Interstellar Almighty Evolution

Chapter 593: Accept fate

For the next ten days, Qin Hao waited in peace at the base, although he didn't know how long this turnaround would have to wait, while Han Yihang studied the wreckage of the alien fighter with peace of mind, and he didn't know he understood How many.

Although the officers and men in the base are anxious, fortunately Qin Hao has been staying in the base, which adds a lot of information to them. After all, these soldiers may be abandoned, but Qin Hao is a senior officer at the colonel level, and Still a federal fighting hero, he cannot be abandoned.

And because the human base at Isis Beach has not been attacked during this time, this has reduced the psychological burden on the soldiers and allowed them to stay here with peace of mind.

Time passed day by day, Qin Hao's heart was extremely anxious, but he did not dare to show it. Now he ca n’t count on the human side, the Earth Federation cannot send a fleet to rescue him, a sergeant colonel. And, even if it comes, it is useless. In the face of the powerful fleet of aliens, the fleet of Earthmen is completely vulnerable.

So now the only thing Qin Hao can count on is the Zerg. He needs the post-worm to change his mind, and the premise of the post-worm to change his mind is that the alien fleet can hurt her and even threaten her!


And just when Qin Hao and Han Yihang were trapped by Alpha Star, the top of the entire Earth Federation also quarreled!

General Cohen rescued Qin Hao. In addition to selfishness, his reasons were also sounding, because Qin Hao was a fighting hero of the Federation, and he was trapped in the Alpha Star battlefield. If the Federation abandoned him, the government would soon lose popular support At this time, if the enemy loses popular support at the moment, it will definitely be a disaster.

The representatives of the family headed by the federal parliament strongly opposed it. Alpha Star is not a good place to go now. There are alien fleets there. Rescue there is not only to send death, but also to the alien fleet. Invited, the entire Federation will be finished by then.

Although General Cohen was a federal general, his power was simply incomparable with those of the family-controlled parliaments, and President Claude was not on his side in this matter.

Although President Crowder couldn't get used to the clan faces, but after all, he was responsible to the Federation and the people, and it was too risky to go to Alpha Star to rescue him.

If Qin Hao was only surrounded by the swarm of swarms, then regardless of the price paid, Claude would order the fleet to rescue, but the problem is that there is an alien fleet there, as the president, he cannot use the entire The existence of the Federation takes this risk.

Therefore, among the upper confederations, only General Cohen was the only one who supported the rescue of Qin Hao. Except for him, the attitude of the Qian family was ambiguous. Although Mother Liu gave a lot of pressure, Qian Xuehui resisted. He didn't say anything to Qin Hao in parliament, because rescue him is likely to bring a devastating disaster to the entire Federation.

As for the family members such as the Gangmen family and the Klein family who have a better relationship with Qin Hao in the weekdays, there is nothing more to say. When it comes to their survival, how many are Qin Hao?

In the end, the upper federal government made a decision. President Clyde and Speaker Barn unanimously decided to ban all rescue operations against Qin Hao. It is strictly forbidden for anyone or any organization to fly to the C9 star district of Perseus under any name!

Because Qin Hao enjoys a great reputation in the Federation, the President and the Speaker have always decided not to pursue Qin Hao's charges of leaving his post, but he has not been identified as a martyr or a victim of combat sacrifice, but he has been listed as a missing person.

The Klein family is still vindicated. They won a place for a martyr for Han Yihang, at least allowing his family to enjoy a generous treatment for life.

Although General Cohen was dissatisfied with such a result, he had no choice but to know that he could not lead the fleet to rescue himself, because he had to be responsible for the officers and men of the fleet and the people of the entire Federation.

Qin Hao ’s fall into Alpha Star did not spread. The news was directly blocked by high-level officials. External publicity videos about Qin Hao ’s fighting hero were also stopped playing. Qin Hao ’s recruiting advertisements were also replaced. The federal approach is very simple, that is, to gradually eliminate Qin Hao ’s influence in the federation. The people are always forgetful. As long as the time goes by, they will forget that Qin Hao was still there.


On the ninth day of the trapped Alpha Star, Qin Hao gave his fate. He knew that the opportunity he expected in a short period of time was unlikely to be realized, and he could not stay in the base and do nothing to waste time.

"Lieutenant Colonel Qilag, I'll go out and check the situation." Qin Hao found the commander of the base.

"Colonel, when will the fleet come to pick us up?" Qilag asked Qin Hao almost every day, because he also had to face the soldiers' inquiries countless times a day.

"This is the reason why I went out to investigate. This electromagnetic interference is too serious. I will see if I can find the source. Only by eliminating the electromagnetic interference can we restore contact with the fleet." Qin Hao said.

"Colonel, I'll leave it to you!" Qilag said gratefully, knowing that Qin Hao was the key to whether they could leave Alpha Star.

"Relax, I will do my best to take everyone away." Qin Hao promised.

"Huh!" Qilag nodded, and he had to appease the soldiers below him. Although everything was safe in the base these days, the longer he lost contact with the fleet, the more unstable the soldiers became.

Then Qin Hao drove an assault vehicle and quickly left the human base. He went straight to the worm nest of Prince Xin.

"Brother, is your mother still with you?" Qin Hao asked through the psionic link.

"Here!" Said Prince Xin.

"Then tell your mother-in-law ~ ~ and say that I have something to see her." Qin Hao said.

"Okay, I'll help you convey it, but I can't guarantee it after the mother sees you," said Prince Xin.

"Relax, she will meet me." Qin Hao said.

"Okay ..." Prince Xin nodded, because before he thought that Qin Hao was doing things for the queen, so it was natural to think that he came back this time.

Less than an hour later, Qin Hao came outside the worm nest of Prince Xin.

"Four brother, please go in. The mother is waiting for you." The Prince Xin said as he walked out, obviously the queen blasted him out again.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, then walked deeper into the worm nest.

Soon after, Qin Hao saw the worm at the core of the worm nest.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" The Queen asked indifferently. To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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