Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 402: The Adventures of Tintin (25th)

"Damn! This ghost place is so boring!" Guan Heng deliberately raised his voice and cursed to himself, seeming to be more and more impatient. It was because he was trapped here and gradually showed anxiety. Then he asked with a high octave throat, "Hey, is anyone here? Who brought me here?"

"Let me out! Damn! You shameless kidnappers !!"

"Cut ... still no response?" Guan Heng tried to yell two throats, then raised his eyebrows and looked around, and realized that there was still no sound around, he murmured in his mouth: "Hey, how did you do that? Am I Was it thrown here as a prisoner? "

"Prisoner? Haha! You are right about this title!" An abrupt and sharp voice sounded suddenly, the voice was so cold that it could let a slightly timid person scare the heart out of his throat! "

"Huh? Haunted? Who is talking?" Guan Heng deliberately pretended to be frightened with a shrug and his body trembling slightly. He said with a little panic in his mouth: "Strange, no one here? This voice? Where did it come from? "

"Hey, is anyone talking?" Guan Heng frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and asked, "Who are you? Where are you?"

"Who am I? Hahahaha-I am the ghost of Captain Unicorn !!" This abrupt and cold voice echoed in this huge basement, and the voice flickered left and right. , And startled!

"Well, do you really think Laozi is a three-year-old baby?" Guan Heng sneered slightly, secretly despising the other person to perform such a scary trick, but he had to pretend to be panicked and deliberately shrank. Behind the pillar, looked very scared!

After a few seconds, the wild and weird laughter came to an abrupt end, and suddenly turned into a small mocking voice: "Haha, are you scared? Right? Come, come to the iron gate! Come!"

Guan Heng listened carefully to the direction of the sound, then glanced left and right, and finally found a closed iron door more than ten meters away!

"Oh!" Guan Heng took three steps and made two steps, hurried to the iron gate.

"Yes, well, just walk to the door like this, should you be able to see the call hole here?" The voice was always ill, slowly guiding Guan Heng, and finally led him to a black cymbal on the wall next to the door. In front of the small hole, it turned out that the sound came from the other side through there!

"Hey, tell me, who the **** are you?" Taking a deep breath, Guan Heng stood in front of the call hole and asked loudly, "And what do you want me to do here?"

"Hahaha, I want to know who I am ... Sorry, I can't tell you for the time being!" The voice ignored the horizontal questioning, he said implicitly: "But you are a smart man, why should I kidnap you? , And then brought you here, presumably you guessed a bit, right? "

"Well, I still want to hear your own reason!" Guan Heng turned his eyes, thinking that he knew nothing about this place, and even if he was trying to escape, he still needed to have some necessary information!

So Guan Heng decided to delay time deliberately, inducing the other party to say something more, listening to any flaws and clues, so he didn't hesitate to say, "I'm not quite awake now. You need to know that you are taking medicine Too cruel, I am still dizzy now, maybe I still have the sequelae of a brain disability! "

"Hey, Xiao Shuato can really be nonsense!" The other party seemed to hear the teasing smell in Guan Hengyu, with a rather impatient tone, and then the voice said: "Then I will tell you explicitly, kidnap you here Come here for you to return the two parchment rolls stolen from me and say! Where did you hide them? "

"I stole your parchment roll? I do n’t know which onion you came from, how can I steal you?" Guan Heng heard something strange, frowning, frowning, and said involuntarily in his mouth: "It is There is nothing out of nothing, I don't have a parchment roll in my hand! "

Guan Heng was telling the truth. The boat model he bought with Tintin did not get the parchment scroll under the bookcase. The scroll was first stolen by a thief, and then recovered. So far, he is lying in Tintin's In the wallet, the second paper roll is in the ship model of Goatee Ivan. It is long gone now!

So asking for a roll of parchment for the direction is simply a daydream!

"I know, they searched before they threw you into the basement!" The voice said, "I'll tell you the truth, Tintin ... (The man still thinks that Guan Heng, who is disguised for this moment, is Tintin himself) We were originally You've got two of the three parchment rolls, but you stole them from me! "

The voice said slightly annoyed, "Last night when you were not at home, we have gone to search your apartment's room, but we only found the third parchment roll in the wallet ..."

"Oh, the other party's hands and feet are so fast!" At this moment Guan Heng said in a secret, "It's bad! The parchment roll in Tintin's wallet has fallen into the other party's hands!"

"Come on, where are the other two parchment rolls?" The voice grew more and more impatient, and gradually came out of persecution.

"Hum, how can I know where things are?" Facing some inexplicable censure and intimidation, Guan Heng just sneered slightly, holding his shoulders, "Aren't you the magical Captain Ghost Unicorn? Find it yourself!" "

"Huh, that's a hard-nosed ghost!" The voice finally impatiently yelled through the call hole: "Since it's stubborn, let it be yours! But don't blame me for warning you: I have many ways to make those die Duck-mouthed diehards tell the truth, how much I want to let you guys talk! "

"I only give you two hours to think about it!" The mysterious voice growled colder and colder: "If you don't reveal things, you will see me at that time, as well as my appalling torture means!"

"Hey! Hey, wait a minute, listen to me ..." Guan Heng wanted to say a few words in multiple sets, but the other person's voice came to an abrupt halt this time. : "Jerks, he closed the call hole!"

"It seems the other person wants to trap me here ?!" Guan Heng slumped his hands for two laps in the basement, but he sneered slightly: "Unfortunately I am not Tin Ding's thin arms and legs, and even Tin Ting is also in this place May not be trapped, let alone me! "

—— [11.26 First change, good night everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

—— [Lao Sha has a small group that interacts with readers, writers, brothers and sisters, and welcomes everyone to give valuable suggestions: [47 0084 2 243 (47-084-22-22)] ——

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