Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 651: The pit is still chic

nbsp; The whole environment that houses the people is falling apart.

Ysera couldn't help but ask Kane what to do.

Kane felt that the question was a bit out of standard, especially Ysera.

The master of the emerald dream, the illusion and the space, should be his field of expertise.

The high-level sacrifices where the enemy can make full use of the power of the holy weapon, at the expense of sacrificial equipment and death, and even sacrifice in the area of ​​the sacrifice, the cost is not large.

So what else can I do? Be responsive.

Overall, Kane, who is experienced in combat, is the most outstanding, or somewhat greedy.

Not only did he contain the troops in time, he did not even let go of the other party's holy objects.

The performance of the dragons is relatively poor, but as the highly evolved life of Azeroth, and the equipment provided by Kane, as long as it is not natural, there is a chance to respond.

Of course, this should be nothing compared to Kane's operation. It is nothing more than strengthening energy protection, gathering each other, and even using energy chains to prevent getting lost in the endless void.

This kind of space sacrifice is sacrificed, but there is no friendliness at all. It is very normal to get lost. Few people are as life-threatening as Turalyon. Rescue to Naru.

Kane collected free energy as much as possible. This process is a bit like collecting air masses or dust clouds in space.

Despite its thinness, it still has some gains.

Alexstra and Ysera saw this scene, only envious.

It is not that they do not know the preciousness of the extraordinary power at this moment, but their technology is not enough to complete this subtle collection operation. You can't even use your hands to remove water, and you can't do it by leaking a part from your fingertips or around.

Although Cain's free power utilization rate is high, it can also be consumed. In order to accommodate the war worms and prepare for various new situations, he simply uses magical power to force the disintegration and dispersion of some substances.

With his custom of cost performance, it is natural to do it, not just to build a block pedal, but to urgently sacrifice a simple large magic instrument.

In any case, a lot of extraordinary power has been spent. The new platform is almost completely created by invading the constrained material with extraordinary power. Then why not add some more and make it more powerful.

So in the rising flame of holy light, a golden floating dish was born from the disintegrating stone chips, just like knocking the mold of the mud embryo and taking out the cast metal utensils.

This floating dish has a pure gold color and is divided into three levels. The bottom area is the largest, and there is a rune ring formed by a circle of planet characters on the edge. It is a magic circle, which is mainly used to lock energy.

On the bottom layer of the wide ring platform, there are circuit-like lines and dots, dense and dense, but very clear, because they are purple, which forms a sharp contrast with the golden background.

If you look closely, you will find that these lines are actually composed of magic lines. In the eyes of ordinary people, the lines are twisted lines, but many twisted lines, arranged in accordance with certain rules, will form a pleasing pattern. This is what it is.

Those points are also composed of mysterious symbols and magic patterns. These symbols are not planetary characters, but some are like Nordic runes.

Kane Sun's soul splitting does not know its true source, but only works. In fact, its source is the world of "Diablo", when Kane deity arranged the abilities for the incarnation, all of them were systematic. Kane Sun ’s professional technology was mainly from Blizzard Universe. Many, to give yourself a full set.

If the scientific circle is used to describe the law formation formed by these exclusive runes, it is the artificial sheep water tank used for cultivating biochemical weapons.

It's just that in the high-magic world, the energy field is mainly played, and the energy film is replaced by high-strength glass.

Shadow trolls can be fully repaired and nourished in this magic circle, even more modified and modulated, and also save energy.

The second layer of the floating dish is for the holy ... light puppets, the style is similar to the height used by the shadow trolls, except that the extraordinary energy used for etching and burning is pure holy light, not shadow. Force, its color is light gold, or gold is white, such an energy law array and conduction vein, only when energy is transmitted, it will become conspicuous due to highlights, which is also very beautiful, especially from a macro perspective Look, mysterious and gorgeous.

The third layer of the floating dish, which is the highest layer, is the most simple. It is not at all the core of the magic center. There is only a semi-transparent golden platform without any complicated symbols or textures.

However, this does not mean monotonous and ugly, because the energy furnace of the floating dish is just below. From the bottom of the floating dish, it is a shallow semi-circular cover like a flying saucer, which is buckled at the position corresponding to the central area of ​​the floating dish.

From the overall point of view, it is actually a ball stuck in the middle of a dish, but the position of the ball is a bit higher, rather than the midline overlapping with the horizontal plane of the dish.

The energy furnace can be understood as continuous casting, so that the energy is always maintained in the required state. This mainly highlights the stable and durable device, which not only can select the caster, but also has higher adjustability and fault tolerance. And in the long run, energy saving is also a major feature.

Alexstrasza and Ysera are naturally envious of Kane's ability to create such large-scale wonders in minutes.

Kane is actually quite proud of himself. He has a lot of proud thoughts: "You have to get people to give me the nickname" Creator "to prove that the people's eyes are sharp."

The creator, the creator, although he has not been able to reach the lord, he relies on this extraordinary alchemy, but it is also very compelling.

The dragons greeted each other, and after the initial panic, the floating disc on the side of Kane had been generated in the flying debris. And I already have more or less in my mind, "Kane is a cow, don't compare with him, this is no embarrassing" concept of dragons, naturally came together and landed on the central platform.

Kane has used a series of sturdy performances to conquer the pride of the dragons. Without the desire to compete, the atmosphere of each other is immediately harmonious.

Kane didn't say anything about it, but he didn't know that the dragons came with awkwardness and trouble.

With a wave of it, energy bubbles appear. These nearly transparent bubbles float in the central platform area. Anyone can use it. Kane himself uses one of his thoughts and then uses it as a seat, although it is not as good as the throne. Pretend, but more comfortable. Similar to the seat sofa, the hardness and shape are adjustable. Stools, chairs, futons, and couches are all fine.

The subtext of this expression is easy to read: we ca n’t control what happens next, but we can sit around and wait ...

It has to be said that Kane has such a skill, obviously being pitted, which can give people the feeling that he deliberately let the opponent pit, so as to understand the opponent's more cards, or the characters behind the scene.

Of course, what the truth is, Kane knows.

The Kane deity deliberately allowed the secondary avatars to inherit those profound lessons and information. Therefore, Kane Sun ’s split soul was aware of the experience of a doppelganger being exiled and not asked for a long time.

As the saying goes, it is pitted once, others are shameful, pitted twice ...

Kane is now considering whether the realm of time and space is his biggest weakness.

Seems to be counted.

Don't look at him as a teleport, a star gate, and a jump, it seems to be quite advanced, but these are only basic abilities compared to the vast multiverse, far from mastery, let alone freewheeling, traveling Thousands.

In addition, the name did not have any name, but he succeeded in pitting his high priest. The words spoken before his death were also quite intriguing.

His style of conduct is distinctive.

On the one hand, he is extremely generous and willing to share information, technology and creation with others.

On the other hand, he is extremely stingy, so he spares no effort to eliminate evil and carry out annihilation battles, in order to make as few people as possible understand what his real hole cards are, especially battle-related.

But even so, the enemy can still make predictions on his ideas through horizontal comparisons and guess six or seven points, which is worth vigilance. ...

One of the vigilance points is that he does n’t know when to start. He has rarely mentioned “Lion beats rabbits and uses his best efforts”, but talks about cost performance. This kind of thinking of taking bean bags as dry food is understandable A form of pride.

Mine is good, more expensive than others. Whether it is an object or energy and physical effort, this is actually arrogance, complacency, and selfishness. I take myself too seriously and I do n’t have that simple entrepreneurial spirit.

Time passed silently in the fright of the dragons and Kane ’s self-examination. The whole projected area looked like a comet that lost its mass, free energy and disintegrating substance, turning into mist. The shape or powder is scattered, forming a long trail, just like a fall.

It will eventually fall into a pit, and Kane can't be sure until the answer is revealed. But it ’s definitely not a good place. ~ ~ After all, the dead high priest told him a lot of mouths. People have waited for a long time to wait for the right offering, and know him It is a character above the demigod level, and it is also clear that there are two guardian dragons accompanying him.

In this case, it can basically be said that, at least in the eyes of the high priest, his master's appetite was very good.

To be honest, Kane couldn't think of anyone in Azeroth, who dared to pretend that.

The ancient gods may be victorious during the period of victory, but after being sealed for many years, they certainly cannot. After all, the seal means being completely defeated, and the seal is not a charge. I am afraid that it can be one-third of the peak period, and I am already patient and operating.

The other animal gods are awkward to say, but they have mastered the magical power, but they only use the powerful Warcraft in the way of energizing. He was not at all stunned.

As a result, his curiosity was not satisfied in the first time. When the scene was clear, Kane found that they were in a very bad environment, but there was no great **** waiting, and he was prepared with a knife and fork. Enjoying a beautiful meal, there is only a feminine and secret atmosphere,: //./11_11766/ ()

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