Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 352: The moment destined for history

In Kane's eyes, the fallen Sarnaga Emmon was a tease.

Since the ultimate goal is to break the reincarnation, what other training do you play?

Since a star district created a hybrid when he came to the body of this universe, he would have done it himself early. Why should he play the eighteen bends of the mountain road to make it difficult for Narud to be a relative bioengineering idiot?

And the so-called essence, it is just to collect and transform your own equipment, which is worthy of the inefficient collection method of racial evolution?

Even the storyline of the entire SC is filled with a brain stupid atmosphere that pretends to be more fun than anyone else, from top to bottom.

Sarnaga thought that they were the most high-end, forced to be so high that there was no alienation, and all the participants could readily agree with the ideas given to them.

Emmon thought everything was within His calculations.

Narud feels that he plays multiple roles alone, jumping up and down like a fish, and the human being as a small accident he completely holds.

The UDE Expeditionary Force felt that they could hang the Koplu Star Zone.

Star spirits blow all day long than they are the eldest son of God.

The dominator felt that apart from the spiritual slavery against the gods, nothing was worth noting.

Mengsk felt that his ingenuity was enough to play anyone between the palms of his hands. Until the last moment of life, he used the lighter that controlled the Sarnaga artifact to pretend in front of Kerrigan, and he died of much talk.

The original Edmundo Duke arrogantly believed that most humans are stupid turtles.

Lyon Fox thought he was okay. Although there were various discomforts before, at least for now, he seems to be the one who is more likely to laugh to the end.

In short, because he is more obedient, his performance is not bad. At least not many people have died in other areas except New Wellington, and all he can save have been saved. This has caused the general public to have less serious grievances and anger.

Although Duke was unprecedented in the limelight, what he had done before was always an ace that could kill him. No, it was imprisoned.

Although the people said that they would destroy the Great Wall, no one said that Duke should not be sentenced, only that it was more appropriate to use prison instead of jail.

Joke, there are more than 10 billion people in the Federation, and without Duke, there is no one who can fight for good?

Now that a new alien has appeared, it ’s time for him to show his face.

Lyon can't help but secretly complacent: "If I were as stunned as Duke, now it's my turn? So, it's still important to have a stable style!"

Seeing that the Protoss fleet looks very civilized, Lyon is not as grim as the worms, so he is ready to communicate first.

This is the typical way to judge people by appearance.

However, Lyon had good luck and met Tasada.

Tasada is not as immature as Kane feared. He was born in the year 2143 of the ephemeris. He is 356 years old this year. Three views are set early, and his character is established. He is willing to try to communicate with humans.

Tassada abides by the teachings of Kara and treats other creatures with the principle of supporting the weak.

Of course, he also inevitably has a certain degree of ‘lower level of human civilization, many things they do n’t understand’.

Because they have been secretly observing human beings, the Protoss have some knowledge of the light and dark sides of human nature. At this time, Tassada was like an individual. He asked for a dialogue with humans in an open way.

The most desirable mode of dialogue in Lyon is that the two sides have now settled some of their intentions, and they have even negotiated and then met again.

This gameplay has been around since the age of the earth, allowing media to shoot and broadcast everything.

Now, to negotiate face-to-face without any advancement, Lyon also feels a lot of pressure and fears that he will be spoiled.

Of course, he will never be stupid like Duke in the original history line. He is determined to make war achievements. For this reason, he does not hesitate to describe the Protoss as a job to someone else ’s home and does not dare to open up to the host after doing bad things. Xiao Xiao with oil on the soles of the feet.

Lyon still has a big picture at least. He realized that since Zerg is an enemy of Protoss, and he hasn't done a good job on human territory. So can humans form alliances with Protoss?

At the same time, he is also thinking that he has certain pre-emptive advantages now. If he can win the favor of Protoss, will he become the first candidate for diplomacy with Protoss in the future?

To be honest, he was not very interested in directing the army to fight such things. It ’s okay to talk a few times, but as soon as I get real, I think that this time, countless people ’s lives are on their shoulders, as well as comments from all sides, and comments that stand and speak without back pain. He feels that this work is really not a personal The job is ten years old.

So he had planned to get some qualifications in Josala, and then see if he could throw the pot to others in a better way, and he would retire and succeed.

As a result, Protoss appeared, and it was really a good stepping stone.

If human beings receive assistance from Protoss technology, military and other aspects, it will inevitably be a big step forward, and to what extent can the leader himself, and even the Fox family, go?

At the thought of this, Lyon felt that his heart was about to explode.

He tried to keep himself calm. He knew that on this occasion, he could not give people the feeling of being flattering to aliens, but at the same time, he had to show enough closeness to reach friendly exchanges. For the purpose of paving the way for the subsequent alliance.

Lyon realized that this time was a test of his public relations ability. If he wants to be the kind of flamboyant leader in his life goals, this time he has to hand in an answer that will satisfy most people.

He tried to recall the main points he had learned in this respect, recalling the heroic and grace of the great people in the history of mankind, holding his chin slightly, and meditating in his heart: "Why not be humble!" ...

Kane was at Lyon's side at this time, or his will came to a biological person, so as to understand the situation up close.

Kane and his Arkham Creature are like ghosts and perform the play of ‘Teacher is not Human’ time and time again.

Using Kane's self-entertainment, the second saying: "With the passage of time, more and more villains are getting silent justice trials!"

It has to be said that Kane has no psychological burden to turn these people into bio-humans. This attitude of overriding all beings and having the power of trial and execution is very similar to those of the Protoss Supreme Council. The main difference between the two parties is that they are sitting on their own ass.

As you can imagine, Kane did not like Tassada.

He even felt that it was a good person like Tasada who gave people the illusion of "brightness", so that the rivers and lakes were troublesome.

Even if there is no good, if you have never been a friend, there will be no betrayal, and the harm will be less profound. It was originally two very different races, and it would be nice if the river water did not violate well water, just like the Protoss had been watching in the dark for more than two hundred years, wouldn't it be safe?

The universe is so big, why should we choose the proposition of "be a friend and be an enemy"?

Humans have been alone for thousands of years, don't they live well?

Protoss is the same.

On the contrary, both humans and Protoss have their own internal opinions and development ideas. Is this not enough? Why complicate matters further?

Run to the aliens to search for the light of humanity and seek identification. Really **** hurt.

So, being a good person does not mean doing what is good. Renault, who is very versatile, cares about Kerrigan with such a little innocence, and Tasada, who is magnificent, and Zelatu, a noble person, It's all a turbid current in the SC universe, which blurs the racial boundaries and reminds Kane of the white left in the age of the earth.

"This world is full of love!" It's hard to support people when they think of this Kane, but this is the illusion of the emotional color of the supervisor.

He recently reviewed the conspiracy and tricks he played at some stage in his life. I found it was like learning to ride a bicycle. Even if I was rusty for many years, I was familiar with it a little and I felt like I was back.

It is not bad to use various loopholes in the human world to make waves, and to control those behind the scenes.

As for playing God's punishment, the assimilation of secrets is also in full swing, and the pattern is being renovated.

Like the main assimilation model today, it is a comprehensive ‘gift pack’. A living seed can be loaded with program instructions. It will generally chew the target thoroughly within 6 hours.

Most goals are a brand new self after waking up.

Those A-type creatures do not know that they are no longer themselves. A higher will overrides his own personality and controls everything. Once the decision of his own personality is contrary to the provisions of the higher will, then the latter will be the criterion, but he is completely unaware, thinking that this is his own judgment and choice .

As for Type B bio-humans, you don't need to consider these at all. They are typically headed to sleep and headless to get up. I won't wake up again after sleeping, but the robot based on the transformation of his body.

The guard Buck is a type A creature. He is a loyal dog of the Fox family, but he has not undergone social reformation of the nerve center.

The founding family that pays attention to a little, will not use this kind of modified products too much. The evaluation believes that the spirituality of such people has been obliterated. They are obedient, but they cannot achieve 100% performance, let alone super-level performance.

The best slave is to choose from living people with free will. As for ‘freedom’, it has always been a relative concept. There are many ways to control a person, depending on how much capital you are willing to spend on it.

Buck was willing to be a servant of slaves, and was even proud of it. It was almost the kind of mentality that the ancient power minister ruled his family. The master was the bigger the slave was.

Buck played four dead girls in flower season one after another, and he was sincere every time he confessed to the master, and he never dared again. But what should I do next time? In the end, this family has a little money, a little contact, and insists on checking. Buck was sent to come to Josala with the young master, avoid the wind, and protect the young master.

Buck knows very well that he will die if he leaves the Fox family. On the contrary, he is also a privileged class. Except for the masters and subordinates, he can ignore everyone, so his loyalty need not be questioned.

Kane's bioman stayed in Jossara to communicate with this scum, and then he blamed it. So there is such an Arkham eye around Lyon. It is not how Kane attaches importance to Lyon? Fox, which needs real-time monitoring, but just piggybacking.

As a result, this time it was used. Kane played directly and did not care about any adverse effects.

In the meeting place, Lyon Fox, who arrived first, tried hard to adjust his state, just like the drama actor who first officially performed on stage, it seemed a little uneasy.

Buck was wearing power armor, and like other marines, the gun was hung vertically on the weapon rack behind him, with his hands empty, to express his non-war attitude.

Journalists and photographers from various media have also been allowed to shoot outside a certain range, and some reporters can't wait to play live reports.

Although the Protoss has not yet arrived, it is not difficult for these uncrowned kings. It is estimated that if time permits, they can think of themselves as humorous and ridiculous.

The Protoss did not allow humans to wait too long, or they were the most punctual, arrived at the point, and used a prism of prism.

This gorgeous and exquisite tool flies lightly, and then builds like an open umbrella in the air, the force field is formed, and within a force field, a short distance and a precise jump start.

This is a kind of transitional technology that particleizes matter light and then shapes it completely.

The human side feels very tall about this scene ~ ~, full of envy and awe.

In particular, some media reporters with their own characteristics of the drama are shocked and pretend to be crazy and sell silly in front of the camera. Just like knowing that the big star is a fall and likes to watch, many people eat this set, the more they are forced to fall The more embarrassing, the more pleasant it feels.

In any case, the atmosphere at the scene is quite good, just like the E3 conference, lively but not grand.

The Protoss debut.

If the decoration of the local gold is almost used for another aura, it will become an irony, making the person look sloppy and insignificant, but Protoss does not have this problem.

The appearance is very ET, even without a mouth, but the chin looks like a goatee sleeve of the pharaoh, the nerve bundle looks like a super braid, the calf part is the reverse joint, the skin is like rhinoceros, and the eyes are like light bulbs ...

Very good, very alternative, blue robe and gold edging, psionic gleaming, very good, especially Tasada is still suspended.

"Hello, I am the executive officer of the Potos Expeditionary Fleet, the high-level templar warrior Tassada ..."

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