Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 550: Deep dive

Zandalari is a very unique one of the troll tribes. It can be said that they are like the Fireblade clan to the orcs, and have the nature of fellowship, rather than the common tribe, relying on blood and common cultural customs To maintain centripetal force and cohesion.

The history of the Zandalari tribe can be traced back to the time of creation. At that time, even the later elven tribes were nothing but trolls named Dark Night Clan. The well of eternity has not yet been discovered, and has gradually become another species.

Among the Zandalari tribe, the most commendable and respected profession is the scholar. This includes historians who study the ancient history of Azeroth, as well as experts who study techniques such as magic.

Zandalari has been committed to preserving the history and culture of trolls. It can be said that in terms of mind, they are the closest to the peak of the troll civilization.

After the explosion of the Well of Eternity and the collapse of the Mu continent, the troll civilization began to decline from its peak, and the Armani troll is one of them that has better knowledge retention.

So although they also have blood sacrifices, but that is a kind of belief and culture, it does not mean that they drink blood.

It is also because of better cultural heritage that the Amani trolls still respect the Zandalari trolls, knowing that they are a school clan, but they do not know whether they are still the goal of knowledge after a lapse of many years. Special tribes that unite the clans.

The mysterious secluded tree tribe, however, acted happily and went directly to dry goods. The messenger said that Amani was in danger, and the secluded tree was capable of saving Amani. That is, the sea boat!

The Envoy of the Tree also shared the information detected by their scouts. The elves opened a large factory, and metal puppets were produced and assembled from the assembly line, day and night.

As of three days ago, the elves had at least 70,000 metal puppets, and their target was mostly 100,000.

When so many metal puppets are advancing across the Armani tribe, the Armani trolls realize the reason for surviving, and the animal gods they believe in cannot help them resist such a huge military force.

Well, now I do n’t need to discuss whether to move or not, but to discuss with whom.

In the end, it was divided into two factions who could not persuade anyone. One faction chose Zandalar, and the other faction chose Yushu.

The relative number of choosing Zandalar is relatively small, but most of them are combatants with strong combat effectiveness.

There is also a small total within Amani, and the life under the fence is not easy. No matter which one you choose, you must reflect your own value, which is the way of long-term existence.

Zandalari used force there, and the officers had more opportunities to go there.

The secluded tree is mysterious and kind, because the Armani troll also belongs to the forest troll. As far as they know, except for them, the Catherine trolls seem to have failed to pass on the civilization heritage better, and even they are mostly Ru Mao drinkers.

So, Amani may be able to gain a foothold with technology, and then use culture to reverse the other's brain and make it a small tribe in Amani's big family?

But when this part of the Amani trolls boarded the ship prepared for the Yushu tribe, their understanding changed. They realized that the previous speculation may be wrong, and the Yushu troll looks like it does not lack technology ...

In any case, the fleet of the Quel'Thalas elves is really late, unable to catch the troll fleet that disappeared into the forbidden sea.

The Silvermoon Council is naturally very annoyed by this, but backhand, they agreed on a special plan.

Instead of destroying Zul'Aman completely, the Quel'Thalas elf gave a certain degree of repair.

The reason is that only by giving the strong enemy the respect he deserves can he reflect his greatness.

This is also true. If the Armani troll is described as a turkey dog, then the elves who have fought with them for thousands of years and finally defeated by purchasing the technology of other civilizations are also very ugly. ?

After Kane knew the result, he smiled and never mentioned it again.

The elves love face and are hypocritical.

Resolved the feud, there are no outsiders on the side of the couch that make the elves sleep. The elves are in a good mood, and they even look down on the alliance.

They took the initiative to send more power to participate in the remnants of the undead in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and actively engaged in technical navigation with the countries of Kul Tiras. They also wanted to eradicate the roots. They plan to develop it. The nautical forces, forming a fleet, hope to find and destroy the remnants of trolls hiding in the taboo sea.

Trolls were once the most prosperous race in the ancient continent of Kalimdor, classified according to cultural customs and living areas, including jungle trolls, forest trolls, frost trolls, and sand trolls.

In the eyes of Kane, a scholar who can be called Azeroth, the jungle troll is the most civilized, and the Darkspear clan is the representative.

In the most prosperous years of the troll race, the two troll empire, Amani and Labash, represented the forest and jungle factions, respectively.

The survivors of the forest trolls, except Amani. There are also withered trees, sin branches, evil teeth, and withered leaves of Arathi.

Taking out the habitat distribution map, we can see that the troll was squeezed to the edge by the later wisdom population.

The fate is somewhat similar to the Indians. They are indeed the first comers. The vast land is their home, as evidenced by the architectural remains of various places.

From the perspective of trolls, elves and humans are all intruders, and they are fighters defending their homeland. Is this justice? To be fair, it counts.

The struggle for survival cannot be simply distinguished between right and evil.

He is the boss behind the tree troll.

He also destroys men and women who are long because of the elves, and has developed civilization, and the trolls of various rickets, big fangs, and big feet are biased toward the elves emotionally.

He even believes that whether it is the night elves whose trees have been burned in the original history line, or the remnants of the high elves of the Azshara line, the fallen night elves who survived in Suramago and lived as ghosts, or Quel'Sala After the destruction of Sri ’s Sun Well, the same kind of miserable elves, who had a tragedy in the population, were all responsible for themselves.

Civilization retreats without progress.

And, since you know that there are multiple planes, and even the existence of the Burning Legion, what reason is not to cheer up, but to waste a long time in their own way?

As a human being from the origin world, the elves' tens of thousands of years of civilization history certainly envyed Kane, but they also despised it.

He is very proud to say: "If we humans have ten thousand years, it is estimated that even the Mongolian navy has really conquered the stars and the sea."

Born in sorrow, died in peace. The various pitifulness of the elves ’original historical line can now be found in the details of their lives. Since you are so busy that every street tree has been shaped by you, then do n’t complain about being kicked by a strong enemy and committing adultery. , Killing and setting fire. I think about the cause and effect here.

So he did not hesitate to save the troll of his ancestor Oman. He looks at the problem from the overall situation. He doesn't want those trolls to die under the hate of hatred. Even if they die, they should die in the battle against the Burning Legion, of course, in the workshop.

So, on a huge island unknown to the forbidden sea, the Zul'Aman trolls started their new life, and this new life is very different from the past ...

In the magic universe system, a world is often not a planet, but may be a super large island floating in the astral world.

But Azeroth is round.

In the ancient continent of Kalimdor, with the explosion of the Well of Eternity, Lu sank many parts, the largest of which are Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdom, Northrend, and Pandaria in turn.

The smaller ones are the Three Pieces, Broken Islands, Kul Tiras, and Zandalar Islands.

Few people have seriously thought about what this large-area land-continent concept behind the continent represents.

Kane thought about it.

In the original world, junior high school students all know the plate floating theory and the mountain peaks are squeezed out.

Many areas of the ancient continent sank, then?

It can't be reflected in other places.

The image says that the meat is in the pot and the total amount of soup is fixed. If you press this side down, there will be no bulge there?

This analogy may be rough, but it is not rough. After all, what happened to Azeroth was Lu Shen, and not part of it was blown into space.

Substituting in the perspective of the disaster blockbuster 2012, the crustal movement, many areas have sunk, and the Cape of Good Hope in Africa has become the highest peak in the new world ...

So, in the second year of the production of the armored ship, the taboo sea exploration ship released by Kane personally set sail.

The endless sea does not need to be explored. He knows the places where the veil has not been unfolded in front of the people, but it exists. Tabu Hai didn't know at all, but he thought there must be a new island.

The name of Taboo Sea is mainly because of the legend, there is no one to go back, very evil.

Kane never believed in evil, he designed the exploration armored ship he knew that even if the torpedo blasted the seawater below the waist of the ship, the exploration ship would not be broken from the void, it was so solid. He did not believe that there was any natural force that could tear up the armored exploration ship of a semi-submarine and a half-sea ship.

There is nothing difficult in the world, only fearful people, Kirishima was found, and the Amani trolls were arranged there.

A rough ecological identification showed that the existence of Kirishima was earlier than the current Kalimdor continental pattern, and there was land before. Later, with the explosion of the Well of Eternity, the land area increased again, 10,000 years, Let the plants in the original island area spread to the new land, but it still has not been completely covered. Some places are very desolate, and even the soil is not easy to see.

In addition, Kane also understood that the name of the Forbidden Sea did indeed make sense. Deep inside the Forbidden Sea is a chaotic land.

The Titan gods reformed Azeroth in order, there is a starting point and the periphery, and it has not been reformed.

The Forbidden Sea and the ancient Kalimdor are at the opposite ends of the planet, and they can be said to be the place farthest away from order transformation.

The laws of the natural world are severely distorted here. There is no regularity in the transformation of energy and matter. The transformation is constantly taking place. The energy released is huge and violent. It is indeed not a general danger.

But for Kane, this is a good place. It is an ideal place to study the formation of the supernatural world.

And the universe of World of Warcraft is not the same as the traditional DND world universe. Here is a highly mixed nature and supernatural, which has both the characteristics of the universe of the natural world and the plane principle of the supernatural world. Very research value.

It was precisely because of the discovery of the secret of the Forbidden Sea that UU read that Kane vaguely understood why the other half of the planet Azeroth was always so disaster-ridden.

The environment here is too cruel, except for elemental creatures, ordinary life cannot survive, so it is extremely barren.

The Titan gods did not dare to build the dungeon that held the ancient gods here, because the ancient gods are tigers and dragons, and here is the mountain and the sea. Putting tigers back to the mountains and arrogant dragons into the sea, the fun is great.

But the question is coming again. If so, why did the later C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, and even Enzos have to make trouble there, so don't hurry to come here to absorb strength?

He pondered that the three of them had never really been out of trouble. The things they did were equivalent to issuing orders from the villain through the prison and playing in person with the body. There was still a big difference.

Azeroth, the famous fairy pit, is also a gem pit. Compared to this rare research environment, the name of the salvation hero and the like are shallow and flamboyant, and he is completely uninterested.

In a playful tone: Prince Garin Tolbein, in order to gain knowledge and power, has gone further and further on the non-mainstream branch road ...

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