Chapter 119: Getting Rewards: Gourmet’s Tablecloth; Manga shop upgrade, Noel’s shock, boss you are too good!

Watching all the customers in the store leave, Han Feng said to Noel on the side.

“Close the door, it’s business hours over today.”

Noel nodded, hung the ceased business sign on the door, and sorted it out inside the house

At this time, Han Feng began to count today’s performance

Eighteen were received in the morning and twenty-one in the afternoon

A total of thirty-nine customers were received

The total income is 3.9 million molas

“Although it is worse than expected, but the overall is OK”

Han Feng is still very satisfied with this performance

Today’s day alone is worth the sum of the past two days

At this point,

The system panel pops up

(You are out of business today, please randomly select a reward from the existing comic.)

“It’s time for the daily reward again, and I’m really looking forward to it.”

Han Feng showed a slight smile

Compared to yesterday, today there are four more comics

They are “Detective Conan” and “Journey to the West”

Tom and Jerry, Doraemon

If this is the first day, then Han Feng will definitely not hesitate to choose “Journey to the West”

If you can get the powerful power inside, you can definitely walk sideways in Tivat

But now that Han Feng already had two powerful powers, he didn’t need other forces for the time being

So Han Feng did not think too much about it and directly chose “Doraemon”

He wanted to see what kind of props he could get in this comic

If luck breaks out, draw the if the phone booth is such a causal law weapon

Sigh, that’s interesting

“System, start extracting!”

Han Feng said

(Start extracting… )

(Draw the reward foodie tablecloth)

(Gourmand tablecloth: You can produce all kinds of food out of thin air, just say the name of the food you want to eat, the tablecloth will conjure up food.)

The conjured food is real, completely free and unlimited.)

“I really didn’t expect that the things that Wendy and Xiao Pie had in mind were actually smoked by me!”

Seeing the reward, Han Feng was also crying and laughing

It really is

Although there are no more powerful props, Han Feng is still very satisfied with this gourmand tablecloth

In the future, you can eat anything and what tea you want to drink at any time

Simply lazy welfare!

“System, claim the reward!”

The words fell, and a golden light flashed

Then a tablecloth with a pattern appeared in Han Feng’s hand.

“Tonight’s dinner has fallen.”

Han Feng was in a very good mood

But there is no hurry yet, because there is another important thing to do

That’s the Makeover Comic Shop

Han Feng just counted that he now has a total of 6.9 million Mora

Sufficient to meet the requirements of the retrofit

“System, now transform the comic shop.”

Han Feng said

“Do you want to deduct 5 million Mora and upgrade your manga shop?”

A cold voice sounded in his head


“Ding! Deducting 5 million Mora, start the renovation of the manga shop.”

The voice drops,

A roar was heard

The whole manga shop started shaking

It was as if an earthquake had occurred

“Boss, what’s wrong?” Is there an enemy coming to attack?”

Seeing this sudden situation, Noel was a little flustered and quickly trotted over to ask

“Don’t worry, this is the manga shop in the upgrade, and it will end soon.”

Han Feng smiled lightly

And it’s his own comic shop, everything is under his control, so don’t worry about security at all

“It turns out that this is the transformation that the boss said!”

Hearing Han Feng’s explanation, Noel was relieved

Then he stopped talking and began to look at it curiously

For the surprise that the boss said before, she was still very much looking forward to it

During the transformation process,

The system was all based on Han Feng’s ideas

First, the area around the manga shop was included in the category of manga shops

Then he began to transform it in the way he had thought of before

Handmade character posters and so on are also arranged

With the system in place, Han Feng quickly transformed the comic shop

A brand new manga shop was born!

At this time, the manga shop as a whole is the same as before, and it is still divided into two floors

But the internal situation is completely different

The first is in terms of area

Previously, each floor was only 100 square meters

A few people read the comic and think it’s okay,

But when there are more people, it seems more crowded

In particular, some people read comics and discuss more loudly, which will also make some people who read comics quietly feel bored

This was also something that Han Feng hadn’t considered before

The current transformed manga house has an area of nearly 1,000 square meters on the first floor

Almost ten times as much

Han Feng roughly divided the area into two places

One is an area dedicated to reading comics

The other is the discussion board

With the blessing of the system, it can be effectively soundproofed

In this way, look at the manga, look at the comic, discuss the discussion

No one will get in the way

As for the bookshelves and counters, they are still at the door

Of course, the change doesn’t stop there

Compared with before, the most obvious is undoubtedly that the atmosphere of the comic is a lot more

Previously there were only some caricature patterns on the walls

But now it’s more than that

Whether you are looking at the comic area or the discussion area, there are posters of comic book characters on the walls

For example, Luffy Conan and so on


The most conspicuous is undoubtedly the various anime craftsmen

As long as it is a comic that appears now, there are almost all the main characters in it

Luffy Sakura Battle Tyrannosaurus Beast Muto Game Little Bird Yurokaku and more

Even some items and props from the manga are placed

As long as you have seen the manga, you will definitely be very surprised to see such a scene Q…

Noel is that way now

Looking at the various handicrafts and posters around her, she was now in a very excited mood

Finally know what the surprise of the boss is!

“Boss, you are really great!”

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