Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 515: What is the point

Teresa has the same status as the princess except that she has no status, and she has a queen to support her. Every day, the two are as tired as their mother and daughter.

Of course, it's unlikely that the arrogance of Onyxia will lay down his body for this kind of thing theory. It's too cheap.

Onyxia did not want to show satisfaction with the marriage. After all, she was actually a captive of Kane, which was almost a life-long stain.

What she didn't know was that one of the main reasons why Kane's cheap mom didn't like her was this.

Subtext: Who is my son? Appearance, background, background, and achievements are not worth you? How proud are you?

Fortunately, Onyxia's interest is not in mortal customs, her favorite and concern is Kane's creativity and action.

What surprised her the most was Kane's efficiency in her career. It's just a dream.

Compared with Kane, she felt that her bear's paw Nefarian was just a pig, occupying the Black Stone Tower for so many years, but there were few real achievements.

Looking at Kane again, last month the project only existed on paper, but now it has become a real thing and has been put into practical testing. It changes with each passing day.

She couldn't help curiosity and asked Kane why it was sharp here.

Kane said half-jokingly about this: "Human beings are short-lived species, they are not efficient enough."

Onyxia naturally understands that this is not a question of longevity and shortevity, but of ability.

She has also been in the human society for many years, not a pure girl who knows nothing.

If human beings are like Kane, no, even if it exceeds single digits, the whole Azeroth is probably already under human rule now.

Onyxia, the satisfaction and love for Kane started from admiration for his ability.

Of course, this is very similar to Theresa, but behind the admiration, the reason is very different.

Theresa is more admired and admired because her husband is such a good person.

And Onyxia, her little abacus never stopped playing.

As an ambitious woman, she has the mind to be king. It is becoming increasingly inconsequential to those that Nefarian has engaged in Blackrock Mountain, and he has set up his own stove again to establish power in the dusty swamp of Kalimdor.

If Kane did not intervene, according to the original historical line, in a few years, Onyxia, like those guarding dragons, will find a few spouses and then have a bunch of heirs.

Dragon **** is kinky, but it's not just talking. For example, the dragons (humanoid bodies with upright legs), and the lizards (like the centaur, the body is a lizard, and the upper body is a humanoid deconstruction, but the appearance is still a lizard), although they are all oviparous, they are not giant The products between dragons, but hybrids.

Now, Onyxia, who is next to Kane, is no longer looking to build his own army by quantifying farming. Too inefficient!

Kane's new way of establishing systems and warfare groups is her new love. The more you think about it, the better you feel.

However, Onyxia is not lacking in IQ to be able to play with the human nobles like Fortaleg who have seen the world. She knew that it was not the time to ask for it.

And as a longevity species, her perception of time is different from that of humans. She decided to be patient and be the princess for a few years, enjoy the material life created by industrial civilization, and learn from Kane how to control this system.

As a woman who has been in the human world for a long time, Onyxia has been very difficult to live that kind of life.

Especially Kane from the great food empire, using authority and money to search for alternatives to spices such as star anise, pepper, ginger, etc., and introduced the food culture of Stromgarde to a new height, Onixi Ya thought it was too wrong to live in her childhood.

Now, let alone **** food, poorly cooked food, she refused to touch it.

Onyxia's favorite food is ice cream of various flavors, and then cream cake.

It is conceivable that the prosperous origin of the world ’s food culture on the basis of great material richness, slinging the stewed barbecue of humans in this world in an all-round way, really speaking, there are only about the panda people on the island of Lost Island. Some achievements.

Therefore, Onyxia was caught in the stomach by the food, not surprising.

Onyxia is haunting Kane every day, and Theresa is the opposite, not sticking at all.

However, Theresa also has an idea and is unwilling to be waited and do nothing.

And Theresa is very visionary, and she expressed her willingness to take care of the flavor industry for the royal family.

Planting and even marketing.

Her father, a small businessman, is of the same level as a salesman.

Although it is a small business, in this era, it is very difficult to complete the small business, and Teresa learns better by listening to his father ’s education about his brother.

Kane has nothing to do with this. He is well aware of the shortcomings of monopoly and the principle of hiding wealth among the people.

The more he wants the deformed and prosperous civilization he built for a long time, the more he must attach importance to decentralization and benefit the people. Only when they get the benefits and have a head start will they delve into and solve various problems that arise. Know that you have your own hematopoiesis.

Otherwise, it would be the death of the people. He walked forward, and the Kingdom of Stromgarde would soon spread out, and then became a relic that was once highly developed and extremely glorious in the mouths of future generations, but it was ruined by natural disasters and man-made disasters.

In addition, the third human-beast war and the invasion of the Burning Legion are not far away. Naturally, he has personal demands. Recently, he has mainly arranged the overall situation.

Like the spice planting and selling, he just controlled the big veins without violating his ideas or affecting his plans. Others were left to those who were willing and capable.

The main thing is to have the will and learn it if you do n’t understand. What he has here is the textbook. And the willingness to do things and the attitude of dedication is not a book.

Judging from the results achieved so far, all aspects have been fairly good. After being aroused by the enthusiasm for a good life, the Aboriginals are full of energy and have a good learning progress. They are also more receptive than he imagined. Perhaps this is related to the popularity of magic in this world. All kinds of bizarre situations and incidents have been eye-catching since I was a child. I am also willing to believe in some statements that violate the original cognition, rather than being stubborn and exclusive.

The progress in the economic field is gratifying, and Kane has more time to focus on military and political governance.

Shortly after the sacred temple was publicly established, he ordered that the Knights Templar divide up several teams to various countries for friendly exchanges.

The purpose includes establishing and strengthening the status and strength of the paladin system of the human kingdom, making this new battle post widely known and unified and standardized (similar to the battle hall in version 7.0).

This is an ambitious project, but it is reasonable.

The Knights Templar now has the strongest and most complete paladin system and skills in the entire continent. Naturally, it is necessary to carry out the karma of karma. When people mention this battle, the first thing that comes to mind is the sacred temple of Arathi.

As for Alonsos, Uther, and Fording, the one they established, although established earlier, has been thrown out of several streets.

After all, to perfect a battle position, it is not enough to rely on talent and determination. The original historical line Paladin was rampant after the plague of Lordaeron, especially after Stratholme was captured. According to legend, it is widely known.

This gave Kai Enjie the first free time.

Who is authentic, who can hold high the banner of competition and chant.

And to put it concretely, the Templars are all fledgling, and he thinks he is in place for training. Templars with fanatical qualities were very hardworking and devoted when they were trained.

But their career time is too short, and the experience of applying the technology is still lacking.

This is not to be taken for granted, but as the apostle of the Holy Light, he came down in person to make the knights feel more than one.

After carrying out special restrictions, with similar physiques and hardware conditions, relying on excellent skills and old-fashioned stunning, he will not want to abuse a group of Paladins.

To use that buzzword: I feel that each other is not playing the same game.

The same is a paladin, and strength, speed, mental strength, etc. are also found as far as possible, and the gap is simply the difference between cloud and mud.

However, the Templars did not lose their fighting spirit by Kane. Rather, I saw a higher climbing goal and a vaguely visible path, and annihilated the arrogance I had cultivated before.

This is exactly what Kane would like to see.

The unity of knowledge and deeds, the road is at the feet, what is missing, what to make up, friendly exchanges, and eliminate the violence along the way. Prestige experience brush together.

In addition, he also suggested that Thoras sent a falcon striker to cross the Sador Bridge to help human dwarves, traditional allies, to clean up the hidden dangers and problems of the wetlands.

In Kane's view, when it comes to this project, you have to say two people. Ennis and Varokar.

The two fully embody a saying from his hometown: gold always shines.

In the original historical line, Ennis, who assisted Prince Garin to retreat to the refuge valley, and Varokar, who still did not fall behind in Stromgarde and still insisted on patrolling the main road, were Garin's left and right arms.

In this world where history has changed, the two still stand out with outstanding performance. Become a grassroots commander you can rely on.

The two were appointed by Kane as the main and deputy commanders to support the operation of the dwarves.

The Falcon Striker, commanded by them, has extremely sophisticated weapons and ample supplies.

Kane not only added the field hospital system to the Falcon Legion, but also added the logistics cooking car system. One car can take care of a platoon of soldiers to eat normally ~ ~ Delicious meals to eat.

Others, such as marching camps, yoke trucks, and engineering vehicles, are also much more advanced than in the past. The troops march quickly, are highly self-sufficient, and can maintain high combat effectiveness for a long time.

Just the year before, the Falcon Army had assisted the dwarves to eliminate the crisis of the Sador Bridge.

More than 300 black iron dwarves have spent nearly two years in labor reform. Its leader, Karamos? Ember Bear, was squatting in jail and was pulled out of torture from time to time.

Another leader, Warlock Bargaras, became an important helper for him to deeply understand and study the skills of the warlock.

Balgaras was naturally reluctant at first, but his timid fear of death was successfully exploited.

The reason why Kane opened this warlock skill research project is not to appease the use of evil energy and void energy technology, but to pave the way for Gul'dan and Ner'zhul.

Going further, he said that the Burning Legion and the Void Majesty were regarded as the most important opponents.

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