Infinite Evolution

Chapter 45: Tyrant, tank!


With a fierce roar, a huge "giant" suddenly appeared on the other end of Road 1!

At this time, a huge humanoid monster with a height of about three meters. At this moment it was appearing from the end of Road No. 1, striding towards Chu Xun and others.

The monster's whole body skin was as pale as zombies, but there was no decay, but his muscles rose up like steel bars. In particular, its arms are so large that they are more than 20 cm in diameter, thicker than ordinary people's thighs, and their length reaches an astonishing two meters.

Like the licker, this monster has huge claws at the ends of its hands. These claws are 40-50 cm long, even longer than ordinary sabers. When its five fingers are closed, the five sharp claws are like a pile of extended saber racks together, and the sharp cold thorns almost hurt people's eyes.

Like the licker, the key to this monster is also exposed, but his key is not the head, but the giant heart. There is a large aorta next to the naked heart, and unlike other zombies, the monster's heart is still pulsating together. He had no expression on his face, and his lips had completely disappeared, leaving only white to weird teeth.

As for its face, it is weird and terrible. Not only does it have no skin, all facial muscles are directly exposed on the face. The thick muscles look really scary ...

"Oops, it's a tyrant!" Looking at the "giant" that appeared from a distance and striding forward, Yang Ling and others took a breath of exhalation and exclaimed.

Chu Xun's face suddenly changed when he heard the exclamation of Yang Ling and others.

Tyrants, like lickers, belong to the most common evolution in zombies. However, unlike lickers, once a tyrant has evolved successfully, it is a second-order dangerous creature, and it is the best among them.

This giant creature is known for its thick skin, endless power, and near-immortal vitality. It is the most terrible linebreaker on the battlefield. Even a well-trained hundred-man army will collapse suddenly under the charge of a tyrant, and it will eventually be wiped out.

Therefore, people also gave the king on this battlefield another nickname, which is "tank"!


Unlike a licker who has lost sight, the tyrant is extremely sensitive in terms of sight, smell and hearing. So soon the tyrant found the trace of Chu Xun and others, gave a roar, and "walked" towards them at a faster speed.

Because of their huge size, tyrants rarely run and use them. Although he walked, the huge height advantage made him take great strides every time, almost catching up with the speed of ordinary people. And as the tyrant hurried forward, the zombies and some fortifications that were in front of him were easily broken and crushed by him like rotten wood. Passed by, as if run over by a real tank, leaving messy debris and unsightly wreckage.

But the worst is not so!

If the enemy is just a tyrant, then the strength of others like Chu Xun may not have a chance to win. However, with the roar of the tyrant, the ordinary zombies also seem to have received the order, and they snarled towards Chu Xun and others. .

This is why Chu Xun and others had to kill lickers before, because once these mutant zombies found them, the corpses would also list them as enemies under the orders of mutant zombies!

"Damn, let's rush!" Seeing the sudden reaction around him, he burst out roaring at the corpse that came to his side, Yang Ling's face poisoned you, and you yelled: "Vincent, Chu Xun, protect Me, I'll open the door! Chu Hang, come and support! "

After speaking, Yang Ling had already taken the lead in launching an attack. I saw that he suddenly opened the computer bag he was carrying, and then took out a thick stack of it, like a disc, but the sharply sharpened metal objects around it, and then threw it into the sky, and simultaneously pressed Off his watch.


Suddenly those disc-sized disc metals suddenly trembled, and then blasted away in all directions at a very fast speed.


These metal discs have terrible destructive power, and they are like a chainsaw in high-speed rotation, which can easily smash those zombies nearby. And they are very numerous, almost as many as twenty or thirty. With the sweeping of these metal discs, the zombies are like fallen leaves swept by the wind, rolled into pieces by this metal storm, and collapsed to the ground.

"It's amazing!" Chu Xun's eyes lightened slightly as he saw a metal disc in the corpse, like a metal tornado.

He had already guessed that Yang Ling was not simple, but he did not expect that this guy's shot strength would be so amazing!

"Don't be dazed, let's do it!" At the same time, Vincent sighed and activated his ability.

As his voice fell, his skin quickly became very dark and green, and at the same time, thorns and thorns like army thorns quickly grew on the surface of the skin, making him look like a thorn tree. general.

"Kill!" After completing the ability, Vincent roared and rushed directly into the corpse. At this moment, he has become a meat grinder on the battlefield. Wherever he goes, those zombies hit by him are torn apart and turned into flesh. There is no one to stop it.

And even if he just wiped it, those zombies where the thorns were scratched would quickly rot, and then a small insect like a ant was born from the middle, and the zombies were swallowed up.

This is Vincent's ability "Body of Thorns". This ability can provide him with strong defense, strength and recovery ability, and the thorns on his body also have the effect of rebounding the enemy's damage. In other words, the more power he hits, the more damage the attacker takes.

What's more, these thorns also contain terrible parasites, which can make Vincent a hedgehog that can't be handled, and he may be hurt more when he attacks him.

"It's really eye-opening!" Chu Xun's heart was full of sighs at watching the abilities shown by Vincent and Yang Ling. The world of the Psionicist is really full of variables and excitement, and can always give him new surprises at any time.

But Chu Xun also knew that now was not the time to marvel, so he quickly clenched his fists, his sharp nails ejected, and a cold metallic light flashed at his fingertips.

"Blast!" Chu Xun also launched an attack immediately after ejecting his nails. I saw that he drank softly and kicked his right leg suddenly. The whole man rushed into the corpse like a cheetah, then his body turned and his right leg was like The whip swept directly over a zombie.


The huge power made this fragile zombie as if it was hit by a car driving at full speed. It was instantly torn apart and turned into pieces of debris. The corpse blood and pus spattered like rain. One place.

"Damn, it's disgusting!" However, after one blow, Chu Xun found that he was dealing with these zombies with his powerful power now. It would be a little too wasteful to use only blast combat skills, so he soon thought of a new one. Methods.

"Hey!" With a chuckle, Chu Xun rushed directly to the wreckage of an automatic rapid-fire gun next to the road, then held the barrel with both hands, and directly exerted force to move this giant weapon that had been completely destroyed to the ground. stand up.

The automatic rapid-fire gun is a ground automatic weapon that can fire 88mm caliber shells with great power. Its barrel is about three meters, and the whole body is made of alloy. It is extremely heavy and weighs more than one ton.

However, it is such an obsolete weapon that at this moment a new power has blossomed in Chu Xun's hands. I saw that after seizing the huge barrel of the rapid-fire gun, Chu Xun regarded the entire rapid-fire gun as a huge "chain hammer" and swept at the zombies swarming hard.

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