Chapter 169: Kri: The Captain of the Organ is in Love? What is that? Can Kelly try it too (subscription required)

Knights of the West Wind.

Office of the Head of Staff.

“Whew, it’s finally done.”

Qin sat down behind his desk and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Also thanks to the previous conflict with the Doctor was in a remote place.

Even if the battlefield was very badly damaged, there were no casualties.

Nor did it cause panic among the population.

So Qin directly sent someone to deal with it.

And this time, thanks to Boss Han’s hand, her Sun Wukong’s hair did not come in handy.

You can still keep it for next use.

Thinking of Boss Han, Qin took out his mobile phone and pondered it.

“How should I talk to Boss Han?”

The piano furrowed her brows.

Just write “Boss Han, hello, I am the acting head of the West Wind Knights Qin, it is a pleasure to chat with you’?”

A thought flashed through Qin’s mind.

That’s how she introduced herself when she first met Boss Han before.

But she quickly ruled out the idea.

The tone is too formal.

Boss Han also said that they are all acquaintances, there is no need to be so polite.

“It’s noon, so why don’t you ask, ‘Have you eaten?'”

Qin came up with another way in her mind.

She had heard that this was how the Ritsuki people greeted each other.

And according to the name of Boss Han, he seems to be a Liyue person.

“No, it feels like the first greeting is still inappropriate.”

So Qin ruled out this idea again.

After that, I came up with a lot of ways to say hello.

Like what

(Thank you Boss Han’s mobile phone, Lisa Keli they used it and said good.)

(Boss Han, how is business today?) )

(Boss Han, what do you usually do without opening a store?) But it’s either embarrassing or feeling inappropriate to say hello.

So all of them were ruled out by the piano.

“How is it so hard to think of a way to say hello?”

Qin stroked his forehead.

She felt a bit of a headache.

Usually offline meetings will not be like this ah…

Staring at the mobile phone screen, the piano tangled for a long time, and finally typed two words.

(In?) )

Relief Bookstore.

Han Feng leisurely leaned back in his chair behind the counter.

While savoring, enjoy the massage of the little maid.

Pleasant no.

At this time, he suddenly felt the movement of the mobile phone on the table.

“Someone messaged me?”

After a moment, Han Feng reacted.

I haven’t used a mobile phone for a long time, and suddenly there is no mobile phone syndrome.

Picking up the phone, Han Feng was somewhat curious about who would contact him.

Condensation? Little Pymon? Or the Girl?

“Huh? Is it a piano?”

Seeing the remarks (the length of the piano hips), Han Feng was also slightly surprised.

He doesn’t have a few friends on his phone.

Almost all of them thought about it again, but they didn’t expect that Qin would be the first to contact him

Curious, Han Feng clicked on the information to check it out.

“That’s how I greeted you…”

See (in?) The corners of Han Feng’s mouth twitched.

This is known as one of the most wordless ways to say hello.

In past lives,

In this case, I will usually ask the next sentence (I have been running out of money recently, can you borrow me some money?). )

Cough, far away.

However, Han Feng did not expect that Qin would also use such a way.

“It’s really in line with her character!”

Han Feng smiled indifferently.

Then my heart moved, and I quickly replied with two words (not there).

After sending the message, Qin was suddenly nervous.

Even when facing the Fool Wind Demon Dragon before, there was no such nervousness.

“Does Boss Han think I’m bothering him?”

Qin had some tangled thoughts in her heart.

Just then, the phone vibrated and heard.

Qin hurriedly opened the phone to take a look.

“Not there?”

Qin blinked, a little confused.

Boss Han is not there, where will it go?

However, she quickly reacted, it was Boss Han teasing her.

If he really wasn’t there, how could he send a message?

Since the topic was opened, Qin was not so nervous in her heart.

I started talking to Boss Han.

(How is Boss Han’s business today?) )

(Not bad.)

(I feel that Boss Han has a lot of magical props there, which is very incredible.)

(Then welcome to the piano often!) )

(Well, it must come often.)

Han Feng’s reply was also very fast.

The two didn’t talk much, they were all very ordinary words.

But for the piano, the meaning is completely different.

She is still the first time to use a mobile phone to chat with others about private affairs, especially if the object is still Boss Han.


This made Qin feel very happy, and a smile unconsciously appeared on her face.

After chatting for a while, Qin then remembered the note.

At that time, he was embarrassed by Boss Han, so he did not ask out.

Now is the right time to ask.

So it was written,

(Boss Han, what do I mean by that note?) After clicking the send button, Qin’s face was still a little red.

Fortunately, there was no one else here, and she didn’t have to worry.

“I didn’t expect it to be asked…”

Looking at the information on the mobile phone, Han Feng’s face was a little strange.

It seems that with the mobile phone, the face of the qin is not so thin.

After thinking about it, he replied directly.

(I just think it’s very much in line with the piano!) )

“Does it fit me perfectly?”

Qin stood up and looked down at a certain part, and then associated with the others.

It seems that it is indeed the same as Boss Han.

I didn’t expect him to pay so much attention to me.

Qin felt some heat on his face.

At this point,

In the slit outside the door of the regimental commander’s office, there were two pairs of curious eyes.

It was Barbara and Little Kelly.

“Sister Barbara, what’s wrong with the piano leader?”

Xiao Keli looked at the piano and smiled, blushed, and was distressed, and suddenly a little confused.

It was the first time she had ever seen the head of the piano like this.

“Probably… In love!”

Barbara touched her chin and guessed.

Because that’s how those love books describe it.

Girls in love,

There will be a smile, a blush, a distress and so on.

“What is love? Can I eat it? Or can it be used to make bombs? Can Kelly use it?”

Little Kelly was a little curious and asked a whole bunch of questions.

Barbara: “…..”

“Falling in love is such an adult thing as the head of the piano regiment, you are still young, until you grow up.”

Barbara tapped Kelly’s head and continued, “I’ll send you back to the confinement room first, and then I’ll take you to the comic later.”

Before Little Kelly went out to fry fish or was found.

Now Barbara is sending little Kelly to the confinement room, but she didn’t expect to see the situation of the piano unexpectedly.

“Oh yes!”

Little Kelly cheered softly.

For her, as long as she can read comics, it is okay to be locked up.

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