Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

315: Want to protect her

Ai Changhuan's tone was very scary, and her eyes were also very scary, as if what would happen to her if she didn't apologize. Madam Lu felt a little timid in her heart, but refused to show it, otherwise she would lose face, so she found it for herself He walked down a step and said: "Your grandpa is still in a coma. Even if I apologize, he won't be able to hear me. I'll treat him to dinner when he wakes up. By the way, let's talk about your divorce with Lu Zhanke."

Ai Changhuan's face darkened. She was about to have an attack when she suddenly caught sight of Mr. Ai's fingers moving. She shouted in surprise: "My grandpa's hand is moving. His hand is moving. My grandpa is about to wake up. He will wake up soon." Gonna wake up!”

Mrs. Lu suddenly looked like she had seen a ghost and couldn't help but shout out: "You are playing tricks on me. He didn't make any move when I said divorce. He woke up immediately when I said I apologized. Do you think I'm a fool?"

Ai Changhuan's joyful smile suddenly froze on her lips. She looked at Mrs. Lu coldly and said, "What do you mean? Does it mean that whether my grandpa wakes up or not depends on your mood? He can't do it if you are unhappy." Yes? Humph, I don’t care what you think. Now, immediately, apologize to my grandpa!"

"The Lu family has never had a rule for elders to apologize to younger generations. As long as you don't divorce Lu Zhanke for a day, I won't be able to apologize for a day. If you want me to apologize, fine, as long as you divorce Lu Zhanke, I will apologize immediately!" Mrs. Lu sneered. He shouted, "But it doesn't matter if your grandpa wakes up. Then I will let him see what shameful things you have done. If he is so embarrassed that it is definitely because of you."

"What do you mean?" Ai Changhuan stared at Mrs. Lu closely, "Don't slander others casually. I have never done anything to bring shame to the Ai family! I have always done things with dignity and integrity."

"I have a photo of you and Qin Zhan hugging each other in my hand. Why, do you want me to show it to your grandpa? Are you sure your grandpa won't be stimulated and have a recurrence of myocardial infarction after seeing it?"

"How is this possible?" Ai Changhuan was shocked, and then quickly recalled, had she hugged Qin Zhan before? When was it photographed? However, that should have all happened before marrying Lu Zhanke, right? Thinking of this, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Those were before marriage, so it doesn't mean anything."

"Oh, you are so naive. All I have are intimate photos of you two together after you got married. You are cheating on your wife and can be judged for divorce. If you take the initiative to divorce yourself, you can still save a little bit of the Ai family's face. Don't In the end, everyone was disgraced.”

"You..." Ai Changhuan was about to retort, when the electrocardiogram monitor beside him suddenly sounded an alarm. The red light on it was still flashing, and the ripples on it were undulating violently. After a few seconds, it turned into a long flat straight line, constantly sliding forward. Ai Changhuan looked at the black head in front of her and her head was congested with blood. Her whole body felt like someone had hit her head hard with a sap, and she went crazy. He seemed to be shouting, "Grandpa, come here quickly, doctor, come here quickly, please, come here quickly!"

At this moment, tears burst out uncontrollably, wetting her entire cheek mercilessly.

Ai Changhuan will never forget this day, because on this day, she lost her only relative, her dearest grandfather who loved and cared for her all her life. Those few alarms opened the darkest period in her life. years.

When the doctor shook his head guiltily and said sorry to her, she was shaky and had no strength to hold on to the wall. But the next second her emotions broke out again, and she yelled like crazy: "What's going on? Maybe, you are lying to me, you are lying to me, I don’t believe it!”

How could Grandpa be dead? She hasn't fulfilled his promise to take good care of him. She also wants to take him to see other scenery and want him to spend the rest of his life well. All of this has not yet been realized. , how could he just... how could she believe it!

The doctor explained that the patient might have woken up a long time ago, but the signs of awakening were relatively weak, so they did not notice it. Then something happened, causing the patient to be severely stimulated, causing great mood swings. Eventually, the heart rate was abnormal, and then he died. .

These words were like another hard blow on Ai Changhuan's head. His head was buzzing, and even breathing became extremely difficult. His trembling hands were holding on to the hem of his clothes feebly. The doctor's words kept coming to his mind. Loop amplification, he just said... just said that grandpa actually woke up long ago, before she found out, so... so he heard everything she argued with Mrs. Lu?

"If your grandpa was awake, he would have jumped up to defend you. How could he be lying here motionless?"

Suddenly, Mrs. Lu's words came into her mind, and she suddenly had a guess. Grandpa must have wanted to protect her, that's why he was so excited. He wanted to wake up quickly and protect his granddaughter. To prevent his baby from being bullied... Haha, it must be like this, it must be like this.

When she thought of this, Ai Changhuan felt so uncomfortable that she almost died. She cried and laughed like a mentally disturbed madman. Tears poured down her eyes. Her heart was full of regrets. Why didn't she stop Mrs. Lu? Why did she let her enter the ward? Why did you argue with her, why didn't you find grandpa woke up in time, why why? She kept questioning herself, her heart aching...

"Chang Huan, Chang Huan, calm down!" Someone was shaking her shoulders desperately, and then came over to pinch her chin, "Relax your mouth, stop biting, do you know that your lips are already bleeding?" "

There was a smell of blood spreading in her mouth, but the strong taste did not bring her consciousness back at all. She fell into crazy speculation and self-blame. She was thinking that she killed her grandfather and it was all her fault. , she did something wrong, and she is the one who deserves to die. A good person like grandpa should not die. Why is it that she did something wrong, but it was grandpa who was punished?

Why did she refuse to divorce, why didn't she agree to Mrs. Lu's conditions? If she had agreed earlier, she would not have quarreled with her, and grandpa would not have died.

Isn't it just divorce? What’s so great, there’s no one in this world who really can’t live without someone else…

She knew that this had nothing to do with Lu Zhanke, but she hated, hated why Mrs. Lu had to go to the ward to talk about this, why she wanted to irritate grandpa, she knew clearly that he had just had the operation not long ago, why why why did she do this, hate The meaning was overwhelming, and she could no longer look at Mrs. Lu, let alone Lu Zhanke. Even just hearing the word "Lu", the hatred in her heart surged and completely overwhelmed her consciousness.

"Get a divorce!" She dug her thighs with both hands, leaving crimson crescent marks one after another on them. These words seemed to come from the deepest part of her heart, with a heart-wrenching feeling. She had no choice but to feel the chill and the pain that penetrated her bones. She really had no choice. If she could, she would also want to escape from this evil world immediately. From now on, she would never have any pain, sadness or fear of loss. .

"You...what did you say?" Qin Zhan, who was extremely anxious, suddenly heard these words and couldn't help but be stunned.

But Ai Changhuan never spoke again, she just stared blankly into the distance, then her eyes darkened and she fainted completely. After all, she was not as strong as she thought and could not bear such pain.

If you can't escape this world, it's good to escape for a while and get a chance to breathe.

Mr. Ai was a low-key person, so the funeral was also very low-key. The grave was booked in the cemetery long ago, so all he had to do was send the ashes there for burial.

On the day of the burial, the sky was gray and it started to rain lightly. Ai Changhuan held the urn and walked up the mountain with Qin Zhan's support. The people who came to see him off were all Mr. Ai's friends back then. Comrades in arms, as well as people sent by the organization to express condolences, all wore plain clothes and walked toward the mountain in silence.

However, when they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they found that it was already filled with soldiers wearing green military uniforms, all of them standing tall and straight like rows of strong pines!

"Take off your hat and salute!" A loud voice pierced the sky, and then everyone uniformly took off their military hats and placed them on their left hands and placed them on their chests. With their upper bodies upright, they quickly raised their right hands to the same level as their eyebrows. Gao, watching them with deep eyes.

Someone covered Ai Changhuan's ear and explained softly: "These are the soldiers that the old man led before. The old man left too suddenly. Many people were away and couldn't make it back. Those who could come came here. The old man was a good man." Commander, you have brought out a group of outstanding soldiers!"

They spontaneously came to see their old leader off. They must have been here for a long time, and their green military uniforms clung to their bodies because they were soaked, but they did not waver at all and stood firmly, watching the old leader who once loved them like his sons!

"Woo!" Ai Changhuan couldn't hold it back and cried bitterly again. She had been crying day and night for several days before. Her whole body was groggy, her eyes were red and hot, and they were swollen like Like two walnuts, it was extremely difficult to open them. Now that she was crying, her eyes became even drier, and her tears had dried up.

She hugged the urn and saluted back.

Her legs were shaking when she went up the mountain. Although she wanted to send her grandfather away steadily, she was so weak that she could only half-lean on Qin Zhan's body.

When everything was submerged in dust, and when grandpa's vivid face turned into a black and white photo, she felt that her entire soul had been hollowed out. She wanted to cry, but there were no tears left, and her voice was so hoarse that she could not even speak a word. Can't squeeze it out. She knelt in front of the tombstone and cried bitterly.

She wanted to tell her grandfather that she had entrusted a lawyer to sell all the property of the Ai family. With the money given by Qin Zhan, she had paid off all the debts she owed. From now on, the Ai family would never Owe it to no one!

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