Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 209: Let Jianmou come first

The latest website: the world is boundless.

An old tree swayed between the sky and the earth.

Bibo moved without wind.

The world continues to fluctuate.

Those violent and strong medicinal powers are already thin.

Even the whole world fell into a kind of unreal nihility, as if covered with a layer of gauze mist.

Li Han CD sits under the old tree.

Close your eyes and be quiet.

It seems to be devouring the power of the entire world.


There was a slight cracking sound.

It is like a mirror being crushed and crushed by a heavy mountain.

The endless emerald green suddenly ceased to be complete.

It's like a torn picture.

The cracks in the picture scroll of nothingness kept growing, but the old tree remained motionless, standing in the center of the world.

The whole world is reduced to more subtle fragments.

At a glance, it looks like falling leaves.

The ancient tree trembled lightly, and there was a silent turmoil between the heaven and the earth.

The fallen leaves all over the sky were swept up by a huge suction force and hovered around Li Hanguang.

These fallen leaves spin faster and faster, gradually turning into light and shadow.

Like a dream, it turned into a drop of verdant liquid.

Li Hanguang opened his mouth.

The drop of water fell in his mouth.

The world was suddenly silent.

Time is stagnant at this moment, and everything is lost.

A giant appeared between heaven and earth.

Through the sky.

It's like the only one in the eternal river.

That is Li Hanguang's Yuan Ying.

It sits in the emptiness, its precious appearance is solemn, and its whole body is full of various looks.

The old tree grew up in the wind and soon became the size of Yuanying.

In the end, it even surpassed Yuan Ying.

Yuan Ying sits under the tree, just like the great supernatural powers enlightened under the sacred tree in ancient legends!

Yuan Ying opened his eyes, stood up, and walked into the ancient tree.

The ancient trees are more dazzling.

The branches and leaves couldn't help shaking.

Even the fruits light up.


A fruit fell from the branch.

Through the endless void, falling like a meteor.

Turn into a human form.

Standing in the distance, he bowed his hand to Li Hanguang: "I have seen fellow Taoists!"

Li Hanguang opened his eyes and looked at the other party, confirming that he and the other party can communicate with each other without lag.

Understand that he has initially condensed the soul.

From ordinary people's point of view, at this moment, he can be regarded as a perfect step into the realm of God.

But he is not an ordinary person, so the difference is still great.

The heights were very quiet, and suddenly there was the sound of things falling.

Another fruit fell.

Can Ruo Meteor.

This fruit has not yet landed, yet another fruit on the ancient tree is unwilling to fall behind.

Then came the third, fourth...

One after another meteors swept across the void.

It looked like a rare meteor shower.

But if there is a great power in the spiritual world here, you must know that this scene is rarer and rarer than the so-called meteor shower!

All the gods are gone.

A total of nine figures with identical faces but completely different temperaments stood quietly not far in front of Li Hanguang.

Some of them are sharp and sharp, like unsheathed divine swords, about to burst out of the sky.

Some are as warm as water, like ancient wells without waves, but it's hard to guess.

Some are extremely gentle, like a ray of spring, possessing the great virtues that illuminate the earth.

Some vicissitudes of life come out of the dust, from the inside out, there is a sense of comfort that can see through the world and the dust.

They are all different Li Hanguang.

But they all have the same perfect and stunning face.

If Ye Chengying, Bai Lin, and Xueli were present, they would be ecstatic to see this scene!

No longer have to worry about someone robbing yourself of the big brother!


Yes, Li Hanguang has nine souls.

They represent the inheritance of the nine emperor scriptures and above that he currently masters.

This amount is not set in stone.

As Li Hanguang mastered more and more Taoisms, the number of primordial spirits would increase.

Ordinary people can't do this.

Because the strength of the primordial spirit depends on the strength of the cultivation method and the strength of the primordial soul.

The strength of their Nascent Souls cannot support so many primordial spirits.

Even if you can barely break up.

Without the strength of the exercises as support, the Yuanshen was weak, and on the contrary, it fell into a low level.

These are not problems for Li Hanguang.

In addition to representing a higher level of understanding of the law and purity of mana, the soul is more important in that the cultivator can refine the soul into an external incarnation.

Ordinary people always say that avatar lacks skill.

But this is definitely not the case for practitioners in the realm of transforming gods.

Just refining the incarnation outside the body.

They can do two things without pressure.

For example, accompany my wife and favorite concubine at the same time on the same night.

Double happiness!

It can also promote family harmony.

It's not too wonderful.

Of course, more usefulness will ultimately fall on practice.

Yuanshen has the ability to think independently.

But it's still a person at all.

If you let the avatar and the main body practice at the same time, or feel a certain exercise method, theoretically, you can get twice the speed.

Or the main body is unwilling to practice, so you can play the world.

Leave an avatar in the Zongmen to practice with peace of mind.

The effect is not much worse than that of self-cultivation.

In other words, it is tantamount to an extra tool man who works hard.

Li Hanguang is amazing!

He now has nine!

There will be more in the future.

Life becomes wonderful just thinking about it!


Li Hanguang did not hesitate to arrange their own spiritual tasks for them.

That is to first comprehend the emperor sutra in one's hand.

Seeing the nine tools, the man entered the small world in his body without complaint.

Li Hanguang nodded in satisfaction.

Then he closed his eyes slightly, and found a green drop of water in the soul sea, as well as a cloud of ocher light.

While refining!

Fusion on one side!

The wind was surging inside his body, and his bloodline began to rush rapidly, being continuously transformed, revealing a mysterious and mysterious aura from the inside out.

Look from the outside.

His skin became fairer, and the meridians under his skin could be seen faintly.

It exudes a jade-like brilliance.

If Jian Jiuyou were present, would he exclaim that he was a fairy?

That drop of blood was transformed by the underground spirit veins of this piece of Baicao Garden, and it was once incorporated into part of the blood vein of Emperor Kongqing.

Emperor Kongqing can become a generation of great emperor, of course, he is also a genius, different from ordinary people.

In addition to the prison deity body, it also has the wood type Yimu deity body.

Now Li Hanguang has it too!

As for the khaki light group, Li Hanguang copied it from Wu Daode before he left.

It is the congenital wrought earth **** body!

The fusion is much simpler and is fully automated by Bronze Xiaoyin.

Refining is a little more troublesome, but it is not a big problem for Li Hanguang today.

At this moment, Li Hanguang possesses three divine bodies: wood, fire, and earth.

There are also nine primordial spirits, small chaotic bodies, condensing the supreme golden body with the chaotic fire-burning scripture and the big Luo fire-burning scripture!

Physically speaking, it has completely exceeded the scope of human practitioners!

The strength is more than ten times higher than before!


Er Ya is still asleep, digesting the energy in the body.

I believe that when she wakes up, her strength will change drastically.

Li Hanguang has a deep understanding of the horror of those medicinal powers.

I was afraid to find a few powerful holy realms to come together, but also at a loss.

Er Ya can absorb and refine it.

Even if it is only a few of them, it is already very surprising!


Li Hanguang looked at Erya in admiration and said, "It is worthy of being the reincarnation body of the great saint formed by the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. It is indeed better than many arrogances of the human race!"

Thinking of these things, he suddenly discovered that this Baicao Garden had become an ordinary medicine garden because of his spiritual veins being absorbed and refined.

Although the aura is still abundant, there is no longer a chance for Li Hanguang to shine.

He closed his eyes slightly, his spiritual consciousness spread out, and his face gradually showed a weird look.

Lifting Er Ya's neck, stepped out.

Disappeared in place.


"I'll take it, this ban is too difficult to break!"

"How long shall we stay at this door?"

"I'm exhausted, I'll take a break first!"

A group of young practitioners sat on the ground profusely, looking at the door of the small courtyard with helpless eyes!

They have reached the summit for a month.

After groping in this palace for a long time, I encountered several trials one after another. Although there were hardships and dangers, there were also surprises and no dangers.

And the harvest is not bad.

They found the treasure house of the great emperor, Cangshu Pavilion.

I found that although most of the things inside have been damaged for a long time, there are still some chances that have been preserved.

For example, Ye Chengying has obtained several ancient books of Alchemy that have long since been lost.

It records a large number of ancient alchemy prescriptions.

And the rank is extremely high, and the lowest is the true sage pill.

And it's the best among them!

Want to come too.

With that great emperor's strength and alchemy attainments, where does the ordinary alchemy have the qualifications to be collected by him?

Even the elixir of the Saint King level has recorded many.

There are even quasi immortal and quasi emperor level!

Picking out the same at will is enough to cause a turmoil in the spiritual world.

All the Tianjiao were stunned when they discovered the alchemy!

If you can refine all the pills in it.

No, even if it can refine part of it, it is enough to rewrite the current pattern of the practice world.

But after reading it carefully, everyone couldn't help being disappointed.

Because the medicinal materials needed by the elixir are almost invisible in the five domains today.

in other words.

There are most of those Danfangs, which are equivalent to waste!

As for the part that is still effective, in the past few years, the alchemy world has already developed a pill that can replace it.

Little value!

But Ye Chengying didn't think so.

She carefully preserved the pill code, like a treasure.

Even if many alchemy recipes cannot be refined, many ancient alchemy methods recorded therein are of full reference value for her.

What's more, Big Brother hasn't seen it yet.

She doesn't believe other people's judgments!

As for the others, they also got their own chances.

For example, Yue Tai'a found a heavy armor in the treasury, but it was big or small, and the defense was amazing.

Xue Li found a set of beads from the dust in the corner of the treasure house.

The beads are divided into two sets of mother and son.

They all look like hand beads.

The son's set can be released for attack, while the mother's set is held in the hands of the practitioner for control.

This set of beads was supposed to be a sacred instrument.

But the wastage is too serious, and now the power is almost lost.

She tried to activate, but found that Zi's set was shaking a bit violently, and there was no response.

I was going to throw it away.

But Jiang Shengxie, who was not far away, saw it but his eyes brightened, and he asked for this set of beads. If he had obtained the most precious treasure, Xueli looked puzzled.

I don't know what it was originally doing in a certain room.

There are dozens of pill furnaces with different appearances.

Some are like collections.

Some of them have lost their spirituality in the long river of history and have no function as they should.

But their materials were very rare, and they were divided up by Jian Jiuyou and the others.

As for the spirituality, they were taken away by Ye Chengying unceremoniously.

It's not because she is the only young practitioner who knows how to make medicine.

But because she said a word.

"I want to use these pill furnaces to make medicine for the senior brother to eat!"


This palace is obviously the former residence of the emperor.

There are a lot of rare treasures in it. Although they are not seen everywhere, they really opened the eyes of these young practitioners.

They were amazed at this trip.

However, it didn't take long for them to be stopped by a door!

There are restrictions in front of this door.

The power of prohibition is extremely complete and powerful.

Along the way, this is unprecedented.

Practitioners naturally guess that there must be a great opportunity in this!

So I closed with this door!

However, for so long, no matter what means they have tried, the door remains unmoved.

This annoys them very much.

He even gave birth to some thoughts of wanting to give up.

Just then.

The frustrated Jian Jiuyou suddenly raised his brows and said cautiously: "Be careful, everyone, something is wrong!"

When everyone saw him look like this, they couldn't help but wonder: "What's the matter?"

Jian Jiuyou said: "Didn't you find that the laws around you suddenly became rich?"

Everyone felt it carefully and found that it seemed to be the case, and couldn't help but wonder: "But so what?"

Jian Jiuyou said: "Such a strong power of the law was at the core of the desert before, and that's nothing more!"

"And this change is too abrupt, as if something has suddenly appeared!"

"This feeling...I am familiar!"

"Once, in the place where the gods and demons appeared, every time there were powerful gods and demons, there would be such a change between heaven and earth!"

When everyone heard the words, they were slightly surprised: "What do you mean?"

Jian Jiuyou nodded solemnly, "I suspect... there is a **** and demon here!"

"Moreover, it's not an ordinary **** or devil!"

"It's definitely that kind of, very powerful **** and devil!"

"How can you have a strength above the holy realm!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but "hiss".

They all know the horror of gods and demons.

More understanding of what it means to be a **** and demon comparable to the holy realm.

But the question is, how can there be gods and demons in this great emperor's secret territory?

Jian Jiuyou suddenly raised his brows, as if he felt something. He pointed to the closed door and exclaimed, "It's right there, I feel it!"

The power between heaven and earth began to surge.

At this moment, everyone was aware of this change, and they were like enemies.

"Don't be stunned, take the initiative first!"

"Stand behind I'll make the first cut!"

Jian Jiuyou stood at the forefront abruptly, thinking that this time, in any case, he would be the most kind man.

In an instant.

All the swords came out.

The world screamed.

The terrifying swordsmanship and sword intent were cut out at the same time, as if destroying the world.


The courtyard door opened.

A figure in white clothes looked at this scene, frowning slightly.


Jian Jiuyou flew back at a faster speed than he had come, and fell into a coma again.


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