Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 543: Lordaeron Army

The light of dawn hadn't faded yet, and Uther rushed to Andorhal. He received a letter from Terenas, and the Knights of the Silver Hand will formally intervene.

It must be said that the information transmission of the countries of the Union is much higher than the original historical line.

In the original historical line, the plague of the Scourge has already raged in Lordaeron, and Tenaris is still in the palace with his neighbors. When Medivh went to lobby, it happened to catch up with this scene.

Terenas is not a faint, incompetent monarch.

On the contrary, Terenas was a little bit bold, and he was decisive. It was he who let the Alliance troops kill the Dark Portal while the momentum was like a rainbow, and eradicated the orcs.

Many people believe that this bold and wise decision was made by Turalyon, and Terenas is nothing but a ‘command and command’ that everyone knows.

But in fact it is not the case. Neither Loza nor Turalyan are big nobles (Loza noble blood, but have fallen), they are just heroic commanders with very high personal charm.

Fighting is a stage for heroes, but once it expands to the level of war, and more heroes, it is a banner created by decision makers according to their needs.

War is the act of organizing forces to fully confront and fight, and the battle of humans and beasts in Azeroth is even a racial war. In such a battle, the hero commander is the brightest gold in the sand set off by the big waves, and the king is represented. The rulers are the forces more likely to influence the direction of the wave.

Without Terenas' decision, without the unanimous support of the parties headed by Lordaeron, Turalyon's appeal was no longer strong, and he was unable to kill the Black Gate.

He is the successor of the Union Marshal Losa and a Lordaeron. He swore allegiance to the king. If he violates the monarchy, he will lose most of his glory, and only his authority may be lost. He will continue to throw away his family and work hard, never too much.

It is with the full support of Terenas that Turalyon and other talents led the army to kill the black door, and there was a belligerent battle over the door, completely killing the wildest bloodthirsty clan.

At that time, it was difficult for the orcs to form an effective joint force. Ner'zhul, who had the best chance to regroup and stabilize his position, was unwilling to fight for war, and he was not willing to add his core team to the melting pot of war for other clans.

You know, most of his core team is shaman and sacrificial, and the ability to slap others ’lives is first-rate, and it can be reluctant to act as a caster. 'S piece of knives beat each other against their faces.

There is an old saying in the East that will be the courage of the three armies.

Ner'zhul at this critical moment, the orcs were really forced to a desperate end.

Of course, Turalyon also failed to laugh to the end. Because Illidan Stormrage brought the Naga and the blood elves (The Age of Frozen Throne).

Speaking of returning to Azeroth, the successive kings of various ethnic groups in various countries will find that the fairy pit of Azeroth can not raise a waste king. If Terenas is incompetent, it will have been replaced.

The faintness shown in the original history line is caused by many reasons.

The orcs are in trouble, the wounds of the human-beast wars have not healed, there are monsters and bandits everywhere, the people's living conditions are very bad, and the most basic security, food and clothing are difficult to solve.

There is also the drawback of the feudal system. The nobles of the feudal land have independent judicial power. If they cover the cover, or they do not cooperate, then the problem can be easily covered up.

In general, Terenas was facing a vicious cycle, and he was indeed old and lacking energy.

But as a king, Terenas is generally competent. It was the Lich King who was too sharp. The father of the Burning Legion gave the switch. Northrend had been farming for ten years, and the time to invade the East Continent was just right. Not only the economy, but also the military aspects such as the warriors who are capable of fighting, have problems of being unconnected.

The arrival of Kane allowed the alliance to quickly improve after the Second War of the Beasts, and the economy accelerated. Even some of the stubborn illnesses of the past were eliminated. Such as mountain bandits, kobolds, jackals and other monsters.

Since the 18th year of the Warcraft calendar, there has been no market for robbers and wandering wizards in the Northland. There are so many profitable projects to do, and you have to fight home and be robbed, and then be used by others to make achievements. Most people cannot do this.

When the situation improves, the noble class will benefit most.

Their reverence for the kingship is increasing day by day, and the grievances and even the suspicion of gradual breeding that have gradually grown into obedience and favor.

Even if some lords are still reckless, they often have so-called loyal people who are loyal to the country and love peace. As long as they have the head, even if they are suffering now, people rarely choose to rebel. If the lord is stern, most of them will have to lie down.

So today's alliance, now the Northland, now the Kingdom of Lordaeron, before the king is driving, there are still a lot of people who work hard to do things. Naturally also includes intelligence work.

What happened to Andorhal last night, Terenas knew it at breakfast.

After a little thought, he sent a letter to the Knights of the Silver Hand: the demon invaded and the dead resurrected.

This reason is enough to invite the Knights of the Silver Hand.

After that, he sent a letter of gratitude to the Kingdom of Falken and Grand Duke Hesslin.

Thank you for seeing the distress signal and leading the army.

More importantly, by the way, in the case of the undead, Terenas is not ignorant of warlocks and evil spells, dark spells, and necromancers. He knows the severity of the situation.

So Uther took people to the front, and at this time, there were two roads in front of Alsace, with a paladin, following Uther. Or participate in the event in the name of a prince.

In fact, the prince does not have much real power except to push the grid high.

The Minister of Missions is a more powerful position, and he represents the King. Arthas can now choose to complete this leap. Of course, this is somewhat irregular, but with the situation at this moment, I believe that people will choose to ignore this.

After pondering, he chose this leap.

Do it first, and then make up the vote. For this, Arthas sincerely wrote a letter to Terenas. Roughly speaking: Time waits for no one, and only in the name of the royal family can the people in the place where the incident happened be evacuated.

As soon as Uther and others arrived, Salelian resigned to Arthas. The Falcon Cavalry is part of the Falcon Kingdom. Although it is an ally, it is another country after all.

To continue fighting, it is necessary for the Kingdom of Lordaeron to send a clear invitation.

Arthas, on behalf of his father, as well as the Kingdom of Lordaeron, once again thanked the Falcon cavalry for their emergency assistance.

Arthas didn't want to owe too much to human relations, and he was very confident in himself, thinking that Lordaeron was capable of handling 'housework'.

So it became the three-party coalition army, the kingdom army, the largest landlord army where the incident occurred, and the Knights of the Silver Hand.

All this is organized and organized. The situation is very different from the original historical line.

The Knights of the Silver Hand, where the original historical line Uther was located, was raised by the Kingdom of Lordaeron and does not have such a relatively detached status as it is now.

At the time the Hearth Valley was attacked, Arthas sent Jaina for help, and the Knights of the Silver Hand arrived. The slogan during the charge was: For the King, for Lordaeron.

This is no longer the case. The Knights of the Silver Hand have a written agreement with Lordaeron. Members of the Knights admitted that they belonged to the Kingdom of Lordaeron, but the Knights were first and foremost the defenders of the faith of the Holy Light, the guardian army, and then the soldiers of the Kingdom.

Therefore, Arthas could not dismiss Uther's power in the name of the king in a rage like the original historical line.

Of course, it doesn't have to be so hard.

Another reason for this was that the Kingdom of Lordaeron did not have much combat power, and the internal division of the army was not clear. The Knights of the Silver Hand and ordinary soldiers were mixed together. Senior Paladins such as Uther were also troops. commander.

Now it is clear that the military system established by Kane has inevitably affected other countries. The military of various countries is more professional, and it also has more professional soldiers.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron now has the Royal Knights, which includes heavy cavalry, hussars, and the Royal Guards. At the same time, there is the Kingdom Army, or Border Guards.

In addition, the Kingdom of Lordaeron has a mobile force called the Silver Eagle Army.

The battle flag of the Kingdom of Lordaeron is very abstract, and most people can only read the long and sword-like parts like the scepter, and the three sides of the scepter or dagger, which represent the royal family and the three Grand Duke. The rest of the structure with anchors and sextant is not very understandable.

However, the two-headed eagle, the national emblem of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, is well understood, the Tirisfal Glades, and the Dalron region.

These two areas are the traditional territory of the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the most well-developed and prosperous place.

At the beginning, Thoradin the Great founded the country with a tolerant attitude. He was tough and soft, and conquered all human tribes one by one, but allowed him to retain his own cultural customs, traditions, and even the army system. The leaders and most members of all human tribes admire Soladin's strength and mind, and are willing to unite more closely around it to create a better tomorrow. So the tribal era ends and enters the kingdom period, and Soladin is called emperor.

In fact, the 'Emperor' of Thoradin is somewhat reluctant to say, or it is a reputation given by later generations for his contribution to unifying the clans.

Anyway, in Kane's mind, Qin Shihuang's "same book, same car" integrates from the cultural level to become the emperor.

And like Thoradin, it is actually a great chieftain.

Sure enough, people's minds changed later, and the Seven Kingdoms were established one after another.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron was founded by two ancient families, and one of them fell afterwards. Eventually, he ruled the other party in a more peaceful manner. This is another origin of the double-headed eagle badge.

This declining family is named Nitro, Duke of Dallon.

Although it is a duke, the family is no longer beautiful, leaving only the Shuanghu area as its territory. The core city is Colin (town), just north of the west of Tyr.

The land in the hands of Tyre was originally owned by the Nitro family. It is the only area in this area that is suitable for port building, and the land value can be imagined.

So many people think that Terenas will use it for the Knights of the Silver Hand, which is mentioned here. Some people even said frankly that the royal family of Menethil did not want to give the Nitro family a chance to rise again, so they did this.

Perhaps Terenas used a slap to give a sweet date strategy. The Supreme Commander of the Silver Eagles is served by the Nitro family and is also based in Colin City as compensation.

The family also knew that the supplies were pinched in the hands of the royal family, and they could not turn over the storm. But it ’s not good to complain. Who let himself not be disappointed and defeated the family business left by his ancestors?

Now there is the Silver Eagle Army, which can be regarded as a shock to the surroundings and stop the decline. The people of the family plan, and then through several generations of efforts, slowly restore the reputation and strength.

Because of this, the Nitro family can be said to cling to the thighs of Lordaeron ’s royal family, and also try to have a good relationship with the silver hand. No, it is better to think about how to get more benefits from it. Whether it is going west or going north, the materials coming out of the Faw Port have to pass through the city of Colin, and vice versa. Therefore, the prosperity of Fau Port is also very beneficial to Colin City.

This time Terenas's paper, Ron Nitro took the Silver Eagles and ran to meet Alsace and Uther. And specially brought a lot of people.

Arthas and Uther are satisfied. The former felt that he finally had a moving army that he could command. The latter felt that the other party was doing their best this time. At the same time also secretly sighed.

On the occasion of employment, most of the power of the Silver Hand is making money to fight monsters in the Kingdom of Stormwind. Then a reliable combat power is necessary.

The Silver Eagle Army is not bad, at least it is highly mobile, and most of the soldiers are new generations who have completed all training subjects. Although they have not seen blood, they are also highly malleable. Can become an excellent force with tenacious style.

In this way, the Kingdom Army of Lordaeron and the undead Scourge began a formal contest.

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