Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 128 Bravely Entering the Zodiac

Although Li Tianyu didn't want to admit it, to be honest, he hasn't eaten with so many people for a long time, especially barbecue. Sure enough, it would be interesting to have so many people barbecue together. Although Zheng Nanxing kept putting some strange black substances on his plate, the whole process was quite interesting.

However, Xia Ning's appetite is really amazing, he may have eaten five people's portion by himself. In the end, everyone couldn't eat anymore, so the seven of them watched Xia Ning eat alone.

And although this guy eats a lot, he is not the type of gobbler like the Monkey King in Dragon Ball, but he eats meat in an orderly manner, and silently finished three servings of beef belly under the gaze of everyone.

"Huh..." After Xia Ning finally wiped his mouth in satisfaction, Li Tianyu cleared his throat: "Now we can talk about the business, right? There are still about two days before our next main line. Because there is still I don’t know the mission requirements, so I can only make complete preparations. Before the main mission starts, I don’t recommend continuing to complete the mission.”

"It's really a non-distinctive plan." Xia Ning said with a sigh, and then his expression became serious: "Next time the main mission, remember not to choose after entering, wait until all other players choose, the eight of us have to choose a person A relatively small lineup. After entering this way, we can eliminate more players."

"Well, this is a feasible idea." Li Tianyu rested his chin and mused, "Moreover, there are fewer players on the winning side, which means that the number of players who can get the 'victory reward' is also relatively small."

If the main task is the same as last time, it doesn't matter whether the number of people on both sides is equal, because the part that is not equal will be balanced by the system. However, after the second round of missions in the second round, the number of players was reduced to 56.

In other words, in the last round of missions, two players were eliminated. But actually there is still a problem...

"Hey, can you really kill people?" Li Tianyu asked hesitantly, "I'm not sure."

"Naive guy..." Shi Chao folded his arms and snorted, "At that time, when you die or I die, you naturally don't care about those. Saying this kind of thing can only show that you haven't met Formidable enemy."

Lin Muxue was playing with her mobile phone and added in a low voice: "Maybe it's because he's a good player. You've actually met a good player, right? But Aning isn't A Yu's opponent either? You have the confidence to win a fight with him." ?"

Shi Chao's brows trembled slightly, but he couldn't refute: "You woman is really annoying sometimes."

"Because I always tell the truth?" Lin Muxue asked with a slight smile, "Thank you for the compliment."

"I didn't mean to praise you at all, okay?!" Shi Chao said angrily, but Li Tianyu interrupted them: "In short, as long as we can win. It doesn't matter how you win. You have the style of your team. We The team also has the style of our team. But in fact, I am quite looking forward to the first cooperation with you, let's cheer together, shall we?"

With that said, Li Tianyu stretched out his hand. But Xia Ning patted his hand away with a flat expression: "Just don't hold back."

But Lin Muxue held his hand happily, and said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to it too, little brother! The combination of Xinwang and my abilities will definitely be very powerful. At that time, I will investigate the military situation first and cooperate with you." God's punishment first deal with a group of enemies."

Although there are still almost two days left, but because it is already evening, the main line will start in the morning two days later, and there are only more than 20 hours after deducting the sleep time, so there is actually not much time to prepare.

Of course, it has nothing to do with them when it comes to preparation. The preparations for the others are just to rest, and Liu Zihao will be in charge of the props. He will make some new things based on the undead cutting props unlocked this time, and consumables and the like, except for the pick-up and binding props such as meat supplements, the others are also prepared by Liu Zihao, who made him rich... …

On this day, everyone nervously waited for this moment to finally come, and the countdown to the second main quest ended.

The pixel light spread out, and all the players came to the preparation room again. Only this time the number of people they could see changed from four to eight. Xia Ning nodded to him from the side: "Wait for the others to choose first."

However, the mission scenarios and mission requirements are announced first.

Task scenario: "Saint Seiya Golden Zodiac", task type "PVE/PVP", task requirement "???", basic task reward "400GP, 1 point SP (additional rewards are provided according to the score)", number of participants" 56/56".

"Saint Seiya?" Li Tianyu frowned suddenly. He actually likes this anime very much. After all, it is everyone's childhood memories. But in all fairness, this anime is very strange in terms of power level. There is no reasonable explanation, nor is there a science. The class, saint clothes and so on are incidental, only the aura of the protagonist is the strongest.

Wu Xiaoqiang is obviously a bronze saint, but he beats silver, gold saints, ghost fighters and even gods. Xiewu and others who are also bronze saints are weak from beginning to end because they are only supporting roles. This is the difference between the treatment of the dragon and the protagonist. .

However, this time the players selected the lineup as "Athena's Saints 0/28" and "Pope's Saints 0/28".

"Yeah? The number of people on both sides is the same this time." Li Tianyu secretly said in surprise.

Immediately, the players began to choose the camp, and soon Athena's Saint Seiya came to 12/28, while the Pope's Saint Seiya came to 4/28. Maybe it's because everyone wants to protect the goddess with big breasts and revealing clothes.

"If this is the case, let's join as soon as possible. We are eight people. In the end, it will be embarrassing if we leave four places on one side." Li Tianyu replied, and at this moment, "Athena's number of saints has reached 24/28 ".

"There is no choice." Li Tianyu said helplessly, and then joined the "Pope's Saint Seiya" force.

Soon, Athena's Saint Seiya power reached 28/28 full, and the remaining players were automatically assigned to the Pope's Saint Seiya side, so the number of both sides was full, and they began to enter the game scene. The darkness dissipated, and they appeared in the sanctuary church, where all 28 players were.

Before the official start, the two sides have a preparatory stage for player exchanges. But the strange thing is that there is no NPC this time, only twenty-eight players are here, and there is not a single golden saint.

At this time, the mission request of the camp also appeared: prevent the Bronze Saint Seiya forces from using Athena's holy shield to revive Athena.

Then, a player-assigned interface appeared in front of everyone, including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and other golden zodiac palaces plus the final "Pope's Basilica". Strangely, there is a "0/2" number behind each Golden Zodiac, and a 0/4 number behind "The Pope's Basilica", which should be the assignable player.

"It means that each golden zodiac can be assigned two players to guard it?" Li Tianyu said to himself, then turned his head to look, and there was indeed a "clock" marked with the constellation map of the zodiac behind him, but now No fire yet.

In the chapter of the Golden Zodiac, Athena was hit by an arrow in the heart, and the bronze five must arrive at the Pope's Basilica within 12 hours, and use Athena's holy shield to cancel the golden arrow, otherwise Athena's heart will be pierced by the golden arrow .

Now, the two sides are playing the role of these two forces. The difference is that this time it is the player who will replace the Saint Seiya instead of assisting the Saint Seiya to fight. Therefore, it is simply the players who determine the success or failure of this time.

" this time there are more PVP elements." Li Tianyu was a little excited and nervous, and then waved his hand, "Then, everyone, come here first, let's discuss tactics and personnel allocation."

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