Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 64: This is pretending to be so passive! (Four thousand three hundred words)

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You know, Elder Yan is a swordsman!

The real power in the period of tribulation, looking at the entire five domains, is also a top powerhouse.

Even if he has only a ray of remnant soul now, he still has a lot of unpredictable methods that are beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

For example, he helped Chu Xiao practice hiding his breath and appearance, and he was absolutely perfect.

Even Venerable Yuan Ying may not be able to find out.

Li Hanguang, this kid is clearly transforming the mortal, unable to use the cultivation base above the foundation stage, how did he see it?

Could it be that this kid's blood is really that powerful?

It's outrageous!

"Teacher, am I going out or not?"

On the other side, when Li Hanguang found out, Chu Xiaolian felt a little panicked in her heart.

He felt that he was too embarrassed.

Standing in front of the big brother, it is a bit embarrassing.

Elder Yan seemed to see through Chu Xiaolian's thoughts, and calmly said: "Go out! Don't compare yourself with your seniors, this will only frustrate your Taoism."

"You only need to understand that the immortal road is very long. You don't need to be persistent in comparing yourself with others. It is the right way to constantly surpass yourself!"


Yan Chixiao has spoken very tactfully.

If you say something venomously: Don't be blind to compare with your brother.

You are not worthy~

Chu Xiaolian was wondering whether to go out, but Li Hanguang on the other side was still in a concave shape.

The clothes were just changed.

Originally to hide his figure, Li Hanguang also wore night clothes. This kind of clothing can better hide himself in the dark forest.

But when Li Hanguang approached the area where the Three Demon were located, a line of reminders suddenly appeared in front of him.

Yes it is!

When he was 5,000 meters away from Chu Xiao's training, he already knew that this guy was at Voldigo.

Choosing a day is not as good as hitting the sun, and hitting the sun is not as good as hitting the sun.

Since in such a big gloomy forest, you can come across the little brother Chu Xiaolian, Li Hanguang has no reason not to pretend to be him!

So, he had a jungle dressup on the spot.

Putting on a white dress with a pull-out style, he even looked in the mirror and adjusted his haircut before going on stage.

Next, stand with your hands behind you when you pose.

The head must be slightly raised, looking up at the sky 45 degrees is too hypocritical and artificial, but the chin must be slightly raised, and the posture must be elegant!

You can't look left and right, try to be as empty as possible, and can't focus on the three fairies.

In this way, I can show my invincible self-confidence!

Pretending to be? ? ?

Hehe, Lee is professional!


Finally, Chu Xiaolian didn't hide anymore and stood up and walked out.

"Meet the big brother!"

Chu Xiaolian looked at Li Hanguang with a hot admiration in his eyes, and when his eyes fell on his white clothes, he was even more astonished.

Brother, no matter what environment he is in, he is like an immortal.

This kind of state is unimaginable!

Some people look more extraordinary than you even if they become ordinary.


Perhaps in the eyes of the big brother, no matter how ordinary a person is, he can only become ordinary like this!

Tsk tut, this is the realm!

Li Hanguang looked at Chu Xiaolian, who was covered in grey clothes, with a faint smile on his face.

He could feel that he hadn't seen him for a few days, Chu Xiaolian's aura was a lot stronger, and it was obvious that he had stabbed many little fairies during this time.

And according to most novel routines.

The protagonist of S2 participates in the sect experience training, and the grandfather will definitely teach secret killer moves to help him get the limelight in the trial.

In other words, if nothing happens, wait until the end of the freshman experience conference.

This leek can be a lot fatter!


Let's get the faith value up first!

If the performance is normal, this experience is over, and perhaps Chu Xiaolian and Yan Chixiao can each draw out a kind of ability.

If you are lucky, it is not impossible to explode the skill that condenses the awe-inspiring sword intent.

After all, it is the inheritance of Tai Cang Holy Land, which is definitely stronger than the Spring and Autumn Sword Scripture!

If you can get it, and then use the bronze seal to fill in the flaws, it will definitely be able to exert its super power.

For Li Hanguang at this stage, the effect is self-evident!


Can't put all hopes on luck, after all, what ability to draw from the other party is completely random.

Maybe you can consider showing off a wave of talent in front of Master Yan Jiu.

Maybe, the other party will cherish his talent.

At that time, he took the initiative to dedicate himself and passed the sword scripture to Li.

Isn't it beautiful?


Thinking of this, Li Hanguang's heart became more and more heated.

He looked at Chu Xiao Lian and nodded slightly: "Qi refining seventh floor, dare to break into this area, very good."

Feeling the recognition of the big brother, Chu Xiaolian's eyes suddenly showed excitement.

He nodded his head: "Brother Xie encouraged me, I will definitely work harder!"

Chu Xiaolian always remembered the purpose of his cultivation now!

To seek peace for the common people is the ultimate goal!

The small goal of the first stage is to become an infant with Broken Pill and go to the field with the brother!

For this goal, no matter how tired and hard you are, you can only treat yourself as two hundred and five, and no matter how hard you are, you can only treat yourself as a dumb face!

As long as you can protect the brothers and follow the brothers to save the common people, everything is worth it!


Li Hanguang nodded slightly: "You are lurking here, do you want blood ganoderma?"

Chu Xiaolian was a little embarrassed, scratching his head and said: "I wanted to wait for them to lose all of them before they are hurt, so that the seniors laughed."


Listening to Li Hanguang and Chu Xiaolian, they were communicating without anyone else, as if they didn't pay attention to the three of them at all.

Whether the black panther spirit, the scalper spirit or the red tide leech demon, the eyes of the cold light shine.

If it weren't for Li Hanguang who looked too extraordinary and couldn't see through his strength at all, then the three big monsters had already attacked him.

They roared in low voices, trying to scare Li Hanguang away.

According to the normal unspoken rules of monsters, the three major monsters would definitely join hands to siege Li Hanguang at this time.

But, they stunned~

Li Hanguang smiled: "Why wait for them to lose all three?"

Chu Xiaolian's eyes showed shame: "It's because I am too weak. If I build the foundation, I should be able to kill the three monsters directly with one enemy and three!"


The three demons have reached the base-building stage, and can faintly understand some simple human words.

Hearing what Chu Xiaolian said at this time, an angry light appeared in his eyes.

Of course, they still did not attack rashly.

After all, according to their impression of the dark forest, this place is within the jurisdiction of the human race.

Every ten years, there will be a group of human races.

These human races can be beaten or injured, but don't eat them unless necessary.

If you don't eat, after these guys leave, this dark forest is still a monster, and you can live a happy life just like a small day.

The strong of the human race will not take revenge!

If you kill these humans, if the opponent's teacher is nearby, take revenge...

These veteran monsters know the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

In other words, only if you understand these principles can you live to the age of "becoming a veteran monster."


From the perspective of the three monsters, Chu Xiao Lian had a weak aura, and only had seven levels of qi refining.

It should be a disciple who came to the gloomy forest for gilding.

And Li Hanguang's breath is unfathomable, and even the red tide leech demon can't snoop the slightest.

Maybe it is the powerful elder of the human fairy gate!

It's too risky to shoot him!

The most important thing is that I don't know why, the Three Demons always feel that the white-clothed boy in front of them looks faintly familiar.

In the depths of my memory, there seemed to be some fear and tremor from the soul for this young man.

It's as if I've been beaten by this guy.



Suddenly, there was a look of fear in the eyes of the demon Leech.

Because it seemed to finally remember who the boy in white was in front of him!

Ten years ago, this guy seemed to have been to the dark forest!

At that time, he was still a baby, wearing a little white jacket, like a little steamed bun in the eyes of countless monsters.

There were many powerful monsters in the dark forest, and they didn't resist the temptation to prepare a snack.

As a result, this little guy is actually a solid foundation.

And one-handed swordsmanship makes it brutal!

For a whole month, the smell of barbecue in the dark forest has not been broken!

It can be said that if the leech demon looked too disgusting, it made this little demon lose his appetite.

Maybe it's already a dung now~

Ten years later, although Li Hanguang's appearance is quite different from when he was six years old, he can still see some outlines faintly.


In addition, the young man's cultivation base is unpredictable, completely unable to understand the length and depth.

The red tide leech demon thinks that it should be him!

pill! ! !

How come this bear kid is back?

Bad luck!

It seems that this blood ganoderma must be offered!

The red tide leech demon looked at the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma lucidly, and the whole body emitted a soft red light.

Then, these red lights were condensed into a pair of exercises.

Pixian wrapped the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and picked it up and held it up.

The red tide leech demon holding the blood ganoderma, crawled towards Li Hanguang respectfully, grinning open.


how to say!

It looks even a little flattering~


Chu Xiaolian next to him was dumbfounded at this moment.

what's the situation?

The big brother obviously didn't leak any breath, and looked completely like a mortal.

Why did the leech demon at the peak of the dignified foundation period look so humble and so respectful in front of him?

Is it just because he is handsome?

But isn't the aesthetics of the monster race different from that of the human race?

This leech demon clearly hasn't transformed itself yet!

Even if it is about to transform, is it a female leech demon?

Thinking of this, Chu Xiaolian suddenly had the urge to overthrow the leech demon to see if it was a male or a female.

too weird!

Looking at the respectful red tide leech demon, Li Hanguang was calm.

He vaguely remembered this leech demon, who was not a powerful goblin in the dark forest.

Ten years ago, he was full of spirits and swept the dark forest for a picnic.

Many spirits in the base-building phase actively contributed ingredients to him. This black bear spirit contributed two bear paws, and the flame spirit chicken spirit contributed a pair of chicken wings...

This leech demon seems to have no appetite, so he doesn't bother to do it.

Unexpectedly, after ten years of absence, it actually broke through to the peak of the foundation period.

It's not too bad, there are some chances.

Thinking of this, Li Hanguang's eyes slowly condensed on the leech demon.

After a few breaths, he smiled.

Li Hanguang put away the Thousand-Year Blood Ganoderma lucidum, and then took out a jade pendant and placed it on the red tide leech demon: "If you actively donate medicine, you are also considered to be destined to me."

"This is the water attribute technique "Tide Jue". You can enlighten it well, and it may not be hopeless to condense the golden core in the future."

Seeing Li Hanguang who was smiling like an immortal, the leech demon was stunned.

She suspected that she had admitted the wrong person.

Is this the bear boy who went and cut where he went ten years ago?

Not only didn't he cut me, but also gave the exercises?

The red tide leech demon's eyes showed a hot color. It is not like the powerful sacred beasts such as "Dragon Horse" and "Void Silver Fox". It has extremely powerful ancestors.

The inheritance of the ethnic group is engraved in the blood line. As long as the blood line is successfully awakened, the inheritance of the ancestors can be inherited naturally.

Such as it, the bear demon, the bull demon, the three non-stray goblins.

No background, no resources, no inheritance, and only relying on self-groping and cultivation, every step is extremely difficult.

Many goblins have practiced hard for hundreds of years, but they can't beat a teenage Human race boy.

This is undoubtedly very sad!

Therefore, there will be many monster races surrendering to the human forces, even at the mercy of being bulls and horses, just to obtain those even very superficial cultivation techniques.

Most of the so-called mountain guard spirit beasts are actually slaves!

Now Li Hanguang just received one of its middle-grade elixir, and actually gave a technique, which made the red tide leech monsters unbelievable.

After all, even if Li Hanguang didn't give anything, it would not dare not hand over the elixir!


The red tide leech demon reacted and hurriedly twisted his huge body and knelt down towards Li Hanguang.

Immediately afterwards, he banged his head a few times.

Li Hanguang smiled and nodded, then looked at the black panther essence and scalper essence beside him.

The hair on the latter's body stood up in an instant, which was a manifestation of fear, after all, their strength was not as good as the leech demon.

Nowadays, the monsters are acting like gods to Li Hanguang, which really makes the two monsters very embarrassed.

This man in white looks a bit strong!

Of course, the two demons are also quite envious of the fact that the leech demon can obtain this human practice inheritance.

If I knew it was just now, I should be the first to donate medicine!

This cunning leech demon!


No way!

This human race is so generous, a rare opportunity!

The black panther spirit and the scalper spirit looked at each other, and their eyes burst into bright light.



In the next second, two behemoths, one black and one yellow, turned into afterimages and rushed towards Li Hanguang, aggressively.

Chu Xiaolian clenched the long sword in her hand, just trying to stop it.

However, seeing the black panther spirit and the scalper spirit together with a flexible sliding shovel, they knelt down in front of Li Hanguang and knocked their heads.

Red tide leech demon:? ? ?

Chu Xiaolian:? ? ?

Old Yan:? ? ?

The corners of Chu Xiao's lips twitched slightly.

What exactly are these three monsters operating?

If you can't see through the strength of the senior, it's normal to retreat.

But kneeling one by one, even rushing to kneel, is a bit outrageous.

Big Brother Mingming looks like an ordinary mortal!

Do these three monster beasts also have insights?

Or does the demon look at his face?


As expected, big brother!

Looking at Li Hanguang surrounded by the three demons, Chu Xiaolian's eyes were full of envy and desire.

Recalling that just now, he was lying in the grass and peeking at the scene of the Three Demons, and compared it with the Three Demons who were kneeling in front of Li Hanguang and kowtow frantically.


The gap between people is really too annoying~

Li Hanguang smiled, and his eyes moved on the black panther essence and the scalper essence: "Li just happens to be exhausted. Are you willing to act as a foot force?"

The panther spirit and the scalper spirit were hesitant at first, but after they caught sight of each other...

Nodding quickly!

Li Hanguang smiled and said, "That's the case, follow me in the next month!"

After all, the space ring in Li Hanguang's hand flickered.

A gorgeous carriage appeared in front of the Three Demons and Chu Xiaolian, looking radiant and beautiful.

The moment the carriage appeared, the three demons subconsciously showed fear in their eyes.

Because they felt a pressure that made them tremble in the carriage, and this pressure obviously came from a powerful monster.

Just relying on the little breath remaining on the carriage, it can make their blood tremble with fear.

The bloodline of this monster is unimaginable!

What makes the Three Demon even more unimaginable is that the monster beast with extremely powerful blood is actually pulling the cart for the young man in front of him?

How terrible is this boy in white clothes? ? ?


For a while, the three demon slumped to the ground again, slamming their heads at Li Hanguang frantically.

Chu Xiaolian looked at Li Hanguang, with little stars shining in her eyes.

In this regard, Li Hanguang himself was helpless.

He did indeed prepare, pretending to be forced in front of the young leeks and pickled leeks.

But he swears to God, he really hasn't started to pretend!

The three monsters in front of you are so cooperative!

This makes me very passive!

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