Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 138: Kane is on fire

Big events always have a strong inertia that triggers elements. It is extremely difficult to completely resolve the extremely difficult. It is like a collapsed building. It is difficult to try to prevent it from collapsing. It is relatively easy to change the stacking situation of the concrete after the collapse.

This principle determines the turning point of Catherine's prevention of history. It is difficult to complete lightly and quietly, but through the powerful intervention of this new element, it changed the collision mode and results of the many elements that constitute the event.

That is to say, there is no so-called irreversible mortal situation, but the collision of so many factors is almost inevitable, and there is little power to hold down the event.

This is the case. The fourth person can't live anymore, but it also caused a big event.

Catherine, the assassin, was too domineering. The sacred golden gun with a 100% degree of completion was shot at the target. So many wizards with super sense (strong sense) are not dead.

Dumbledore loudly warned: "Legendary strike, emergency evacuation."

Kane is even more simple, and his right hand is pressed directly to the ground. The majestic magic forms a light spear with a diameter of 5 meters and a length of more than 5 meters, which directly penetrates the ground.

The land immediately rippled with soil waves, and burst numerous cracks, and the magic erupted from the inside with a scattered magic array of light.

Umberto wanted to cry without tears: "My ancient magic circle!"

The wizards still care about this. When Kane broke the magic circle, they didn't know what it meant, and they all moved in phantom.

Kane is more embarrassed. The phantom shift requires precise coordinates of the target place, and he is not familiar with Venice ...

How to do? Only rough coordinates can be set, in order not to cause a terrible cracking accident, then send yourself to a relatively empty sky.

In fact, there are some wizards like him, some are unfamiliar with the environment, and others are in anxiety, unable to focus on casting, and simplifying the coordinates to reduce the difficulty.

The result was like a bunch of smoked bugs, and suddenly dozens appeared in the air.

This is naturally very conspicuous, and it is too late to cast any hidden spells. After all, Dumbledore roared with disgust and it was a legendary blow. It is easy to decide whether the life is important or the skin is important.

The people are in an uproar.

Is the miracle of the Savior Church.

Soon afterwards, a group of people suddenly appeared in the air, and all of them had wide robes, long sleeves, and retro dresses. They were highly similar to the legendary wizard or the cult ritual of the black mass.

If none of this is related, what is the brain doing?

At this moment, the golden bow was also full.

When the holy golden gun was shot, the golden bow exploded into countless streamers, chasing the golden gun like a tail.

Wherever the golden gun passes, people and objects within a range of three kilometers are reflected in gold.

This is the shooting trajectory of the golden gun, and its power range. On this line, all intelligent creatures have to undergo a will identification.

If you use dice, it is 1D6, that is, the six-sided dice is rolled once, and the point is the specific San value.

Of course, in reality there is no dice arbitration that overrides all beings. How much San value is lost depends on the specific situation of that person.

Is mainly will, accounting for 70% of the final impact, and the remaining 30% are other objective reasons, such as religious belief, being in the car, not looking directly in the room, or being in a deep sleep.

San deserves to fall into madness immediately after 5 o'clock in a short time (a complete biological clock cycle). The duration varies from person to person, but not less than 2 hours and not more than 24 hours.

This is not finished yet, and there are follow-up effects.

Is not all bad, such as increasing mysterious value, increasing willpower, increasing belief, and even the body's overall resistance to extraordinary powers will increase, and there is a very small probability to activate bloodline power, if any.

The kind of San who lost as much as 6 points basically thought that the sacred golden gun was coming to him. At that time, he thought that he was going to be destroyed by God, let alone go to heaven or even have the opportunity to go to hell. Gray, all forever. Directly scared crazy.

And the 2-5 is a different level of shock or excitement, paralysis, tears ... In short, from the perspective of the gods, there is no kneeling as the sacred golden gun passes, like it was swept by a hurricane. In general, it's not an exaggeration to say that it's fart.

Sorcerers are also implicated, some of them are planted from the air, while others appear illusion, frustrated and cast spells, attacking the wizards near them.

Their will is indeed not comparable to ordinary people, but the inspiration is also high.

They can 'see' sights that ordinary people can't see. The sacred golden gun is the power of cleansing and destroying the world. Another level up is to kill the gods. Even now, the deity's incarnation is absolutely impossible to eat. It is conceivable that in the eyes of many wizards, it is simply a gaze of death, unable to move, and watching the gun coming!

The fourth person was killed before the gold gun actually hits, and the effect after the hit is to erase all relevant information.

This is completely different from ordinary killing.

What is erasing all information is that everyone will forget the memory about this person. He does not exist and has never appeared. Since then, the concept of the fourth person has been lost, including Hermione and Catherine, who will never remember such a person again.

So Catherine just knew that she shot an important target, and it was completed, and she didn't remember anything else.

This is the domineering of the divine qualities. It may not have the power of legendary spells, but the victory is high, and even the sanctuary can not understand the mysterious attributes of the principle.

So the sanctuary is just a strong ant in the eyes of God. You do n’t understand me, how can you win me?

But conversely, becoming a **** is not without cost. It is bundled with the universe and depth of its place and has privileges, but it also loses everything.

Finished work, Catherine did not stay, immediately left.

At this time, it showed that her chest was big and brainless. If you change to Hermione, you will definitely realize that there is no need for extra acting in this way. Hurry up and go.

Catherine wanted to perform the full set faithfully as Hermione commanded.

According to the golden line that cut the earth's magnetic field before, a colorful light channel with a bright light spot was generated. Catherine soared up from the inside, showing the power angel light armor and a pair of holy white light feathers.

Because they have fought each other in the future and fought side by side, Catherine is relatively familiar with the middle and low angels. The imitation is wonderful. Unless the Seraph is present, even if there are angels present, they can't tell the truth.

Kane couldn't tell.

His lungs are exploding now.

"Don't you activate the remains of the ruins? This is a desperation, and even the hidden world principles are not adhered to. Now I want to run after finishing things. How can it be so easy?"

He misunderstood, he thought that Celine shot the temple spirit and played the seal.

And at least half of all the pot will be thrown on his head.

After the event, people talked about this event. The first sentence is: everything is because Kane? Shafik pretends to be a pendulum, activates the ancient ruins, so that angels come to seal, causing the extraordinary world to be exposed to mortals.

This time there was no magical animal nurse Newt? Scamander, the overrange of 1926 could not be forgotten.

Carrying such a big pot, Kane was naturally angry.

Is it big, who won't? When Lao Tzu has no meaning?

When Celine was still shooting arrows, he began to prepare, evacuating the energy of the magic wrist wheel, more than half of the energy of the element wrist wheel, and 65% of the mental power.

And this time there is no light power, but all use dark energy, because there is a 200% killing effect.

Broken wind, melted fire, buried earth, corroded water.

The dark four-element power is generated, the four-element pillar rises, and the ominous light immediately reminiscent of the four rides of apocalypse, plague, war, death, famine.

The three-dimensional magic array is still being generated. Within tens of kilometers, there are countless light and smoke rising and running away from the four elements. These light smokes vary from light gray to pure black ~ ~ in color, some have a clear outline, and others only have a blurred face.

These are evil spirits.

The power of dark elements has a fatal attraction to them.

Although the evil forces can also solve their needs, they are drinking thirst to quench their thirst and destroying their few rationalities. As a body of consciousness, they will instinctively reject self-death, but they have no better way.

They are not worthy of sympathy and pity, but it must be said that they are tortured, unable to control themselves, and very painful.

Now the opportunity is coming. There is no evil element in the power of the dark element. It is the pure darkened element and is their favorite food. Even if most of them have never seen this power, instinct will let them know that they are in extreme need. .

Despite the fact that it is daylight, many of them were awakened by energy fluctuations while they were sleeping. They fought in full force and flew towards the column of elements, just like the undead swimming in the Styx to the other side.

Many of them melted while still on the road, and the rest lost themselves like meteor meteorite, like melted wax.

People do not understand the desire and existence of all spirits for existence, and they do not understand that Kane is the exorcism of the whole city, and cleared the evil of this old city with a long history.

They think that Kane is bad by their senses, and now they are calling evil spirits in the whole city to sell their lives for him.

But then Kane's actions messed up many people.

Listened to Kane's voice thunderously: "Go!"

Immediately waved his left hand, spilling countless spheres of light, and these spheres of light turned into hundreds of millions of holy white rays, covering the extremely wide area in the sea of ​​light.

Evil spirits dissipated in the sea of ​​light, and those who were shining in the sea of ​​light gave birth to an indescribable sense of life vitality enhancement, and even the coolness of poor willpower could not help groaning in public ...

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