Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty

Chapter 707: Fall short

Chapter 707

Cao Cao praised Zhou Yu so highly, Cheng Yu on the side nodded, agreeing: "The prime minister's words are true. I heard that Sun Ce had left a will to his younger brother Sun Quan before his death, saying, "I will ask Zhang Zhao if his internal affairs are not resolved." If foreign affairs don’t decide to ask Zhou Yu,’ this Zhou Yu really has the skills of a soldier."

"Unexpectedly, Zhou Yu is just a weak scholar, but he can fight so much."

Dianwei beside Cao Cao scratched his head, not daring to talk.

"Haha, Ziman. Both Meng Ben and Xia Yu are warriors, but at most they charge and fight, but they can't lead the war." Cao Cao smiled.

"Oh, I can't lead the war for the Prime Minister, but I will definitely fight to protect the Prime Minister's safety." Dian Wei said with a pat on his chest.

Cao Zhen, who has not spoken all the time, suddenly said: "Prime Minister, now that Uncle Zi Xiao is trapped in the Jiangdong Army, our army can send troops to meet Jiangdong soldiers. Once the trapped soldiers and horses are exhausted, our army can rescue Uncle Zi Xiao and our cavalry. ; Secondly, if you join in and out of Zi Xiaoshu, it will not be difficult to defeat Jiangdong Army."

Cao Cao nodded appreciatively: "Zi Dan is right, Wen Lie, you should learn more from Zi Dan."

Cao Xiu nodded solemnly: "After stopping this battle, I must go back and read more military books."


Cao Cao ordered: "Zihe, Ru collar Zidan and a thousand cavalry."

"No." Cao Chun and Cao Zhen agreed with their fists.

Cao Cao said again: "Wen Qian, you lead 10,000 foot soldiers as a forward, approaching Jiangdong Army, Wen Lie acts as your deputy, study hard."

Le Jin and Cao Xiu both clasped fists and agreed.

"Remember, the riding and riding should cooperate with each other to stabilize the position. You must first rescue the subordinates of Zixiao, and then confront Jiangdong Army. Unless Jiangdong Army attacked or ordered by the original state, you should not engage Jiangdong Army."


The four generals Cao Chun, Cao Xiu, Cao Zhen, and Le Jin agreed in unison, and then each led their troops.

Cao Chun led a thousand cavalry out of the battle. This thousand cavalry was a tiger and leopard rider, but because the horse armor is still being made, this thousand cavalry is only a leopard rider for the time being.

A thousand leopard riders did not gallop, but marched forward. At the same time, Le Jin also commanded ten thousand Cao Jun. One of the four large formations followed Le Jin and moved slowly in the direction of Jiangdong Army. One thousand Leopard Cavaliers and ten thousand Cao Jun steppers maintained a steady rhythm. Forward.

"Our army also follow!"

With a big wave of Cao Cao's hand, the remaining nearly 30,000 Cao troops also slowly marched up, following Cao Chun, Le Jin and others.


A full array of forty thousand Cao troops lined up, their horses' hoofs and footsteps trampled on the ground, making a rumbling sound, like a giant beast in the mountain and sea sutra suddenly appeared on the wilderness, stepping on the ground.

"General Governor, Cao Jun is here, how should our army respond?"

Tai Shici sent a sentry rider and asked Zhou Yu.

"Order Ziyi to release Cao Ren." Zhou Yu ordered.

"Let it go?" Cheng Pu was taken aback: "Isn't this a failure?"

"General Cheng, just now the five hundred Cao Jun cavalry and Cao Renli joined together, and they almost broke our army's position. If tens of thousands of Cao Jun and Cao Renli joined together, can our army last?"

Zhou Yu ordered: "Order Ziyi to open a gap and let Cao Ren go out, but don't do nothing. Send more archers to release arrows and kill the enemy cavalry. The more the better."


"Passing orders! After releasing Cao Ren, the whole army assembled outside the North Gate of Shu County to deal with Cao Jun." Zhou Yu said again.


The sentry came galloping, and then drove back, telling Tai Shi Ci of Zhou Yu's order.

"What? Let Cao Ren go?" Tai Shici frowned.

"Ziyi, the governor is also worried that the enemy should be allowed to cooperate with him, so let's listen to the governor first." Xu Sheng persuaded.

Tai Shici sighed: "Well, order to open the gap, set up archers on the two wings, and try to kill Cao Jun cavalry."

Taishici's military order came out, of course, Jiangdong Army executed it immediately, and the Jiangdong army suddenly shrank, and more than a thousand soldiers withdrew, pushed to the two wings, and made a gap.

"Cao Lifeng, the arrival of the prime minister's army, the Jiangdong army is afraid to keep our army." Niu Jin laughed.


Cao Ren frowned: "The Jiangdong Army is hiding the evil heart..."

Niu Jin looked up puzzledly, and saw that the first row of Jiangdong Army on both sides of the gap were sword and shield fighters, and after the sword and shield fighters were rows of archers. They stretched their bows and arrows, and put them on the strings. The arrow exudes a chilly glow, once it hits, it must be skinned and fleshy.


Cao Ren snorted coldly: "Order the whole army to crouch down and speed through."


Cao Ren's order was passed down, and these cavalry also realized that something was wrong, and became silent one by one. Then they grasped the reins of the horse and lay down on the horse's back as much as possible.


Nearly nine hundred Cao Jun cavalry galloped out in an instant, each of the Cao Jun cavalry desperately urged the horses, raising the speed of the horses to the highest, and wanted to quickly pass this death passage.


Tai Shici held the Spike Arrow and fixed his eyes firmly on the cavalry cavalry coming from the smoke, calculating the distance of Cao Jun gradually approaching, and gently pulled the bowstring away.


Whoosh whoosh!

There were thousands of Jiangdong Army archers in two rows. Thousands of arrows flew out in an instant, the arrows were like locusts, and the overwhelming Cao Jun’s iron cavalry was enveloped.



Suddenly, many cavalry cavalry fell with arrows, and the huge war horses became a living target. Dozens of arrows were hit on each of them, and blood flowed all over their bodies, and they fell directly to the ground in pain. , Cao Bing on his back was also thrown off.

Tai Shici's eyes were like a torch, and he opened the bow and shot. He didn't pull the bowstring to the full, but halfway to shoot. It was like a machine. He took the arrow from the quiver behind his back and placed it on the bowstring. Inside, he actually shot a dozen arrows, and every arrow was extremely accurate. Not a single arrow hit the horse, all shot at Cao Bing.

Head, mouth, and throat, Tai Shici shot all the vital points of his body. There were more than a dozen Cao Jun who died under his arrows.

"Hurry up!"

Cao Ren desperately urged the horse, shouting loudly, and the nine hundred riders seemed to be bathed in heavy rain, but the raindrops were arrows.

The arrows of the Jiangdong Army shot down like a violent storm. In just a few dozen minutes, the Cao Army suffered heavy casualties. In one fell swoop, more than 300 horses were killed and injured, leaving only more than 600 horses.

However, it was finally clearing the clouds and mist to see the sun, more than 600 riders rushed out of the Jiangdong Army's violent arrows, but the Cao Jun cavalry that rushed out were basically all bloody. There are a few arrows hanging from the body, one by one in embarrassment.

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