On the spaceship "Ark" of the immigrants from the five tribes, the Silver tribe has decided to attack the earth, so the Black Iron tribe has mobilized and assembled 200,000 troops, 80 capital ships, 420 landing ships, and 3,300 aircraft Air support fighter jets, ready to go to war.

The combat commander of the Black Iron clan has collected a large number of sci-fi movies on the earth, and understands the ways humans can imagine to deal with high-tech enemies so far.

Beheaded, or beheaded.

The combat commander watched these movies and felt that human beings are indeed very afraid of alien life, but their fantasy of beheading to destroy all enemies is really naive. Whether it is a computer virus or sending a nuclear bomb into the mothership, these methods are so impractical.

However, these movies are not without merit at all. At least the combat commander has seen that human beings always want to attack the enemy's central mechanism to end the war, so as to defeat the powerful enemy.

"When the fantasies of people on Earth become reality, I don't know if they will really resist as bravely as in the movie." The commander-in-chief said to his deputy: "We need three stellar years to wipe out all human beings. What do you think about this task? Can it be done?"

People of the Black Iron Clan have brown hair, a few scales on their cheeks, and they walk upright. They have a history of 10,000 years, and there have been many civil wars in history, but in the end they also developed rapidly. The population has grown to 10 billion at once, and multiple colonial bases have been established in the star system.

It's a pity that after responding to the call of the golden clan, only 80 million members of the black iron clan escaped from the original universe, and more clansmen disappeared with the universe.

In the thousand years since they left the universe, the Black Iron clan practiced family planning, and their population has stabilized at around 150 million. It is the largest population among the five races, more than the total population of the other four races.

But both Silver and Bronze Clans look down on the Iron Clan, because they think the Iron Clan is too chaotic, always succumbing to their inner desires, and lacking foresight.

The deputy looked at the 3D image of the earth, was silent for a while and said: "Under the premise of not destroying the existing ecological environment of the earth on a large scale, this battle is not easy. Although the existing kinetic energy weapons on the earth are backward, they can still hurt us. Soldiers. I expect to lose about 10,000 precious soldiers to wipe out all the people on Earth." Ten thousand is exchanged for seven billion, and the deputy is not happy about this ratio, because the lives of the Black Iron Race are much more precious than human beings.

"The adults of the Silver tribe like the current environment of the earth." The commander-in-chief has no choice, otherwise, he can just wash the ground, and he doesn't care.

"First focus on attacking the city and razing the city through air strikes. Anyway, we will rebuild it after we arrive. Then, centering on the city, we will carry out coverage bombing on military institutions and secondary human gathering areas in turn.

Drive all humans into the wild. "Then we can create a mosquito-borne virus for the final extermination of the remaining human beings." "The deputy said: "When humans leave their technology, the simplest disease is enough to kill them. "

The commander-in-chief said: "Your suggestion is very good. You can write a detailed operational timetable. The entire operation must be completed in three stellar years."


In fact, the commander-in-chief still hopes to wash the ground, which will be much simpler. For example, all the ice in the Antarctic and the North Pole can be melted to submerge the earth's surface. After all human beings are drowned, they can return the seawater ice to expose the land. It's a pity that his battle plan was rejected by the Silver Race, because the Silver Race desperately wanted to preserve all ecosystems except humans.

"Those big shots really don't understand anything." The commander-in-chief said helplessly, they could choose the simplest way, but they had to adopt a complicated plan. Don't they know that in terms of combat, the more complicated the plan, the easier it is to fail?

Of course, the commander-in-chief didn't say this, because he wouldn't run into trouble. The commander-in-chief didn't expect to lose either, only to lose. The Silver Clan is high up and pointing fingers, but the loss is all the fire of civilization of the Black Iron Clan.

But the battle still has to start, there is nothing wrong with that.

Zhao Ergou, squad leader of the Red Flag Company of an artillery battalion in the Jinling Military Region, was called to the chief's office, but instead of seeing the chief, he saw two soldiers with the rank of major.

"Comrade Zhao Ergou, don't be nervous, sit down."

Zhao Ergou was sitting in danger. He had been a soldier for several years, had participated in military exercises three times, and was promoted to squad leader last year. He didn't know what it was, but the other party was the officer, so he had to obey the order.

"You are a native of Jinling, and you live in Xingfu Community on Dongfang Road, right?"

"Report to the chief, yes." Zhao Ergou wondered, did something happen to his family? But his parents didn't contact him either. His family is full of good people.

"So, do you know a young man named Zheng Zha?" the major asked.

"Reporting chief, I know him. He is a close buddy I grew up with, but he went to the north after he went to college, and we haven't seen each other for a long time." Zhao Ergou became more and more strange, thinking that something happened to his buddy ?

Speaking of Zheng Zha, Zhao Ergou has a lot to say. The two of them have completely different personalities. Zhao Ergou has a donkey temper, his grades are not good, and he has few friends to chat with. And Zheng Zha has been better than him since he was a child. Zheng Zha is a child of other people. He went to college to work in a big city and is a white-collar worker. But this guy is too sensitive. In Zhao Ergou's words, Zheng Zha has the sour smell of a scholar , and since Luo Li's death, Zheng Zha didn't like to meet strangers, he looked very sunny, but Zhao Ergou could tell that Zheng Zha was unhappy.

"Chief, is something wrong with my brother? He is just a scholar. Although he is a little bourgeois, I can guarantee that he is a good person."

The two looked at each other and smiled, "Comrade Zhao, don't be nervous, it's just an ordinary investigation, not just you, Zheng Zha's other relatives, friends and colleagues, his former classmates and teachers, we will all investigate."

Depend on? ! What did this kid do? Want the government to investigate everyone around him? Is it a betrayal of state secrets? Zhao Ergou thought in his heart that Zheng Zha, Zheng Zha, I didn't expect that you, a bookish boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would betray the revolution.

But in his heart, Zhao Ergou didn't think that Zheng Zha had this ability. He might have some problems with his life style because he was a little boy. He was not qualified to say that he betrayed the revolution.

"Don't get me wrong, our investigation is not because Comrade Zheng Zha made a mistake, but because Comrade Zheng Zha has contributed to the country." One of the majors said: "But now Comrade Zheng Zha cannot accept the reward for some reason, but we hope that through Investigate and learn about Comrade Zheng Zha's behavior in the past, so we can promote him in the future."

oh? Isn't Zheng Zha going to become like Uncle Lei Feng? Zhao Ergou felt incredible.

"Now tell me what you think of him."

Zhao Ergou's spirit was upright: "Zheng Zha was influenced by me to become a good comrade with knowledge, ambition, ideals and discipline. Without me, there would be no him." As for gold, anyway, he and Zheng Zha have been close buddies for 20 years, and Zheng Zha doesn't care about it: "He is a good person, except for some petty bourgeois sentiments and literati's sour temper. Every time I eat, I rush to pay the bill..." Crackling, digging out Zheng Zha's old background.

The visitor nodded, basically the same as other people's descriptions, he was a generous man with righteousness. "So, do you know any close girls around him?"

"As far as I know, no. Ever since his first love died of illness in junior high school, he seems to have lost his soul. My parents have introduced several girls to him, but they didn't talk about it in the end. I guess he is still single now." Zhao Ergou said that he didn't know what this question meant.

This is similar to what Zheng Zha's parents and relatives explained, "So can you recognize this girl from this back?" The two majors took out a photo.

Above Zheng Zha is looking back with a girl on his back, his expression seems to be being hunted down. The girl can only see the back, not the real face.

Regardless of Zheng Zha's exaggerated expression, just looking at the girl's back, Zhao Ergou's mind immediately returned to the summer ten years ago, and the shadows of the three teenagers running happily dragged away in the sunset.

Impossible, she is dead? !

Zhao Ergou found that things might not be as simple as he imagined, Zheng Zha, what are you doing?

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