surprise attack on the enemy camp, she calmed down instead and mobilized all the soldiers under her command Get up, after checking all the situation on your site, you still hold down the soldiers below, and after guarding the border, you start to stand still.

the other side.

The interior of the 2nd Battalion is also undergoing a blood change.

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