Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty

Chapter 809: Indomitable

Chapter 809


Thousands of Xiliang army troops came rushing forward, like a black ocean swept through, and as if a black wall was advancing layer by layer. The flags of the Xiliang army were fluttering in the army. Seeing the various flags layered on top of each other, the Xiliang Army was crowded with people, and I didn't know how many people there were.

"The general led the reinforcements, and our army will win!"

Ma Teng yelled, and the thousands of Xiliang Iron Horses all looked overjoyed and shouted.

"The general is invincible!"

"The Xiliang Army is invincible!"

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

The morale of the two armies was declining. The Xiliang Army was motivated by the arrival of reinforcements, while the Yizhou Army saw the arrival of the Liangzhou Army, which was layered on top of each other, and it would definitely face a bitter battle next. Naturally, morale dropped.

Seeing this, Leng Bao was helpless, so he shouted: "The general governor’s reinforcements will arrive soon. Everyone must hold on. After this battle, I will scatter my wealth and reward the brave men!"

There must be a brave man under the reward. Hearing Leng Bao’s words, the morale of the exhausted Yizhou army has rebounded slightly. As long as it can persist for a period of time, the army and horses of the general governor will return to help, right?

When Liu Ye saw thousands of Yizhou troops, he naturally judged at a glance that this was not the main force of the enemy army, but Zhang Ren's troops left behind.

"Order the entire army to attack, and you must defeat the enemy within an hour!"

Liu Ye said coldly.

"The general has an order! The whole army will attack and defeat the enemy!"

More than 50,000 Xiliang soldiers were morale, and without a word, they launched a fierce attack on the Yizhou Army. The tide of Xiliang Army surrounded the Yizhou Army in all directions, as if a big hand grabbed it, five fingers. They must be brought together to destroy the Yizhou Army.

The Xiliang army had been unable to attack the sword pavilion for a long time, and a grievance had accumulated in his heart. I thought that if the Yizhou army did not hide in the sword pavilion, but went out for a battle, it would definitely be a battle.

The Liangzhou army surged from all directions and launched a fierce attack on the Yizhou army. The pressure on the Yizhou army was the same on all sides. Only countless black soldiers from Xiliang came forward, and the pressure doubled.


To the south of the Yizhou army, a Xiliang army from the school rushed forward, and the archers were behind, and when they were 80 paces away, they led the bow and set the arrow.

Whoosh whoosh!

The arrow drew an arc in the sky, then descended from the sky and fell into the Yizhou army formation. Many Yizhou soldiers suddenly fell to the ground. The Liangzhou Army in the front row was different from the ordinary soldiers. They wore iron armor, showing a dark luster, and each complexion was calm. Obviously, they were elite soldiers who had experienced many battles, but Liu Ye used heavy gold to build them. A heavy infantry in the elite with heavy armor.

"fight back!"

Seeing the enemy rushing forward, of course the archers in the Yizhou army had to fight back with arrows, and they shot out, but when they shot on the Xiliang heavy armor, the arrows were mostly inserted. Among the beetle leaves, there are more arrows that gently rubbed a spark on the beetle leaves and fell on the ground.

From time to time there was a grunt in the heavy armor, but someone hit the arrow, but there was heavy armor to protect the body, even the middle arrow was only a minor injury, and the arrows stuck in the body inadvertently. Pulled out, these arrows are not deep into the flesh, so they are naturally pulled out casually.

The heavy armoured soldiers moved forward in an orderly manner, and easily reached the front of the Yizhou army. They showed their eyes and took out heavy weapons such as short axes, thick-backed knives, and golden hammers.

"Kill up and break the enemy line!"

The heavily armored soldier roared, rushed forward in large strides, rushed to the enemy's formation in three and two steps, lifted the heavy weapon, and fell.


A heavy armored soldier roared, raised the golden melon hammer in his hand and fell heavily. It landed on the leather shield, and the leather shield was torn apart. The Yizhou soldier behind the leather shield screamed with a hammer in his chest and suddenly fell down. On the ground.

The heavy-armored soldiers were built with heavy gold. Naturally, they had extraordinary combat effectiveness. The heavy-armored soldiers roared and fought forward. The Yizhou army's army formation was like thin paper, and it was easily torn apart by the Xiliang soldiers' heavy-armored soldiers.

"Stabilize the battle, hold the battle!"

Leng Bao's eyes were about to split, and he hurriedly called out and ordered the guards around him to fill it up. However, the heavy-armed soldiers of the Xiliang Army were so sharp and rushed one by one, not much worse than the iron cavalry. The blunt soldiers in their hands smashed them down, and the Yizhou soldiers in front of them couldn't bear it at all. They fell to the ground one by one, and the swords of the Yizhou soldiers slashed up, and most of them were blocked by the heavy armor on their bodies. The battlefield situation suddenly It has evolved into a one-sided trend, with countless casualties.

The Xiliang Heavy Armed Forces was invincible, and the soldiers of the Yizhou Army were overwhelmed, and they couldn't resist it.

"Get in!"

There are heavy armoured soldiers as the pioneers, and they smashed several blood paths from the Yizhou army, while the rest of the Xiliang army took advantage of the situation to break in. The Yizhou army was in chaos, and finally could not resist the front of the Xiliang army. The trend of rout.

"Damn it, don't mess, don't mess!"

Although he knew that his subordinates would be attacked by the Xiliang Army sooner or later, but he didn't expect the speed to be so fast, Leng Bao was stunned for a while, with a feeling of disbelief.


At this moment, there was pitch black everywhere, and there were figures of Xiliang army everywhere. Leng Bao was riding on a horse with a prominent figure. He was naturally targeted by countless Liangzhou soldiers. If he could capture this person, wouldn’t he stand up? great merit?

"The enemy will stay!"

A fierce soldier in heavy armor holding a short axe roared, spreading his teeth and dancing claws, holding the short axe, he slew towards Leng Bao.

Leng Bao was naturally furious: "A little pawn, afraid that you won't succeed?"

Defeat is inevitable at this moment, and Leng Bao’s anger in his heart is difficult to express. He is naturally furious when he sees a small **** who wants to take his own life. Apart from anything else, he rode his horse forward with a spear and aimed at the short axe pawn. The spear pierced out.


As a general, Leng Bao's spear was naturally sharp and could pierce armor. He could only hear the sound of chucking into the flesh, and the spear in his hand had penetrated the pawn's chest.


The Xiliang Soldier was in pain, but was aroused by the pain, so he grasped Leng Bao's spear and refused to let it go.


Leng Bao yelled, adding three more force to his hand, and the wound became deeper, but the Xiliang soldier just opened his eyes, and his **** palm clenched the spear, and refused to let it go.

At this moment, several heavy armored soldiers around saw this scene and shouted one after another, surrounded from the left and right, to deal with Leng Bao.

"The enemy general Wu, stay here!"

Seeing the critical situation, Leng Bao had no choice but to let go of his spear, and the Xiliang soldiers retreated one after another under inertia.

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