"College City?" Mordencan asked for the first time in the meeting.

Mo Mo bowed slightly, showing his respect to the ally of Dawn City, the chief of Eight Leaves, and then continued, "Yes, [Ascension Academy Research Area] will become a city of extraordinary power, where everyone will get The opportunity to learn extraordinary power is now temporarily divided into five colleges: [Spell], [Divine Art], [Warrior], [Natural] and [Mechanical]. everything."

"Mage Academy?" Mordencan pinched the beard of his chin, showing a thoughtful look. This is a system that replaces the traditional teaching of magic from master to student. It was proposed by the Arcane Empire back then, but at that time most proud arcane The magicians have all expressed their clear objection. After all, for them, if you can’t master the [Heglass Mirror Art], then you are no different from an orc. By the way, [Heglass Mirror Image] is a difficult five-ring spell.

That is to say, according to the logic of most arcane masters, 70% of the current mages are equal to orcs in terms of IQ. Therefore, in the arcane empire, mortals at the bottom who cannot master advanced arcane arts actually do not live happily. Quite miserable, like a slave.

However, in the most prosperous thing in the Arcane Empire, they have enough power to overwhelm the mortals at the bottom, and then select outstanding individuals from these mortals and promote them to become Arcanists.

Therefore, in the year of the fall of arcane arts, in fact, the vast majority of arcanists who lost their ability to cast spells did not die at the hands of orcs, but at the hands of low-level mortals who they had always looked down upon and regarded as reproductive tools.

The entire empire can be said to be brilliant, or it can be said to be deformed.

Eight leaves also considered college education at the beginning of its establishment, but in the end Mordencan gave up this education method, but he also made improvements in the traditional master-apprentice education, which is the famous [Eight Leaves Contract].

Eight Leaves is committed to providing further high-quality education for talented mages. They will find a suitable teacher for you through their network of relationships. However, this teacher is not the kind of master who inherits the mantle, but is equivalent to your Graduate tutor, to provide you with professional magic teaching for a period of time.

Correspondingly, after you become a senior mage, you are also obliged to provide eight leaves with the same three teachings, which is a good thing for the promotion of magic education.

The reason why Mordencan did not choose an academy-style education was because he understood that magic was always a 'genius subject', and it was not general knowledge, and talent was the most critical quality.

The rest of hard work and hard work are not that important. He has seen too many people indulge in the path of magic, but it is difficult to cast a second-level spell in their entire life.

Therefore, he was skeptical about the academy-style magic education proposed by Mo Mo.

Of course, Cedric knows that magic has its own characteristics, just like the high-precision science in the previous life, not everyone is suitable for the path of magic, and it can even be said with certainty that only a very small number of people are suitable for the path of magic.

Moreover, the path of a mage is the most resource-intensive, and the cost of cultivating a senior mage can almost empty the family fortune of another senior mage, so mages choose to teach from master to apprentice, which can pass on the mantle.

However, Cedric still wants to try the education method of the Magic Academy. First of all, with the floating city as a means, he can do things that Yaye couldn't do at the beginning, and gather a large number of people with rich teaching experience in a short time the mage.

Second, the School of Magic doesn't just come in whenever you want. The School of General Studies established in Dawn City will conduct the first wave of screening, which avoids the waste of resources.

Third, the characteristics of the Ascension Academy's research environment, whether it is the hidden [Holy Grail Magic Net] or the [Learning Efficiency Boost], all reduce the difficulty of mage employment in disguise, which also increases the success rate.

It has to be said that an intermediate mage contributed far more to the world's productivity than hundreds of farmers, which was the same reason as a qualified scientist in his previous life.

"The College of General Studies will serve as the first round of screening, assigning people of the right age and qualifications to different colleges." Ink answered the question of the enchanted Duncan.

Mordenken nodded, "Then you can try it out. May I be the new head of the Magic Academy?"

In fact, there is no difference between the academy association system and the Floating Void City's joint association system, and since there are several other academies, it is certainly impossible for Cedric to only be the dean of the magic academy, otherwise it will cause an imbalance.

Apart from Cedric and the other saints, Mordencan is confident that he can compete for the head of the Magic Academy, and he is also confident that he can lead the Magic Academy to gain the greatest say in the [Ascension Academy Research Environment].

It's just expanding the competition among the mages to the extraordinary, Mordencan thought, but it is indeed something worth trying, at least for a master like him who is committed to promoting the development of the magic industry, this is indeed a good attempt .

"Of course you are welcome." Ink nodded. He had discussed this matter with Cedric before. The dean of the School of Magic, now the most suitable one is Mordencan, a well-known master, taught by the other party. There are quite a few legendary mages, and they are not the kind of legendary mages who eat their own money, but pioneers who can promote the development of magic like Bigby.

Unless Iolum is now appearing in Dawn City, there really aren't many more suitable candidates than Mordencan in the entire main material world.

For the remaining academies, the dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering can also be confirmed to be Letia. However, even if the School of Mechanical Engineering is listed as one of the five major schools, it is conceivable that it will be suppressed by the other four major schools for many years to come.

And the dean of the Warrior Academy...

Many people present looked at each other, and even the representatives of the Shadow Brotherhood couldn't help but want to come out of the shadows.

The first to speak was a legendary mercenary who had just become Priest Cedric, "Our mercenary union is willing to serve as the dean of the Warrior Academy and bear all the expenses."

This legendary mercenary is obviously not stupefied. He did not fight for this position for himself. After all, he does not have the prestige of Mordencan, but as long as this position remains in the mercenary union, it will be rotten in the pot. See how your family is allocated.

Mo Mo nodded, it is obviously most appropriate for the dean of the Warrior Academy to hand over to the Mercenary Union.

The remaining two colleges [School of Nature] and [School of Divinity] are the most difficult. The transcendents of the College of Nature mainly include three categories of [Monk], [Druid] and [Shaman].

Dawn City has no obvious achievements in these three aspects, but it cannot be denied that a true academy city cannot do without these three core professions, so it can only be vacant for the time being.

But [School of Divinity] is just the opposite. There are too many talents here. Brown, the Goddess of Contract, Cod, the God of Courage, Wojin, the Goddess of Wealth, Amberley, the Goddess of the Sea, and Croatian priests, the God of Nobles, all look at Ink.

In fact, the best choice is Cedric's own priest, but his only legendary priest, Yanyi, still has the task of leading the Yan tribe and the army, so he really can't take care of him at the same time.

So Mo conveyed Cedric's decision to appoint the priest of Kord, the God of Courage, as the first president of the [Divinity Academy].

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