Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 87: ?Father, I really broke my heart for you!

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The farce is over.

Although Li Zhanlu was dilapidated and his clothes scorched, he was full of energy.

Cross the robbery twice in a row.

His strength has been a qualitative leap.

Except for Li Hanguang, he is regarded as the person who has gained the most from this trip.

It is worth mentioning that he glanced at the sky from time to time, showing an expression of eagerness.

Obviously, I still want to try the third thunder disaster.

As a peerless sword repairman, Li Zhanlu's heart is naturally not so unsteady.

There was only one reason why he was immersed in that feeling.

The experience of surpassing oneself in desperation!

Swordsman, indomitable, breaks boundless obstacles.

The feeling of sublimation after experiencing many dangers is fascinating.

Li Hanguang couldn't help sighing. Fortunately, there is no game console in this world.

"Father, come here!"

Li Hanguang waved to Li Zhanlu and walked into the forest.

Li Zhanlu's complexion darkened slightly, this kid relied on his mother to be here, so unruly.

Immediately, reluctantly followed behind him.

After walking some distance, Li Hanguang stopped.

"Why do you want to be a father?"

Li Hanguang took out a letter and handed it over.

Li Zhanlu did not answer, and asked, "What is this?"

Li Hanguang said: "My boy met a hidden senior, he gave me some tips, but I don't know if it is true or not, please help me to see!


Li Zhanlu's eyes narrowed slightly, a faint guess in his heart, a ray of excitement flashed.

Senior Kendo?

How can there be so many hidden masters in this world?

It's really a storybook!

Mostly, it was Haoran Swordmaster who had something to tell him.

In other words, we must point him!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, suppressed the change in his expression forcibly, and accepted the letter.

Unfolding a look, he was stunned.

There are surprisingly densely packed on it, full of flaws in the "Sword of the Spring and Autumn Period"!

There are twenty or thirty places!

And the words are clear and well-founded.

Li Zhanlu deduced slightly, knowing that these flaws are all real.

Can't be wrong!

It must be Yan-senior, his old man!

Apart from him, who else has such kendo attainments?

Even if there is, who would give him such kind advice?

Only Haoran Sword Saint, looking at Guang'er's face, would help Li a certain one!


Although he didn't want to admit it, the wife was right.

It is really embarrassing that Li needs to fight for his son in the heyday of Spring and Autumn.


It's really cool!

The last time Senior Yan pointed out eighteen flaws, he made his swordsmanship very diligent.

Once these shortcomings are completely remedied, Li Zhanlu has the confidence to promote Haoran's sword intent to the seventh rank in a short period of time.

Participate in research in the future, mastering the eight-level awe-inspiring sword intent is a matter of course.

It is not impossible even to reach the realm of transformation and break through the 9th rank!

So looking forward to messing with~

Thinking of this, Li Zhanlu sat down on the spot and began to comprehend.

Qiang Qiang!

Not long afterwards, all the tyrannical sword intents crisscrossed the forest.

Wherever the sword intent goes, everything is broken.

The terrifying kendo breath made all the surrounding creatures fear and creepy.

Of course, Li Hanguang, who possesses the Ninth-Rank Haoran Sword Intent and the Ninth-Rank Mixed Yuan Sword Intent.

There is no pressure on this~

Li Hanguang did not leave.

Although these flaws are secret, they are not difficult to resolve.

Moreover, he has written the solution.

Although it is a bit crude, it should be no problem with the kendo aptitude of the father.

It is estimated that it will not be long before they can all be completed.

Oh, no way!

The old man was thinking about crossing the catastrophe, and he was about to develop a catastrophe addiction.

However, there is still a lot of difference in the background, if the flaws in the "Spring and Autumn Sword Classic" are not completed.

I'm afraid Li Hanguang really wants to lose his father when he is young.

That's not the end of the baby?


My son really broke my heart for you!


Two hours later.


"The way of Li, today is complete!"

Li Zhanlu laughed, his face full of triumphant breeze.

His kendo aptitude is really good.

With so many flaws, most of them can be completed in just two hours!

Presumably Guang'er would admire his father's fast!

Li Hanguang looked at his father like a fool.

For things that can't be used for half an hour, you spent two full hours.

Why are you still smiling?

Can you stand up?

Forget it~

What else can my father do?

Used to chant~

"Let's go!"

Li Hanguang turned around and walked outside the forest.

There was no movement behind him.

Li Hanguang turned his head to look.

My day!

What is Dad doing?


Li Zhanlu was secretly bowing to him!

"Father, who are you?"

Li Zhanlu's face was slightly embarrassed, but he didn't expect to be discovered by his son.

He coughed dryly: "I'm thanking the unknown predecessor for his preaching grace!"

"No, he's not here!"

Li Zhanlu shook his head and said seriously: "Although he is gone, he will always live in my heart!"

Li Hanguang:...

What else can I do?

The prayers were over, and I didn't avoid it either.

Can only...


Li Zhanlu said silently in his heart: "In order to avoid the exposure of the seniors' identity, we can only do incomplete gifts. I hope seniors are not surprised!"

"The predecessor's grace is nothing in return. If you need it in the future, Li will never back down with the sword in his hand!"


The two returned to the crowd.

Li Hanguang told Li Zhanlu and Zhu Yan Jianzun about the Five Elements Xuan Iron Mine.

Both were very surprised.

It's just because the black iron ore is extremely precious, and the five elements black iron ore is even more so.

There is actually one in their territory right now, how can it not be unexpected?

Li Hanguang didn't talk nonsense, and let the three-footed Jin Chan guide the way.

It's not far from the entrance of this secret realm!


The three-legged golden toad stood in a clearing, and kept jumping on the spot.

Li Hanguang focused his attention, and his omniscience insight also showed that there were minerals in the ground.

"This is it!"

Li Zhanlu said: "Let me have a look!"

He took a step, then plunged his sword into the ground.


Haoran sword intent is stirring

A ray of Li Zhanlu's consciousness continued to spread downward along with the sword intent.

The scope of the divine consciousness of the Second Rank of Crossing Tribulation is unimaginable.

Soon, he opened his eyes.

"There really is Five Elements Xuan Iron Mine!"

Li Zhanlu's voice was full of surprises.

He smiled and said: "And the scale is huge! At least enough for me to mine Aojian Fairy Gate for hundreds of years!"

In Baiyue's eyes, a flash of surprise flashed.

As the person in charge of the Wanli Chamber of Commerce, she knows what such a black iron mine represents.

Uncountable huge wealth!

Massive practice resources!

Zhu Yan Jianzun said: "This matter is no trivial matter. Please go back to the clan first and ask the Supreme Elder to go out!"

Li Zhanlu nodded and said: "I'm here to guard, please trouble me to take a trip!"

Zhu Yan Jianzun did not talk directly turned into a sword light and left.

Bai Yue said: "This is your Aojian Immortal Sect's business, it is inconvenient for me to stay, let's go first!"

Li Zhanlu watched her go away, eyes full of obsession.

The madam has always been like this, simply and neatly, understanding the generality, and not having a temper.

I have a good vision.

Li Hanguang said: "Don't look at it, it's already far away!"


Li Zhanlu squinted and looked at Li Hanguang.

The meaning is clear.

Know your mother is gone.

Dare to talk to my father like this?

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