Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 83: Take the finger as a sword, Gatling~

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Li Hanguang curled his lips.

This man!

The higher the station, the more bragging.

Dad is like this, and so is the Calabash Great Sage.

What kind of a sham-hybrid Yuan Jianqi blows.

It looks colorful and fancy, but in fact it can't be stretched.

You still have to be pragmatic.

Just like him, seek truth from facts, down-to-earth, and install step by step...

How good is it to work hard to become stronger?


Li Hanguang converged his mind, and the mighty and pure sword intent came out of his consciousness.

24K pure genuine golden mixed yuan sword intent rises into the sky.


In an instant, the void seemed to stagnate.

Dozens of superb spirit swords stagnated, and then they trembled violently.

Cang Cang Cang ——

In a moment, those spirit swords broke through the void one after another.

Abandoning the five-color mixed-element sword qi that had nurtured them for countless years, they came to Li Hanguang.

Look at the excitement and impulse, like a father and son who have been separated for many years in the world...

Li Hanguang was worried about these swords, would he suddenly vomit and shout "Grandpa, Grandpa"!

He looked at the empty five-color mixed yuan sword aura again.

Well, unspeakable sadness!

It looks like a licking dog who sits and looks at the goddess, rushing to the rich second generation~

"Well, you have been together for so many years, and I really want to separate you, I can't bear it..."

"Then, let's come together!"

When the thought fell, the massive five-color mixed-element sword qi in the surrounding void suddenly became hot...

Be restless!

Sword Qi swept like a sea tide, revolving around Li Hanguang's consciousness overwhelmingly.

There was a loud bang.

The void seemed to be completely torn apart by the mighty sword energy.

If the sword cyclone vortex that obscured the sky and the sun appeared outside, it would be enough to make the Yuan Ying Stage Venerable escape.

Although the quality of this sword qi is low.

But it has a large amount!

If these sword auras are transformed into golden mixed-element sword intent, even if it shrinks greatly, it will definitely be a terrifying amount!

Just do it!

Li Hanguang was completely immersed in it, and refined these sword auras over and over again with his own blending sword intent.

At the same time, I did not forget to put the dozens of superb spirit swords that I had just acquired in it, and at the same time, he kept it!

Kill two birds with one stone!


Time passed a little bit.

The sky is getting darker, and the light in the secret territory is getting darker and darker.

Ye Chengying sat aside, staring blankly at Li Hanguang's profile, her face flushed.

After all, she didn't bring up the courage to try again.

After calming down, she deeply realized what mistakes she had made before.

——Big Brother, how can I give birth to such disrespectful thoughts of a character like a censored immortal?

——That is simply a blasphemy against Big Brother!

Fortunately, the big brother did not find out.

Otherwise, if the big brother is disgusted with me anymore.

Then I might as well die!

No way!

Can't watch it anymore!

Ye Chengying gritted her teeth and rolled her head.

The big brother's profile is too perfect, and if you look at it, you can't hold it again!

Don't let the big brother hate yourself, absolutely can't!

Ye Chengying gritted her teeth and turned around, but felt as uncomfortable as a bug bite.

The way the brother took a bath was too handsome, too beautiful...

I can't help it at all~

At this moment, a fierce sword intent came from behind him.

Ye Chengying turned around to look.

Li Hanguang did not know when, already opened his eyes.

Full of blue silk without wind automatically.

Hunting in white, the hem of the clothes danced at will, it was as sharp as a sword.

The golden sword intent enveloped him, his breath was cold and fierce.

Just like the sword fairy described in those cultivating words, the sword spirit is compelling, and the style is even more charming!

All kinds of sword auras crisscross the cave.

The sharp edge passed by, so fast that no trace was visible.

A feeling of heaviness came invisibly, and the pool water seemed to be squeezed by heavy objects, sinking violently, jetting from the edge, splashing everywhere.

The light greenness tears through the hard soil and turns into a little inconspicuous flower and grass.

The chill gathered in the sky, and raindrops gradually drifted down, seemingly subtle and soft, but they can penetrate the hardest rocks in the world.

The hottest strand fell in the five-color fairy pond that had turned into ordinary water.

The pool water turned out to be boiled, gurgling bubbles.

Ye Chengying looked at Li Hanguang surrounded by infinite sword energy, suddenly felt very hot under her body, and raised her leg anxiously.

Sword Qi comes quickly and goes quickly.

Everything happens in an instant.

It's like a dream.

Li Hanguang slowly raised his right arm and stretched out two fingers.

After thinking about it, he retracted his index finger, leaving only his middle finger.

In the next moment, a powerful air current flows through the acupuncture points around his body, flows through the Jueyin pericardium meridian from his hand, and finally shoots out from his fingertips.


A dazzling golden glow grew in the cave.

The fierce golden sword energy broke through the air and shot on Ye Chengying's face...the front mountain wall.


Scattered rocks, smoke and dust everywhere.

Ye Chengying fixed her eyes.

However, a deep gully appeared on the mountain wall!


She couldn't help taking a breath.

If it were outside, she certainly wouldn't have such a reaction.

But the problem is that this is Hulu Mountain!

It was transformed by the body of a great saint-level powerhouse.

During the peak period, the monks below Cross Tribulation did their best and couldn't hurt Hulu Mountain by half.

Even if the origin is now lost, it is enough to make the Golden Core Stage monks helpless.

The real cultivation level of the big brother is of course extremely high!

The question is, isn't he transforming the vanity now?

The only power to use is to build a foundation!

Just like that...

No, it's not casual, it's casual!

With just such a light finger, it left such a deep gully on Hulu Mountain!

It's incredible!

Ye Chengying's breathing became more and more rapid, her chest undulated violently, and the light in her eyes became hotter.

Big brother, you deserve it!

It seems that he was born to break common sense, and all experience and rules do not apply to him.

He has already disdain to do what others can do!

What others can't do, he can do it with his eyes closed!

I thought I had been following Big Brother for the longest time, and should be the person who knew the Big Brother the best.

But now it seems that I am still far away!

Sure enough, just like the big brother said.

Because he is not qualified to follow him, so...

He is not qualified, do you know more about him?

A look of loss appeared on Ye Chengying's face.

But soon, this sentiment turned into firmness.

No, I will never give up like this!

I will work hard to become stronger!

Even if there is a sea of ​​blazing fires ahead, I will definitely follow the steps of the big brother.

Even if it's covered with scars, I don't hesitate to do it!

Big brother, I will prove it to you!

Thinking like this, Ye Chengying secretly clenched her fists to cheer herself up.

Li Hanguang doesn't know She hasn't said anything yet, this girl has already made up an international blockbuster on her own.

He just had the sword, just wanting to try the power of the Great Five Elements Divine Vein Sword Qi and Hunyuan Sword Qi.

Well, still very satisfied!

Especially the Great Five Elements Divine Vessel Sword Qi, it is simply a powerful weapon!

There is nothing in this world, more handsome than a sword without a sword!

Gatling with the finger as the sword, compels Graman!

Don't change for an old man!


"Strike while the iron is hot, it's rare to have this kind of environment, try the Great Five Elements Sword Tribulation again!"

Just as he was about to do it, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the cave.

Well, Chu Xiaolian is back.

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