Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 150: The Great Relic is born! (Four thousand two hundred words)

Li Hanguang looked at the two ancient scriptures in front of him and fell into deep thought.

After a short silence, he tapped on the roulette phantom, and the shadow of Wanzhongshan appeared in front of him.

"I need a quiet place!"

Wan Zhongshan nodded respectfully, then disappeared.


A new portal appeared in the void space.

Li Hanguang walked past, and the space behind him disappeared without a trace.

Wan Zhongshan guessed what he was going to do.

In front of him was an extremely luxurious training room.

There are no fewer than hundreds of rare formations alone.

Li Hanguang went directly to the futon in the center of the secret room and sat down, and densely packed scriptures appeared all over him.

He opened his eyes, and the seemingly messy text was quickly combined.

In the end two names were formed: "Eternal Changchun Emperor Jing" and "Unbreakable Reincarnation Book"!

[Eternal Changchun Emperor Sutra: The eternal sacred place inherits the emperor sutra, wood has four seasons, and people have reincarnation.

For those who repair this emperor's sutra, a thousand years is a cycle, and the same is a catastrophe.

In the first two hundred and fifty years of each calamity, the strength is the strongest, and then gradually weakens, until the mortal.

Such reincarnation goes back and forth, and the later, the more terrifying the strength at the beginning of each catastrophe, exponentially soaring!

Until after the Nine Tribulations, life and death are one, reincarnation does not invade, and there is never a period of exhaustion!

(Those who have repaired this emperor have a long life, far exceeding the same level.)


The Holy Land of Eternal Life is located in the Eastern Wilderness.

Slightly special among the hundreds of holy places in the world.

Because they are very low-key, there are almost no descendants walking outside, even if they appear, there are no strong characters.

Five domain Tianjiao thousands.

But it seems that it has never been related to the Holy Land of Longevity.

Some people say that they only seek longevity and do not like to fight hard.

But more people think they are not worthy of their name!

This kind of impression exists for a long time, and it will always cause a commotion among people with ulterior motives.

About three thousand years ago.

The nine immortal gates in the Changsheng Mansion have joined forces to force the palace to abdicate the Holy Land of Longevity and give up the name of the Holy Land!

At that time, the Nine Great Immortal Gates had gathered nearly 30 Saint Realm powerhouses in total.

The lineup is unprecedentedly strong and confident!

However, what they didn't expect was that that battle became an eternal nightmare for the entire Changsheng Palace!

It has always been a holy place of longevity that shows people's weakness.

An astonishing background broke out.

The longevity saint master who had only the realm of the Three Tribulations Saints back then suddenly became the true sage of the Five Tribulations when he shot.

There are also dozens of elders in the Holy Land of Longevity.

Everyone has erupted with a terrifying force no weaker than the strong in the holy realm.

It is those young generations of Tianjiao who have never been valued, and they also have strength far beyond the same level.

After World War I, all the nine immortal gates were bloodbathed!

The Changsheng Palace did not endure much turmoil, but in just over a month, calm was restored.

As if nothing happened.

The previous nine immortal gates seemed to have never existed.

Since then, no one has dared to underestimate the Holy Land of Eternal Life.

The sacred place of longevity has become a model of the spiritual world pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

More people think that the Holy Land of Longevity is very sinister!

Li Hanguang used to think so, but now he has a new understanding and cognition of it.

Based on the particularity of this "Eternal Changchun Emperor Jing".

The old bones in the holy land of longevity can't be arrogant even if they want to be arrogant.

Every millennium can only be arrogant for two hundred and fifty years, and for 750 years, the cooling time is too long.

And it's easy to get a clue from someone with a heart.

This brings a real crisis of life and death.

Therefore, only Gou is the best way!

The fierce blow that broke out at a critical time is far better than a long-term high-profile.

Perhaps the Zongmen spirit of the Holy Land of Longevity is the word "Gou"!

The strong men of the older generation have chosen Gou.

Naturally, the younger generation can't be arrogant anymore.


The advantages of this emperor scripture are obvious, and the shortcomings are also fatal.

As long as those who are more thoughtful and considerate, they will hardly spend the hard-earned Tianhuang points on this kind of emperor scripture.

Except for Li Hanguang.

He doesn't really need to practice this emperor scripture.

And you can get rid of its shortcomings!

If you ignore the nine 750-year periods of weakness, this emperor scripture is really an extremely powerful technique.

Those old geniuses who have practiced the emperor scripture in the holy land of longevity.

As long as it is at its peak, everyone is a talent who can leapfrog and challenge.

If that kind of all-round increase falls on Li Hanguang, the effect is naturally even more terrifying!


As for "The Book of Immortal Reincarnation", it is the inherited emperor scripture of Huangquan Holy Land.

The Holy Land of Huangquan is famous for its eerie.

It is people who are curious.

But the Dao Fa supernatural power is even more so.

People who practice this emperor can often only study one kind of supernatural power in their life.

They use supernatural powers as a seed and plant them into people's hearts. The stronger the supernatural powers, the stronger the people.

But it is called Taoism!

From a certain perspective, this emperor scripture is more like a secret method.

The Dao species do not die through the cycle of reincarnation, and give birth to spirituality, just like a human being. Only by knowing the secret of life and death, can they be born.

Every time there is a reincarnation, there will be one more change in the Tao.

In the end, this supernatural power is no longer what it was at first, and it can even be practiced and comprehend on its own.

The Holy Land of Huangquan has always been said that there have been hundreds of thousands of calamities.

After the Taoism has gone through hundreds of thousands of years and thousands of tribulations, and completely integrated with the monk, this monk will naturally become a peerless genius with extraordinary understanding.

One method works, everything works!

The real powerhouses in the Holy Land of Huangquan have the power to destroy the heavens and the earth in every gesture.

But correspondingly, almost everyone who has cultivated this emperor scripture to a high level will become particularly indifferent and unfeeling.

There is another flaw in this emperor scripture.

That is the beginning of cultivation, the Taoist species cannot reincarnate on their own, to realize the secret of life and death.

It needs to be tasted by practitioners.

Without experiencing the real horror of life and death, it is impossible to get started!

There is no doubt that this is another emperor sutra that persuades the vast number of practitioners to retreat at the beginning.

Anyone can say without fear of life and death.

Who wants to really try?

Cultivation is for longevity, and if you really want to die, it's better to end early.

But still the same sentence.

This is true for others, but for Li Hanguang...

No problem at all!


He was calm, and there was a bright light in his eyes.

A line of small prints invisible to outsiders appeared in front of me.

"Defect one...complementary method..."

"Defect Two...Complete Method..."

"Flaw Three..."

Suddenly more light appeared in the secret room.

Those lights rose up from behind Li Hanguang like a pillar of air, fell into the void, and turned into a small person.

The villain stared at the Emperor Jing in front of him attentively.

Then he sat up cross-legged and began to practice.

In a short moment, many years have passed to those villains.

The breath on his body gradually became unpredictable.

Gradually climbed to the top.

In the later time, it continued to weaken until there was no breath fluctuation, just like a mortal.

Then it became stronger again.

Weak again, the cycle goes back and forth.

Li Hanguang performed Wanhua Taoism, which was praised by Shen Cangyun as the most suitable exercise for the innate Taoism.

It can simulate any **** channel method in the world without restriction.

And it's one hundred percent!

At this moment, he discovered that this exercise was used to help deduction and complement other exercises, and it also had miraculous effects.

At least it can be more intuitive and quicker.


Li Hanguang practiced in the center of the secret room without any distractions.

The many practitioners in Tianhuangcheng gradually couldn't sit still.

Many of them tried their best to come here just to meet the faintly legendary Young Master Li!

But when I got here, no one was seen for a long time.

If it hadn't been for the special status of Tianhuang Pavilion, they would have been unable to wait to break in!


The tea room is very quiet.

Miaomiao cigarettes congealed in the sky without dispersing, like clouds in the valley.

The air is full of tea fragrance.

Shen Sanqiu and Wan Zhongshan sat in the first place, sipping tea with a leisurely expression.

"Treasurer Shen, Mr. Wan!"

A voice came from the quiet corner: "We have been drinking tea here for half a month! Isn't it time for us to take a look at Guidian Daozi?"

As the voice fell, the tea room became quieter.

The people here are all calm old guys, and they rarely show their thoughts on their faces.

But it is inevitable that there is a restless breath in the air.

Wan Zhongshan lowered his head, watching the tender leaves in the tea continue to stretch, and then slowly sink to the bottom, his complexion calm.

After a long time.

It wasn't until that time when the man couldn't help but speak again.

Wan Chongshan finally said: "My Daozi is practicing in retreat and cannot see guests!"

He only said three sentences in total in this half month.

Every sentence is the same.

It's simple, but powerful.

Even though these are the real big shots in the Five Domains.

Nor will he stand up to this sentence and make any more excessive demands.

It is a taboo to disturb others' cultivation!

What's more, these old guys are thinking about how to please Daozi!

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the face of the person who spoke was full of unwillingness, but he could only die.

The tea room was quiet again for a while.

A certain violent True Sage Realm powerhouse stood up and said: "I have come to the great sacred places with sincerity, and sincerely invite Li Xiaoyou to become a guest!"

"Aren't you trying to **** Daozi from your Supreme Palace? Why are you so late to stop you from seeing you?"

Wan Zhongshan raised his eyebrows: "I said, Daozi is cultivating, don't disturb! Where is it stopping you?"

The true saint powerhouse sneered.

Wan Zhongshan's eyes narrowed slightly: "What? Do you think my Supreme Palace will deceive you?"

The true sage turned his lips and bluntly said: "Does your palace master do this kind of thing?"

The atmosphere in the tea room suddenly became awkward.

Wan Zhongshan put down his teacup and said lightly: "It seems that your Excellency wants to talk to the old man!"

The true saint powerhouse's face was slightly stiff, and he sat down in silence.

At this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly came from a distance.

Everyone looked over.

It was found that the movement came from a million miles outside the deserted city.

The barren land has long been cracked.

The thick cracks expanded from east to west, like an abyss.

In the rumbling sound.

Countless streams of light emerged from the darkness, came to a high place, and turned into strange pictures.

Those pictures are very blurry.

Ke Rao was a monk with a very low level of cultivation, and he could also perceive the rich Taoist rhyme contained in it.

Wan Zhongshan frowned: "It seems...there is a ruin born!"

For most people in the Five Realms, the Heavenly Desolation Realm belongs to the secret secrets.

There are too many mysteries.

But for a person at the level of Wan Zhongshan, he naturally knows more.

Although Tianhuangjie is a spiritual world.

But the great power that created this world at that time seems to intend to use this world as a trial ground for tempering the younger generation.

Almost every once in a while, ruins of one kind and another appear in the Heavenly Desolation Realm.

Named the ruins.

In fact, it is a test!


Red sun and red clouds.

Tianhuangjie has always been like this, and it seems a little dim.

The cracks in the ground are getting deeper and deeper.

It is also getting wider.

The various shades of glow that emerged from the abyss soared into the sky, and through the clouds, the sky was very dazzling.

It's like looking at the rocks under the sparkling waves across the water.

There were originally several very long and towering barren mountains nearby, and almost all of them fell into the abyss at this moment. .

The remaining part was shattered by some force.

It turned into black stone chips in the sky, floating above the abyss.

The light wanders between the darkness.

The crowd was raging in the distance.

Like a swarm of bees, a piece of black brook.

They all came to pay homage to the legendary Li Gongzi, but now they have not seen it, but they have encountered a relic that has been rare in many years, so they are naturally not willing to miss it.

At this moment, I don't know what the situation is on the earth.

Everyone floated in the air without landing.

Just looking at the dazzling light from a distance, eyes full of excitement.

"This is the ruins in the Heavenly Desolate Realm?"

"I have seen the relics and secrets of the outside world a few times, but this is the first time in the wilderness...this is the first time!"

"What the **** is this? It's not even close, and it gives me a particularly ancient feeling, it seems to come from before the ancients..."


There were several long ripples in the high void.

The holy realm powerhouses of the major sacred places looked down below, with a solemn expression: "Such a big movement, this relic... I'm afraid it will be different from the past!"

"The breath coming from it is that the old man also feels heart palpitations, can it be said..."

"This ruin is also useful to me?"

The eyes of many strong men burst into excitement.

At their level, most of the opportunities in this world are meaningless.


The tremor in the depths of the earth became more intense.

The cracks became more dense and spread, and eventually enveloped the land in a radius of 100,000 miles.

"Hi...this earth seems to collapse!"

"Quickly get out of the way!"


The whole land collapsed and turned into countless broken boulders, rolling down the abyss.

A full hundred thousand miles!

The earth that could not be seen at a glance disappeared directly.

This scene is extremely spectacular!

It's like the end!

The rumbling continued for a long time.

The monks turned pale, their pupils shrunk, and their hearts were filled with rejoicing!


Fortunately, it fell on the ground before.

"What level of relic is this, it's just a birth, there is such a catastrophic movement!"


"It's horrible, I'm leaving now!"

"I have a hunch, there must be a great opportunity, go back quickly, inform all the elite disciples in the Holy Land, and come to the Heavenly Desolate Realm as soon as possible!"


The crowd began to flow.

Some people go, some stay.

Zhao Qingkong and others did not hesitate to send information to their forces.

Let the elders come here with outstanding disciples and clansmen, waiting for the opportunity.


Those earths have fallen into the abyss for a long time.

This abyss seems to have no end, and I can't hear the slightest echo after such a long time.

But the brilliance emerging from below was even more.

Countless filaments of light shot out from the darkest corner, shining the dark abyss extremely brightly.

Those rays of light fell on high places, and when they touched the red clouds on the horizon, they turned into magnificent pictures.

They saw millions of heavenly soldiers fighting with gods and demons, blood spilling into the sky, and the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth in every gesture ~ They also saw the most noble phantom, arriving in the Kowloon chariot to dominate. All over the world.

Can't see his face clearly.

With just one figure, there is a terrifying power that suppresses the common people and makes hundreds of millions of creatures kneel down.

The coercion of the vastness is like the essence, descending on the void here.

At a glance, the hearts of all the cultivators present accelerated, as if they would explode at any time.

The blood is cold.

Don't dare to look at him at all!

Those strong in the sacred realm suddenly panicked, and their eyes were full of horror!

"The will of the emperor is the will left by the emperor!"

"Could it be that this relic was left by the ancient emperor himself?"

"There must be a shocking opportunity here!"

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