Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 552: Behind the scenes

Terenas was sinking like water, with deep grief in her eyes.

Seeing this, Kane took the initiative to speak openly: "His Royal Highness, your control of power is not bad, but the attribute of Frostmourne is too strong. The alarm device keeps flashing, we can't ignore it."

After the cold joke opening, Kane got to the point

"As a father, the king insisted on confirming your attitude. In fact, we all hope that we guessed wrong. Your choice makes everyone regret."

Alsace's gloomy face changed suddenly, and he laughed: "You think you are the winning side? You frogs at the bottom of the well, don't know what Azeroth will face! What will happen next.

With that said, he danced Frostmourne, releasing his famous skill, and death entangled.

Kane took it easy.

When Alsace's black skull with a poisonous green haze waved from his sword attacked him, Kane seemed to slap it with his hand and shattered it directly.

Turning your hands over again, those dissipated, seemingly dangerous energies disappeared as if wiped away with a rag.

"Your Highness, the use of this power is too rough. Do you still remember the concepts of control and purity we have discussed? I think you are probably fooled by some novelty."

"Don't say as if you know everything, how can you understand my experience and mood?" Arthas snarled and rushed up.

Kane admitted that compared to the young paladin he remembered, Alsace's strength is indeed not small, fast, and fast enough, and he can also experience the veterans of warfare that tend to be smooth. Traits, obviously, a large number of battles tempered their skills, but these are not enough.

"If it is the state after Weareone, holding the frost sorrow after killing enough heroes, I might still be afraid, now ..."

As he raised his hand, he directly pinched Frostmourne's sad sword.

Arthas's feeling was that the sword was completely melted into a huge iron ingot.

"How is it possible !?"

"If you know the principle, it's not that complicated."

Kane explained very eloquently: "The power of the soul disappears. The power I take is full of the wish of all beliefs. It is far more pure and huge than the similar power in this sword. Then its magical effects are also It disappeared. And, to be fair, the gift from the Lich King was not generous. "

Then Frostmourne changed his mind.

Arthas tried his best to resist, but failed.

Now Alsace, whose strength is a high-level death knight, was quickly defeated under the powerful power of the targeted and well-prepared plans.

Kane seemed to be taking the sword off with bare hands, but he took some risks and used tricks.

To win strength, to gain momentum, and finally to gain strength, this is a trade-off, and as soon as it is shot, it wins Frostmourne.

Without this magic sword, Arthas is like a snake with fangs extracted, and there is no capital to want to make trouble.

"Ah, ah!" Arthas, who lost Frost's sorrow, quickly screamed in pain, his blond hair turned into frost-white color in a very short time, and his handsome face was completely twisted by pain .

"Here, Your Highness, take this first and give it a go."

Arthas snatched the object in Kane's hand, a short spar scepter. When Ethan took it out, he felt the familiar and strange power.

As soon as the scepter started, the pain quickly began to alleviate.

"I, I mean ... I can't hear the voice that keeps talking in my heart! I can be myself again!" Arthas felt that his condition seemed to be back before pulling out Frostmourne.

"It's just temporarily blocking the contact. The moment you pull the sword, it's like signing a contract. The magic oath is not so easy to lift."

"What should I do?" Arthas asked weakly.

"Start by trying to forgive yourself."

Arthas twitched her lips and smiled: "I never knew I was wrong. Where do I need forgiveness?"

At the same time he spoke, he was in trouble again, a wave of purple energy fluctuated, wrapped his right fist, and slammed between Kane's chest and abdomen.

Boom! Not to mention the strength of the fist, the penetration of energy is very strong, and even a part of it protrudes from the back, giving the impression that Kane's body has been punched through.

"The power from the sacrifice of one's own vitality is indeed pretty good. But what do you think of the prince? Do you think you can capture the hostages and hold them away?"

Kane, while blocking Arthas's mad tiger's mad attack, said in a calm tone: "It has failed, why not give yourself a little decent?"

But the more he was like this, the more angry Alsace was.

The anger was so furious that Arthas stopped, and said with a dark face: "I failed, but the Lich King's plan will not be terminated. Azeroth still has to meet the fate of destruction. I advise You, taking advantage of the current elections, surrender and allegiance are the only way out. "

Kane said: "Young prince, your IQ is not online! At this time, you and I am this?"

And the answer of speaking out is: "His Royal Highness, all you can offer is generosity in words. How many people will take this choice after taking away life, soul, and all things cherished?"

Arthas sneered: "Is it? I feel that if the result of disobedience is far more terrible than death, then making a huge sacrifice is not so difficult to accept. Alive, there is a chance of change."

Kane nodded and said, "This is a heartfelt word."

After that, Kane said nothing more, but gave the dominance to Terenas.

Terenas and Arthas have a lot to say, but here, not father to son, but king to courtier, Terenas has not forgotten that he is first a king.

So Arthas was invited to the Forbidden Demon Prison, and Terenas continued to host the welcome event.

The fake prince, who had already been prepared, came on stage, accompanied Terenas to appear in the public, showed his father's filial piety, gave a speech, and won countless cheers.

This is a public figure, whose face is more valuable than life, and must maintain its image.

There are still natural disaster party members in the Northern Expeditionary Army.

One part is the apostate, and the other part is the fighting power given by the Lich King after Arthas pulled out Frostmourne. This part was originally a human being who explored or pioneered in Northrend. It was already a puppet that he was arrested, trained and practiced by the Lich King for many years.

Kane buried assassins in the Northern Expeditionary Force. Soon after Arthas returned to the camp with Frostmourne, the agents sent the news back through the Freemason channel.

So Kane calmly arranged, in addition to those against Arthas, naturally also against these natural disaster party members.

These party members fell on the poison they thought was the most unlikely trick.

Undead are immune to toxins, and even cursed Christians are extremely immune to toxins. But enough high-end synthetic toxins are not within the scope of immunity.

The triumphant warriors, the grand banquet, the people gained confidence and eased their emotions. Their prince led the warriors and successfully avenged the dead, and evil fell again under the hammer of justice.

And the king also got what he wanted, the cohesion of the whole people was strengthened, and the authority of the king was further strengthened.

On the night of the feast, after the private talk between Terenas and Alsace in the Forbidden Demon Prison, Kane appeared again.

Kane's butterfly has been working hard for many years, and the overall situation has changed a lot.

As the striker of the Burning Legion, after completing the Northrend conquest, the Lich King only discovered that the Alliance had already stepped out of the trauma and influence of the war, and its strength was more than ever.

The natural disaster plan of the original historical line is based on the Kingdom of Lordaeron being the hub and core of the alliance. The defeat of Lordaeron, due to the beheading effect, can make the alliance crack and then be broken by each.

In the world with Kane, the Lich King faced a situation of economic upswing and separation of politics and economy when formulating big strategies.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron is still a well-deserved leader of the alliance, and the population, overall strength, political influence, and various big data can explain the problem.

But the sudden emergence of the Falken Kingdom made Lordaeron only be able to sigh awesomely in important economic aspects. Even the heart of victory is almost lost.

This means that the alliance has two hearts, one politics and one economy. The Lich King was once the spiritual leader of the tribe, and it still roughly understands the significance of Falken's strong manufacturing to the alliance.

It can be said that even if the Scourge can defeat the Lordaeron Kingdom in one fell swoop, the Kingdom of Falken will replace it, just as in the War of the Beasts, the Kingdom of Stormwind is destroyed and the Kingdom of Lordaeron takes over the enemy.

When the Lich King was making a big plan, although the Kingdom of Lordaeron was still the most suitable target, the overall strategy was already very different from the original historical line.

This time, the Lich King did not take it for granted that he could bury the Kingdom of Lordaeron by relying on Alsace.

His expectations for Arthas are not too high.

It can only be said that, depending on the situation, it is up to the specific situation to determine which step can be done by an adult.

In this case, it did not show much disregard for the Burning Legion.

And the fear demon kings also see the situation clearly. Although they have various opinions on the Lich King, they are even more afraid of the punishment they can face to complete the task. Infighting is thus greatly suppressed.

Under the leadership of the three leaders of Varimathras, Marganis, and Banazaar, the cooperation of the fear demon kings and the lich king is still tacit, and their "manipulation" expertise can be played.

It is for this reason that the Kingdom of Lordaeron will still have so many leading parties and cursed cultists after Kane has made a series of efforts.

For the sake of the big plan, the dreadlords have been infiltrating as early as 18 years. And completed the initial placement, and the construction of strongholds.

The Barov family's betrayal of Alterac was the first performance of the dreadlord.

Kane didn't know that they buried the wire so early.

Of course, it was eventually discovered through clues, and then he began to reflect. He guessed that the big plan to burn the army had a big difference with what he predicted.

However, it is already too late to make monitoring arrangements at this time. More importantly, relying on those members of the shadow, there is no way to stare at every important person. World of Warcraft is epic, and there are many important heroes in the game. This is not a random cover.

Kane knew the sharpness of the dreadlord.

He felt that the history of the development and destruction of the Scarlet Crusade in the original history line is a good example of its sharpness.

Saidan Dasuohan, unfortunately separated from the team in a battle, was seized by the secret Bazanar and took the body after being killed.

Through his leadership, Bazzanaar firmly held the Scarlet Crusade in his hands and cultivated a group of fanatical and unscrupulous extremists.

In the end, the Scarlet Crusaders became the evil undead and demonic existence they had vowed to fight to the end, very ironic and thought-provoking.

It is precisely because he knows the means of the dreadlords that Kane is not optimistic about the situation in the early stage.

He knew that there was no way for him to persuade the lords and people of Lordaeron with empty teeth.

If you talk a lot, you will be provoked by the dreadlord, and even the originally harmonious relationship will be broken.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron, and even the Alliance, must inevitably pay enough losses to wake up and feel pain.

The facts also proved his inference.

Including Thoras? Torbain, I do not believe that there will be such a force that can make Lordaeron pay such a heavy price, let alone the leaders or people of other countries.

So from a certain perspective, Kane and Medivh face the same dilemma.

He is stronger than Medivh in that he is more ample in time, and not only saves the country by mouth, he can use the power including influence and authority to make various arrangements.

Some of his arrangements are selfish.

For example, he was partial to the Silver Knights. He did not want this organization to fall into the pit prematurely and be hit by heavy fire.

This arrangement is to hope that if the Kingdom of Lordaeron collapses, the Knights of the Silver Hand can use the name of the Holy Light to quickly gather people's hearts.

The doctrine is there, they are more reliable than the rotten nobles.

The nobles not only have the disadvantages, they are also more likely to be penetrated. Needless to say, the interest is too much, and the Silver Hand is much better in this respect. In addition to the doctrine constraints, it is also because it is a young and dynamic emerging organization. It is different from the holy religion of Xishan in the abyss world.

In the face of the disaster, the Kingdom of Lordaeron needs a bright banner.

Moreover, for Kane, the longer the burning invasion is delayed, the more beneficial it is to him and the entire alliance. Therefore, he was unwilling to break out prematurely, and even burned the Legion fiercely. He was worried that with his relatively weak accumulation, he could not laugh to the end.

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