There is also a difference between aliens and aliens, as if not all foreigners come from a foreign country. Seeing these human diseases, Kent rushes to the doctor, thinking that he, an alien, must know about metal bodies. He can only say that people on earth still see too little of aliens.

As for the matter of the metal body, Soma has already given a warning, whether the metal body is willing to give up the earth will have to wait for a while to know the result.

Human beings thought of another question, why do alien refugees appear one after another in recent years?

In any case, it is too normal. You must know that people on earth have not been able to explain the "Fermi Paradox" until now.

The Fermi Paradox is the ultimate human question of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, "where are they?". The universe is so big and there are so many planets. Since life can exist on the earth, there should still be civilizations similar to humans in the vast universe. Why haven't they discovered humans, and haven't been discovered by humans?

If alien civilizations really exist, then humans should be able to find clues. Human beings can't find any clues, does it mean that alien civilization does not exist?

There is such a paradox in the human world, and many people have conjectured many concepts of the universe based on the paradox. For example, the "dark forest theory" means that the universe is a black forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun. They are not sure whether other hunters are good or evil, so they try to hide themselves from being discovered by other civilizations.

Of course, there are other answers: for example, alien civilizations do not want to communicate with humans, or alien civilizations lag behind humans in technology, or alien civilizations have visited the earth without human knowledge, etc., from motivation, objective The condition and mysticism are used to explain the Fermi paradox.

Of course, with the emergence of Kent and the metal body, those who firmly believe that human beings are alone are naturally self-defeating.

But the paradox has existed for hundreds of years, and it was suddenly broken recently, and there have been successive incidents of alien visits, and there is a subtle similarity between the two aliens, that is, both Kent and the metal body are refugees , their parent star is finished, what does this mean?

Although human beings have not yet developed technology to the point of crossing the universe,

But they have a rich imagination and association ability, as well as a keen sense called intuition.

It's too coincidental anyway, a media person put together this catchy content, like writing a novel, depicting that there is a huge dark force in the universe that is constantly devouring the universe, and the survivable space in the universe is getting smaller and smaller , so both Kent and Metal Body are victims of dark forces, they just escaped by relying on the technology of interstellar travel. Moreover, the media person irresponsibly said that the earth is no longer safe, so the Human Revolutionary Federation began to build the Kuafu after contacting the aliens, and even sold tickets publicly, that is because the dark forces are approaching the earth, Only the rich can escape.

I have to say that the media person's report is very irresponsible and full of conspiracy theories. However, he really guessed some facts. Fortunately, this kind of report that relies on conjecture without evidence will not become mainstream, and will only be respected by a small number of conspiracy theory lovers.

Because not long after Kent came to the earth, the construction of the Kuafu began, and the first passengers of the Kuafu were destined to be either rich or expensive, because the price of the ticket was there. This is simply the perfect soil for conspiracy theories, combining some facts rather than content, making an argument for an unproven 'argument', and it can also catch a wave of Kuafu's hot spots.

With the completion of Kuafu's main engine, the remaining parts are just around the corner. After that, only decoration and testing are left. It may not take three years for the spacecraft to set sail.

The news of the completion of the main engine is the headline among the headlines. The Human Revolutionary Union warmly announced that human beings have mastered the full set of hyperspace jump engine technology, and have officially entered the cosmic age. Quantification and mass production, the day of alien colonization is just around the corner.

After experiencing a world war with a lot of thunder and a little rain, people all over the world are cheering for the great stride forward of mankind. The appearance of metallic refugees at this time immediately made the conspiracy theory more 'credible'.

The speaker had no intention, but the listener had a heart, and this conspiracy theory spread quietly. At first, only a small group of conspiracy theory enthusiasts were hooked. Later, the report was known to more and more ordinary people. The more they thought about it, the more they found it reasonable.

So is the parent star of the metal body destroyed by a star explosion like Krypton? Yes, the end of the metal body is the same as the end of Krypton, but only a few people know this, only the top soldiers in the Veda Fortress and the Kuafu trainees know.

Sha Ci is one of the insiders and one of the people who saw the conspiracy theory.

In the fortress, the interns on the Kuafu have been given permission to enter the Veda computer network, and they can learn more about the universe. Many of the materials were uploaded by Kent, but the information on the metal body was collected by Soma. When she communicated with the metal body, because the metal body creature is a life form with shared memory and has a huge amount of data, Soma transmitted a large amount of data to veda.

Both the metal body parent star and the Kent parent star are destroyed because of the star explosion, is there any connection between them? With doubts, Sha Ci had trouble sleeping and eating, because he felt more and more that the purpose of the Kuafu was not just a simple expedition.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. Sha Ci logged into Veda, and he wanted to calculate the probability of this coincidence. The probability is infinitely small, which means that unless there are objective reasons, it is almost impossible for two civilizations to encounter extinction in the same way. This is the conclusion given by veda, and this conclusion also adds to the credibility of the conspiracy theory.

Is there really a dark force in the universe? Thinking of this, Shaci's back was covered in cold sweat. If, as the conspiracy theory says, then the Kuafu is an escape ship, then only 1.5 million people can survive in the end, no, I'm afraid it won't even be 1.5 million. As an intern, Sha Ci knew that the Kuafu's expected crew would be 60 to 70 percent, or a maximum of 1.05 million people.

As if falling into an ice cave, Sha Ci thought to himself that there is no evidence for all this, so he should not think about it. However, the limited evidence he possessed was not enough to overthrow the 'conspiracy theory' at all, but confirmed the conspiracy theory, which made the kind-hearted Sha Ci very uncomfortable, and he felt that he could not breathe.

No, I have to find more evidence to prove that the conspiracy theory is false, and everything will be fine. But what if the conspiracy theory turns out to be true? Sha Ci was in disbelief, and in the end he decided to investigate first and then judge.

It is best to enter the veda quantum computer, because all the simulations of the Kuafu are carried out on the veda computer. After Sha Ci and the others passed the short training on the spaceship, they began to conduct targeted training on how to deal with the problems given by Veda, such as how to deal with food shortages, how to deal with outbreaks of epidemics, and so on.

Sha Ci felt that if the Kuafu was really an escape ship, there should be a record in the Veda computer. 71

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