Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 52: Why? Does he have more water?





   On the Vermilion stage, the flame dragon horse slowly chewed the elixir, and the flames on the body surface became more and more vigorous.

   It has just been transformed and consumes too much energy.

   Even if there are 1,000 spiritual crystals sent by Li Hanguang to supplement, it is still a drop in the bucket, and it is not enough to maximize the blood that has just awakened.

   Now, the elixir and elixirs sent by Feng Nanming and Venerable Red are just enough to replenish the aura.

  The energy-exhausted body of the flame dragon horse is devouring these auras frantically.

   Its strength is also rapidly increasing!

  Medium Golden Core~

   late Jindan~

   Golden Core Peak! ! !

   Soon, the aura exuded by the flame dragon horse has reached a level comparable to the peak of the Human Race Golden Core Stage.

   Coupled with the terrifying law flames all over its body, the ordinary Jin Dan stage real person in front of it, I am afraid it will be injured if it touches it, and it will die.

   "My nephew, you try to get close to it now."

  Venerable in red's eyes flashed light, and he patted Feng Nanming on the shoulder: "Don't be afraid, it's a big deal!"

   "The dragon horse is psychic, you have given so many miraculous medicines, it definitely won't kick you to death, you may even feel relieved and recognize you as the master."

   "When the time comes, you will really make a lot of money!"

   Feng Nanming nodded excitedly: "Uncle Master, thank you!"

   After that, he walked towards the flame dragon horse in stride, trying to reach out and touch the dragon horse.


   In the next second, the burning flames on the surface of the blazing dragon horse rose sharply, and the aura of the whole body even far exceeded the peak of the ordinary Jindan stage.

   even gradually approaching the strong in the Yuan Ying stage!

   Feng Nanming finally approached within five steps of the blazing dragon horse. At this time, he only felt the surging heat waves.

   The whole person stepped back again and again, and was forced to ten steps away in an instant. The gray-headed face and eyebrows almost burnt!


   The blazing dragon horse raised up to the sky and roared, and the roar of the dragon stunned Jiu Xiao, louder than before.

   It looked at Feng Nanming and nodded kindly.

   then bowed to him, then turned into a stream of light and fled away.

   Feng Nanming was stunned: "Master... Master Uncle, what does it mean?"

   Venerable in red smiled and said, "Obviously, it will take you to find opportunities!"

   "Since ancient times, there has been no lack of rumors of Rui Beast offering treasures. In those days, Emperor Qian Kun was inherited by Emperor Longma Zhun."

   "My Proud Sword Immortal Sect also had a one-armed swordsman who followed the golden flame carving into a deep valley and obtained a peerless divine sword forged from ten thousand years of profound iron in the valley!"

   "Nephew, you feed this dragon horse so many elixir, and dragon horse knows grace, I must take you to find something good, why don't you keep up with it?"

   Feng Nanming was surprised: "That's how it is!"

   Venerable in red nodded gratifyingly: "Hurry up! Master uncle is waiting for your good news."

   Feng Nanming sacrificed a long sword, pinched the sword tactics in his hand, the whole person rose up with the sword, and shot towards the direction of Longma running.

   Don't say it, this dragon horse is amazingly fast!

  Rao is Feng Nanming driving the high-grade spiritual weapon long sword, still being thrown far away, can only look at his back and eat ashes.

   If there were not many mountains nearby, and the aerial view was quite wide, Feng Nanming felt that he would even be thrown away and could not be tracked.

   This dragon horse, taking Fengmou to find an opportunity is quite anxious.

   really interesting~


   Suddenly, Feng Nanming's eyes narrowed slightly.

   He discovered that the Flame Dragon Horse actually stopped slowly when passing Hanhai Peak.

   Could it be that the chance was near Hanhai Peak?

   That would be difficult!

   After all, Hanhaifeng is the site of Li Hanguang’s brother, so it’s not easy to mess up there.

   However, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

   just took the dragon horse, went to Li Hanguang screaming, showing off.

   Feng Nanming showed relief. This dragon horse was really sensible, knowing that all he wanted to do was to pretend to be in front of Li Hanguang.

   is worthy of being a beast, and it brings surprises to people!

   As for Longma ran to Hanhaifeng, will Li Hanguang pay attention to it?

   Feng Nanming is not worried at all about this.

  The reason is very simple. Since ancient times, people have chosen spirit pets, and spirit pets will also choose people. The flame dragon horse is the top beast with fire attributes.

   What it likes is naturally the fire-attribute living environment and fire-attribute practitioners.

   No matter how talented Li Hanguang is, he is also a parallel importer.

   The superb water spirit root standing in front of the blazing dragon horse will only make him annoying.

   Water and fire are incompatible, it's not just talking.

   For the entire young generation of Aojian Fairy, only Feng, who has the best fire roots, is the most qualified to be the owner of the flame dragon horse!

  Of course, except for Master~

   But Master won’t **** me. After all, my mount is Master’s. She can ride anytime she wants to ride.

   There are thousands of thoughts in his heart, but the speed of the flying sword under his feet has not slowed down, and he shoots towards Hanhaifeng at full speed.

   Soon, Feng Nanming landed on the hillside of Hanhai Peak.

   Following the strong fire attribute aura fluctuations, he quickly saw Ryoma in front of a yard.

   In the next moment, Feng Nanming is Spartan~


   What did Fengmou see!

   I actually saw that blazing dragon horse, rubbing against Li Hanguang's boy like a haber dog!


   Feng Nanming felt that his eyes were flashed blind.

   Before him, he was extremely cold in front of him, and it was difficult to get close to the three-zhang flame dragon horse within ten steps.

   At this time, the figure actually shrank to more than one meter high, and the flames all over her body were completely reduced, looking like a pink young foal.

   What's even more outrageous is that it was actually lowering its head and gently rubbing Li Hanguang's thigh.

   It looks like she's acting like a baby~


   Feng Nanming watched this scene from a distance, only to feel the qi and blood in his body instantly surge.

   A mouthful of old blood spurted directly from the The sky is here!

  You are a monster of fire attribute!

   Catch Li Hanguang's parallel imports, don't you think the attributes are repulsive?

   You should rub me!

   Both of us are fire attributes, so we can create sparks!

   He can only squeeze out the water, which is not good for you!

   There is a saying, Feng Nanming now really doubts life completely.

   He can't figure it out at all.

   Even if this blazing dragon horse chooses Chu Xiao to practice and recognize the Lord, he will feel better in his heart.

   After all, Chu Xiao Lian is also the best fire root, and his talent is no worse than him.

   Even if the cultivation base is weak, Chu Xiaolian is at least a fire attribute genius, which fits within the scope of the closeness of the flame dragon horse.

   Li Hanguang, why is he? ? ?

   Does he have more water?

   Is it just because he looks a little more handsome, can attribute rejection be overcome?

   Fengmou didn't find out before, you are such a horse!

   Feng Nanming clenched his fists, prepared to calm down a little bit, and then went out to argue the theory.

Yes it is!

   The flame dragon horse ate Feng Mou's food, and he must have a good impression of Feng Mou. Otherwise, why doesn't it eat Master Shu's but only mine?

   It must have been deceived by Li Hanguang's guy now!

   I will take it back from Li Hanguang in a while, so that it can understand that water and fire will not produce good results!

   Feng Nanming made up his mind secretly, and was preparing to use the exercises to calm his mind.

   But in the next second, what Long Ma did to Li Hanguang completely broke him.


   Take a mouthful of old blood, spew it out again!

   I treat you so well, I hold you like a princess!

   How can you treat other men.

   do that kind of thing!

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