Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 513 Ancient Gods

The goddess of the sea, Umberli, seemed to have seen Cedric's thoughts, and she explained abnormally, "I have given them an oracle before, but apparently they chose to listen to Talos' words in the end."

It turned out to be like this. Cedric instantly understood the difficulty of the Murloc Kingdom. His boss said to give way, but the boss's boss refused.

It would be very difficult to deal with the murloc kingdom, so the best way is to sacrifice some of the murlocs. Anyway, both Talos and Umberli used to be chaotic and evil gods who enjoyed blood sacrifices.

Perhaps in the eyes of the murlocs, this is just an excuse for the two big men of the furious gods to enjoy a blood sacrifice. After all, sometimes the true god who believes in the chaotic and evil camp is really tricky, and you never know what a psycho is thinking , not to mention two neuropathy.

"How many people are there?" Cedric asked, as the goddess of the sea, the other party would naturally know this information well.

Perhaps it was because this incarnation tended to be good, he thought for a while and said, "There are about 16,000 murlocs, and there is only one legendary priest of Talos among them, but if possible, don't kill all of these murlocs."

Cedric looked at Umberley and waited for his next explanation. After all, the presence of these murlocs here already represented that they had betrayed Umberli and finally chose Talos.

"If I succeed this time, I will try to transform the murloc race to make them more rational." Ocean Goddess Ambori said lightly.

Obviously, if she can break free from the shackles of Talos this time with the help of the feedback from the Age of Discovery, the goddess of the sea will no longer be satisfied with only medium divine power.

And if he wanted to become a powerful divine force, it was undoubtedly a shortcut for him to have a wise and civilized race as his support.

Want to transform a murloc?

Amberley has the priesthood in the field of [Creation] or the field of [Life]?

Why haven't I heard of it before?

But there is indeed such a possibility, Cedric thought in his heart, this must start from the catastrophe that affected all the powerful ancient gods.

In the original DND universe, a total of nine powerful divine powers were born from [Great Source].

They are the original twin goddesses, Shar, Lady of the Night, and Su Lun, Lady of the Moon. During the battle between Shar and Su Lun, the original God of Time and Magic, Mysril, was derived, which is the first generation of Goddess of Magic. , which was created by Su Lun, who symbolizes the creative side, so the goddess of magic has always been Su Lun's ally and Shar's mortal enemy.

Shar, who originally symbolized the side of destruction, was certainly not to be outdone. He created Xhosa, the original god of destruction and destruction.

After that, the two goddesses consumed a lot of each other's power because of fighting each other and creating two powerful divine powers, thus ending the initial battle that originated before time.

With time as the unit of measurement, the three great rivers began to flow into the new DND universe, so the ancient goddess of fate was born from the river of fate Taiji, and the ancient god of death was born from the river of Styx grid.

Fate, time, and the power of the Styx are intertwined, dividing matter and energy.

So the original god of energy, the ancient sun god Amagnatar was born, followed by his wife and sister, the first god of matter, the ancient earth mother goddess Chantia.

And the one who was finally born was the perfect one, the manifestation of the will of the DND universe, the god Shenao, and by his hand, created the gods and all things.

This is the DND creation legend that exists in the hidden data.

However, in that huge catastrophe, all the ancient and powerful divine powers, except for the gods, were severely damaged.

Of course, it also includes Xhosa, the god of destruction and destruction who is not well-known in the main material world, and the ancient goddess of earth, Chantia.

After Xhosa suffered a heavy blow, he split into Ugsh, the Lord of Orcs, and Talos, the Lord of Storms, so they all have one-eyed images. According to rumors, each of them inherited Xhosa's eye of destruction.

Although the ancient Earth Mother Goddess Châtia did not split herself like Xhosa, one of her main saint incarnations also betrayed him.

As for why the betrayal of a middle-level divine power caused the Earth Mother Goddess who was at the peak of her powerful divine power to be seriously injured, and even now she has not recovered, and she hardly accepts faith, then there are different opinions.

However, what Cedric is most interested in is the god Shen'ao, who was born last among the nine original gods.

According to the theorem of the extraordinary world, shouldn't the older be the stronger?

And this kind of question that keeps the ancient gods silent, Cedric will certainly not explore it desperately now, but he is almost sure that this is definitely the biggest core secret in the DND universe.

Perhaps this secret was the cause of that ancient catastrophe.

Therefore, as the incarnation of the Mother Goddess, it is reasonable for the Ocean Goddess Umberli to possess the power of [creation] or [life], but she has not revealed this power until now, obviously because the time has come.

As for the 'timing', it was related to the fact that I hadn't found any traces of Shen'ao. Obviously, these gods who were involved in the ancient catastrophe knew about it.

Including allowing yourself to explore Mystra and Suren, the ancient cities of the gods.

Now that he could only take one step at a time, Cedric turned his attention back to his eyes, commanding the fleet of the "Dawn Goddess" to slowly sail into the Ocean of Storms.

Out of the sea estuary that spans several kilometers, the deep blue sea water of the Ocean of Storms and the light blue Widley River are clearly separated.

With the help of the sea goddess Umberli, the murlocs have no possibility of hiding their tracks in the water.

A magic cannon on the fleet is ready to go, but because they are hidden very deep, Cedric has not fired for the time being, and more importantly, the real protagonist has not yet appeared.

The originally clear sky surged endlessly, rolling thunder and lightning, rolling thunderstorm clouds of wind snakes.

The lead-like thunderstorm even stirred up the sea water, forming more than a dozen circling vortices with a diameter of hundreds of meters, preventing the entire fleet from continuing to force.

Wojin and Anboli looked at each other, and they cast the state of the gods at the same time. The two golden goddesses with a height of 1,000 meters shone brightly in the already ink-like sky, even if the Emerald City a few kilometers away, You can clearly see the folds on the clothes of the two goddesses.

Amberley's [Sailing Asylum] saint incarnation took out a golden scepter covered with waves, and pointed at the huge vortices, "I order that the ocean will stop the waves."

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