Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1395: Planting a sacred tree to prevent dimensionality reduction

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Olaf extracted too much extraordinary energy to shape the body of the demigod, which collapsed the environmental pattern of the area centered on the Sarres Manor that was balanced by a series of artificial methods.

Although Olaf didn't know the truth, his divine intuition reminded him that he shouldn't stay here for long.

But even so, he searched it again, including the secret room he had learned from Samuel, confirmed that Nicolas was not there, and packed the bones of his uncle Beom Gorman before leaving with Jacarie on his back.

As soon as Olaf left with his front foot, Kane dispatched the puppet Ethan on the back foot.

Ethan was created by Kane after Blox was entangled by the laws of this universe and became a semi-independent participant in a major event.

Ethan's profession is to restore morality, focusing on healing the wounds of the world.

After entering the field, Ethan used the magic weapon to confirm the key points in the area, and then the eagle was directly fattened over and dropped the cedar tree species with mysterious elements.

The cedar tree is a sacred tree of life that worships God. When Kane was a reincarnation, he obtained the seeds and related technologies of the sacred tree. Later, he experienced thousands of improvements and improvements. Compared with the original version, it is stronger. It's not a star.

However, what Ethan currently uses is not the most high-end, but the most applicable.

Saint cedar has holy white branches and golden leaves, luxurious and graceful, holy and elegant, but in fact it is a magical version of an energy conversion machine and an environmental regulator.

Under its low light radiation, whether it is the Phantom Dog variant or the aberration monster, they are killed on the spot and quickly become a nutrient for absorption.

The Sares Manor, and even all the life in this area, failed to escape the disaster, and it intensified. After the earth-shaking changes, the crater pattern of the dawn forest reappeared, but the center is no longer a towering and magnificent huge oak tree. It is like a holy cedar supporting the golden canopy.

After the structure was set up, a stronger operation began. A series of ground movements are like rolling thunder, which is endless.

From the grand perspective of the planet, this boundary is like a bonfire on a wasteland at night, small but very eye-catching.

Kane, who was looking at the ecological boat, said in his heart: "Sure enough..."

He asked Ethan to make such an operation not only to wipe the **** of the Son of Destiny, and to take advantage of the opportunity to gain some benefits, but more importantly, to deal with the environmental operation on Brox's side.

The archbishop was able to pull the elemental barriers into the shadow realm. Of course, it was a means and he was willing to smash resources, but more importantly, it was because of the fall of the world of Azeroth.

This kind of degradation, simple understanding, can be called dimensionality reduction.

With the disappearance of the star **** Azeroth and the destruction of the planet, Azeroth is no longer the darling that is favored by the entire Warcraft universe and can represent the main material plane.

However, this fall from favor is not the evolution of the laws of the universe, but is caused by man-made destruction.

It's like a small public act that has been loved by thousands of people, with one leg amputated and his face scratched.

What Kane is now doing by Ethan is equivalent to enlightening a small public act and retaining a beautiful heart, instead of allowing him to completely degenerate into a little monster that is abominable and disgusted by rumors and self-defeating.

Originally, Kane was too lazy to perform this kind of operation. He saw too many examples of falling from heaven to hell. Whether it was the world or the individual, he could treat it like iron.

But this time to the watch revealed the means and strength that can make a fuss from this angle, then he will not give up the position easily.

Of course he can do better and more profitably.

But he has always been talking about cost-effectiveness and efficiency. With a little effort, he can develop a usable chess piece. Why not?

This is another reason for Ethan's birth.

Although the druid seems to be free and comfortable with the wilderness and forest, it is of the holy system, not of the law system. Druids need to have faith in order to perform high-end spells. This belief can be a certain natural god, or nature itself.

Because of this bondage, Kane chose a shaman when he founded Brocks, but in the end it was because there were too many sorrows and he was still entangled by the laws of heaven, so he got out of his shell and gave Brocks a reduced personality. , Let it top the pot.

Ethan took the initiative to create a bond with the world. From Kane's perspective, this was indeed another piece of meat thrown into the big pot of Warcraft Universe, and it could only be rotten inside.

But on the other hand, before it is completely stewed in the cauldron, it can affect the taste of the meat to a considerable extent.

For example, Kane spent a lot of money before, and he was forced to perceive the entire area of ​​Azeroth's Emerald Dream in an instant.

This investment was originally difficult to get back the principal, let alone profit. But now with Ethan, things are different.

Using the intelligence obtained from perception can make Ethan grow bigger quickly, and even that dark singularity may not be unavailable.

Of course, in comparison, the pattern of Dark Singularity is at least international trust level, and Ethan’s current stall is like the first yellow chicken rice restaurant, with a big gap.

But there can be ideals. Kane is sure of making the yellow braised chicken into KFC, depending on whether it is necessary.

With the planting of the first sacred tree, Azeroth's sinking trend slowed down significantly.

Because of the disfigurement and disfigurement of the small public behavior, it can be said at this moment: I still have a truth, goodness and beauty in my heart.

And embodied in Azeroth, the laws of nature that have not been distorted, converge toward the sacred tree. It has become the only pure land in Azeroth, or a petri dish that meets the standards, to ensure that the experimental samples are not contaminated.

Ethan's work has just begun. He needs to activate at least five similar points in Azeroth to stop Azeroth's sinking.

Then came the counterattack of the law of nature against the law of distortion, pulling Azeroth back in the positive direction. At that time, whether it is the archbishop or the **** behind it, it will be no ordinary difficulty to drag a certain area into the shadow world.

Ethan took the primitive and positive early Azeroth nature as the object of worship, which can be understood as awakening the gods sleeping in the tomb of the gods, and he naturally became the spokesperson of the gods directly because of this feat. Reading building

Although the original **** of nature that had just awakened was still very weak, the pattern was extremely high-end, representing the essence of the Warcraft universe, a small public act loved by all. As a result, Ethan, who was added to the power of the law, directly reached the ceiling.

The ceiling of Azeroth is one of the best in the entire multiverse. Like Archimonde, Kil’jaeden, the equivalent of a **** of medium power, although the process of coming is a bit tortuous, once completed, they can move freely in this world, like Archimonde forbidden Curse to destroy Dalaran City... These are enough to see the upper limit of Azeroth's endurance.

Of course, today, the pattern is much worse. When the gods with weak divine power come, they will feel suffocated and difficult to use. Even the high-end Sanctuary level will be limited, including the free extraordinary energy factors, which are not enough to promote powerful spells. . This is like inadequate combustion in an environment with low oxygen content.

Therefore, the upper limit of Ethan’s strength is Sanctuary+. The intermediate sanctuary consumes a lot of time to maintain the state. It takes one-third of the time every day to absorb extraordinary energy. If he fights with enemies of similar strength, then Afterwards, it will take months to six months to make up for the shortfall.

Based on this situation, Ethan planted the second holy cedar, but it would be a hundred days later. Although Kane has the resources, he cleans his roots and feet and consumes a lot of money, so he only helped the opening one. If you don't wash, you will be easily involved in the traceability of the law. Kane does not want to be dragged into the water, but continues to be a transcendent who comes and goes freely.

Ethan was supported by Kane’s intelligence. After leaving the Dawn Forest, he was directly transmitted to the intersection of the Dreamland. This was a convenient passage created by the Druids in the reins of the Legion, relying on the power of the World Tree Mother Tree, Garnier. It is called the Emerald Dream Road.

At the time of creation, the place was already polluted by N'Zoth's nightmare power, covering an area close to 50%. Finally, relying on the recklessness of the Son of Destiny at that time, it stabilized its position and activated the function of the transmission channel extending in all directions.

Because it is unclean at the time of creation, the bond is too deep, and everything is damaged, so the problem has never been solved. Kane discovered this place during a comprehensive scan of the Emerald Dream with his divine mind. He judged that it had been abandoned for at least a thousand years.

After Ethan arrived, he saw a gloomy and distorted scene. The air was filled with green poisonous fog, plants were distorted and strange, and they exuded a strong stench, rot and festering, and they were everywhere.

There is nothing to say, the purification begins. Completing this series of tasks will not only lay a path for the next sacred tree planting, but also gain extraordinary power and expand the control domain of the original laws of nature.

In fact, the road Kane planned for Ethan is to gather the original natural laws with Saint Cedar as the core, so as to obtain legal recognition and authority. After that, the essence of Emerald Nightmare will be restored and modified to a certain extent. Azeroth The blueprint of the world, and then use the Emerald Dream as a reference to complete the transformation of the world of Azeroth.

At that time, people who don't have a small public will be loved, at least they can be seen by plastic surgery beauties, maybe they can once again become the focus of attention.

And if it is really possible, Kane believes that he can wait for work and wait for his opponent to come, instead of risking capsize and acting alone in Longtan.

At the same time, Brocks had already set up a real ship to sail.

Since being drawn into the shadow world, the hottest discussion topic within the defense team has become how to return to the real world.

In the beginning, even Rosalind and her two little friends had no idea about this. Although they have seen a few times in the past few years, this time is different. Let alone seeing this experience, they have never heard that anyone can still play like this.

In fact, at the very beginning, Brocks was equally flustered, and he had no relevant experience. But he has confidence in his own strength.

One more thing, he is a traverser after all, with a broader mindset. He believes that no matter how strong the opponent is, there are bound to be flaws, and even the more powerful the trick, the greater the flaws.

Therefore, he lowered his heart and tried his best to do his best. For example, focus on extraordinary energy. No matter how good an idea is, you have to have the ability to implement it. Before you can come up with a good idea, you should strengthen your execution and there is nothing wrong with it.

As time went by, the situation that there must be a way before the car came to the mountain happened. Brock is able to communicate with elemental creatures, and the four elements of earth, fire, water, and wind are the basic forces for building the world.

As a result, Brocks saved the country through the elemental biological curve, thereby obtaining a larger range of intelligence and establishing a macro perspective.

Looking at it from a macro perspective, the general direction is there. It is nothing more than stepping out of the control zone first, and then finding a way to return.

Brocks first explained the situation to Rosalind, Sasha and others, and then Sasha and the others did ideological work for the members of the defense team.

This ideological work is not difficult to do. Everyone understands that being sleepy and sad is not the way, and Brocks has already forced the grid to fill up under their name. Now the legendary master has pointed out the way to survive, no matter how high the risk is, he can only take a fight.

So the team set off quickly.

This time Brocks played a mobile totem. In this control area, the totem has no way to extract extraordinary energy from the outside world through the array of spell models. All consumption comes from Brocks' supply. Because of this, there are no restrictions on landing in formation and being unable to move.

So Brocks made people bear the totem and walked in the middle of the team to bless everyone. Rosalind and the others were fighting men and women with a few defensive teams who could reach out to protect the team in a mobile team mode.

The burden of this team is not too heavy, and they can't fight at all. There are only four people, all of whom were captured by the dark elements before. After being rescued, they have not been able to wake up. The night attack by the dark elements was good, but the defense team didn't even have a seriously wounded person, let alone died in battle.

It is precisely because of this that until now, the morale of this team is pretty good.

When the team left the underground bunker of the element barrier, it was naturally discovered by the eyes of the Lord.

At this time, the Lord’s thoughts were transparent, and seeing the defense team coming out, he immediately let him launch a full-scale attack.

During the time when the defense team refused to show up in the underground fortifications, the Lord was not idle. She ordered her men to use the druid's basic abilities to give birth to vines, weave vines, and order people to give birth to spore bombs.

The spore bomb is almost a small corrosive bomb, and the kinetic energy of the explosion is not bad.

The Lord made the hundreds of giant vampire bats on hand once again incarnate into a bomber group, allowing his subordinates to act as bomb bombers, and the few bat raisers to become captains and navigators.

In this way, as soon as Blox and his party left the elemental barrier, they encountered intensive bombing. The timing is not good, and the timing is not good, but the advantage is a large amount and the carpet is generally dense.

Without the endorsement of the energy pool of elemental barriers, Brox couldn't let go of the bombardment. After all, although elemental overload was sharp, the extra cost of overload was only a lot more than a simple blow. is not only an elemental sa, but also an enhanced sa. The two battle axes are played with flowers. After blessing the elemental power, they turn into a waving death sickle, reaping lives in the air. .

In less than two minutes, more than a dozen were killed. The Lord was in pain, so he ordered Goofy to bomb.

Now Brox's battle axe was out of reach, but there was a time buffer to deal with the dropped spore bombs.

This kind of bomb is small and powerful. As long as it is not directly hit on a person and exploded, the damage is actually limited.

Brocks used a range of wind blade cutting to smash the spore bomb in the air. Although the people of the defense team were still inevitably bloodied, the damage was greatly reduced.

Coupled with the restoration of the totem, the purification of the totem, the sacred spells of Skard, and the natural spells of Nainite, what the defense team did was not too hard, and it was disgusting.

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