Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 265: The end of time and space, the road to detachment (10,000 characters)

The void is cold and dark, and the brightest light is in the distance.

This is especially true near Necropolis.

A million miles of the void here is blocked by the strong evil spirits.

As soon as Li Hanguang approached, he perceives many powerful evil spirits at the ancient ancestor level, and the immortal monarch level evil spirits are even more numerous.

According to the data of the human army, the total amount of the ancient ancestors of the evil spirit race has remained relatively the same as the number of the fairy kings of the human race. This status quo has only been broken in recent years.

Who would have thought that there are such a large number of ancient ancestors of the evil spirit race here alone?

On the way here, he passed by the ancestral land of the evil spirit clan, and found that the guards there were far worse than here.

To be precise, there is not even a tenth.

Regarding the existence of Necropolis, the evil spirits have been hiding very well, and Shen Tian and the others have also discovered clues in recent decades.

Now that they are sending a heavy army guard here with such a big fanfare, it is obvious that there is no concealment at all.

Necropolis is heavily guarded, and with Li Hanguang's strength, it will take a lot of time to eradicate all the evil spirits nearby.

He does not have that time now.

But it's easy if you just want to enter.

Before long, he entered the dark and gloomy abyss without disturbing anyone.



This was the first impression Li Hanguang brought to Li Hanguang.

There is no sound here, everything is still, and an extremely rich brilliance emerges from the darkest depths, but it is not bright, but it makes this picture more sad and miserable.

Li Hanguang felt a binding force, and there seemed to be a force in the dark, and wanted to assimilate him with this place.

Let him become a static part.

This power is invisible and innocent. If an ordinary person encounters it, he doesn't even know what to do to resist, and can only watch everything happen.

Li Hanguang encountered this kind of power for the first time, but he did not panic.

His mind moved slightly, and a huge shadow of the world rose from behind, carrying a vast and unstoppable force, as well as independent and perfect rules.

The world phantom did not continue to expand, only slowly rotating around three feet around him, looking at the moons like certain stars in the endless sea of ​​stars.

That invisible force was blocked by the shadow of the world.

The world in Li Hanguang's eyes suddenly moved and was no longer static, although it was a bit slow.

All the brilliance in front of me is spinning slightly, spreading to the distance, it looks like a tunnel, I don't know where the end is.

He took a step forward and took a step slowly.

This step can span hundreds of millions of miles in the outside world, but here, it is just a simple step.

There is space and time, but it is not real space!

Li Hanguang silently judged this in his heart, then closed his eyes and imagined that he was a driftwood on the ocean, drifting with the flow.

The brilliance on both sides immediately retreated at an unimaginable speed.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and exhaled slowly, as if sighing for a long time.

At that moment, he traveled through time and space for tens of thousands of years.

He looked at the road ahead, his gaze extended to the end of the unknown, and he could not see the two familiar shadows.

Suddenly he stretched out his hand, squeezed his fingers, and held a ray of invisible breath.

It's Shen Xiao's breath!

The position he is now is much deeper than the position where Shen Tian and Shen Xiao were when he looked at the Necropolis ten years ago.

But still only the traces they left can be seen.

This shows that the two have successfully blocked the so-called immortal emperor-level evil spirit back far enough into time and space, which is a good thing.

But what about them?

He continued to move forward, and after millions of years, he finally saw that something else appeared in the single and complex brilliance.

That is a cocoon.

The whole body is wrapped in a rich fairy light, and the world phantom is looming in it, resisting the erosion of the invisible power in this necromantic abyss.

Those fairy lights contain extremely strong power and are pushing this cocoon outward.

Li Hanguang calculated slightly, and quickly determined that the remaining power in those fairy lights was enough to send this cocoon out of the Necrosphere, and even to leave the encirclement of the evil spirits and return to the human sphere of influence.

There was an aura that Li Hanguang was very familiar with on that fairy light.

There is a person in the cocoon, with a very beautiful appearance. He closed his eyes at the moment, as if he was asleep, but he has an eternal power.

That is Shen Xiao!

Li Hanguang's gaze fell on Shen Xiao's body, the light gathered in his eyes, and she quickly explored the inside and outside of her body.

Has been seriously injured.

There are extremely terrifying evil forces in the bloodline raging.

She has fallen into a state of emptiness, and I don't know how long it will take to wake up, but she is still alive.

Li Hanguang was slightly silent, and a mysterious Taoist seal was condensed between his hands, and he patted it on the cocoon.

Then the palm was lightly swiped, and the cocoon left the depths of the Necropolis at a faster speed.

He had no choice to rescue Shen Xiao.

Although he could, it would take him a full twelve hours to solve the method left by the evil spirit immortal emperor-level powerhouse.

This time is short.

Not even as much as one ten-thousandth of the time spanned by each step, but it is very important now.

There is a solution to the problems in her body in that seal.

After Shen Xiao returned to the ancestral court, let Bai Zhiwei, Lan Yuyan and others meet, and they would be saved.

After doing all this, he continued to move forward.

Countless times have passed in a blink of an eye.

The power of erosion is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of time has caused tremendous changes in his chaotic world.

The vegetation grows wildly.

Any plant has experienced hundreds of millions of years.

All kinds of strange beasts and strange species have become fine.

The human beings born between heaven and earth are just like all stories, from being weak, being bullied by alien beasts, to morphing into civilization, to civilization gradually becoming stronger, to the peak, and then to a flood that did not know where it came from. Or other natural disasters, everything starts from the beginning.

Those stories are long and old, sad or happy, and I don't know how many generations of life lived.

But in Li Hanguang's eyes, it was just a few steps he took.

He did not put his mind on the inner world, nor did he choose to change anything when the natural disaster broke out, even if it was something that could be done with a single thought.

One of the reasons is naturally to deal with those things, even if only one thought is needed, one needs to distract his attention.

There are so many weird places in the Necropolis, he doesn't want to be distracted at this moment.

Another point is a slight change in mentality.

For that world, he is the creator, and everything is created by him, whether it is people or things, floods or mountains.

To prevent other things from happening for the continuation of those lives, it is somewhat absurd that the left hand hits the right hand.

This does not mean that he has cut off humanity when he has cultivated to the current state, but that he has gradually realized the true meaning of the Tao.

Life itself has the mighty power to conquer all difficulties.

To flourish this matter, why use the hands of others?

For Ancestral Court, every human race is a life itself, in order to survive, it has the ability to turn miracles into reality.

Including himself.

He is doing this!


A light suddenly appeared at the end of the endless light.

Some dazzling.

This sentence seems to be ill-spoken, but it is the case.

The brilliance in Necropolis is never dim, but it is easy to give anyone a feeling of darkness.

There is nothing special about that light, but it is so bright.

It's like an exit at the end of a cave.

Is it the end?

Li Hanguang suddenly stopped.

He looked at the light, lost in thought and silence.

The space in the Necropolis looks like a tunnel, but after entering, there is no direction at all, just like an underground current.

He was able to rely on his powerful Dao Xin to keep himself from getting lost in it, to ensure that he walked in a straight line, and to feel the aura left by Shen Tian and the others more than once along the way.

But... if he didn't go wrong, then the end of the light, could it be the origin of the evil spirit race?

The era of the ancient times?

Did Shen Tian also arrive there?

He suddenly squeezed his finger and calculated it in a way that ordinary people couldn't understand.

The results obtained are very vague.

But it is generally certain that this path is wrong.

The direction he walked along the way was correct, but the result was wrong. The time and space in the Necrosphere had been changing.

Getting lost in Hanoi for a long time is an extremely troublesome thing.

If there is no way back, it is equivalent to exile.

Maybe Shen Tian himself had similar thoughts, and the battlefield with that evil spirit clan powerhouse gradually shifted away and came here.

Thinking like this, he gradually approached the light.

A suction burst, he did not resist, letting the crack swallow him up.


In front of us is a dense primitive jungle.

A fierce battle broke out between heaven and earth.

Countless huge and unimaginable creatures wave their wings and claws, blood and killing are everywhere.

These creatures are extremely powerful, and the smallest ones are comparable to mountains.

This world is extremely wide, there are several overlords who are as big as one hundred thousand feet tall, and their heads have not touched the clouds.

The position where Li Hanguang appeared was unlucky, right at the center of engagement.

The whole world suddenly quieted down.

Those creatures stopped fighting, and looked curiously at the existence smaller than the ant that appeared suddenly, and for some reason his body exuded an aura that made them feel terrified.

Li Hanguang glanced around, his divine consciousness covered the entire world, and he understood that he was probably a strange world in the endless void. As for time... God knows.

He didn't intend to stay here, the crack was dissipating, and he didn't want to stay here.

At this moment, a huge roar suddenly sounded, the sky and the earth were suddenly dark, and a black shadow overwhelming the sky came from the end of the sky, roaring, spitting black inflammation, burning the sky and destroying the earth.

It looked like a certain dragon clan that Li Hanguang had known about, with double wings.

All the creatures began to tremble, curled up, as if bowing down, as if they felt fear from the depths of their souls.

The black image that suddenly appeared was their king, allowing them to surrender willingly.

Li Hanguang stopped slightly, and he heard something from the roar, provocative? Or declare war?

No matter which one it is, he is not interested and still intends to leave.

But that dark shadow obviously didn't think so.

The terrifying black flame swept across, covering the surrounding void.

The cultivation methods of these creatures are clearly different from any of Li Hanguang's knowledge. The black flame seems to be just a breathing method, but it has the power to burn the void, which is extremely terrifying.

Li Hanguang perceived it slightly and understood that this big monster had a strength comparable to the realm of the ancestral human race immortal king.

But if it really fights, relying only on instinct, it will naturally not be the opponent of the human race.

A few thoughts were only a thousandth of a breath in the past, the black flame swept to the front, but Li Hanguang suddenly disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already standing in front of the black dragon's eyebrows.


A finger silently clicked on his forehead.

All the rants fell to a standstill.

The fierce light in the black dragon's eyes dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then the body fell like a stone.

Its physical body was so huge that it was unimaginable, and it fell from a height in this way, causing a near-destructive blow to this world.

The endless earth cracked.

The rest of the huge creatures all around were plunged into a feast of destruction.

The world is overturned.

Li Hanguang looked at the scene of the grand scene, without any waves in his heart, disappearing into the cracks.


He continued to walk forward, gradually losing the impression of the passage of time.

I don't know how long it took, and another light appeared in front of him.

Without hesitation, he stepped in.

A wasteland crashed into Li Hanguang's field of vision.

This wasteland was dead and silent, without the slightest breath of life.

The earth is reddish brown, like rusty iron.

Li Hanguang closed his eyes slightly, and his divine consciousness spread out like water, covering the borderless territory in an instant.

He suddenly noticed something, frowned slightly, and disappeared in place.

When it reappears, there is still a wasteland in front of you.

The only difference is that there are countless unimaginable huge pits on the ground, and huge cracks like small hills spread all over the ground.

There has been a terrible battle here.

But that seems to be a long time ago, at least millions of years.

He landed on the ground and walked in the deserted ground, not walking fast, and in the blink of an eye he came to a towering giant mountain.

There are cracks and abysses nearby, and only this giant peak remains strangely intact.

It looks extremely uncoordinated.

Li Hanguang stepped on the top of the giant peak and suddenly stomped his feet.

The whole world shook.

The dust and boulders on the huge peaks turned into powder at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sand rolled down, flowing in all directions, revealing an extremely huge skeleton.

The skeleton is as crystal clear as jade, the size of a mountain, and it is engraved with fine lines, which seems to contain a certain kind of Taoism.

I don't know how many years this corpse has stayed here. It was covered by wind and sand day by day, and it turned out to be a real mountain in the end.

Li Hanguang did not guess the identity of the owner of the bone.

He knew it as early as the first time he saw it.

He waved and flicked, the entire huge bone slowly turned, and finally only the frontal bone faced him.

There is a faint fingerprint on it!

He was silent for a while, disappeared to the ground, appeared at the very high point of the sky, and looked down on this land seriously.

The size and shape of this world, as well as the mountains and rivers, are very strange to Li Hanguang.

But certain areas gave him a weird sense of familiarity.

It seems to have seen it somewhere.

He came to a certain mountain and looked at the opposite side thousands of miles away, several peaks were as tall as a sword.

There are too many peaks like this in the world.

But the shape of those sword peaks once again brought him a sense of familiarity.

Yes, he is really familiar!

His thoughts moved slightly, and the rocks between the sky and the earth began to spin on their own.

Looking at the peaks, Li Hanguang finally understood.

It turned out to be Aojian Fairy Gate.

Here are the five domains?

The size of the world is wrong!

The five domains are far less than any of the ancestral domains.

But the Five Domains were originally only a small part of the ancestral court.

It turns out that this is the ancestral court!

The ancestral court a long time ago!

Probably, it was so long before several epochs!

The Ancestral Court is not so vast and boundless since the beginning.

Li Hanguang remembered the scenes he had seen before, and secretly said that he did not know what era of the black dragon he had killed.

If everything that is happening now is true, doesn't it mean that the era ends in one's own hands?

Thinking of these questions, he returned to the Necro Abyss passage.

This passage actually connects the ancestral court from ancient times to the present!

This surprised Li Hanguang.

He originally thought that this was just a two-way bridge, and could only reach the time and space where the evil spirit race was or where he was.

But now it seems that is not the case.

"I don't know how far the civilization of the evil spirit race has developed. Is this channel really opened by their top powerhouse? Or is it a natural generation, and the evil spirit race is just a discovery and use?"

Suddenly such a question appeared in his heart.

If the evil spirit race really has the ability to open up such channels, their civilization must have reached the absolute peak.

Li Hanguang can even be sure that there must be a strong person in the evil spirit race who has reached the state of transcendence.

If that's the case, it's really not a good thing for Human Race.

He continued to walk in the passage, and when he saw the light, he stepped in, capturing the time and space of the ancestral court from the past to the present.

The integration of these histories is an unimaginable astronomical number.

Now everything is like a movie, scene after scene appearing in front of Li Hanguang.

He gradually understood how long the history of the ancestral court was, how many races hegemony, the change of times, and what kind of powerful men had been born.

In comparison, the millions of years of Human Race are really indistinguishable from a drop in the ocean.

His mentality gradually changed, no longer being a spectator, and a somewhat learning attitude in his heart.

The ancestral court has undergone countless years of change and is definitely the best teacher unique in this world.

The premise is that you have enough savvy!

His strength can be regarded as the top in any era.

But he didn't show too much means, just incarnate as an ordinary creature in the red dust and feel everything in it.

The path of evolution, the rules of heaven and earth, the nature of the avenue, and different paths that have been opened up.

Many things that were originally incomprehensible, when Li Hanguang watched the beginning of the era over and over again, after the era was annihilated, they were all understood.

He didn't stay long in each time and space, the reason was naturally that those cracks were not stable and would dissipate at any time.

Li Hanguang initially judged that it should be caused by Shen Tian fighting with that evil spirit clan immortal emperor-level powerhouse.

But when the cultivation level reached his level, some things could be understood at first glance.

"The Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth is endlessly changing!"

Standing on a mountain top, Li Hanguang had an extra beard on his chin. His eyes were full of vicissitudes of life, like a wise man who has seen everything in the world.

He suddenly smiled and said: "In the final analysis, where is infinite, there is a definite number after all!"

"The technique of time and space is really mysterious!"

He turned around and disappeared into this world.

He returned to that passage and everything was the same.

But in his eyes, everything has become different again.


He snapped his fingers, the brilliance around him paused, and he began to flow at a faster speed.

It's just the opposite direction.

Time starts to flow backwards!

Cracks passed in front of him, and he glanced slightly, and he knew what era of time and space it was.

He stood still, and the surrounding passages gradually became familiar, and those were all places he had walked through.

He suddenly looked to the left.

There was a different kind of brilliance in the eyes.

A picture appeared in his eyes, and a figure in white clothes was moving forward in the passage full of mysterious light.

He looked to the right, which was also a passage, and there was also a figure in white clothes, but the man was walking against the passage, as if turning back.

On the left front, someone with supreme magical powers attacked the passage, seeming to break through time and space.

On the other side, he saw someone being eroded by the power of time and space, and finally fell into emptiness, blending with the surrounding environment, and he didn't know when it would be completely annihilated.

All these people...look the same.

It's all him!


Li Hanguang muttered to himself.

Those pictures didn't exist originally, they just appeared from his eyes.

That is a variety of different possibilities and development directions.

In other words, those are all different causes and effects.

Another way of expressing it is similar to many people's understanding of parallel time and space.

The scenes in his eyes are real and are happening in other time and space.

The world is far wider than everyone imagined.

The vastness here is not in space, but in multiple dimensions.

Time, cause and effect, parallel time and space...

The time and space people are in is originally just one of countless time and space.

Each time and space has an almost endless river of time.

At every moment in those long rivers of time, there is an incomparably vast world and space, in which countless creatures live.

And the vast majority of creatures live in that world, thinking that they are unique.

They will never know the true face of Lushan in this mountain.

There is only one way to see those pictures.

jump out!

So he jumped!

He jumped up, his stature skyrocketed, trying to break through the passage of the Necropolis.

Necrosphere is a passage of time and space. Outside the barrier is an endless turbulent flow of time. Once you set foot on it, you will be lost and will never be restored.

But he did not hesitate at all, his eyes were calm, his whole body was emitting a golden glow, and the light in his eyes was even more intense, as if he had obtained some kind of sublimation!


He touched the barrier of Necropolis, his body shape merged into it like water, and disappeared without a trace.


Tearing sounds appeared in his ears.

His body is now indestructible, even the immortal king-level power can hardly hurt a single bit.

Although the barriers of time and space are dangerous, they cannot cause such damage.

Those voices came from his soul.

He saw the realm of transcendence, got rid of the **** of beings from the soul level, and the shackles in the depths of the soul were dispelled and torn apart.

He was at ease like never before.

That feeling made him couldn't help but want to scream up to the sky.

But he didn't.

Because he saw a picture.

The world is destroyed, and the lives are destroyed.

A terrifying evil spirit enveloped the entire Ancestral Court, and countless human races died tragically under the attack of the evil spirit race army.

Those people included the familiar Ye Chengying, Chu Xiaolian, Lan Yuyan, Shen Aoxue...

"The ancestral court was destroyed by the evil spirits?"

He couldn't help but lose his voice, in disbelief.

Before he left, he arranged many methods in the ancestral court, and according to his calculations, he could last for at least five hundred years.

If Ye Chengying and the others grow up in five hundred years, they can still fight for a longer time.

Immediately he came to realize that this kind of picture was all around.

He looked around, and endless pictures appeared in his vision.

Those scenes are all scenes in the ancestral court.

It turned out to be the ancestral court under different parallel time and space and different causal trees.

"It seems that among the countless kinds of cause and effect, the ancestral court cannot withstand the invasion of the evil spirit race and has been completely conquered!"

The evil spirit clan represents the pinnacle of civilization in an era, and the strength is extremely terrifying, and the success rate of the whole clan to do such a thing is extremely high.

Li Hanguang's heart is slightly heavy.

Although that time and space are not the same as the time and space he is in, but... those people are real.

Everything that happened is also real.

It's not dreaming!

Immediately he adjusted Dao Xin and went to see more pictures.

He now has a first glimpse into the realm of transcendence, and he can see countless causes and effects in the endless river of time and space.

The result of the war between the human race and the evil spirit race is nothing more than two wins and losses.

Isn't it possible that none of the innumerable parallel time and space have been triumphed by the human race?

As long as you find it, everything has a chance!

He began to search, searching in the pictures derived from unimaginable cause and effect, hoping to find the ray of life.



The human race is wiped out!


The ancestral court was swallowed and all assimilated into evil spirits!


The Terran is unyielding, and all Terrans blew themselves up at the same time. The scene is unprecedentedly tragic!



not even one!

His current divine consciousness is so powerful that he can see countless pictures in one breath, but he hasn't seen hope for a long time.

Is the human race doomed to fail?

He became more and more silent, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

"If you want to change all of this, I'm afraid that you have to step into the realm of detachment, beyond the detachment of cause and effect, and have the ability to reverse cause and effect!"

But this step was too difficult. He had only gained a preliminary view of detachment not long ago, and he could see many causes and effects.

I don't know how many years it will take to reach that level.

Maybe it will have to go through countless epochs, maybe... it will never be possible!

His eyebrows are drooping, looking down at the endless cause and effect, and he can see the time and space farther away, flowing like a long river.

His eyes suddenly focused on a crack that radiated light.

He is familiar with that kind of crack and has stepped into it many times before.

But this time, he saw more information in his eyes.

He saw a person, with supreme power, forcibly blasted the intact space-time channel into a crack.

Then the man got in.

Until the crack dissipated. Didn't come out

That person, Li Hanguang, is no stranger, it is Shen Tian.

They are truly separated, and in today's time and space, it has only been more than ten years.

But the aura on Shen Tian's body is extremely old, as if it has gone through countless years.

He entered the crack and never came out again.

Li Hanguang didn't know which era Shen Tian went to, but what can be expected is that is difficult to return the same way!

Maybe, there is only one way!

That is from that era, living to this day day by day!

Li Hanguang didn't believe that Shen Tian didn't know the meaning of his actions.

Then he must have something to do with that.

He suddenly remembered something, looked at the tragic pictures in all directions, and muttered: "So, you have already been here!"

"So, in the end, there is only this stupid way?"

He took a deep breath and slowly disappeared.

He came into the empty passage at that time, looking at a barrier somewhere, the Yuanshijian appeared in his hand.

Cang Cang!

This sword gathered more than 70% of his spirit.

The sword light flashed, and the terrifying sword intent raged across the space-time passage, cutting the passage like a streamer into a bright crack.

The light illuminates Li Hanguang's face.

The white light, and the black hair that lined him was also shining with white light.

He doesn't know which era this crack leads to.

He was silent, and walked in with his sword.

It didn't take long.

The rift disappeared in a flash, completely disappearing in the space-time channel.


Barren land, towering mountains.

The world is full of loneliness, and only a few unconscious creatures are pursuing instinct to hunt for food.

Li Hanguang appeared on the peak, and his spiritual consciousness swept the entire world.

The whole world suddenly became quiet.

All the creatures knelt trembling.

Li Hanguang frowned slightly.

The strength of the creatures in this era was so weak and pitiful, could it be the beginning of a certain era.

He didn't think too much, he opened up a cave house casually, sat cross-legged in it, and began to practice.

The crack has been closed by him.

He has no retreat.

He needs to practice in this era until he has realized the true way of detachment.

At that time, he can get rid of the shackles of time and space, get rid of the shackles of cause and effect, and go back and change everything.

All he needs is time, and he doesn't care about everything else.

If there is a full epoch for him to comprehend, the evil spirits can be broken!


The whole world was calm again.

All the creatures in the world have returned to the past.

This world is indeed as Li Hanguang guessed, it is only the beginning of the era.

After about tens of thousands of years, those primitive creatures gradually enlightened, transformed, gained cultivation base, and strengthened themselves by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

They began to fight and fight on a large scale for profit and resources!

Just like the history of all life, it is boring and repeated.

One of the ancestors of the race had supreme glory, and there is some ancient knowledge in the bloodline memory.

The only remaining members of their tribe were chased by the enemy into the mountains, and their way to the end.

Then they remembered that on this seemingly ordinary mountain, there had been a supreme **** when the world first opened in ancient times.

No matter what era, gods are always the choice when desperate.

With the idea of ​​a dead horse being a living horse doctor, they worshipped frantically at the peaks of the peaks, shouting the slogan of faith.

When their enemies saw this scene, they began to laugh at their ignorance and announced that they would be buried together with the so-called gods and the peaks.


There is no more.

Suddenly a monstrous giant hand appeared on the sky, and the arrogant guys were slapped into powder with one palm.

From that day on, this mountain has been regarded as a sacred mountain by the whole world!

It’s also a coincidence that it may be the secret of luck. Those races that were unintentionally saved by the gods, under a series of very accidental opportunities, gradually grew into an army and became one of the largest forces in the entire world. .

It took them tens of millions of years to unify the entire world and build an empire. They claimed to be servants of the gods, also called the Protoss.

After the unification of the Protoss, the emperor personally went to the sacred mountain, thanked him for his life-saving grace, and proposed to visit the gods.

Of course the gods ignored him.

In fact, the whole process was like he was talking to the air.

This matter was well hidden by the **** emperor, and then ordered the world to set up a temple on this sacred mountain, build a statue of the gods, and ask all the people to worship together.

In the blink of an eye, countless years passed.

All the people of the kingdom of God have become accustomed to the existence of gods from the bottom of their hearts, pray at least three times a day, and enshrine statues of gods in their homes, which are extremely pious.

Correspondingly, this also made them extremely loyal to the Kingdom of God's loyalty to the gods.

The senior leaders of the Kingdom of God have always enjoyed peace and admiration for the ancestors' actions to control the people's hearts through religious methods.

What they don't know is that since that day countless years ago, every day, the power of faith that ordinary people can hardly see has continuously gathered on that sacred mountain.


I don't know when it started, the whole world seemed lifeless.

That feeling is very strange.

It is clear that the flowers and plants grow very well, but in everyone's eyes, they seem to be dead.

People talk less and less.

I don't know when the river water began to dry up.

Ground fissures occur frequently.

Disasters continue throughout the kingdom of God.

Everything seems to remind the world that something big is going to happen.


On this day, the sky suddenly collapsed.

The word destruction covers the whole world, and all civilizations are buried under the rubble, and I don't know how many years will be buried.

The newest emperor of the Kingdom of God remembered the myths passed down from generation to generation in the family, reported the last glimmer of hope, went to the sacred mountain, in the golden temple, knocked on the gods to save the world.

Li Hanguang stood in the void, looking at the young emperor, indifferently.

He didn't mean to shoot.

The reason is not simple indifference.

He spent a whole epoch to comprehend the way of transcendence, with little gain.

There is only one reason for waking up today.

This era is about to die!

The rest of the creatures could not perceive the dying breath of heaven and earth, but he knew it very well.

The destruction of the era is a great calamity.

Even if it is him, he needs to concentrate on dealing with it. How can there be leisure time to control the rest?


The sacred mountain collapsed, and the terrifying aura of destruction escaped from the endless void. Wherever it passed, no creatures survived.

The whole world fell into complete silence.

The past prosperity and prosperity is like a dream.

Li Hanguang stood on the top of the peak, and only the mountain at his feet was intact.

He closed his eyes and frowned, as if fighting against some power.

An omnipresent force of terror pours from the soul, and from all aspects of the body, to tear him to pieces and turn it into the nourishment of the heaven and the earth.


He suddenly snorted, his whole body floating, his complexion pale.

At this moment, all the creatures in the chaotic world within his body perished.

"The catastrophe of destruction is really terrifying!"

As he said, bloodshot slowly shed from the seven orifices.

His figure is constantly disillusioning and disappearing, as if it is about to turn into flying ashes.

At the next moment, it was restored by a steady stream of vitality, and it went back and forth tens of thousands of times in the blink of an eye.

He was seriously injured, and it will take at least several million years to heal.

This is the reason why his cultivation base is almost at its peak now!

If others are allowed to bear it, even if it is the peak of the fairy king, it will be wiped out in that instant, without any luck.

Fortunately, I survived!

He sighed and looked at the dead world, secretly wondering in which era Shen Tian is now, whether he has withstood the catastrophe of extinction!

His thoughts moved slightly, and the surrounding ruins and mountains floated up on their own, returning to their previous appearance again.

He suddenly remembered something, and with a wave of his hand, even the temple was restored.

Then, he returned to his cave and retreats again.

There are no years of practice, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of millions of years have passed.

Life gradually reappeared on this dead earth, with flowers, trees, and rivers...

Everything gradually recovered.

The whole world is beginning and dilapidated.

Only a magnificent temple stands on the highest mountain, which is extremely dazzling.

Countless newly born creatures noticed the temple, felt the awe-inspiring coercion in it, bowed down from the bottom of their hearts, and offered ray after ray of faith.

In the past countless years, the newly-born creatures of this era gradually awakened and began to ponder the method of practice.

They became stronger and stronger, and finally gradually embarked on that old path.

Fight, fight, fight!

Repetitive and boring.

Only the temple on the high mountain that has existed since the day of the birth of heaven and earth is full of holiness, and it is difficult to touch any war, and enjoy the faith of living creatures.

A settlement gradually appeared under the sacred mountain.

Everyone knows that you can enjoy life here.

Just like a holy place.

Anyone who tries to invade this place and disrespect the gods will be punished by the gods. This has been confirmed more than once.

Everything seems to be getting better.

Until countless years later, the whole world was like an old man whose life had been exhausted, slowly heading for extinction.

The familiar scene happened again.

Everything is in ruin.

Familiar with the two characters is naturally for Li Hanguang.

When he resisted the catastrophe of destruction for the first time countless years ago, he was almost annihilated, and his impression was particularly deep.

this time……

much better!

Although he still failed to take that step, his progress in other areas was particularly obvious.

There is no end to the road, and he finally realized the true meaning of this sentence.

The detachment he understands, perhaps, is only detachment in one aspect.

Therefore, he only paid the price of extinction of the world in his body and the heavy damage of the soul, and he survived this time of extinction.

Compared to last time, it's really much better.


For the third time to destroy the world, Li Hanguang received only minor injuries, and only half of the world's creatures in his body were extinct.

The fourth time, the cost was even smaller, but the world inside the body collapsed a few mountains, tens of millions of lives died, as for the body... a few hairs fell.

For the sixth time, he was unscathed, like a reef standing in the ocean, uneasy and unwavering.

On the twelfth time, between his wave of hands, he directly wiped out the power that was about to come to him to destroy the world.

At this moment, he seems to have initially completed a part of his detachment in his imagination.

Beyond life and death!

Even the Tribulation of the World can hardly hurt him.

It is hard to imagine what else could hurt him in this world!

He even had a hint of impulse and now he returned to that time and space and rushed directly to the era where the evil spirit race was. Perhaps the problem could be solved from the root cause.

However, another problem has arisen.

He searched all over the void, spent more than half an epoch, and failed to find the Necrosphere.

Hasn't it appeared yet?

Is it somewhere else?

he does not know!

He has a deep enough understanding of the way of time and space, but it is still extremely difficult to step into or open up the long river of time and space at will.

To achieve that step is another kind of detachment.

Beyond time!

As a result, he settled down again and studied the ways of time and space.

This is another three eras.

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