Immortal Realm’s Smuggling Kingpin

Vol 4 Chapter 2: Crazy Taxi (Part 2)

Like the wilderness, there are six different faces. The first face is the virgin of Feng and I; the second face, the wind is high and the sun is dark, as ferocious as a man-eater; the third face, the storm is violent, and violent like a purgatory monster; the fourth face, Clouds are sly waves, cunning like treacherous heroes who steal the country; the fifth face, clouds enveloped, blinded like the night of the fifth watch; the sixth face, clouds and waves are chaotic, chaos like a world dispute.

In addition to these natural factors, Liu is no less fierce beast and evil spirit in the wilderness than Xiaoyao Yunhai. This trip was more dangerous than the last time Luo Qian explored the Sea of ​​Clouds by himself. At that time, Luo Qian had a big deal of white light rebirth, but now he has four more drags.

Although it is now the gentlest side of the wind and the sun, Liu Ruoxuan, Luo Qian did not dare to take advantage of the good weather to move forward at full speed, because the animal power must be reserved to deal with the dangers that may arise in the future and cannot be used up. The carriage moved at a fixed speed, not fast or slow. The time of this day was quietly spent on the road. When the sky was full of Xixia, Hua Shiwei stopped him: "Don't go anymore, the night is like a wilderness, no creature can survive."

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Luo Qian nodded, and Hua Shiwei said: "Find a place to shelter from wind and rain, let's camp." There are few peaks in the Liuru wilderness, but there are many hills. After a short journey, Luo Qian found a 100-meter-high mound. Hua Shiwei said, "Just stay here, go under the mound." After reaching the mound, Luo Qian received the carriage. , Hua Shiwei took out a shining treasure. Luo Qian leaned over and saw that it was a diamond-like drill. Luo Qian secretly said in his heart: Such a big diamond, if it is in the lower realm, it is really invaluable.

I saw Hua Fairy muttering words, holding the drill-shaped magic weapon in one hand, and clasping his fingers like orchids in the other, constantly digging out a magic talisman, printed on the treasure. Finally, with a soft drink: "Go!" The magic weapon like a drill bit went into the ground with a "shoo".

The surface of the earth bulged upward, as if a giant beast passed through. It bulged for a while, and the ground sank again. When Luo Qian was guessing what was going on, a piece of soil turned upwards and a passage was arched out. Luo Qian was taken aback for a moment, the fluorescence of the channel was flowing, just enough to allow a person to get in. The other three people filed in, Luo Qian was still in a daze. Hua Shiwei behind him pushed him: "What are you still doing? Go in quickly. It will soon be dark. You can't imagine this night like a wilderness." Luo Qian hurriedly followed behind her. After walking in, I realized in my heart that the camp that Hua Shiwei was talking about was going underground like a mouse.

The channel is surrounded by a diamond-like crystal wall, which is clean and thorough, and the soil behind the crystal wall can be seen. The soil was sometimes mixed with unknown minerals, which made Luo Qian curious. The passage spiraled down like a hanging ladder. It took a long time for two sticks of incense to come to an end: a wide geode.

Hua Shiwei took out a night pearl, threw it on the top of the cave, embedded it, and shed a soft light.

Like the crystal wall, the dirt outside can also be seen inside. Luo Qian has never rested in this kind of environment. He was happy in his heart, but it was not interesting.

The three people had already taken out their magic weapons, meditating, and resting. These people refused to communicate with others. Seeing Luo Qian’s curiosity, Hua Shiwei explained: “This is the crystal soul that I borrowed from Qingkong Valley. It can be used as a defensive weapon or set up underground. The night in the wilderness is very scary. Camping underground is the safest." Seeing her preparation, Luo Qian felt relieved a lot.

"Take a rest early, you will be on the road early tomorrow morning." Hua Shiwei confessed, and took out a futon made of unknown material and spread it on the ground to meditate. The futon was useless, she sat up to breathe, and for a moment, she condensed into a water-blue light ball outside her body, which not only played the role of protector, but also was able to draw aura from the surrounding environment.

The other three people just got up to do their exercises without taking a break. After all, in such a harsh environment, if you condense a little more aura, you will have a little more money to survive.

Only Luo Qian fell asleep. The whirring sound made the three people very dissatisfied.

It's not that Luo Qian is lazy, but he is really tired after driving the carriage for a day. Although he is now more diligent than before, he has not yet reached the point of "forgetting sleep and food". A lazy person is still a lazy person after all. There is an essential difference between the diligence of the lazy person and the diligence of the diligent person.

Luo Qian slept into the middle of the night, suddenly a Ji Ling stood up and sat up. There was silence in the geode, and everyone had settled. The light of Ye Mingzhu and the light of the water blue ball of light on the futon of Hua Shiwei are intertwined, quiet and serene. A strong anxiety surged in Luo Qian's heart. He knew that his spiritual sense might not be very agile for good things, but foretell bad news like a crow's mouth.

Luo Qian hurriedly pushed Hua Shiwei, a ripple appeared on the aqua-blue light ball, Luo Qian shouted: "Fairy Flower, the situation is not good!" Hua Shiwei took the work, and the other three were also taken away.

Shouting harassment, sitting up, looking around, there is no movement, can not help but stare at Luo Qian.

Hua Shiwei asked: "What's wrong?" Luo Qian said: "I think something is wrong..." "Humph!" Yin and Yang Taoist snorted coldly, giving Luo Qian a blank look. Hua Shiwei sighed: "Shao Luo, we are very safe here. There is nothing to be nervous about. Don't stress too much..."

"Shhh!" The old seventeen who had been closing his eyes suddenly put his hands on his lips and raised his ears. Everyone was silent, the old seventeen listened for a while, and stood up abruptly: "Something is coming, no, prepare quickly, there are a huge number of enemies..."

These people are all experienced generations, and they are not panicked. Except for Luo Qian, the four people each hold one direction, but the geode is deep in the ground, and there are two gaps above and under the feet. Luo Qian gritted his teeth and said, "I'll leave it to me." During the Tianhu battle, the lost weapons could not be replenished in such a short period of time, but the bullets of the heavy machine gun were filled, and the machine guns were also added. There were a few boxes of shells, but rocket launchers and cruise missiles could not be refined so quickly.

According to the agreement between Luo Qian and Hua Shiwei, Luo Qian did not need to participate in any battle. Seeing him actively requesting to join the war, Hua Shiwei gave him a grateful look. The yin and yang Taoist said: "I think it is safer for us to take care of the upper part separately. Although we are short of manpower, it is better to give it to a robber." Luo Qian was furious, thinking in his heart, he is dead, too. To be reborn in white light, what does the life and death of these people have to do with themselves! It's just that the affection between Hua Shiwei and her husband is moving. He only needs to get her out at the critical moment.

Even though he thought so, Luo Qian was really not sure about saving Hua Shiwei.

He glanced at the Yin and Yang Taoist faintly, and really stepped aside: "Alright." He really didn't care about the defenses above.

After waiting for so long, I still didn't hear anything. The Taoist Yin and Yang couldn't help asking: "Old Seventeen, why hasn't it been such a long time, but there is no movement? Is it because your old ears are not working?" Old Seventeen Closing my eyes, rubbing a magic weapon that exudes ivory-like white luster, he shook his head and said, "No. These guys are very cunning. If it weren't for the coachman to remind me, I'm afraid they are outside, I might not be able to detect it when I enter concentration. ."

The Yin and Yang Taoist heard his words of gratitude to Luo Qian, and suddenly felt that he was not speculative in talking to him, so he coldly snorted and said no more.

He just turned his head and saw a scene that surprised him: outside the crystal wall, a piece of red liquid appeared. More and more liquid, and soon the entire geode was completely immersed in it. Sure enough, there was no sound. Taoist Yin and Yang looked carefully, and the liquid turned out to be a worm with the size of a fist. Those worms had the head of a grasshopper and a snake-like body. The body continuously secretes a blood-like mucus. It is this mucus that makes no sound when they travel underground.

The old seventeen pricked up his ears and kept saying: "Many, many, and many..." The number of worms is huge, and the mucus secreted from their bodies has formed a blood-colored lake underground. After they entered, the crystal soul closed the passage, so now the crystal cave is sinking like an egg in this blood-colored slime lake.

Although those worms are huge in number, they are in order. Surrounding the geode is not like they attacked. Taoist Yin and Yang couldn't help asking: "What are they waiting for?" Old Seventeen had a stern face, and listened upright: "They are waiting..." Needless to say, everyone has seen it.

The worms dispersed neatly and uniformly on both sides, creating a wide passage. The king of worms, the size of a giant python, with four fleshy wings on his body, swam slowly from a distance with a look of the world.

The Yin and Yang Taoist cried out strangely: "What kind of monster is this!" Hua Shiwei couldn't help changing color. Such a large number of enemies If there is another leader to command, it would be really terrible. Tian Shun'er, a young man who had not spoken all the time, suddenly said, "Catch the thief first!" His hand seemed to move.

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Old Seventeen hurriedly said: "Don't be impulsive! I'm afraid this guy is not so easy to deal with."

They discussed in the geode that the worm king outside had already flapped his flesh wings and issued an attack order. Yin and Yang Taoist said: "We are afraid that it is unreasonable to worry about the world, these guys are soft, what kind of attack can they have..." Before he could say anything, his nails were only fist-sized worms, and his mouths suddenly opened together, rows of blood. His sharp teeth gleamed in his mouth, "hissing..." like a viper vomiting, countless blue sparks and lightning spewed from the worm’s mouth. Although the electric current of each worm is very small, but in this slime lake , I'm afraid that there are not only trillions of worms, and so many electric currents gather together, and even the arrogant Yin and Yang Taoists can't help changing their colors!

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