Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 635: Forgive me for being so straight

Although there is nothing really correct, Kane still wishful thinking that the Garin City industrial zone was attacked by geological weapons as a result of the operation of the super large circle of Sargeras ’tomb.

As far as he knows, although Azeroth has a lot of magic, but it can only play a handful of geological weapon attacks.

The stone mother Selazan is counted as one.

However, the stone mother is peaceful and does not like to fight. She has maintained a hostile relationship with her heirs and the other three elemental lords, and even continued a long war.

Selazan is also the only elemental lord who is not imprisoned by the guardian, but who is willing to go to the source of the depths. And she has the task to protect the pillar of the world and maintain the stability of the land plate.

As far as Kane knows, this maintenance has a very strong orderly character. In other words, the Sierra Zane line is to protect the shape of Titan from Azeroth, so that it will not change much.

It is important to know that in this high-magic world, the conversion between energy and matter is relatively easy, and it can even be understood that the entire world is alive, without the relevant framework constraints, and geological activities will be more ordinary and more intense than it is now. many.

Therefore, in the opinion of Kane, Selazan is a friend, not an enemy. He even planned to wait until the overall strength of the worm swarm to rise to a new level, and then take the initiative to see Selazan. He knew that there was a lot of trouble on the side of the stone mother. In addition to coping with the erosion of the other three elements on his field, he also had to guard against the penetration of the ancient gods.

The other one who can use geological weapons is like an enemy, a guardian of the earth and mountains, and Death Wing Nasario.

Saying he resembles an enemy is mainly because Kane is not sure how deeply he was influenced by the ancient god's nagging and whether there is any help.

If there is a rescue, Kane still intends to rescue, rather than killing and pulling down. I have to say that although the protection of the dragon's power is mainly due to the magical qualities, the time has a great influence on its strength and even the heart.

Relatively speaking, Kane still trusts the experienced elders. They often have the wisdom to return to the original level. Although the younger generation is more energetic and accepting, but in the face of the test of right and wrong, temperament is prone to large fluctuations. For the leaders, this is very problematic. After all, his words, actions and decisions often affect many people and things.

In addition to these two, the most noble guardian of Leiden is also able to use geological weapons. It is he who, together with the Titan witch Heyer, completes the imprisonment of the element lords.

However, the guardian had received the soul fragment of Aman'sul, the father of the gods, and knew the death of the Titan gods, so his will was depressed. Later, the Thunder God, the leader of the Mogu tribe created by him to look after the heart of Yashaji, was accidentally found and defeated, seized its power, and imprisoned it in the secret room of the Thunder Island Palace.

Leaving aside these three, only the magic power of Sargeras ’tomb can pry the earth ’s crust and launch a geological attack. Kane naturally chose to believe this possibility the most.

With one in two, Kane was reluctant to wait for his opponent to accumulate power and try again. The loss of the Garin City Industrial Zone has now been carefully calculated and converted into money, which is about 30 million gold coins.

So much money is enough to form a medium-sized Kul Tiras fleet, or another Royal Cavalry Regiment of Lordaeron. Not to mention the time spent on resumption of work, etc.

The dragons naturally didn't care about Kane's loss, but they were really interested in Nesario's lair.

The gastronomy worked, and Alexstrasza was not as embarrassed as before. She asked straightforwardly: "Can't you guide us to Delano to find Nesario to settle the bill?"

Ysera looked at Kane with expectation.

Kane whispered, "Lack of some necessary conditions. For example, the exact coordinates of the world of Draenor. There is a point worth noting here, that is, the technical system I use is not the same as Azeroth. Therefore , Even if anyone can provide relevant data, they have to be converted before they can be used, and conversion requires a large number of parameter comparisons, which means that the coordinate data of Draenor is not enough. "

Alexstras frowned: "So troublesome."

"Well, my department does not rely on face and character to achieve their goals, but on high-end technology and a lot of pre-preparation. The unique space door we used when coming, I believe both of you feel it.

Alexstrasza and Ysera Llos thought for a moment before they realized that brushing their faces and brushing their characters meant that things were done by luck. Unconsciously, it was a bit dark. Obviously, Kane was ridiculing that their technical risk was too high.

The real reason for being black is that Kane is telling the truth, but they are used to seeing this situation as normal. I am used to taking risks, and I am used to hearing the bad news caused by taking risks every once in a while.

After a long time, Alexstrasza was full of disappointments: "That is to say, you can only provide some information to help us achieve our goal?"

Kane shrugged: "It's not impossible for you to think so. But in my opinion, it's just one of several analytical perspectives."

Ysera lowered her fork and sat upright. "Oh, what do you say?"

"For example, one of the ideas, we can stand in the position of Nesario and think about it. Even if it is crazy, we can still understand the ideas." Kane explained: "For Nesario, Azer Russ will always be the most important world in his mind. He has worked painstakingly in the outer realm to establish the Dragon Dragon Army in order to exert his power in Azeroth, complete the cause he thinks must be completed, or achieve a certain Kind of vision. "

Ysera heard the meaning and chimed in: "You mean, he will definitely come back, so we don't have to go to him, we just need to lay it in his den and wait for him to be arrested?"

"Uh ... this is just an option." Although Kane did have plans to let the dragons accompany him to the Broken Isles, he didn't feel the need to deceive to achieve his purpose.

Therefore, he still expressed his opinion: "This choice is better than killing you in a strange place, doing a fight with Nesario and his party in an unfamiliar environment, and then being escaped by him. Spectrum. Are you still tired of this hide and seek in these years? Under the background of unfamiliar life, Nesario is not willing to fight hard with you. How confident are you to leave it? "

Alexstrasa and Ysel Ramen looked at each other and could not answer this question.

Because the actual situation is that there is no certainty.

Even if there is no dragon soul, Nesario is still the strongest single guardian among the dragons, and they have no restraint in their hands. Nesario really wants to die, they really stop it. Can't live.

It used to be said that Nessario would never be able to get out of the scope of Azeroth, but now the alien has become a foothold, and it may not be possible to hang up with someone from the Burning Legion, and then there will be more worlds available select. If it becomes like that, how to pursue it?

After the silence, Ysera asked: "You don't seem to be optimistic about trapping in its den?"

"Well, it's not very optimistic. Nesario has ideals or obsessions. For this reason, he has abandoned the protection of the dragon's glory, moral bottom line, etc. The weight of a nest, I think it can only be said That's it. "Kane didn't simply pour cold water, and said:" It makes him care, it's about some feelings. After all, it is the highest mountain, the highest mountain in Azeroth, and the meaning is different. "

Alexstrasza also entered a state at this time, asking: "So, what do you think should be done?"

Kane smiled and gave a preventive shot: "What I said may not be very nice."

Alexstrasa pouted, with a look of ‘I knew that’.

She discovered early in the morning that although Kane was peaceful, he despised the dragons from the heart.

This also explains why Velagosa's attitude is so bad, and he dares to take a hard hand if he doesn't agree.

Kane did not eat this set, he said in heart: "Early after the Titans left, the guardians encountered a big trouble, death, prisoners, betrayal, you guard the dragon like no parent. The child, who grew up in the wild, said that we are the guardians of the power given by the gods, who ca n’t give up three points? But in fact, how much bad things are done? "

I have to say that the arrogant and arrogant nature of the dragons is indeed related to the lack of tutoring. In Azeroth, they dare to count what they are not, almost no. Not to mention face to face.

Kane knows that some people do n’t understand the truth if they do n’t say it, but they are loyal and unwilling to do something that offends people. For strong people around the level of demigods, Azeroth is just a big pond, and his head is not seen. Yes, maybe the other party's situation will be useful when, what happens after tearing the face?

I know, but I still have to say that it ’s not because of Kane ’s honesty, or his emotional quotient is not enough, and it ’s not Weiguangzheng, but that he thinks it ’s appropriate to break things early and listen in, then everyone will be happy later. Play, if you ca n’t listen, then go bye, do n’t interact with you, and do n’t mean that you must have your dragon to participate in the big event, especially the pig teammates ’traits are already obvious, and they do n’t want to change it, so why should you use it? In order to increase the difficulty, more challenging?

Kane said, "Both are known as queens both internally and externally. I don't hide the two, I also claim to be a king. We all know that the king is not only glorious, but also responsible. I don't know the two How do you understand the responsibility of the king? In my opinion, the king should try to abandon the impact of emotions on choices, especially negative emotions. "

Alexstrasa raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "Are you against our revenge?"

Without being influenced by Longwei, Kane shook his head gently and calmly: "Where do you fall, where do you climb up, this hatred is not reported, where is the prestige?"

Alexstrassa's face squinted slightly, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean to have an overall plan for doing things and understand the priorities. Or to put it another way, what exactly are you willing to pay for revenge?"

Alexstrasza was just about to express his attitude, but Kane rushed back to push back what she was going to say: "Don't tell me to chase down to the end of the world, the sky is old. All have lived for tens of thousands of years, the idea is so single-threaded Is this interesting?"

For Alexstra and Ysera, although 'single thread' is a new word, it does not hinder understanding.

Kane further explained: "Eternal chase is a kind of effort, and painstaking management and preparation are also a kind of effort. How much do you know about the current Nesario? What strength and means does he have? Are you prepared? What kind of solutions and artifacts? Is it possible to find what you want as soon as you find ~ ~?

Alexstrasza and Ysera were silent again.

Kane poked the pain again.

Their plans are good when they say that they are adaptable, while they are hard to say that they have no plans at all. Find first and talk again. As for what to say at that time, most of them rushed to fight.

Seeing this, Kane said: "Fortunately, you can at least distinguish between right and wrong. This is the basis of salvation."

He brought up Alsace's relevant materials and showed them to the two in the form of magical influences and narration.

And explain: "This is a very classic process of being gradually distorted and deceived by hatred. Whether it is the Burning Legion or the ancient gods, they are very good at using these methods. They are for the dark side of negative emotions, intelligent biological nature. Understanding and research far surpasses the technical level of many known civilizations. Just like another way of interpretation of the magic penetrating gun, you have seen the magic penetrating cannon of Velagosa not long ago, our enemy of life and death You can imagine some of the terrible things now? "()

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