Injustice Superman Breaks Through the Second Dimension

Chapter 513 War is the era of gentlemen's movement

Yuanshi Tianzun stood under a lot of pressure in front of the Kent couple, and he regretted that he didn't bring a large army with him. Seeing that Nuwa had arranged a plan for stealing luck with her backhand, and seeing Kent's method of escape from the golden cicada's shell that could deceive the saint, he knew that he would not benefit from these two white-faced people and black-hearted people.

Seeing that Yuanshi Tianzun still didn't leave, Kent couldn't help but said: "Actually, my behavior is to complete the list of gods. Yuanshi Tianzun, you don't have to worry at all, the gods will definitely be completed smoothly."

"How do you say this?"

Kent continued: "The list of gods does not distinguish between good and evil. No matter whether they are loyal ministers or treacherous ministers, they will be sent to the list. Since all treacherous officials and jesters can be listed as gods, who in the world will try to be a good person?" "And I The main god system is different, good people enjoy the treatment of righteous gods in the heavenly court in the main god system, but bad people have to abolish their cultivation bases and experience terrifying reincarnation.

Hearing Kent's self-praise, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't take it seriously: "Heaven gives the wicked a chance, and also hopes that the wicked can correct their evil and return to the right."

"Okay, okay, let's stop arguing." "Let's do it this way. How about sending good people to the list and evil people into the main god space?" Kent said this deliberately, because the guides in the main god space are already overcrowded. The villain should be sent in to enjoy the horrible treatment.

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't compete with Kent, Jian Kent took the initiative to give in, so why not give Kent some face? "Then it's agreed." Although it's not perfect, at least it has achieved results.

Xiqi, Zhang Guifang is in command, and the Four Sages of Jiulong Island are helping to block the gate of Xiqi. Jiang Ziya can only do it by asking fellow Taoists to help.

They invited the third-generation disciples of Chanjiao. These future famous gods are now unknown interns, and they came all the way to help, including Nezha.

It turns out that in the past many years, Nezha has already sacrificed his flesh to return to his father. Later, the real Taiyi used lotus flowers to reshape his real body for Nezha, which made Nezha's combat effectiveness soar.

Nezha still has a fiery temper at this time, just like when he had a conflict with the third prince of the Dragon Palace and made him cramp. Later, the Dragon King of the Four Seas wanted to flood Chentangguan. , It's simply a brat who doesn't agree with each other. Fortunately, Nezha still respects his uncle Jiang Ziya and obeys the command.

The four sages of Kowloon Island started Taoism with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and they were invited by Wen Zhong to come down the mountain at this time.

Later, Nezha's two elder brothers, Jin Zha and Mu Zha, joined the battle together, and the brothers who fought the tiger defeated the Four Saints of Jiulong Island.

It turns out that the three brothers are all disciples of the three generations of Chanjiao. Nezha is a disciple of Master Taiyi, Jin Zha is a disciple of Master Manjusri, and Mu Zha is a disciple of Master Puxian.

The first conflict between Chanjiao and Jiejiao ended with the victory of Chanjiao's three generations of disciples.

The Yin Shang failed in the first attack on Xiqi, and Wen Taishi naturally would not give up. The second expedition was soon ready, and another 100,000 troops went to Xiqi to block the gate without stopping.

Fighting in this era is still very well-regulated and polite. The two armies set up their battles and make war letters, and you come and go like a turn-based system. The advantaged party often gives the disadvantaged party time to think about how to reverse the disadvantage, which is ancient and simple.

Sure enough, there was still no "Sun Tzu's Art of War", and fighting a war was still a very decent thing, and it was not a "soldier's cunning".

Xiqi hadn't recovered from being blocked by Zhang Guifang before.

At this time, Lu Xiong brought another 100,000 troops. If he fought recklessly, Xiqi might not be able to defeat him.

So Jiang Ziya used his brains. He decided to take advantage of the fact that the enemy did not have enough supplies in the summer, and he wanted to freeze the enemy to death in Xiqi by snowfall.

This is not an authentic method, but Jiang Ziya has no choice.

So the temperature suddenly dropped in summer, Xiqi army put on winter clothes because of the preparation in advance, and the unprepared Yin Shang expeditionary army was frozen to death five or six thousand, even the commander was frozen to death, and the rest of the soldiers fled and scattered. , Xiqi won again.

Kent saw it all and found it very interesting. The extremely realistic special effects were really shocking. Even Jiang Ziya's Taoism, such as opening the altar, is quite particular.

These days, spells that change the weather, such as praying for rain and snow, do not need to ask for help, and only depend on the ascetic's own mana. Unlike in the future, Taoist priests can only rely on drawing spells to ask the righteous gods who manage the weather. They will only work for you if they promise benefits and give sacrifices.

After two failed expeditions, Wen Zhong finally decided to go out in person.

Everyone in Xiqi was also afraid when they heard that the Grand Master was going out in person. Rebellion is not a dinner party, but a loss of head. Although everyone says that it is God's will to help Zhou and destroy business, no one can be sure that they will win before they really succeed. Grand Master Wen Zhong is a prince from the four directions of a famous town, and it is normal for the people of Xiqi to be afraid.

In fact, Wen Taishi's 200,000 troops did put tremendous pressure on Xiqi.

The first is food and grass. Xiqi has experienced successive wars and has not much food and grass. Soldiers cannot fight hungry. Although Xiqi worked together from top to bottom to eat less food and called on the people to actively donate food, but in the end there was still not enough food.

Fortunately, Yang Jian came at this time. At this time, he experienced the same catastrophe as Nezha, and he is not a famous fairy in the future.

Yang Jian learned art to save his mother, but it made the Jade Emperor lose face. But in the end, the Jade Emperor still acquiesced to everything, and even owed the Queen Mother for Yang Jian's mother and son.

Yang Jian studied under Master Yuding, at this time he was in full bloom and vigorous, and he was also a well-known immortal in the fairy world. Yang Jian is a genius ascetic. He already has the power of a golden fairy and is good at seventy-two transformations. With him, Xiqi will have a perfect intelligence officer.

And Wen Zhong also got the magic power here.

With the help of the four heavenly kings of the family, they are evenly matched anyway.

While Kent was paying attention to the Battle of the Conferred Gods, he was also concerned about the movement of Chanjiao’s termination of teaching. The second-generation disciples of Chanjiao had clearly stated that they wanted to help Zhou destroy Shang, and sent their disciples to the Xiqi camp one after another. However, the attitude of explaining education is not obvious. Jiejiao did not explicitly say that he supported Yin Shang, but the leader of Tongtian did not stop his disciples from going down the mountain to help Yin Shang.

The Taoists who cut off the teaching were like dominoes at this time. After the Four Saints of Kowloon Island rushed to the street, other Taoists did not have a good impression of Xiqi.

Perhaps this is the shortcoming of monsters becoming immortals, that is, they are not deterministic. They felt that Chanjiao's behavior of killing Jiejiao's disciples was bullying Jiejiao, otherwise it would be difficult to explain their impulsive behavior in the Battle of Conferred Gods.

In the future, when Shen Gongbao came out, he would challenge each other, and the disciples of Jujiao seemed to be very loyal, regardless of going against the sky, they wanted to help Yin Shang to stand out for their fellow disciples.

Kent would like to interview the inner world of the disciples of Jiejiao. What kind of spirit is it that makes so many monks of Jiejiao fall on the front line of conferring gods one after another and make contributions to conferring gods?

Kent was genuinely curious.

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