Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 357: Grey Beard Tech Tree

From the perspective of the positioning of the role played in society.

Marsala belongs to the lowest type, and the raw materials are produced.

To some extent, this colonial star is like an old-fashioned coal mine town in the age of the earth. Various non-standard mining operations are rampant. Dust pollution makes the land that is not very fertile (generally the land with mines is relatively barren). Planting is no longer possible, and once the mine is hollowed out, the mining town begins to enter the countdown for disintegration and disposal.

One level higher than Marsala's resource star is the production star, with super sweatshops and sweat workers. Basically, it is foundry, and capital will find ways to make this cheap labor.

The second is service stars. Tourism, farms, and various services are the main pillar industries of this planet. Rich people here have farms, villas, horse farms, islands, and can enter and exit various entertainment venues selling gold caves. It's a good place for a vacation.

The top level is the Financial Star, the business street of the new era, the Financial Street, the headquarters of many large companies are here, in a landmark office building, white-collar workers and gold-collar workers from 9 to 5 are remotely controlling their star production factories and services. Star business. This is the center of the political-government finance of the human country, and the air is full of the smell of power.

The levels are clear and the order is orderly.

From this perspective, Kane is a rule breaker.

He brought the production technology to the resource star, and substituting the small-circle social system degree into the resource star. Then come up with a deformed small society.

The population of 2 million, even in the age of the earth, is not much. Many urban populations in the second and third tiers of the East have this number, not to mention those first-tier cities.

But after all, the times are different. This is an era in which one person can build a building as long as you master the operation technology that is not difficult.

A SCV, using related packaged parts, can create a workshop, a factory, or even a city like a player.

Therefore, the technical control of the Federation is very strict. The people who prefer Resources Star use backward technology and low production capacity, and do not want them to master advanced technology, so as to gain greater autonomy.

Regulation, the Federation believes that the long-term stability of society lies in regulation. The closer to the core, the more advanced the technology, and vice versa, this is the regulation. In the words of the founding family: "Even if they are all chaotic thieves, they can be crazy What is it like? "

There is another saying: "Aren't you pursuing freedom? Isn't you pursuing closeness to nature? Go to the periphery of human civilization, where it is closest to nature, and most helpful for you to play the harmony of nature and man, and ecological harmony. And We call this kind of person an unfit person eliminated by modern society. "

There are really a lot of people who go to live on the outer planets, and there is an endless stream. Just like in the age of the earth, there are always people who will go to Qinghai-Tibet to seek the sublimation of the soul.

Of course, what most people feel more deeply is the altitude sickness and the intensity of sun exposure.

These people have basically returned. There are still a handful of people who can live in peace and happiness. Without mental problems, what they have not experienced is that they ca n’t afford crude tea and rice, and spend most of the day on inefficient living.

So Marsala can't keep people, but wherever there is help, people want to go to a prosperous place. Of course, except those who have no expectations for the future.

Kane has heard people say more than once: "I heard that it is more to earn a meal in Tasannis than to work hard in Marsala for a day."

This reminded Kane of Mr. Qian Zhongshu's "Besieged City". Asking for food in Tasanis is more than Marsala earns, but for the same piece of bread, Tasannis is 10 times the price of Marsala. Not to mention that there are many additional things.

Kane wouldn't talk about it with people.

He just played his game step by step.

He was like a smart scalper, who had to squeeze some oil out of his hands.

Of course, he disregards ordinary finance. What he squeezes is people's creativity. This is how the wealth mythology came from.

Now his military factory produces weapons day and night, not only self-sufficient but also sold out.

CMC-550 power armor suit, this is the most advanced armor suit on the market.

Equipped with advanced nuclear, biological and chemical defense systems, auditory reinforcement system and life-saving system.

Even a gravity generator can be loaded so that the wearer can walk in a gravity-free environment such as a space platform.

It is better than gravity boots because the generator has an effect on the whole body, which can avoid the impact of weightlessness on the human body.

As for infrared detection, terrain navigation, target sighting (with the ability to calculate advances), status monitoring and other functions, it is integrated into the sighting system.

There are also head-up displays, noise shielding devices, security locks, voice-activated lighting systems, and other newest models of this type of functional components and some external pendants.

These can be found in the CMC-550. The Pakatan Rakyat now mass-produces this. It only takes 2 hours to arm a Marine Battalion. If the physical data of the personnel of the Battalion are submitted in advance, it will be faster.

This business is very popular with the Pakatan Rakyat, and even the federal garrison is running to trade in for new ones.

At that time, the garrison mainly used CMC-400, and even some CMC-300 were in operation. This is of course caused by the purchase cost of embezzling equipment.

But now the actual combat power is needed. These people are in a hurry, crying to the top, asking for military expenses under the name of the normal needs forced by the situation, and then giving some leadership to all levels of filial piety. After cleaning up, you can basically make up for all the people to change, so that the shortfall is also made up, and the hard power improvement has been achieved. The official hat is kept, why not do it?

So when the EFF inspection team came to Marsala to check the morale of the military, they thought they could grab some pigtails and took advantage of the opportunity to control them, but they found that the garrison commanders here were all clean Like the white lotus, the arms situation is surprisingly good.

Later, after another secret visit, I realized that the problem was with the Northern People's Democratic Union.

Specific investigation of the Pakatan Rakyat again, the root cause is the gray-bearded mercenary.

Grey Beard has made a lot of war money in recent months.

But what they mean is to make money, earn money and invest in Minke technology, and then make money for technology. What is even more abominable is that they replace official functions, earn money that can only be earned by government and government, and are very black!

There is a very good set. Even so, those pariahs still obediently paid the bill!

The military was jealous. Especially after a small calculation, the profitability of the Northern Pakatan Rakyat ’s productivity is enough to feed a medium-sized space fleet.

Then the note flew.

"Where did your technology come from? It's all banned, even banned from private use. Honestly accept the investigation and don't clarify the problem, so don't mix it up."

Where did Kane put this bluff in his eyes? He didn't talk to the negotiators. He thought the other party was just a megaphone and couldn't make decisions and said he was tired. He talked directly to the other party's power figures.

"Seeing fat is like a bite, do you have that good teeth? You really have that skill, and you have already flattened the Dead Man Harbor. I was born in the Dead Man Harbor, and my mouth and guns can not beat me, you have to use a sword. I have to remind you, let alone lose, that is a big loss. At this juncture, you have to be blamed for class! More ruthless, we are all bubbled up from the dead, are you going to wave? "

Indeed, the gray beard is not the strong point of that kind of pretend. If the voice is louder, you will obediently catch the hand, or you will be lucky, thinking that obedience will have a way of life. These people are not instinctively afraid of the official like the people. These people are desperate people who can be ruthless even if they are concerned. Fighting with them, you will find that you are always porcelain, and they are crocks.

However, without measuring it, this one won't come down.

What's more, the uncles from the Capital Star are also some unbelievers. They think that the red and blue confrontation they usually watch is also very good, very professional and very tough.

"So there is a beheading tactic !? These stinky fish rotten shrimp, after a few battles, we feel that we are professional. We can tell them with actual actions. On the level of tactics, they are still too much."

So a tactical team came in for a midnight raid. They used an external jet device and crossed the outer protective net of the refuge. Then they encountered the special forces of the Northern People ’s Democratic Union, the Butcher Company. The power armor of this unit was real Red, and use a very iconic weapon-chain saw sword.

This is the standard configuration of Monk Astarte or Star Warrior in Warhammer 40K, which shows the toughness and cruelty.

Biological people with green-skin genes are very fond of this kind of weapon. This enthusiasm has given them almost unaccompanied mastery in the use of chain saw swords.

When talented military subjects from Tasannis meet wild blood butchers, their ending is already doomed.

The incomplete corpses of all members of the tactical team were sent back in the early morning with a sentence: "Don't send **** guys next time, they call like a girl!"

The rumor that the gray beard is full of muscles is now very popular.

Mike Liberty paid special attention to this. Indeed, the members of the Grey Beard are all super muscled tough guys.

They themselves do not shy away from admitting that they have been cooperating with drugs for so-called hierarchical development. The second time, the third time, the fourth time!

In the eyes of these guys, every time it represents better.

From a certain point of view, this is true, because before using the drug, you must absorb all the previous drug ingredients, otherwise you will die from overdose.

And the only way to absorb the drugs is crazy exercise. In their own vivid words, every new cell takes away a point of the drug, so accelerating metabolism and accelerating muscle growth is the right way.

According to Mike Liberty, this was not the case with the gray beard.

How to say, mercenaries actually have no upward motivation, even if they are distorted, such as the pursuit of more money and the pursuit of stimulation.

The lives of mercenaries are often hovering between the life and death line and erosion, killing and fucking, and then adding abuse to them is their portrayal.

But the gray beard is not like this. It gives people the feeling that they seem to have extremely sacred and lofty goals, so that after fighting, they temper themselves like ascetic monks.

When asked, they will squat and say, "Don't you think that the greatest luck in life is to die in a battle that will allow you to play to your heart's content?"

Anyone who knows the world of Warhammer will exclaim: "Is this **** Waaagh !?"

Liberty obviously did not know that any indigenous creature in the SC universe could not understand, but this did not prevent him from shuddering, not from the cruel ideals of these guys, but from their sincerity.

Liberty knew that they were real, and felt from the heart that it was the highest honor and pursuit to die in a battle where all the fighting power could be exerted.

"This is more terrifying than the re-socialization of the nerve center. This has completely violated the biological instinct of survival, but is living for death. What transformed them into such a terrifying existence?"

Once doubts are born, they will be like itching feathers, urging people to explore and seek knowledge.

Gradually, Liberty discovered, he found that all gray-bearded people are abnormal, this abnormality is similar to the kind of brain optimism caused by the social reconstruction of the nerve center, but the specific performance is different. .

What these gray-bearded people are showing is not brain optimism ~ ~ but blind endeavor.

They do n’t seem to know that there is a concept of discouragement in this world. They are always full of motivation and full of confidence. They often say: "Our boss said."

Their boss, their God, is right in everything they say, never wrong, and they obey.

Liberty wrote in a later memoir: "Since then, I told myself that I found a devil. Then I thought of what Samal said, it said that he left a Gift package. Many people naturally think that this gift package was left after Samuel ’s public speech, but if you think about it, it is entirely possible that it was left in advance. I think Kane Zhao is this gift package. "

During the years when Liberty and Kane got along in Marsala, perhaps because of the relationship of ‘only being in this mountain’, he did n’t think much about the possible evil side of Kane.

Liberty's main idea at this time was: Don't listen to what he says, and see what he does.

Looking at it from this angle, Kane and the gray beard he leads are well-deserved popular leaders of Marsala.

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