After becoming a natural changer in an instant, his powerful brain wave calculation speed has far exceeded the maximum speed that 00 Gundam can operate. When Setsuna's brainwave and the dual solar furnace system reach a certain limit relationship, 00 Gundam will abandon the traditional movement method, but cooperate with the high-speed operation of Setsuna's brainwave to complete the quantum transmission, one step ahead of the enemy to the place chosen by Setsuna A must-win position.

This is also clearly pointed out in the concept of "quantum teleportation": gn particles are the only props that can keep up with the thinking of the changer.

Very idealistic, very stick.

But it is possible, for example, if the brainwaves of all the people on the earth are synchronized with the dual solar furnaces in the solar system, then the earth can be 'quantized' to go to a place that all the people on the earth want to go to, of course, it is only limited to the solar system .

This shows that the gn particle can help all objects to complete the transmission, and it is a crucial medium. Kent wants to restore the relationship between the gn particle and the world, so that the test subjects can clearly see the cause and effect.

Just as the relationship between the computer program and the material world is the code of 1 and 0, the gn particle must also be related to the world.

Aiolia thinks it's human brainwaves, but Kent goes one step further.

"How does Captain Soma feel?" Kent asked, looking at Captain Soma in his bloated spacesuit.

Captain Soma is now soaking in a large amount of lcl liquid. She can feel this liquid inside and outside her body, but her lungs can get nourishment from the liquid: "I'm fine, sir."

This is a huge space, but there are only Kent and Soma in the middle, and the others have to stand outside the space and watch the experiment inside through the tempered glass.

They all showed anxiety and uneasiness, because the experiment arranged by Kent was too 'fantasy', yes, it was too fantasy. He said that he would send Captain Soma's soul to travel in the universe, and let her thoughts go to the end of the universe.

"Dr. Zhang,

No problem, right? "Sergey loves Soma like a daughter, because his son is not like his father.

Dr. Zhang shook his head: "I don't know, I don't understand what Kent did. I studied mechanical engineering and majored in engineering software, and I don't know anything about theology and philosophy." Kent's current experiment has completely surpassed him. cognition.

Livonz still understands a little bit. He knows that the magic weapon of the Celestial Organization is 'evolution' and 'gn particles', but now Kent wants to use these two points to 'create gods'. I am afraid that he will be able to see the evolution of human beings today. It's over.

Soma in the bloated space suit is very nervous. Of course, this is not a space suit, but a new element in which gn particles are highly compressed and materialized, a protective gear made by Kent that can protect Soma from going to the edge of the world.

Of course, there is also the golden hoop on Soma's head, which is a microcomputer that can assist her brain in calculation. With it, Soma can calculate pi in an instant.

And the principle of this experiment is very simple, it is to send Soma to heaven and send her into the dimension of gn particles.

Whether he can become Kent is not sure, but he can be sure that Soma will be safe. If successful, the world in Soma's eyes will be completely different after she returns.

This experiment is not carried out by Kent alone, he also has a scabbard spaceship behind him. And Kent will also use the ability of "Quantum Superman" to lock Soma's position, and make sure to bring Soma back at that time.

"Are you ready?" Kent asked.

Nodding, Soma took a final deep breath.

"Then let's start, count down tens of seconds!" Kent asked Veda to count down.

Ten, nine, eight... two, one!

The entire space was immediately filled with gn particles, and a large number of particles gathered and liquefied to invade the entire room. People on the outside can't see what's going on inside.

The entire space and the dual solar furnaces on both sides of the solar system have achieved the ultimate synchronization, while Soma in the center has entered an unprecedented situation.

boom! Soma only felt her body lighten, and her whole body was flying fast. She wanted to get in touch with the essence of the world and the truth of gn particles.

And Kent's vision has been following her "soul" for a cosmic journey.

Soma felt that she could go anywhere, and she came to the sun at the first stop, without feeling any scorching heat, she came to the surface of the sun and stepped on the fluid to shuttle through the flames.

After walking for about ten minutes, Soma suddenly thought of other places, and came to the edge of the solar system with a thought. She only needs to fly a little more to fly out of the solar system.

Soma felt very surprised, she didn't know what was going on.

"You are now an ascending celestial body." Kent found that the experiment failed to turn Soma into an ascending celestial body, but the energy of the ascending celestial body can be obtained by the gn particle Soma, and it can even travel the universe more easily than the ascending celestial body.

She didn't understand very well, but she felt relieved when she heard Kent's voice: "What should I do now?" She said it was an experiment, but she didn't know how to proceed now, and she couldn't keep wandering around.

"You have now reached the critical point of the connection between gn particles and all things. Now you should be able to feel the common ground between gn particles and the world, and you can also discover the meaning of gn particles in this universe. Open your eyes and you will discover the truth of gn particles .”

Under Kent's guidance, Soma stared wide-eyed and saw that everything can be rewritten into gn particles, which are one of the most basic particles in the universe.

The world is different. The world in Soma's eyes has become a flowing green particle flow, but she herself has become the center of the confluence of those particle flows.

It is two centers, there are two souls in Soma's body, two different brain wave bands, and the particle flow is united around the two souls, as if waiting for orders.

Soma was astonished to find out that she knew another soul: "Mary."

"Soma." Another soul called out Soma's name, and Mary looked at Soma with a gentle smile.

And Soma also laughed, and the two souls joined hands to face this world made up of particles, where they are the masters of the world. With just a wave of their hands, they can rewrite everything.

Soma has changed from a user of gn particles to a ruler. When looking at the world with this perspective, Soma and the others see that the entire solar system is a relatively stable vortex of gn particles.

Gn particles are born from the mutual conversion between energy and matter, and by interfering with gn particles, energy and matter can be interfered in turn. The reason why the solar furnace releases gn particles is because the atomic nuclei in the solar furnace collide and annihilate to create a large amount of energy potential difference and generate energy. The gn particles are discovered during this process.

I'm afraid that Iolia has not discovered the real magic of the gn particle at this time, and only thinks it is a very practical by-product. Of course, even if he discovers the magic, he probably cannot reverse the transformation process by interfering with gn particles, thereby changing the matter.

Kent's experiment was very successful, and successfully created a "god" of this universe. As long as there are gn particles in this universe, Soma Bian can interfere with reality by interfering with the flow of gn particles, and she becomes the largest in this universe. bug.

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