Seeing Ai Changhuan do this, Lu Zhanke's heart softened and he said nothing. The worst thing he could do was ask the servant to prepare breakfast early tomorrow and say it was Ai Changhuan who did it.

After settling Feng Jinghe in the Walker Hotel nearest home, Ai Changhuan and Lu Zhanke went home.

Although Ai Changhuan really wanted to talk to Lu Zhanke again, she had been thinking about Feng Jinghe's words on the plane and was unable to get a good sleep. Now she was exhausted and fell down soon. On Lu Zhanke's shoulder, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

Lu Zhanke put his arms around her, feeling warm in his heart. She did not leave, but returned to him. Although there were many things that he had not had time to say, there was still good news that he had not told her, and there were still many doubts that had not been solved. However, these were for the time being. It doesn't matter anymore.

When he got home, Lu Zhanke originally wanted to hug Ai Changhuan and get out of the car, but his hands had not recovered to that level yet. He couldn't help but laugh bitterly, then gently shook Ai Changhuan awake and told her that she was home.

Ai Changhuan got out of the car in a daze. Surrounded by thoughts, she just wanted to have a good sleep. When she entered the bedroom and was about to take a bath and go to bed, she suddenly remembered something. She was still injured. , and some places are quite obvious. Lu Zhanke can see it if he looks carefully. What if he asks about it then?

It's bad.

Seeing Ai Changhuan standing in a daze at the door of the bathroom, Lu Zhanke asked: "What's wrong? Aren't you very sleepy?"

Ai Changhuan moved and smiled very stiffly: "Well, yes, I am really sleepy, so I will probably sleep very deeply. If I am woken up, I will be furious and want to kill someone. It is best if there is no movement. Don’t have any.”

Lu Zhanke looked at her and said nothing.

Ai Changhuan lowered his head, looked at his toes and whispered, "So I'd better go to the guest room and sleep."

"Do you really think so?" Lu Zhanke asked, his tone slightly cold.

"Hmm." Ai Changhuan responded vaguely. She had already noticed that Lu Zhanke seemed to be in a bad mood now.

Lu Zhanke naturally wanted to ask why, why Ai Changhuan suddenly brought an inexplicable man back, why he behaved so strangely, and why she had to sleep separately from him again. However, she was already very tired, and now was not the time to ask these questions. , If you have anything to say, we’d better talk about it tomorrow.

"I know, but I'd better sleep in the master bedroom for you. I'll sleep in the guest room." Lu Zhanke reached out to touch Ai Changhuan's head, but in the end he put it down and only said, "You have a good rest."

Why is a breakup better than a wedding? I don't feel Ai Changhuan's feeling of being eager to see her. What's wrong with her?

Seeing Lu Zhanke's sad departure, Ai Changhuan felt very uncomfortable, but such uncomfortable days would continue in the future.

The next day Ai Changhuan was awakened by a knock on the door. As expected, the energetic Feng Jinghe came early in the morning. Lu Zhanke had already gone downstairs to receive him. The housekeeper Wu Ma was sent upstairs to call her.

After a whole night's rest, Ai Changhuan's physical strength has been fully restored, but how can he cover the injuries on his face?

The scratches on her forehead could be covered by putting down her bangs, while the ones on her face could only be covered up with powder. After all, she had no reason to continue wearing sunglasses.

After tidying up, Ai Changhuan opened the door and prepared to go downstairs, but met Feng Jinghe and Lu Zhanke in the guest room at the end of the corridor.

At that time, the door to the guest room had just opened. Feng Jinghe walked in front with a smile on his face, while Lu Zhanke walked behind expressionlessly, still buttoning his clothes with his left hand. Why did this scene look so weird? 211 Ai Changhuan looked at the two of them in surprise, his eyes full of doubts.

Lu Zhanke frowned and said, "Doctor Feng just checked my body."

"Ah..." Ai Changhuan responded confusedly.

Feng Jinghe said: "I have checked Mr. Lu's arm. Although the injury was very serious, the Yangming Large Intestine Meridian, Hand Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian, and Hand Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian were all damaged to varying degrees. Fortunately, the rescue was timely. And the surgery was done perfectly, so there were no irreversible consequences. I can probably guess what Shen Qingyan’s treatment method is, but I don’t know whether it’s because she is cautious as a woman or for other reasons. Her method is still the same. I was relatively conservative and didn’t dare to carry out more daring treatments, so although it was quite effective, it was still too slow and I couldn’t fully recover within two or three years.”

Hearing what Feng Jinghe said, Ai Changhuan's heart finally fell. It seemed that Lu Zhanke's arm had great hope of recovery. Shen Qingyan said that she was 60% sure, so Feng Jinghe should be at least 80% sure. Yes, Lu Zhanke's arm can really be cured.

Lu Zhanke originally had no hope. Although Feng Jinghe's words made him happy, he was not blindly optimistic, so he asked Feng Jinghe, "Do you have any better way?"

Feng Jinghe raised his eyebrows: "At least it will be faster than Shen Qingyan, so it won't delay you for so long."

Yes, if Lu Zhanke can't touch a gun for two or three years, it will definitely have an impact on his combat effectiveness. Of course, the sooner the better.

"How long will it take Mr. Feng to heal my arm?" Lu Zhanke asked.

Feng Jinghe said: "Your arm can recover in one month, you can lift heavy objects in two months, and you can fully recover in three months."

"Really?" So quickly? Just three months? Wouldn't it be amazing? Lu Zhanke had doubts in his heart.

Feng Jinghe didn't answer, his expression was cold, as if you didn't believe it.

Since Feng Jinghe dared to say this, he must be more confident than Shen Qingyan. Ai Changhuan felt excited, as if he had won a huge prize. Isn't this a surprise that fell from the sky? She looked at Feng Jinghe with burning eyes and asked, "Then when will you be free to start treating Lu Zhanke? How about starting from today."

Feng Jinghe shook his head and said, "No, I haven't had breakfast yet, and I don't want to do these things that consume my energy."

Ai Changhuan immediately said: "Then wait a moment, I will prepare breakfast for you now."

She was indescribably happy in her heart and wanted to throw herself on Lu Zhanke and laugh and scream. However, since Feng Jinghe was still there, she could only hold it back. She smiled at Lu Zhanke and ran downstairs. went.

Lu Zhanke narrowed his eyes and asked Feng Jinghe: "Chang Huan has only been in the United States for a few days. She is not a particularly outgoing person, but she seems to trust you. How did you meet?"

Feng Jinghe chased Ai Changhuan downstairs. When he heard Lu Zhanke's words, he just replied coldly: "I don't want to say more about Miss Ai. If you want to know, just ask her."

His attitude is so arrogant that even Captain Lu doesn't take him seriously.

Ai Changhuan entered the kitchen, preparing to make a sumptuous breakfast for the great hero Feng Jinghe. While selecting ingredients, there was a sound of footsteps behind her. She thought it was Lu Zhanke who had followed him in, so she shouted to the people behind her without looking back. To: "I don't need your help here, just go and sit in the living room."

The person behind him was not Lu Zhanke but Feng Jinghe. His expression was calm, but his tone was not as cold as before in the United States. He said, "I'm not here to help, I'm just here to tell you what I want to eat." Listen. Hearing this voice, Ai Changhuan guessed that she had recognized the wrong person. She quickly turned around, but what she met was the unhappy look of Lu Zhanke behind Feng Jinghe. She felt guilty for some reason, and she secretly cursed Feng Jinghe for being unreasonable. He is so familiar with it, he completely regards this as his own home, so casual.

She adjusted her expression, looked at Feng Jinghe, and asked, "Then what do you want to eat, Mr. Feng?"

Feng Jinghe frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "I don't want a Western-style breakfast like sandwich bread. I've had enough. I want a Chinese-style breakfast."

Ai Changhuan quietly glanced at Lu Zhanke. Because he had difficulty with his right hand, in addition to preparing porridge and cold dishes for the first time, she later prepared breakfast that was easier to get, such as toast. Now Feng Jing He asked for a Chinese breakfast, which made her a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, she decided to steam the buns and serve them with fried dough sticks and soy milk, which would be convenient for both of them.

Feng Jinghe said, "I remember when I was very young, my mother made black sesame and red bean porridge. It was delicious, but I never had it again."

"... Got it." Ai Changhuan said to Feng Jinghe, "Then, Mr. Feng, just go to the living room and wait. I don't like anyone watching me cooking."

Feng Jinghe frowned: "Why, I remember when I was a child, my father would stand at the door of the kitchen and watch my mother cook."

It's just that his mother will drive his father away immediately, not because of any discomfort, but because his mother's tutoring is very strict. In broad daylight, his father is not allowed to come within one meter of her, even if he is walking between two people outside. There is also a distance between two hands, because if two people are close to each other, it is said to be immoral.

Ai Changhuan was sweating on his forehead: "This is different from my personal habits. Mr. Feng, please don't embarrass me."

Lu Zhanke had already asked Wu Ma to make a pot of ginseng tea for Feng Jinghe, and then said, "Mr. Feng, please come over and have a cup of tea."

Don't keep pestering my wife, she is my wife!

Feng Jinghe thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay then."

Feng Jinghe turned around and left. Lu Zhanke finally got a chance to be alone with Ai Changhuan. He walked up to Ai Changhuan and asked her quietly: "Where did you find such a person? Isn't he a liar? ?”

It takes three months for his arm to fully recover, which is too much to boast about.

Ai Changhuan said: "Don't worry, he is definitely not a liar. He is the CEO of a listed pharmaceutical company in the United States. He has everything, so what can he lie to us about?"

The CEO of a listed pharmaceutical company has a net worth of at least hundreds of millions of dollars. Why would such a person abandon the company and come to China for three months just to treat his own arm?

Lu Zhanke's eyebrows moved and he asked, "What did you promise him?"

Ai Changhuan's hands shook, his eyelids trembled, and then he forced a smile and said: "There are no conditions, it's just that we hit it off and became close friends, and then I accidentally revealed your matter to him. I didn't expect it." He is actually an expert in rehabilitation, so I invited him back to China to take a look at it for you. You heard what he said. It only takes three months for your arm to fully recover. Aren't you happy?"

Her words were full of loopholes. Lu Zhanke could have asked at least a hundred questions if he wanted to. Did you fall in love at first sight? Where can I see it? Introduced as a confidant? What hobbies do you have in common? It's just that after only seeing each other for a few days, he left such a big company and returned to China. This is not necessarily the case for friends who have known each other for several years, right?

Moreover, Feng Jinghe's attitude has always been strange, and Ai Changhuan seems to be particularly accommodating to him.

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